Imagine if Trump had signed 40 or 50 EO's in his first 2 or 3 weeks in office.

he should have been wise to the fact that he was surrounded by his enemy
Every reasonable adult with any qualifications, morality, or ethics is Trump's "enemy", because any human with these traits will eventually rebuff Trump's requests for them to act immorally or illegally to benefit Trump and Trump alone. Because Trump is an amoral criminal, and because his mental illness causes him to view ANY human that doesnt show 100% fealty to him at all times as "an enemy".

But the cult thinks it's the rest of the world that has the problem. No sir, can't just be that Trump is a garbage human...

Oh well, too late now. Trump is done. His legacy will be that of a failure, a criminal, and an historical embarrassment to this nation and to the human race.
Last edited:
The media coverage would be non stop about "this is how dictators assume control"
This board would have thread after thread calling him a wannabe king.
But you know, it's Biden, so mum is the word.

Can you show where that breaks any law or that Trump didn’t use the same power?

Biden has a lot of work to do in undoing the damage of Trump
This is just the start

He's well on the way to undo every good thing Trump did. What he doing isn't going to help America or Americans. His list of EO's is a doozy. Get ready for the Second Great Depression.
Trump did anything good?
The media coverage would be non stop about "this is how dictators assume control"
This board would have thread after thread calling him a wannabe king.
But you know, it's Biden, so mum is the word.
He would not have if Your guy had not signed so many himself when he could not get anything more Constitutional passed by Congress. All he is doing now is overturning Your guy's executive orders.
The media coverage would be non stop about "this is how dictators assume control"
This board would have thread after thread calling him a wannabe king.
But you know, it's Biden, so mum is the word.

Can you show where that breaks any law or that Trump didn’t use the same power?

Biden has a lot of work to do in undoing the damage of Trump
This is just the start

He's well on the way to undo every good thing Trump did. What he doing isn't going to help America or Americans. His list of EO's is a doozy. Get ready for the Second Great Depression.

Undoing his legacy is just a start
Undoing his legacy will be a challenge
for thats all they know

I LOVE the smell of EOs in the morning

Smells like VICTORY!

LMAO Not victory for America. Certainly not for the tax payers of America. You voted for his stupid ass thinking he was the second coming.

Well he isn't and you will find that out and it won't take long. Once his EO's all kick in. Enjoy cause no one else will.
Not for the taxpayers?

I’m looking at $2800 shortly
Thanks Joe Biden

He just added. 1.9 trillion to the debt. Of course Americans will take the money. Its theirs after all. I always like getting my money back from Uncle Sam.

Trump ran $3 trillion deficits
What do you care?

Well you seem to think Biden is the anointed one who would never, ever add to the debt or the deficit. Guess you are wrong.
81 million Americans anointed him
Most in history

Nah. The biggest stolen election in this countries history. Trump has 75 million supporters. I doubt Biden has a quarter of that.

75 million voted for Trump

That was before he disgraced himself and his country
Donald Tiberius Trump is a Freedom fighter. Not unlike the founding fathers of a republic that has died. Long live the new republic. The second Republic. You guys have your own government and let others have thiers.
The only founder he resembles is Benedict Arnold

Benedict was more of a man and a patriot than the Trumpybear. But like the Donald, he did want for fame, fortune and admiration. He too was willing to destroy the nation over it.
There are two aspects here. One is EO's overturning Trump's EO's. Trump wrote a ton of them. 69 in 2020 alone. I have no problem with a bunch right off the bat overturning the previous administration EO's.

For new things, I do not generally support EO's. I believe they are the realm of the lazy. Those unwilling to do the work to get legislation passed.

So if he passed 50 and 49 were simply overturning previous EO's that wouldn't be too bad. I guess I'd need specifics.

Biden has set the precedent that a seemingly egregious set of Executive Orders are justifiable if the are overturning the previous President’s Executive Orders. Paybacks are hell. When his or Harris’s EOs are being overturned at a fast clip, don’t even think about crying like a bitch about dictator-like behavior. Your guy and gal have set the precedent.

