Imagine If You Will A Candidate So Bad


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified

Made all the worse by the fact that just 3 years ago, he was touted as 'America's Most Popular President Ever.'

You just gotta KNOW that the fact that the democrats are all begging Biden to DROP OUT while Trump after 50,000 charges, claims, impeachments, assaults, and convictions is still not only IN THE RACE, but is actually BEATING HIM in every poll, and is MORE POPULAR THAN EVER. I'm sure, that is a BIG FACTOR in Joe not wanting to drop out!

I would guess that Trump is actually more popular now withing the GOP than he ever was before!!!
The D's must figure that Sleepy Joe is dragging down the whole ticket. Otherwise, they would just as soon keep him in there to take the loss in the Year of the Trumpamaniac. No need in fucking up someone else' future prospects, the D bench is really thin.

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