Imagine if Trump MANDATED vaccines, testing or masks....

Nope...but YOU assholes would be all for it...
My baloney has a first name. it's OSCAR ........damn button stuck again.

Sorry biotch we don't Goosestep like fascist leftest Wankers. I would have told Trump to shove the mandate where the Sun doesnt shine had he Done So. But he wouldnt have done sobas he isnt a fascist leftest who loves OR ELSE to anyone that doesnt agree
Oddly I just got my third shot and in none of those did I see anyone "fall over dead". In fact I know maybe 100 people who have gotten the shot and none of them had anything more than a mild fever for a couple days
Now 'splain the thousands upon thousands who have been "inoculated" who still got the FauxiFlu., professor.

If this were happening with the polio and smallpox vaxes, the pharm companies would be getting their asses sued off...But sub-morons like you just shrug and say "meh".

Seriously, you're dumber than fucking dirt.
My baloney has a first name. it's OSCAR ........damn button stuck again.

Sorry biotch we don't Goosestep like fascist leftest Wankers. I would have told Trump to shove the mandate where the Sun doesnt shine had he Done So. But he wouldnt have done sobas he isnt a fascist leftest who loves OR ELSE to anyone that doesnt agree

Damn dude. What is that..."90s cool"?
The fact you can't illustrate it shows just how fucking stupid you are.
That you're drawing the picture and can't see it shows how truly imbecilic that you are. :rofl:

Instead Trump played the token fool:

Love that oic disgraced CDC con artist in the right. Told everyone not to gather with family then flew off to be with family.

Hypocracy at its best. Same people allowed 40 cycle pcr tests for over a year. 32 norm before this pandemic. Imagine thar.

BTW been a year frim the bet. Bidrn stole the dang election. Now gi moon someone who cares wgat you think
Love that oic disgraced CDC con artist in the right. Told everyone not to gather with family then flew off to be with family.

Hypocracy at its best. Same people allowed 40 cycle pcr tests for over a year. 32 norm before this pandemic. Imagine thar.

BTW been a year frim the bet. Bidrn stole the dang election. Now gi moon someone who cares wgat you think
I don't have a decoder ring can you tell us in English what you be trying to say?
Viruses Mutate to survive to go around the SO CALLED vaccine. That is why vaccinated people get the virus again and again. It will continue to mutate again and agaun and again...............

We will be at the 18th booster shot with you saying HOW DARE you not get the shot.

Those stating small pox and polio as examples are Morons. This is not the same type of virus. Get back to me when they have a vaccine for the flu lol. Show me the vaccine for SARS 2003 MERs Good luck. There arent any.
Viruses Mutate to survive to go around the SO CALLED vaccine. That is why vaccinated people get the virus again and again. It will continue to mutate again and agaun and again...............

We will be at the 18th booster shot with you saying HOW DARE you not get the shot.

Those stating small pox and polio as examples are Morons. This is not the same type of virus. Get back to me when they have a vaccine for the flu lol. Show me the vaccine for SARS 2003 MERs Good luck. There arent any.

Exactly, you don't vaccinate an entire world in the middle of a pandemic. The insanity is off the charts. A virus with this much pressure is going to adapt and overcome.
Man, whatta fucking cement head!....It's nowhere near 98% effective.

Stay away from sharp objects!
A. I said 95% not 98% "cementhead".

B. You just explained the breakthrough cases
I don't have a decoder ring can you tell us in English what you be trying to say?
The lady in the pic resigned after what i described pcr tests were normally MAX 32 amplifications before Covid. Tests were given at 40 all over the bation . Even Fauci stated any tesy over 35 is a False positive and useless. But he Never corrected that fir over a year. Causing Mass false positives
A. I said 95% not 98% "cementhead".

B. You just explained the breakthrough cases
Lol No shit Serlock. The virus MUTATES to survive. With cases rising doing the vaccine lol vaccine my ass. ........ It causes MORE MUTATIONS.

Get off your ass and read studies and get.with the SCIENCE. You anti Science leftist lunatic

Break through cases arent EVER gonna end and the original vaccines are not goinf to stop the Mutations. So effevtiveness is less than 50%

In Israel the consider those with 2 shots not vacced anymore.

According to who?
According to experts not attached to the hip of this BS govt. In Mississippi I know peeps who have presented it to the govrrnor.

It will continue to Mutate,........PERIOD

It WILL adapt to survive around the shots. Now if you like what im saying then why dont just call the Delta variant RACIST. Will make you feel better. Its how your anti Science guys roll.,.....

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