Weather destroys wind turbines in Iowa

We can discuss only leaders.

Republicans will cut your taxes? True? Will Democrats cut your taxes? If you say yes, when?

Why does my being male change things?
You made a comment about government and your freedoms. Women on the abortion issue would say that the Republicans are trying to make government regulate their bodies and choices
Republicans will cut your taxes? True? Will Democrats cut your taxes? If you say yes, when?
Yes republicans will cut taxes. That’s an elect that I like about anybody who is fiscally conservative. I just want people to be smart about it. But as you know governing is so much more than one issue. The issue at hand here is energy
The same kind of humans running companies run the Government. And believe me, the Government does a lot of abusing.
Agreed. Abuse comes from both the private sector and the government. Not much difference between the two at the highest levels
It is a mistake to say that Republicans want the environment damaged. I would also think some Democrat citizens would love a lot more nuclear. When I talk of the parties, I really am aiming us all at the leaders as opposed to in your mind, you think I am aiming at citizens. I know for a fact however that even far too many Democrat citizens hated Yucca Mountain and I know it due to having discussed this matter since around Clinton with them. They conditioned me to accept their words.
It would be a mistake to say republicans want the environment damaged. And I never said that. But that is the major concern of the left so the Reps dig in and don’t even discuss it. Just like the border issue. The Left cares about the poor immigrants and refuges. The Right doesn’t like to talk about ways to help them. They are not the enemy and lumped in with the criminals and murders and rapists and drug smugglers.
Explain how, wind turbines work. I cant wait for you to dodge again.
Screenshot 2024-06-02 at 3.32.38 PM.png
It is a mistake to say that Republicans want the environment damaged. I would also think some Democrat citizens would love a lot more nuclear. When I talk of the parties, I really am aiming us all at the leaders as opposed to in your mind, you think I am aiming at citizens. I know for a fact however that even far too many Democrat citizens hated Yucca Mountain and I know it due to having discussed this matter since around Clinton with them. They conditioned me to accept their words.
I started my comments in this thread saying I had no problems with Nuclear as long as it’s done safely. Yes aim at leaders sure, but also look at how citizens engage, because many or just taking absolutist positions focused on attacking the opposition. It’s not healthy or productive
Would you believe the major power producers? Notice I did not say cancel windmills. I want them to be understood. But if you were offered at the store a flashlight that when you turned it on, at times it lit and other times not? Is that really what is needed for a good flashlight?
Wind is not under human control at all.

In fact I discuss climate. And one of my reasonings is just that. Humans can't manage climate because they can't manage wind. They can't deal with tornadoes or hurricanes to end either. So since humans do not control wind, it is not a very good source. We have better sources.
Perhaps you’d want a flashlight powered with a flywheel and generator to go with your battery powered light. Maybe not the ideal flashlight for all uses but also good to use for times when a battery might not be available or to reduce the number of batteries used.
Let me give you an example. Outside the trees leaves are almost static. The tiny amount they move is what we have for wind. How could this power this home? my son has his camper trailer that he installed solar on the roof. But even that is not great since when the clouds show up or night does, he gets no charging. Or very little with clouds.
It depends on the location and power needs a buddy or mine is a documentary film maker and a number of years ago he did a story on an island community in Indonesia. They did not have a stable power grid that shut down often. So most properties operated off solar and wind. The sun would charge via solar by day and the wind by night. If a storm came in and solar couldn’t charge then the wind was likely up and they could get power via wind. It was a very self sufficient situation and a nice model how multiple energy sources can work hand in hand.
Destroying the rain forest. And everything you claim is destroyed by fossil fuels, we now must attribute that destruction to the product of fossil fuels which is wind turbines.
The amount of fossil fuel energy used to produce a turbine is far less than the amount of fissile fuel usage replaced by energy produced by the turbine. That flies in the face of your argument. Chops it right up.
Costs? Do I need to quote everything you ignore. I guess so.

You made a claim that not using wind turbines is going back to a horse and buggy.

I made the point that wind turbines are horse and buggy technology.
Small windmills were old tech. We have made massive improvements since then. The fossils fuel industry which replaced wind has does massive environment damage during the times since they moved away from windmills
Small windmills were old tech. We have made massive improvements since then. The fossils fuel industry which replaced wind has does massive environment damage during the times since they moved away from windmills
Modern Wind Turbines are a product of the Fossil Fuel industry. Your idea uses more Fossil Fuels, hence a new source of environmental damage.
I don’t dodge, I answer questions directly. Here is a lesson on how wind turbines work. Please let me know if you have questions.

So, you do not know how they work, you must go to a government website, you can not explain in your own own words. And you can not quote or offer commentary? Yet you are here making claims contrary to my facts?
Modern Wind Turbines are a product of the Fossil Fuel industry. Your idea uses more Fossil Fuels, hence a new source of environmental damage.
Whatever fossil fuels are used to create a turbine are saved through energy produced by the turbine. There is a large NET negative in fossil fuel utilization.
So, you do not know how they work, you must go to a government website, you can not explain in your own own words. And you can not quote or offer commentary? Yet you are here making claims contrary to my facts?
I’m here making my commentary but when you ask a simple question about how something works a link to a credible source is the best way to answer. If you don’t like my source or think it is flawed then please point out its fault

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