Me? Did you not actually read what I said?
Nope. Not you. I agreed with a lot what you said.
The media coverage would be non stop about "this is how dictators assume control"
This board would have thread after thread calling him a wannabe king.
But you know, it's Biden, so mum is the word.

Can you show where that breaks any law or that Trump didn’t use the same power?

Biden has a lot of work to do in undoing the damage of Trump
This is just the start

He's well on the way to undo every good thing Trump did. What he doing isn't going to help America or Americans. His list of EO's is a doozy. Get ready for the Second Great Depression.

Joe Biden

Making America GREAT Again
xiden---sellout to china
The media coverage would be non stop about "this is how dictators assume control"
This board would have thread after thread calling him a wannabe king.
But you know, it's Biden, so mum is the word.

Can you show where that breaks any law or that Trump didn’t use the same power?

Biden has a lot of work to do in undoing the damage of Trump
This is just the start

He's well on the way to undo every good thing Trump did. What he doing isn't going to help America or Americans. His list of EO's is a doozy. Get ready for the Second Great Depression.

Undoing his legacy is just a start
Undoing his legacy will be a challenge
for thats all they know

I LOVE the smell of EOs in the morning

Smells like VICTORY!

LMAO Not victory for America. Certainly not for the tax payers of America. You voted for his stupid ass thinking he was the second coming.

Well he isn't and you will find that out and it won't take long. Once his EO's all kick in. Enjoy cause no one else will.
Not for the taxpayers?

I’m looking at $2800 shortly
Thanks Joe Biden

He just added. 1.9 trillion to the debt. Of course Americans will take the money. Its theirs after all. I always like getting my money back from Uncle Sam.

Trump ran $3 trillion deficits
What do you care?

Well you seem to think Biden is the anointed one who would never, ever add to the debt or the deficit. Guess you are wrong.
81 million Americans anointed him
Most in history

Nah. The biggest stolen election in this countries history. Trump has 75 million supporters. I doubt Biden has a quarter of that.

75 million voted for Trump

That was before he disgraced himself and his country
Donald Tiberius Trump is a Freedom fighter. Not unlike the founding fathers of a republic that has died. Long live the new republic. The second Republic. You guys have your own government and let others have thiers.
The only founder he resembles is Benedict Arnold

Benedict was more of a man and a patriot than the Trumpybear. But like the Donald, he did want for fame, fortune and admiration. He too was willing to destroy the nation over it.
Benedict was more of a man and a patriot than the xiden will ever be.
The media coverage would be non stop about "this is how dictators assume control"
This board would have thread after thread calling him a wannabe king.
But you know, it's Biden, so mum is the word.

Can you show where that breaks any law or that Trump didn’t use the same power?

Biden has a lot of work to do in undoing the damage of Trump
This is just the start

He's well on the way to undo every good thing Trump did. What he doing isn't going to help America or Americans. His list of EO's is a doozy. Get ready for the Second Great Depression.
Trump did anything good?

Of course he did. Why do you think the country was doing so great before the Chinese virus hit??
The media coverage would be non stop about "this is how dictators assume control"
This board would have thread after thread calling him a wannabe king.
But you know, it's Biden, so mum is the word.
Imagine if Trump had signed 40 or 50 EO's in his first 2 or 3 weeks in office.

Would never have happened....The DOJ needs to go through and vet them for at least arguable lawfulness....They've fast-tracked those of Xiden's handlers, while they slow walked anything and everything Trump did.

But yeah, the moonbats would have shit chickens had he done so.
The media coverage would be non stop about "this is how dictators assume control"
This board would have thread after thread calling him a wannabe king.
But you know, it's Biden, so mum is the word.

Can you show where that breaks any law or that Trump didn’t use the same power?

Biden has a lot of work to do in undoing the damage of Trump
This is just the start

He's well on the way to undo every good thing Trump did. What he doing isn't going to help America or Americans. His list of EO's is a doozy. Get ready for the Second Great Depression.

