Immigrant Nobel Prize winner says GOP led American inequality is a disgrace and stupid...

Mainly due to Putin's wrecking the grain and oil markets, and of course we have the best economy and lowest inflation of any major economy thanks to Democrats..........

It is due to Biden that we have massive inflation

Compraring it to others is irrelevant and the demcorats gave done NOTHING to help it\

Sorry about reality, perfect chump of the greedy idiot scumbag GOP Rich and your whole garbage propaganda machine...
Hmmm, let’s see. Biden owns multiple houses and has an estimated net worth of $10 million…that we know of. Bernie sanders owns multiple houses and has an estimated net worth of $3 million. Nancy Pelosi has an estimated net worth of between $120 million and $202 million. And you idiots want to talk about equity. Either practice what you preach or lead by example....dumbass.
Hmmm, let’s see. Biden owns multiple houses and has an estimated net worth of $10 million…that we know of. Bernie sanders owns multiple houses and has an estimated net worth of $3 million. Nancy Pelosi has an estimated net worth of between $120 million and $202 million. And you idiots want to talk about equity. Either practice what you preach or lead by example....dumbass.
So what....There is no problem if they pay their fair share or WANT TO, dupe.

what is your and Deton’s solution to income inequality?

If possible translate his psychobabble into English and then tell us what you want to do
Tax the rich again duhhhh....
Sorry about reality, perfect chump of the greedy idiot scumbag GOP Rich and your whole garbage propaganda machine...
I haven't read his book, frankly I never heard of him till your thread, but the OP link indicates his criticism of of politics, sure, but his criticism is of his fellow economists at Princton, which is generally the first place RW wing nuts go to blast admissions and tuition assistance.

You're getting slammed for a bipartisan thread. Too funny, but "par for the course" imo
The US did not become wealthy because of natural resources. Russia has abundant natural resources, but it isn't rich. How do you explain that?

You fucking commies keep using the same excuses you're been using for over 100 years.
Reaganism sux....
I haven't read his book, frankly I never heard of him till your thread, but the OP link indicates his criticism of of politics, sure, but his criticism is of his fellow economists at Princton, which is generally the first place RW wing nuts go to blast admissions and tuition assistance.

You're getting slammed for a bipartisan thread. Too funny, but "par for the course" imo
It's criticism of Reaganism trickle down bs....
Reaganism sux....

It's criticism of Reaganism trickle down bs....
It seems to me that his critique may be about the fact that most of us work for corporations or govt, that works for corporations, so it's larger than Reaganomics, which happened 50 years ago. Reagan (and Carter too) responded to a tax code that punished people for putting capital at risk, rather than in less productive tax avoidance schemes. The DLC fell in line behind Clinton, and I doubt Gary Hart would have "reimagined" Reaganomics, either.

Today, imo, both parties would agree that "we don't make enough shit in America."
Tax the rich again duhh...
The “ rich” usually make better use of their money than pinheads in government do

And if a rich person doesent invest their money wisely they lose it and they are not rich anymore

Unlike idiots in government who just cover the loss in next years spending bill
So what....There is no problem if they pay their fair share or WANT TO, dupe.
A 'fair' share is divide the cost of government equally that's a fair share. All the mooching deadbeats need to pay their fair share. I shouldn't have to pay their share for them. Your fair share of the national debt is $100,000 by the way.
So in your feeble mind, equity means paying their fair share? And how much, for each one listed, is their fair share?
I have never in my life said anything about equity, it's pure crap for dupes like you. Everyone should pay their fair share in taxes and the only people who haven't been are the super rich, who you vote for every four years you ** **.....
A 'fair' share is divide the cost of government equally that's a fair share. All the mooching deadbeats need to pay their fair share. I shouldn't have to pay their share for them. Your fair share of the national debt is $100,000 by the way.
Everyone in the world knows a flat tax is a disaster for everyone but the rich, brainwashed functional moron..... Except for GOP base ignoramuses.....
Can European posters be that stupid or are they just driven by hatred? America isn't led by the GOP, it's led (and has been led for generations) by left wing democrats. LBJ's "Great Society" was such an abject failure that even democrats don't talk about it but it is still in place.

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