Imagine how much $400 million could've helped the Louisiana flood victims

International law prohibits the US from keeping Iran's money.
We are a Nation of laws. Unless Republicans take ever the presidency again. Like they did under Bush.
a billionaire x10 could have given 400 million when he was there, but he didnt give a damn dime to anyone ... just blessed them with his autograph.

Deep red Louisiana counties suddenly are all for big gov welfare !

These people are the same ones who scream murder over insurance mandates .

Righty hypocrites have no shame .

There are no insurance mandates in Baton Rouge.
Obama along with a group of nations came to a historic agreement wh Iran .

You righty meat heads see that as a bad thing .
Explain the really good part about the ballistic missile testing and eight test launches. Hell of a job by Obama. Sigh...
:lmao: Common sense, dude. Your side is the one full of lemmings, like you.

Read my last post. All of it.

Some copy/paste sh** from your data base. Now, if you have a specific point, feel free to actually make it.

The fact you're too stupid to see the point is your problem not mine.

No, the fact is you're too stupid and lazy to make a cogent point.

I've made the point. No one is complaining about Obama's handling of this emergency except the ODS'ers who complain no matter what he does.

What handling? He was out golfing.
Obama didn't steal $400 million from anybody. Iran bought 400 million worth of planes in 1979 and Carter didn't deliver and froze the assets. There has been a court case over these funds for decades. Here, educate yourself

The US did not pay a $400 million "ransom" to Iran. Here’s what actually happened.
I know I always pay for my jets secretly in large pallets of cash overseas.

Gimme a break. This is the kind of villainous action that was done weekly on 80's TV.
I know I always pay for my jets secretly in large pallets of cash overseas.

Gimme a break. This is the kind of villainous action that was done weekly on 80's TV.
Would you publicly announce the delivery of 400 million in cash? I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make here

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