immigrant children coming to the USA


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Illegal immigrant children coming to the USA
HBO's documentary film series, Which Way Home tells the story of child immigrants hopping freight trains in South America in order to make the harrowing journey northward through Mexico to reach what they hope will be a better life in the United States. The film follows several children traveling unaccompanied, some as young as nine, others barely into their teens. The perils they face on their journey include railroad bulls, other outlaw travelers, and the brutal indifference of the trains they ride on: One misstep will leave the lucky traveler merely disfigured, and the unlucky far worse. This is uncomfortable subject matter, in part because watching it reminds you how comfortable things are here in the States, despite the economic crash. None of us, after all, are sneaking our kids onto the Adirondack in hopes they'll find a better life in the lumber mills of Quebec. But it's also tremendous, eye-opening filmmaking — and that's always worth watching.
Read full story from Esquire

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They either abandon them in Mexico , south America or hand them over to smugglers who abuse them, rape them and sometimes even kill then or leave them in the desert to die.

Children as young as 9 years old are trying to enter this country alone, trying to get to family members, with family members or just trying to get here and work and send money back home.
This is all happening because we will not enforce our immigration laws which would keep the from trying to come to this county.

US government is killing these children and separating them from their families. We cannot cure all the ills in the world, when we cannot cure those we have.

These children, if they make it here, end up in gangs and committing crimes to survive. Crime is more lucrative in this country then where they come from. This is a tragedy that we are responsible for.
'US government is killing these children and separating them from their families. We cannot cure all the ills in the world, when we cannot cure those we have.'

Excuse me??? The U.S. government is 'killing' these children?? Separating them from their families??? Nope! When you enter this country illegally and then proceed to have children and then years up the line you are caught, THE PARENTS OF THESE CHILDREN ARE GIVEN THE CHOICE OF LEAVING THEM WITH A RESPONSIBLE RELATIVE OR GOING WITH THEIR PARENTS!!! If and when the parent makes the choice of leaving their children here, then it's THEIR choice and the risk and responsibility is with THEM!!! Period! But - what kind of parent leaves a child behind??? I would NEVER leave my child behind - never!!!
'US government is killing these children and separating them from their families. We cannot cure all the ills in the world, when we cannot cure those we have.'

Excuse me??? The U.S. government is 'killing' these children?? Separating them from their families??? Nope! When you enter this country illegally and then proceed to have children and then years up the line you are caught, THE PARENTS OF THESE CHILDREN ARE GIVEN THE CHOICE OF LEAVING THEM WITH A RESPONSIBLE RELATIVE OR GOING WITH THEIR PARENTS!!! If and when the parent makes the choice of leaving their children here, then it's THEIR choice and the risk and responsibility is with THEM!!! Period! But - what kind of parent leaves a child behind??? I would NEVER leave my child behind - never!!!

if theyr'e here illeaglly shouldn't the children born here be illegal too

They either abandon them in Mexico , south America or hand them over to smugglers who abuse them, rape them and sometimes even kill then or leave them in the desert to die.

Children as young as 9 years old are trying to enter this country alone, trying to get to family members, with family members or just trying to get here and work and send money back home.
This is all happening because we will not enforce our immigration laws which would keep the from trying to come to this county.

US government is killing these children and separating them from their families. We cannot cure all the ills in the world, when we cannot cure those we have.

These children, if they make it here, end up in gangs and committing crimes to survive. Crime is more lucrative in this country then where they come from. This is a tragedy that we are responsible for.

LilOlLady: The US government is killing these kids? Because we don't enforce our laws? Maybe. Perhaps, the current state of Latin American culture, with it's ruthless nature and it's inability to curb it's own dark violent tendencies, may play a larger part in this little saga. Ya think? We are not the world's police. We may try to act like it some times, but there it is. Bless the children. Curse the assholes that abuse them.
Human trafficking should not be confused with immigration reform. Human trafficking is evil - most of these children are sold by their families and then the traffickers sell them to prostitution or slavery. That has nothing to do with immigration in the US except that the children are told that they are being sent to the US to have a better life - which never happens.
I don't mean literally killing those childen, but by not enforcing our immigration laws and that encourage them to travel from south america and many of them are killed on the way. If they know they could not come here they would not take the chance by coming.

whew!.... for a minute I thought you meant literally killing them!
Well, funny about that picture, His face is Negro, the hand holding that poorly spelled sign is Caucasian. Odd, that is. Mixed message, to say the least. How reminiscent of Agnost.

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