

Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
If you will or can-can { Poplar dance of yesteryear } those
great events like - Woodstock - or - Altamont - Free concerts .
That can't ever be duplicated or even realized in TODAYS' Nutty environ.
Ask { or ass } yerself WHY.
Because in those Governing years there was NO
Ruling class Woke Elites out to make it Their way or the
Highway.No matter how miles and miles of Gas-only vehicles
virtually clogged up highways to such venues.
Ask { or ass } yerself ... How many Complained ?
In point of fact ... It became ... :
Have you considered the possibility that we are dealing with a case of dipshititis? :dunno:

Well, thats what I thought at first, when I read some of their first posts.
But its the way they are written that doesn't point towards fuktardation or even Nazicratism.

The way the posts are written sounds more like someone with a low IQ, alcoholism, or a drug addiction.

I've asked before, but never got a response.

It helps me a great deal to know how someone thinks, in order to understand what they are trying to say, if they are incomprehensible.
Well, thats what I thought at first, when I read some of their first posts.
But its the way they are written that doesn't point towards fuktardation or even Nazicratism.

The way the posts are written sounds more like someone with a low IQ, alcoholism, or a drug addiction.

I've asked before, but never got a response.

It helps me a great deal to know how someone thinks, in order to understand what they are trying to say, if they are incomprehensible.
OR, maybe its some form of asshattery? :dunno:
What kind of drugs do you do?

I never understand anything you post.

Was this a statement, a question, or an analysis? And of what?
Say Newburg Boy try if you Can-can the origins of the
Original 60's Hippie Movement,.Where lily-white females
made the rounds pleading with concert goers to drop in
plastic buckets { contributions to Panther Defense Fund }
Because they're Trying to either Wipe out the Panther Party
or jailing All the members.
NO ! that would be what we have witnessed The past couple
Years with With Whites and January 6th.
Or in 2020 with Hooded Blacks { Antifa } and the summer of
Love { B.S. BLM Riots }
What part of that this leftist agenda { Democrat inspired }
confounds You ?
I guess you arent't famaliar with Joe Bidens
Segregationist past.
What kind of drugs do you do?

I never understand anything you post.

Was this a statement, a question, or an analysis? And of what?
Yer the answer to why this Country is Falling day by day.
Yer either from abroad or like Potus Biden.
Staying away { like in some basement } or incapable of
being a normal American.
I get it Groupies.
" Six days on the message board and i'm gonna
make it home tonight ".
That was Um ... Some Flying Burrito Brothers .
Yer the answer to why this Country is Falling day by day.
Yer either from abroad or like Potus Biden.
Staying away { like in some basement } or incapable of
being a normal American.

Can't make a sentient statement.
Can't make a valid comment.
Can't ask a comprehensvie question.

Can't ANSWER simple questions.

Ah...............youre a Nazicrat. Gotcha.
Projecting your failures in life onto others, as ALL Nazicrats do.

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