Weather destroys wind turbines in Iowa

Yes, the go to expert
Calling yourself an expert in a field in which you have NEVER WORKED is about as stupid as stupid can be. You might be the go to expert among the three idiots you hang out with at the office water cooler, but in the real world you aren't jack shit dude. And I base that entirely on the mounds and mounds of mistakes, errors and lies you have put out on the very topic in which you now claim expertise.
I have clearly demonstrated that there is a 15 MW on the market. That makes you the liar.
You clearly demonstrated there is a prototype and that you have no idea what, "on the market," means.
To use a protype that is 15x's larger than the wind turbines that are operating commercially for a comparison to small coal plants, is lying.

Crick, there are no commercial 15mw wind turbines. The average turbine is 1mw.
Crick is a liar.
Calling yourself an expert in a field in which you have NEVER WORKED is about as stupid as stupid can be. You might be the go to expert among the three idiots you hang out with at the office water cooler, but in the real world you aren't jack shit dude. And I base that entirely on the mounds and mounds of mistakes, errors and lies you have put out on the very topic in which you now claim expertise.
hahahaha, I work in the wind industry, I work in the solar industry, I work in the geothermal industry. I work anywhere electricity is made. I have worked at coal plants and natural gas plants.

Yet, crick, you still can not quote one post that I have not substantiated, all you can do is spew slime from your mouth.
And I did it again using one 1/5th its size and still showed your million turbine claim to be a complete bullshit lie.
You simply said so, you included no technical information, which wind turbine you are referring to, where it is installed. You simply, said so.

crick proving crick is a slimy liar
You simply said so, you included no technical information, which wind turbine you are referring to, where it is installed. You simply, said so.

crick proving crick is a slimy liar
See post #254. I included the fucking math you goddamned ignorant lying piece of shit. Is multiplication and division over your head?
See post #254. I included the fucking math you goddamned ignorant lying piece of shit. Is multiplication and division over your head?
you are really this stupid, you made up a number, multiplied it, and presented that number as a fact, you really are that stupid

The wind never blows all the time, crick's math is not based in reality
Crick is not using the output of any turbine, crick is assuming all turbines all day produce an equal amount of electricity despite the fact that wind never blows at one speed, from one direction, every single minute of any day

grow up crick, your slimy posts just so your stupidity
How much CO2 did they emit while operational?
The manufacturing never stops. As soon as one is built it's replacement is being built.

I imagine, with leadind edge erosion, the damage to the environment is immense.

Trillions of micro pieces of plastic and epoxy scattered across the world
The manufacturing never stops. As soon as one is built it's replacement is being built.

I imagine, with leadind edge erosion, the damage to the environment is immense.

Trillions of micro pieces of plastic and epoxy scattered across the world
You didn't answer the question. The answer, as we all know is ZERO.

Next question, how much fuel did they consume and what did it cost?
Some coal numbers. This came from someone named Ian Copeland on Quora.

A typical coal-fired plant would have an 85–95% capacity factor. However, let’s assume the plant has a capacity of 500MW and runs at 100% capacity factor - i.e., it produces 4,360,000 MWh per year (500MW x 8,760 hours/year). The Nordjylland Unit 3 in Denmark is the most efficient coal-fired unit in the world with a net electrical efficiency of ~47% (Lower Heating Value basis). However, coal-fired plant fleet efficiencies range from a ~26% in India to 41% in France (normalized to LHV). Let’s assume a reasonably modern design operating at a world class 40% efficiency on a Higher Heating Value basis (~42% LHV basis). This equates to a “Heat Rate” of 9,000kJ/kWh (3,600 kj/kWh / 0.40) or 9 million kJ/MWh (1,000 kWh per MWh). The HHV heating value of coals range from ~16,000 kJ/kg for Lignite to ~33,500 kJ/kg for low volatile bituminous coal (on a LHV basis). Let’s assume the coal the plant uses has an HHV of 30,000 kJ/kg or 30 million kJ/MT. So, to produce 1 MWh we need 300 kg (or 0.3 MT) of coal.

So, with the assumptions we’ve used, to produce 4,360,000 MWh per year from the notional 500 MW power plant, we need 1,308,000,000 kg (or 1.3 million metric tons) of coal. To put this in perspective, a typical modern train coal car holds ~110 MT and this notional plant would need ~11,800 coal cars per year or ~32 per day. Thinking of this in volumetric terms, let’s assume a MT of coal has a volume of 1.5 cubic meters. This means that our notional plant needs 1.9 million cubic meters of coal.
That’s a coal pile 1.9 meters tall covering a square kilometer or a pile 100 meters square rising to a height of 190 meters. You can picture this volume as about two Empire State Buildings or two Shards!

Obviously, this is all dependent on capacity factor and efficiency of the plant and the heat content of the coal the plant uses. The actual amount could be notionally smaller (we assumed pretty close to world class efficiency and high heat content call) to substantially larger. For example, if we assumed that the plant used sub-bituminous coal from the Powder River Basin in Montana/Wyoming (which supplies about 40% of the coal to the US power industry) with an average heat content of ~20,000 kJ/kg the number would increase by 50% to ~1.9 million metric tons.

