Weather destroys wind turbines in Iowa

Why do you think our power industries are not very enthusiastic about this system you like?
I think there are many power companies capitalizing on wind. There is going to be expected resistance to the status quo with new technologies. It is always more expensive to develop something new. This is why there are subsidies
One of my problems is similar to the baker. The baker sees the bugs in his flower, knows the oven temperature is not right and bags his goods and sells them. I have done the baking. I saw the bugs. I know how hard it is to fix things when citizens don't give a damn. I happen to give a damn.
I’m glad you do. I hope you keep voicing your opinion and pushing what you think is right for yourself, your family and your country. I also hope you find better ways to communicate during this pursuit so that you can have productive outcomes with your engagements
Wind and Solar are not stable sources of power.
Solar only works on days without clouds, definitely not at night.
Wind varies on the best days, blowing, gusting, pausing, changing direction. Wind also does not work at night, outside of storms, most nights are calm.
Wind turbines are shut down during storms.

Your island is a poor example.
My island is a great example, it appears you’ve missed the point
Democrats are destroying the environment. Wind Turbines and Solar Panels destroy more of the environment than any other source of electricity.
Really? That’s the first I’ve heard of this. Can you show some facts to back up that statement?
Really? That’s the first I’ve heard of this. Can you show some facts to back up that statement?
6 square miles, Ivanpah
Because they are an alternative energy source that pollutes less and consumes less fossil fuel than if we were solely on gas and oil
The do not pollute less and they consume more, why do you think the price tag is $300 trillion? Solar and Wind require square miles of land, 1,000's of square miles. That is a lot of metal, fiberglass, aluminum, copper, polysilicon
What more can be said. Weather destroyed wind turbines in Iowa. The Democrats are intent on building wind turbines that are inefficient, short lived, weak and vulnerable.

Wind Turbines is kind of like driving an old car from 1918. The need constant maintenance, they get extremely bad gas mileage, and are terrible in bad weather.

<iframe width="794" height="446" src="" title="INSANE TORNADO PIPE intercept with windmills toppled near Greenfield, Iowa!" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>

‘I never understood wind’: Trump goes on bizarre tirade against windmills​

Trump bizarrely claimed windmills are driving whales ‘crazy’ in South Carolina speech.

and his poetry

"I never understood wind.
You know, I know
windmills very much.
I have studied it
better than anybody
else. It’s very expensive.
They are made in China
and Germany mostly.
—Very few made here, almost none,
but they are manufactured, tremendous
—if you are into this—
tremendous fumes. Gases are
spewing into the atmosphere. You know
we have a world
So the world
is tiny
compared to the universe.
So tremendous, tremendous
amount of fumes and everything.
You talk about
the carbon footprint
— fumes are spewing into the air.
Right? Spewing.
Whether it’s in China,
Germany, it’s going into the air.
It’s our air
their air
everything — right?
A windmill will kill many bald eagles.
After a certain number
they make you turn the windmill off.
That is true.
—By the way
they make you turn it off.
And yet, if you killed one
they put you in jail.
That is OK.
You want to see a bird graveyard?
You just go.
Take a look.
A bird graveyard.
Go under a windmill someday,
you’ll see
more birds
than you’ve ever seen
in your life."

~ D. Trump


Asheville Poetry Review

note: Arlette 's attackers: martybegan Bob Blaylock Auld Phart 1srelluc progressive hunter

‘I never understood wind’: Trump goes on bizarre tirade against windmills​

Trump bizarrely claimed windmills are driving whales ‘crazy’ in South Carolina speech.

and his poetry

"I never understood wind.
You know, I know
windmills very much.
I have studied it
better than anybody
else. It’s very expensive.
They are made in China
and Germany mostly.
—Very few made here, almost none,
but they are manufactured, tremendous
—if you are into this—
tremendous fumes. Gases are
spewing into the atmosphere. You know
we have a world
So the world
is tiny
compared to the universe.
So tremendous, tremendous
amount of fumes and everything.
You talk about
the carbon footprint
— fumes are spewing into the air.
Right? Spewing.
Whether it’s in China,
Germany, it’s going into the air.
It’s our air
their air
everything — right?
A windmill will kill many bald eagles.
After a certain number
they make you turn the windmill off.
That is true.
—By the way
they make you turn it off.
And yet, if you killed one
they put you in jail.
That is OK.
You want to see a bird graveyard?
You just go.
Take a look.
A bird graveyard.
Go under a windmill someday,
you’ll see
more birds
than you’ve ever seen
in your life."

~ D. Trump


Asheville Poetry Review

note: Arlette 's attackers: martybegan Bob Blaylock Auld Phart 1srelluc progressive hunter

"I never understood wind.
You know, I know
windmills very much.
I have studied it
better than anybody
else. It’s very expensive.

They are made in China
and Germany mostly.
—Very few made here, almost none,
but they are manufactured, tremendous
—if you are into this—
tremendous fumes. Gases are
spewing into the atmosphere.

You know
we have a world
So the world
is tiny
compared to the universe.
So tremendous, tremendous"

djt poetry.jpg

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