Weather destroys wind turbines in Iowa

My island is a great example, it appears you’ve missed the point
That was your problem as I try to help you communicate. You said it was your island. She has the right idea to ask what is the name of your own island. She can research when you tell her.
That was your problem as I try to help you communicate. You said it was your island. She has the right idea to ask what is the name of your own island. She can research when you tell her.
No I said it was a documentary that my friend made about “an island” a while back. I used the story of how they harnessed energy from multiple sources as an example. She then called it “Your island” in which I responded with “my island”
No I said it was a documentary that my friend made about “an island” a while back. I used the story of how they harnessed energy from multiple sources as an example. She then called it “Your island” in which I responded with “my island”… as in the island in my example
Explained? You made a declaration and refuse to answer any questions.

Building inefficient green energy, has already failed. Now the plan is to spend $300 trillion.
You are the one that has not explained your contentions. You claim that alternative energy technologies don't work or produce more CO2 than fossil fuels. Such claims are demonstrable bullshit.
Explained? You made a declaration and refuse to answer any questions.

Building inefficient green energy, has already failed. Now the plan is to spend $300 trillion.
I haven’t refused any questions. I explained that if a product produces more energy than the fossil fuel energy put into making it then that product has a NET reduction in fossil fuel energy. That’s just a fact. Basic math. Your questions reflect a lack of understanding of that basic principle. Is that still the case. Do you not understand that principle…. Addition and subtraction
I haven’t refused any questions. I explained that if a product produces more energy than the fossil fuel energy put into making it then that product has a NET reduction in fossil fuel energy. That’s just a fact. Basic math. Your questions reflect a lack of understanding of that basic principle. Is that still the case. Do you not understand that principle…. Addition and subtraction
You increase the use of fossil fuels endlessly manufacturing the new Green Economy and you call that a reduction in the use of fossil fuels?
You increase the use of fossil fuels endlessly manufacturing the new Green Economy and you call that a reduction in the use of fossil fuels?
No. Reasonable folks with an ounce of intelligence conclude you're either lying or stupid.
You forgot to add the $300 trillion price
No I didn’t forget. The point must have gone over your head again… I suggest you go online and take a remedial math class. Addition and subtraction
gotcha, no matter how inefficient wind turbines are you are all in
Not at all what I said. Did you see me say inefficient anywhere?! Stop being so dishonest. The point I made was quite the opposite. I said if they produce more energy than it takes to make them then they are a NET positive. But you don’t understand what NET means and I have no simpler way to explain it to you

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