A quick note on HHV vs LHV - HHV is calculated with the moisture in the coal (or other fuels) being in liquid form while LHV is calculated with moisture being evaporated into vapor form.

So, let's take an average of 1.6 million metric tons of coal. A short ton of bituminous coal is selling for about $100 per the EIA. There are 0.907815 metric tons in one short ton so the plant would use 1,762,473.63 short tons at a cost of $176,247,363.00 A liberal estimate of the cost of purchasing and installing a 3 MW turbine is $4 million. Thus, for the cost of the first year's fuel, we could buy and install 44 wind turbines with a rated capacity of 132 MW. More than enough turbines to replace the plant could be had for less than the cost of 4 years fuel. And, somehow, I don't think they're going to cost $176 million/year in consumables. Nor will they emit the CO2 and pollution or produce the gaping hole in the Earth that mining and burning 1.762 million US tons of coal will produce, year, after, year, after year.
You didn't answer the question. The answer, as we all know is ZERO.

Next question, how much fuel did they consume and what did it cost?
Wind turbines do not produce electricity 80-90% of the time.

Wind Turbines require constant maintenance.

Fossil fuels must supply power that wi d turbines are incapable of supplying.
Wind turbines do not produce electricity 80-90% of the time.
That is a lie. "Over the course of a year, modern wind turbines can produce electricity 90% of the time"
Wind Turbines require constant maintenance.
That is a lie. "How often do turbines require maintenance? Wind turbines generally require preventative maintenance checkups two to three times per year."
Fossil fuels must supply power that wi d turbines are incapable of supplying.
That is a lie. If more power is required, it can come from any source.

Do you have any more lies for us?
That is a lie. "Over the course of a year, modern wind turbines can produce electricity 90% of the time"(
Your source is decieving, it says can. It does not say it does. Nowhere does the wind blow in one direction 90% of the time

Big difference crick. This has been discussed here on usmb and it is discussed all across the world.

no modern wind turbine has wins, 90% of the year

Just cause you link dont mean ypu are not posting lies

What Europe’s exceptionally low winds mean for the future energy grid

Your source is decieving, it says can. It does not say it does. Nowhere does the wind blow in one direction 90% of the time
Dear "expert on wind turbines", wind turbines rotate to face the wind.
Big difference crick. This has been discussed here on usmb and it is discussed all across the world.
Are you shitting me. You actually believe wind turbines face in a fixed direction. Allow me to present my 4th grader next door who knows better.
no modern wind turbine has wins, 90% of the year
I fully admit the website likely has a pro-wind-turbine bias but its still infinitely better than the NO-LINKS-REQUIRED position you take.
Just cause you link dont mean ypu are not posting lies
And because you almost NEVER post supporting links, we are left to assume EVERYTHING you post was pulled directly from your anal orifice.

What Europe’s exceptionally low winds mean for the future energy grid

The world, Europe included, is still building and installing wind turbines and doing so to REPLACE coal, petroleum and natural gas power plants.

The #1 goal is to eliminate CO2 emissions. That their are costs involved is suborned to the need to address global warming.
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Dear "expert on wind turbines", wind turbines rotate to face the wind.
WInd turbines lag, when adjusting to wind direction. WInd gusts, direction, changes rapidly. Much faster than wind turbine are engineered to react to.

Yes, go ask your 4th grade neighbor so that he can educate you with his kite flying and wind wheel spinner toy.

Rapid wind direction changes always result in down time, no electricity being produced. Something crick is missing when crick was multiplying 5 times infinity.
I fully admit the website likely has a pro-wind-turbine bias but its still infinitely better than the NO-LINKS-REQUIRED position you take.
Crick you responded to my post with 2 links

Crick, when you decide to be a slimy filthy liar you should do so when responding to a post that does not easily show crick is a liar
And because you almost NEVER post supporting links, we are left to assume EVERYTHING you post was pulled directly from your anal orifice.
I have thousands of links in these threads, crick. You know it, crick doubling down on crick's slimy lies

The only thing I pull out of my, "anal orfice," is your tongue crick. I dont like your perverted homosexuality.
WInd turbines lag, when adjusting to wind direction. WInd gusts, direction, changes rapidly. Much faster than wind turbine are engineered to react to.
That you should call yourself an expert on wind turbines just boggles the fucking mind.
Yes, go ask your 4th grade neighbor so that he can educate you with his kite flying and wind wheel spinner toy.
He will educate YOU with the commonly known tidbit that wind turbines can rotate to face the wind. They they don't do so in seconds is simply a matter of scale. And if you want to see the rate at which wind direction changes.


Birds successfully migrate thousands of miles, sailing ships navigate the world and wind turbines are able to efficiently cope with changing wind direction. It is amazing how often you fail to do anything but demonstrate your ignorance in a field in which you've now repeatedly claimed expertise.
Rapid wind direction changes always result in down time, no electricity being produced. Something crick is missing when crick was multiplying 5 times infinity.
How much time have you spent a few hundred feet above the midwestern plains or a few miles off the coast? Gusts are primarily the product of turbulence caused by ground topography and surface obstructions. Aloft, where the wind turbines hang out, the wind is faster and far more steady.

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