Weather destroys wind turbines in Iowa

Crick still has not told us how man manages climates around the world. Where is this happening?

Democrats suck at having conversations.
Prove that you can have one.

Advancement in Technology of many types, has exploded in the last 250 years.

Can you agree with that^^^^. Just that.....^^^^^ that one simple thing.

You want a conversation, let's go.

The discussion hasn't started yet, until you just simply answer YES or NO to the question starter of:

Has Technology Changed Dramatically since 1774?

Yes or No.
Democrats aim to manage my life. I want this nation to be run by it's citizens when they can.
I think if you were a female you may be saying the same about republicans.

As far as energy goes. I’d move for it to be run by citizens. The problem is when private company abuse the environment for profit. We have seen this many times mostly from energy and chemical companies who spread poison recklessly and then our freedom to live a safe healthy life is compromised. In cases like this thank god we have the government to regulate and the judicial system to hold abusers to account… both institutions I might say are completely under attack from modern day Trump republicans.

Extremists on both sides are what will cause our country to fall. Not just one side
I think if you were a female you may be saying the same about republicans.

As far as energy goes. I’d move for it to be run by citizens. The problem is when private company abuse the environment for profit. We have seen this many times mostly from energy and chemical companies who spread poison recklessly and then our freedom to live a safe healthy life is compromised. In cases like this thank god we have the government to regulate and the judicial system to hold abusers to account… both institutions I might say are completely under attack from modern day Trump republicans.

Extremists on both sides are what will cause our country to fall. Not just one side
We can discuss only leaders.

Republicans will cut your taxes? True? Will Democrats cut your taxes? If you say yes, when?

Why does my being male change things?
So do Sailboats.

Does that mean that sailboats can ONLY go in the direction of the wind?
Does it?
No it does not mean that. I am making a point on reliability and used boats just to illustrate.
I think if you were a female you may be saying the same about republicans.

As far as energy goes. I’d move for it to be run by citizens. The problem is when private company abuse the environment for profit. We have seen this many times mostly from energy and chemical companies who spread poison recklessly and then our freedom to live a safe healthy life is compromised. In cases like this thank god we have the government to regulate and the judicial system to hold abusers to account… both institutions I might say are completely under attack from modern day Trump republicans.

Extremists on both sides are what will cause our country to fall. Not just one side
The same kind of humans running companies run the Government. And believe me, the Government does a lot of abusing.
So do Sailboats.

Does that mean that sailboats can ONLY go in the direction of the wind?
Does it?
Perhaps what happened is you helped my side since in boats they want dependable power, such as nuclear engines or even Diesel engines.
Prove that you can have one.

Advancement in Technology of many types, has exploded in the last 250 years.

Can you agree with that^^^^. Just that.....^^^^^ that one simple thing.

You want a conversation, let's go.

The discussion hasn't started yet, until you just simply answer YES or NO to the question starter of:

Has Technology Changed Dramatically since 1774?

Yes or No.
Yes, And Windmills are ancient technology.
That is possible for offshore windmills but it is not the worry I have. In fact falling windmills is not the major hardship. The hardship is in how they work. It is as you are told to drive your car like a windmill. And going down the main road as the wind dies, where do you get power? And suddenly you run into gusts that are 80 miles per hour. Don't you quickly get off the gas to keep control? Windmills depend on a very undependable power source. Do you get the points made?
I do understand your points. I just wish your answer wasn’t to disparage and dismiss it all together but rather to recognize the issues and make improvements. Wind as unpredictable as it is, is still a constant source of ongoing energy that doesn’t require a tremendous amount of natural resources. I’m not saying it should be our only energy source but it should certainly be one
The Dems won’t acknowledge the benefits of nuclear and the Reps won’t acknowledge the environmental damage that has been done or could potentially be done.
It is a mistake to say that Republicans want the environment damaged. I would also think some Democrat citizens would love a lot more nuclear. When I talk of the parties, I really am aiming us all at the leaders as opposed to in your mind, you think I am aiming at citizens. I know for a fact however that even far too many Democrat citizens hated Yucca Mountain and I know it due to having discussed this matter since around Clinton with them. They conditioned me to accept their words.
I do understand your points. I just wish your answer wasn’t to disparage and dismiss it all together but rather to recognize the issues and make improvements. Wind as unpredictable as it is, is still a constant source of ongoing energy that doesn’t require a tremendous amount of natural resources. I’m not saying it should be our only energy source but it should certainly be one
Would you believe the major power producers? Notice I did not say cancel windmills. I want them to be understood. But if you were offered at the store a flashlight that when you turned it on, at times it lit and other times not? Is that really what is needed for a good flashlight?
Wind is not under human control at all.

In fact I discuss climate. And one of my reasonings is just that. Humans can't manage climate because they can't manage wind. They can't deal with tornadoes or hurricanes to end either. So since humans do not control wind, it is not a very good source. We have better sources.
I do understand your points. I just wish your answer wasn’t to disparage and dismiss it all together but rather to recognize the issues and make improvements. Wind as unpredictable as it is, is still a constant source of ongoing energy that doesn’t require a tremendous amount of natural resources. I’m not saying it should be our only energy source but it should certainly be one
Let me give you an example. Outside the trees leaves are almost static. The tiny amount they move is what we have for wind. How could this power this home? my son has his camper trailer that he installed solar on the roof. But even that is not great since when the clouds show up or night does, he gets no charging. Or very little with clouds.
That is possible for offshore windmills but it is not the worry I have. In fact falling windmills is not the major hardship. The hardship is in how they work. It is as you are told to drive your car like a windmill. And going down the main road as the wind dies, where do you get power? And suddenly you run into gusts that are 80 miles per hour. Don't you quickly get off the gas to keep control? Windmills depend on a very undependable power source. Do you get the points made?

Does that mean that sailboats can ONLY go in the direction of the wind?
Does it?

No it does not mean that. I am making a point on reliability and used boats just to illustrate.
It was me that mentioned "Sail Boats"
You know, reliant upon the WIND.
You may have mentioned with other non-wind sources.
Such as Nuclear or Diesel.

Perhaps what happened is you helped my side since in boats they want dependable power, such as nuclear engines or even Diesel engines.
Let me give you an example. Outside the trees leaves are almost static. The tiny amount they move is what we have for wind. How could this power this home? my son has his camper trailer that he installed solar on the roof. But even that is not great since when the clouds show up or night does, he gets no charging. Or very little with clouds.
The problem from my perspective is that you assign zero value to making energy without greenhouse gas emissions.

The power you and your son consume doesn't have to be generated outside your front door. The wind at 100 meters altitude is almost guaranteed to be a good deal more brisk than what's blowing at ground level through your woods.
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Crick still has not told us how man manages climates around the world. Where is this happening?
So back on Climate Change.

If technology was pretty much a non-factor 200 or 250 years ago,
can you, without blaming ANY COUNTRY or particular advancement,

at least say that the ENVIRONMENT has been affected in the last 200-250 years due to ADVANCEMENTS in Technology.
I wasn’t ignoring what you wrote. By costs I was referring to your claims of production costs (ie mining pollutants etc)
Costs? Do I need to quote everything you ignore. I guess so.

You made a claim that not using wind turbines is going back to a horse and buggy.

I made the point that wind turbines are horse and buggy technology.

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