Imagine if Trump MANDATED vaccines, testing or masks....

Vaccinating during a pandemic is "unthinkable" and is causing deaths, the winner of the 2008 Nobel Prize for Medicine said.

"The new variants are production and result from the vaccination. You see it in each country, it's the same: in every country deaths follow vaccination," he said, as per the report.
Special pleading is simply that.

Over 339 million vaccine doses were given to 187.2 million people in the US as of July 19, 2021. The vaccines have been proven to be safe and effective. Vaccination is happening under the most intensive safety monitoring in U.S. history.

Vaccinating during a pandemic is "unthinkable" and is causing deaths, the winner of the 2008 Nobel Prize for Medicine said.

"The new variants are production and result from the vaccination. You see it in each country, it's the same: in every country deaths follow vaccination," he said, as per the report.
Nice source

Yea...he had a moment...and has gone off the rails

Malone said:

“Vanden Bossche’s concern is not theoretical. It is real and we have the data. We are stuck with this virus or its later variants for virtually the rest of our lives and it will become more flu-like. We will have continued evolution and circulation of variants, and that is an escape.”

This guy INVENTED mRNA technology. Read the article. ENJOY

Malone said:

“Vanden Bossche’s concern is not theoretical. It is real and we have the data. We are stuck with this virus o its later variants for virtually the rest of our lives and it will become more flu-like. We will have continued evolution and circulation of variants, and that is an escape.”

This guy INVENTED mRNA technology. Read the article. ENJOY
No Malone did not.

He worked on the precursors to it in the 80s. What's that..35 years ago?
The next names you're gonna bring up are Joe Rogan and Aaron Rogers
No Malone did not.

He worked on the precursors to it in the 80s. What's that..35 years ago?
Yawn. He led the way to where we are today. He is an expert in this field whether you like it or not. And he is saying point blank the FDA rushed these vaccines before the long term effects can be understood.

We NEVER SHOULD HAVE SHUT DOWN. We should have lived our lives and protect the vulnerable the best as possible and kept going. Now we have a NEVER ENDING PANDEMIC. With more Mutations or Variants as they say.........a DESTROYED ECONOMY......and Hyper Inflation that makes Carter say he's not the worst President anymore.

I also hit at Trump with these comments. This Corona is gonna get just like the Flu and Variant too fast and this will GO ON FOREVER.
The next names you're gonna bring up are Joe Rogan and Aaron Rogers
Don't know who they are and could care less. Show me the vaccine that ends this..........We have 4 major variants now. Spread to the whole world.......Only a matter of time as we have allowed this to drag on by shutting down that we will get a new Strain.

I blame this never ending saga on the Gov;t SHUTTING US THE HELL DOWN.
Yawn. He led the way to where we are today. He is an expert in this field whether you like it or not. And he is saying point blank the FDA rushed these vaccines before the long term effects can be understood.

We NEVER SHOULD HAVE SHUT DOWN. We should have lived our lives and protect the vulnerable the best as possible and kept going. Now we have a NEVER ENDING PANDEMIC. With more Mutations or Variants as they say.........a DESTROYED ECONOMY......and Hyper Inflation that makes Carter say he's not the worst President anymore.

I also hit at Trump with these comments. This Corona is gonna get just like the Flu and Variant too fast and this will GO ON FOREVER.
He worked on something like it YEARS ago. DECADES ago

He worked on something like it YEARS ago. DECADES ago

LOL. He found this technology that they use today. Now you discount him because he will not agree to your narrative.

Dr. Robert Malone discovered in-vitro and in-vivo RNA transfection and invented mRNA platform technology while he was at the Salk Institute in 1988. He is thus, the father of the modern mRNA vaccine technology, and he has spoken out against its recent misuse in the COVID-19 pandemic.
23 years USMC. 2 wars. No jab…

You got a shit ton of jabs, who are you trying to kid? I did 20 years in the Marine Corps, got more shots than I can remember. Are you telling me you did not get any shots your first day or two at boot camp?

If you were in in the 90s you odds are you got the Anthrax jab along with the rest of us.
The way Biden has through OSHA. Just imagine it. You fools for Biden would absolutely lose your minds, and by the way, you would be correct to do so. I would back you up 100%.

But you're such hypocrites it's actually boring to call you hypocrites; you're hypocritical the way I breathe. So go ahead and tell us all how great these mandates are gonna be. The one consolation I have is that it all but guarantees you a good couple of decades wandering in the political wilderness.
There'd be blood in the streets
You got a shit ton of jabs, who are you trying to kid? I did 20 years in the Marine Corps, got more shots than I can remember. Are you telling me you did not get any shots your first day or two at boot camp?

If you were in in the 90s you odds are you got the Anthrax jab along with the rest of us.
I didnt and won’t get the COVID vaccine. Stop eating crayons its dulling your cognitive ability.

Malone was just an 80s thing...........LOL...

Don't listen to him he refuses to OBEY OUR NARRITIVE.

March 2021 .. So 80s for Malone. To save you time later he quit that job but was a key player in the study. But he's just an 80's man.


I didnt and won’t get the COVID vaccine. Stop eating crayons its dulling your cognitive ability.

I do not care if you get the COVID vaccine or not, but do not pretend like you had any choice what vaccine they stuck in you while you were a Marine.

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