Undoing his legacy is just a start
Undoing his legacy will be a challenge
for thats all they know

I LOVE the smell of EOs in the morning

Smells like VICTORY!

LMAO Not victory for America. Certainly not for the tax payers of America. You voted for his stupid ass thinking he was the second coming.

Well he isn't and you will find that out and it won't take long. Once his EO's all kick in. Enjoy cause no one else will.
Not for the taxpayers?

I’m looking at $2800 shortly
Thanks Joe Biden

He just added. 1.9 trillion to the debt. Of course Americans will take the money. Its theirs after all. I always like getting my money back from Uncle Sam.

Trump ran $3 trillion deficits
What do you care?

Well you seem to think Biden is the anointed one who would never, ever add to the debt or the deficit. Guess you are wrong.
81 million Americans anointed him
Most in history

Nah. The biggest stolen election in this countries history. Trump has 75 million supporters. I doubt Biden has a quarter of that.

75 million voted for Trump

That was before he disgraced himself and his country
Donald Tiberius Trump is a Freedom fighter. Not unlike the founding fathers of a republic that has died. Long live the new republic. The second Republic. You guys have your own government and let others have thiers.
The only founder he resembles is Benedict Arnold

Benedict was more of a man and a patriot than the Trumpybear. But like the Donald, he did want for fame, fortune and admiration. He too was willing to destroy the nation over it.
Benedict was more of a man and a patriot than the xiden will ever be.

Maybe not the patriot part. He was a commander in the Colonial Army and had significant victories against the Brits.

But when got bad press (as Trumybear would say from the "Enemy of the People') and didn't get the credit he thought he deserved, he became a traitor.

Trumpybear was never a patriot. Joe always will be and isn't worried about a little bad press.
The media coverage would be non stop about "this is how dictators assume control"
This board would have thread after thread calling him a wannabe king.
But you know, it's Biden, so mum is the word.
I've been noticing how the MSM has been producing crickets for the last 3 weeks or so pertaining to the residency. Maybe because they don't want to interupt China Joe's nap.
The media coverage would be non stop about "this is how dictators assume control"
This board would have thread after thread calling him a wannabe king.
But you know, it's Biden, so mum is the word.

Can you show where that breaks any law or that Trump didn’t use the same power?

Biden has a lot of work to do in undoing the damage of Trump
This is just the start

He's well on the way to undo every good thing Trump did. What he doing isn't going to help America or Americans. His list of EO's is a doozy. Get ready for the Second Great Depression.

Undoing his legacy is just a start
Undoing his legacy will be a challenge
for thats all they know

I LOVE the smell of EOs in the morning

Smells like VICTORY!

LMAO Not victory for America. Certainly not for the tax payers of America. You voted for his stupid ass thinking he was the second coming.

Well he isn't and you will find that out and it won't take long. Once his EO's all kick in. Enjoy cause no one else will.
Not for the taxpayers?

I’m looking at $2800 shortly
Thanks Joe Biden

He just added. 1.9 trillion to the debt. Of course Americans will take the money. Its theirs after all. I always like getting my money back from Uncle Sam.

Trump ran $3 trillion deficits
What do you care?

Well you seem to think Biden is the anointed one who would never, ever add to the debt or the deficit. Guess you are wrong.
81 million Americans anointed him
Most in history

Nah. The biggest stolen election in this countries history. Trump has 75 million supporters. I doubt Biden has a quarter of that.

75 million voted for Trump

That was before he disgraced himself and his country
Donald Tiberius Trump is a Freedom fighter. Not unlike the founding fathers of a republic that has died. Long live the new republic. The second Republic. You guys have your own government and let others have thiers.
The only founder he resembles is Benedict Arnold

Benedict was more of a man and a patriot than the Trumpybear. But like the Donald, he did want for fame, fortune and admiration. He too was willing to destroy the nation over it.
Benedict was more of a man and a patriot than the xiden will ever be.

Maybe not the patriot part. He was a commander in the Colonial Army and had significant victories against the Brits.

