Weather destroys wind turbines in Iowa

Whatever fossil fuels are used to create a turbine are saved through energy produced by the turbine. There is a large NET negative in fossil fuel utilization.
If there is a large negative in fossil fuel utilization, why are we using more fossil fuels to produce inefficient Wind Turbines?
I’m here making my commentary but when you ask a simple question about how something works a link to a credible source is the best way to answer. If you don’t like my source or think it is flawed then please point out its fault
You made no commentary? You linked. Nothing more.

Why are we building wind turbines is a better question. Why use something inefficient, ineffective, intermittent, polluting.
It depends on the location and power needs a buddy or mine is a documentary film maker and a number of years ago he did a story on an island community in Indonesia. They did not have a stable power grid that shut down often. So most properties operated off solar and wind. The sun would charge via solar by day and the wind by night. If a storm came in and solar couldn’t charge then the wind was likely up and they could get power via wind. It was a very self sufficient situation and a nice model how multiple energy sources can work hand in hand.
Why do you think our power industries are not very enthusiastic about this system you like?
Perhaps you’d want a flashlight powered with a flywheel and generator to go with your battery powered light. Maybe not the ideal flashlight for all uses but also good to use for times when a battery might not be available or to reduce the number of batteries used.
Have you seen why so many power firms do not want Wind at all?
I started my comments in this thread saying I had no problems with Nuclear as long as it’s done safely. Yes aim at leaders sure, but also look at how citizens engage, because many or just taking absolutist positions focused on attacking the opposition. It’s not healthy or productive
Arguing for the thrill of arguing is a waste of time for me.
The Left cares about the poor immigrants and refuges. The Right doesn’t like to talk about ways to help them. They are not the enemy and lumped in with the criminals and murders and rapists and drug smugglers.
Why not have the Left do all the suffering due to unlawful migrants then? If they love them, let them house and feed them.
Yes republicans will cut taxes. That’s an elect that I like about anybody who is fiscally conservative. I just want people to be smart about it. But as you know governing is so much more than one issue. The issue at hand here is energy
One of my problems is similar to the baker. The baker sees the bugs in his flower, knows the oven temperature is not right and bags his goods and sells them. I have done the baking. I saw the bugs. I know how hard it is to fix things when citizens don't give a damn. I happen to give a damn.
It depends on the location and power needs a buddy or mine is a documentary film maker and a number of years ago he did a story on an island community in Indonesia. They did not have a stable power grid that shut down often. So most properties operated off solar and wind. The sun would charge via solar by day and the wind by night. If a storm came in and solar couldn’t charge then the wind was likely up and they could get power via wind. It was a very self sufficient situation and a nice model how multiple energy sources can work hand in hand.
Wind and Solar are not stable sources of power.
Solar only works on days without clouds, definitely not at night.
Wind varies on the best days, blowing, gusting, pausing, changing direction. Wind also does not work at night, outside of storms, most nights are calm.
Wind turbines are shut down during storms.

Your island is a poor example.
It would be a mistake to say republicans want the environment damaged. And I never said that. But that is the major concern of the left so the Reps dig in and don’t even discuss it. Just like the border issue. The Left cares about the poor immigrants and refuges. The Right doesn’t like to talk about ways to help them. They are not the enemy and lumped in with the criminals and murders and rapists and drug smugglers.
Democrats are destroying the environment. Wind Turbines and Solar Panels destroy more of the environment than any other source of electricity.
I keep having to repeat myself. YOUR taxes.
How much did trump save me on my taxes?
Did trump save me on my Taxes?
You will PRETEND that somehow, you know.

One of my problems is similar to the baker. The baker sees the bugs in his flower, knows the oven temperature is not right and bags his goods and sells them. I have done the baking. I saw the bugs. I know how hard it is to fix things when citizens don't give a damn. I happen to give a damn.
You mean "Flour". ??????
How much did trump save me on my taxes?
Did trump save me on my Taxes?
You will PRETEND that somehow, you know.

You mean "Flour". ??????
It shocks me you don't know. Why ask me about your personal affairs? How would I know facts about your books? Yes the typo monster hit me again.
Trump lowered the Federal Tax rate from 34% to 25%. That is for all Americans, to include you.
Point to the table that JUSTIFIES?Confirms your fake claim. 34 to 25......LOLLLLLL
Screenshot 2024-06-02 at 5.28.27 PM.png

Screenshot 2024-06-02 at 5.31.41 PM.png

Screenshot 2024-06-02 at 5.33.27 PM.png
It shocks me you don't know. Why ask me about your personal affairs? How would I know facts about your books? Yes the typo monster hit me again.
Because you LIE.
You ALWAYS lie.
Once a (D), Always a (D).

Flower to Flour is NOT a is something different.
And Just saying you fucked up would be better, but Flower to Flour is NOT a typo.
Now, IF you had blamed it on Spell_Check, then maybe.
Point to the table that JUSTIFIES?Confirms your fake claim. 34 to 25......LOLLLLLL
View attachment 956449

View attachment 956450

View attachment 956452
Nice hack job. You dont work and have no idea what a tax table looks like. Maybe you are too young and have only done your taxes online, hence you have no idea that whatever you posted, it is irrelevant.

This is a tax table. It shows what the tax is, on a particular income. Whatever you posted, is like I said, irrelevant.



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Nice hack job. You dont work and have no idea what a tax table looks like. Maybe you are too young and have only done your taxes online, hence you have no idea that whatever you posted, it is irrelevant.

This is a tax table. It shows what the tax is, on a particular income. Whatever you posted, is like I said, irrelevant.

View attachment 956462
You need the year and a comparison year.
You should KNOW that.

You just got OWNED.

It is enjoyable debating the Ignorant or the Stupid.
Which are you?
Ignorant or Stupid....... There is a difference.
If there is a large negative in fossil fuel utilization, why are we using more fossil fuels to produce inefficient Wind Turbines?
Because the NET is less fossil fuel usage, are you really still not understanding how that works?
You made no commentary? You linked. Nothing more.

Why are we building wind turbines is a better question. Why use something inefficient, ineffective, intermittent, polluting.
Because they are an alternative energy source that pollutes less and consumes less fossil fuel than if we were solely on gas and oil

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