Imagine if Trump MANDATED vaccines, testing or masks....

He probably would have if he had won.
Trump wasnt scared to use his pen and abuse his powers.
The way Biden has through OSHA. Just imagine it. You fools for Biden would absolutely lose your minds, and by the way, you would be correct to do so. I would back you up 100%.

But you're such hypocrites it's actually boring to call you hypocrites; you're hypocritical the way I breathe. So go ahead and tell us all how great these mandates are gonna be. The one consolation I have is that it all but guarantees you a good couple of decades wandering in the political wilderness.
If trump were to force us to wear masks and get vaccinated, I would comply. Not because of it being a mandate, but because its the right thing to do.
This thread is an excellent example of why we can not get anything done, which isn't necessarily a bad thing but I think you get the point.
If trump were to force us to wear masks and get vaccinated, I would comply. Not because of it being a mandate, but because its the right thing to do.
You are a loyal federal supremacist. If they told you to drink your dogs piss, you would.
This thread is an excellent example of why we can not get anything done, which isn't necessarily a bad thing but I think you get the point.
I get plenty of things done. Because there is no “we” when it comes to marching lockstep with liberal useful idiots.
The way Biden has through OSHA. Just imagine it. You fools for Biden would absolutely lose your minds, and by the way, you would be correct to do so. I would back you up 100%.

But you're such hypocrites it's actually boring to call you hypocrites; you're hypocritical the way I breathe. So go ahead and tell us all how great these mandates are gonna be. The one consolation I have is that it all but guarantees you a good couple of decades wandering in the political wilderness.
Nope...but YOU assholes would be all for it...
The way Biden has through OSHA. Just imagine it. You fools for Biden would absolutely lose your minds, and by the way, you would be correct to do so. I would back you up 100%.

But you're such hypocrites it's actually boring to call you hypocrites; you're hypocritical the way I breathe. So go ahead and tell us all how great these mandates are gonna be. The one consolation I have is that it all but guarantees you a good couple of decades wandering in the political wilderness.
It probably would have happened if the pandemic had occurred earlier in his administration.
Sure you've talked to "many doctors". sure you have. And like drs are experts in viral spread and masks. Yep
I certainly have. I had two medical issues last spring and had extensive interaction with numerous doctors.

ALL were insistent about the effectiveness and need of masks and vaccines
According to every doctor ive talked to, masks block enough of the respiratory droplets that carry the virus that the risk of spreading the virus, when coupled with social distancing is greatly reduced.

This is basic common sense that everyone knew was true until the Govt told them to do it, then they had to fight common sense.

Prior to 2020 when they gave it a name, everyone would instinctively move away from someone coughing or sneezing or if they told you they were sick. But then the Govt called it "social distancing" and it became something to fight against.

Same thing with mask, sneezing into your hand/elbow/tissue does basically the same thing that a mask does, it lowers the distance the respiratory droplets are carried, which is why in much of the world people who felt sick have worn mask when out in public for decades, basic common sense.
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I don't understand right-wingers being patriotic enough to potentially get drafted to fight and die for their republic but won't get the jab for their republic.
I don't understand right-wingers being patriotic enough to potentially get drafted to fight and die for their republic but won't get the jab for their republic.

What makes you think any of these people would actually answer the draft. They would run for Canada or Mexico
Everything Trump did to fight COVID was undermined by the MSM, the bureaucracy and Democrats and he still did an amazing job in spite of all their resistance. They defied everything he said much like a rebellious little kid does to their parents. So if Trump had proposed mandates, the media and Democrats would have vilified him as a tyrant and they would have been right. Of course, Trump was much too smart to do something so stupidly un American.
If Trump had only acted like a leader more concerned with public safety rather than getting re-elected the public would have loved him

Instead, Trump was obsessed with three things

That he not be blamed
That Covid would not affect his economy
That it would be resolved before the election
What makes you think any of these people would actually answer the draft. They would run for Canada or Mexico
They only support the troops when its convenient. They're. More that happy to thanks them for their service, but the had to be drafted or if they had to pay more taxes for proper Veterans care then "support the troops" turns t "fuck the troops" very quickly
Wrong. NBC Poll. Vaccine mandates increasingly UNpopular. More disapprove than approve. KEEP GOING losers

Just look at George Bush after 9-11
Instead of turning against him, America rallied around him in the fight against terrorism

If Trump had shown the same leadership and demand for sacrifice, he would have been easily re-elected

Instead, Trump downplayed the threat, promised a quick fix and repeatedly lied to the public
If Trump had only acted like a leader more concerned with public safety rather than getting re-elected the public would have loved him

Instead, Trump was obsessed with three things

That he not be blamed
That Covid would not affect his economy
That it would be resolved before the election
He didnt care if it were really resolved he just wanted it to appear like it wasnt a big deal, so he tried to downplay it an tamper wi the numbers, then he outright said it was a hoax, even while hunreds of thousands died, that was created by his political opponents to turns voters aganst him
If Trump had only acted like a leader more concerned with public safety rather than getting re-elected the public would have loved him

Instead, Trump was obsessed with three things

That he not be blamed
That Covid would not affect his economy
That it would be resolved before the election
The left could have accomplished a lot more with him.

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