But when got bad press (as Trumybear would say from the "Enemy of the People') and didn't get the credit he thought he deserved, he became a traitor.

Trumpybear was never a patriot. Joe always will be and isn't worried about a little bad press.
beijing xiden was never a patriot. TRUMP always will be and isn't worried about little commie demonRATs.
hell, they lost 2 attempted impeachments. whats that tell ya? they are LOSERS
The media coverage would be non stop about "this is how dictators assume control"
This board would have thread after thread calling him a wannabe king.
But you know, it's Biden, so mum is the word.

Can you show where that breaks any law or that Trump didn’t use the same power?

Biden has a lot of work to do in undoing the damage of Trump
This is just the start

He's well on the way to undo every good thing Trump did. What he doing isn't going to help America or Americans. His list of EO's is a doozy. Get ready for the Second Great Depression.

Joe Biden

Making America GREAT Again
xiden---sellout to china

Trump was a sell out to Russia. He kissed Putin's ass and sucked his dick.

You've probably already forgotten about this little problem since you're a fucking brain-dead TrumpTard.

Suspected Russian hack is much worse than first feared: Here’s what you need to know

""Key Points
  • The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency said the threat “poses a grave risk to the federal government.”
  • CISA has not said who it thinks is the “advanced persistent threat actor” behind the “significant and ongoing” campaign, but many experts are pointing to Russia.
  • It’s not clear exactly what the hackers have done beyond accessing top-secret U.S. government networks and monitoring data.""
he should have been wise to the fact that he was surrounded by his enemy
Every reasonable adult with any qualifications, morality, or ethics is Trump's "enemy", because any human with these traits will eventually rebuff Trump's requests for them to act immorally or illegally to benefit Trump and Trump alone. Because Trump is an amoral criminal, and because his mental illness causes him to view ANY human that doesnt show 100% fealty to him at all times as "an enemy".

But the cult thinks it's the rest of the world that has the problem. No sir, can't just be that Trump is a garbage human...

Oh well, too late now. Trump is done. His legacy will be that of a failure, a criminal, and an historical embarrassment to this nation and to the human race.
is this what they tell you? obviously. thats pretty sad that you are just another brain dead demonRAT.
is this like your getting into bed prayer? oh wait, commies dont pray
The media coverage would be non stop about "this is how dictators assume control"
This board would have thread after thread calling him a wannabe king.
But you know, it's Biden, so mum is the word.

Can you show where that breaks any law or that Trump didn’t use the same power?

Biden has a lot of work to do in undoing the damage of Trump
This is just the start

He's well on the way to undo every good thing Trump did. What he doing isn't going to help America or Americans. His list of EO's is a doozy. Get ready for the Second Great Depression.

Joe Biden

Making America GREAT Again
xiden---sellout to china

Trump was a sell out to Russia. He kissed Putin's ass and sucked his dick.

You've probably already forgotten about this little problem since you're a fucking brain-dead TrumpTard.

Suspected Russian hack is much worse than first feared: Here’s what you need to know

""Key Points
  • The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency said the threat “poses a grave risk to the federal government.”
  • CISA has not said who it thinks is the “advanced persistent threat actor” behind the “significant and ongoing” campaign, but many experts are pointing to Russia.
  • It’s not clear exactly what the hackers have done beyond accessing top-secret U.S. government networks and monitoring data.""
bejing xiden is a sell out to china.
he sucks xi's dick. ---after cum-illa gets done
is this what they tell you
No, those are my original thoughts. I know such a concept is quite foreign to a cackling cultist freak like you.
it looks like some shit off of msn, or cnn. at least the TRUMP supporters believe in AMERICA, unlike you asswipe demonRats, who run to china town because some twat said to, w/out masks....just saying
it looks like some shit off of msn, or cnn
Or from anywhere outside the Trump cult. The cult never does quite grasp this concept. The entire world outside the cult knows these things about the mentally ill Trump. Thats kind of what cultism is, after all.

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