Imagine if Trump MANDATED vaccines, testing or masks....

Researchers found that natural immunity is stronger and longer-lasting than vaccination, but also noted that a single-dose of vaccine likely can offer additional protection from the Delta Variant to those who recovered from SARS-CoV-2.

This model showed 256 total cases of infection, 238 were ‘breakthrough infections’ of the vaccinated and COVID naive, while 19 were reinfections among the unvaccinated, previously infected group. Adjusting for comorbidities, vaccinated COVID-naïve people had 13 times greater risk for infection than did the previously infected.

Of 199 symptomatic cases, 191 were among the vaccinated, just 8 were among the previously infected. After adjusting for comorbidities, researchers found the vaccinated were 27 times more likely to suffer a symptomatic case of the virus in comparison to the risk previously infected people had of having symptomatic reinfection case.

A total of nine hospitalizations were reported, eight of them among the vaccinated COVID-naïve group, with one among the previously infected. No deaths were reported in either cohort.

So. Someone please explain to me why I NEED THE FUCKING JAB.

Oh the Science ............LOL
Fortunately we’re governed by facts, not opinion polls.
Oh you are. LOL

Lets FIRE EVERYONE who WILL NOT OBEY YOU. You will get the JAB..............OR ELSE.........we will get you can't go eat here..........can't fly...............FACE IT. You asshats are FASCIST PRICKS.

Why get the JAB if you have natural immunity..........And why is it your damn business of my MEDICAL RECORDS. That is NOT YOUR BUSINESS. Or LETS GO BRANDON GUY.
If Trump did it, his followes would have went along with it, and the pandemic would have end months ago. The anti mask movement only took off because Trump supported it. The vast majority of Trumpists are sheep who will support whatever Dear Leader tells them to support
WRong, dont put you pussy ass beta values on us.......and that's why he wouldn't try it..........he knows better.

Researchers found that natural immunity is stronger and longer-lasting than vaccination, but also noted that a single-dose of vaccine likely can offer additional protection from the Delta Variant to those who recovered from SARS-CoV-2.

This model showed 256 total cases of infection, 238 were ‘breakthrough infections’ of the vaccinated and COVID naive, while 19 were reinfections among the unvaccinated, previously infected group. Adjusting for comorbidities, vaccinated COVID-naïve people had 13 times greater risk for infection than did the previously infected.

Of 199 symptomatic cases, 191 were among the vaccinated, just 8 were among the previously infected. After adjusting for comorbidities, researchers found the vaccinated were 27 times more likely to suffer a symptomatic case of the virus in comparison to the risk previously infected people had of having symptomatic reinfection case.

A total of nine hospitalizations were reported, eight of them among the vaccinated COVID-naïve group, with one among the previously infected. No deaths were reported in either cohort.

So. Someone please explain to me why I NEED THE FUCKING JAB.

Oh the Science ............LOL
It's funny we've know natural immunity was far better than any drug since the 1700s, until's hilarious how the left operates........but there are alot of derps that fall for it.
It's funny we've know natural immunity was far better than any drug since the 1700s, until's hilarious how the left operates........but there are alot of derps that fall for it.
They also try to discount the guy who invented the dang mRNA technology. They have trashed this guy. Said that is 80s .....He's warning us right now that hell is coming if we don't stop this.
Stop what? COVID?
The mRNA technology being used too early. It's in the articles I've posted. He said this rush on the vaccines is dangerous. He's worried about a mutation that will be lethal as hell.

He was working on TREATMENTS in this time frame.
If Trump did it, his followers would have went along with it...

We know your kind (i.e., lefties with blinders on) are pone to lying, so your phrasing here is more B.S.
95% or more of those who voted for Trump twice are not "Trump followers." Ok, guy? The reasons we are "all in" with Trump is because we find every single act the democrats engage in is either hyper-corrupt or absolutely poison for the American citizens. (The Russian spy and fake collusion 2 year act of evil will always stand out.) Your side are enemies of the state. So that is why we vote for Trump even with his faults which you and MSM never stop obsessing over. The fact he has also done many, many great initiatives, and courageous ones and tried to do so much more except for a cowardly republican congress ---- makes us want him in office all the more. But if he does something stupid --- for example, like the way Biden and co. shamed America to no end with the Afghanistan pull out nightmare ---- many, if not most of us, would be very hard on Trump and not act like "one of his followers."

Vaccinating during a pandemic is "unthinkable" and is causing deaths, the winner of the 2008 Nobel Prize for Medicine said.

"The new variants are production and result from the vaccination. You see it in each country, it's the same: in every country deaths follow vaccination," he said, as per the report.

Before Covid there was a universally accepted rule in epidemiology -- you cannot vaccinate your way out of a pandemic. But in this day of political medicine, that rule has now basically divided down party lines.
Before Covid there was a universally accepted rule in epidemiology -- you cannot vaccinate your way out of a pandemic. But in this day of political medicine, that rule has now basically divided down party lines.
However, we can reduce the severity of the symptoms.

The way Biden has through OSHA. Just imagine it. You fools for Biden would absolutely lose your minds, and by the way, you would be correct to do so. I would back you up 100%.

But you're such hypocrites it's actually boring to call you hypocrites; you're hypocritical the way I breathe. So go ahead and tell us all how great these mandates are gonna be. The one consolation I have is that it all but guarantees you a good couple of decades wandering in the political wilderness.

Democrats don't care about the hypocrisy you have exposed. They have no morals.
Before Covid there was a universally accepted rule in epidemiology -- you cannot vaccinate your way out of a pandemic. But in this day of political medicine, that rule has now basically divided down party lines.
Was the worst dang thing we could do..........And it has caused massive inflation and destruction to businesses..........especially the mom and pop stores.

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