Immigrants Coming to America should be prepared to Support Themselves for the first 5 years!

NMore Info:
– Foreigners may be barred from the country if their presence upsets “the equilibrium of the national demographics,” when foreigners are deemed detrimental to “economic or national interests,” when they do not behave like good citizens in their own country, when they have broken Mexican laws, and when “they are not found to be physically or mentally healthy.” (Article 37)
– The Secretary of Governance may “suspend or prohibit the admission of foreigners when he determines it to be in the national interest.” (Article 38)
Got something better than a 7 year old article, homer. If not go phyuck yourself
As of April, 2016, we believe the information we provide here is correct. We have also provided some additional links to other resources at the bottom of this page.

Before you get too far along please read these quick tips prior to starting any process through the Mexico Institute of National Immigration INM website.

Some of the Mexico immigration documentation requirements are:

· $100K in investments

· 12 months of current bank statements showing approximately $2000 USD monthly income for an individual or approximately $3,000.00 for a couple (Some consulates ask these bank statements be translated into Spanish) and add 25% more for each additional dependent family member.

Mexico Immigration Process | Mexican Visa

Okay, now give me your link proving mine is wrong, or you can go fuck yourself... C'mon, big boy!
Just one part of your post referred to Americans not being able to purchase property with a certain distance of the coast. That was very true years ago, but has been amended in recent years. If you got to post garbage at least make it current garbage. Also entering Mexico without a passport is not a crime either, and is not punishable with jail time.
The initial issue was about financial responsibility. Nothing about where they could buy real estate. Mexico requires immigrants to be financially sufficient and we don't...but we should.

Thank you for finally answering my post. My second link is present policy.
I can move to Mexico, and never have to show any financial responsibility. I can live there for 6 months at a time, re enter the US for 1 day, or less, and return for another 6 months. That can go on indefinitely
I was referring to permanent immigration!
That's from the mouth of President Trump! Yes! It's called "Common Sense!" A Thomas Paine for our era!

Why should we give them entitlements for breaking our laws?

Trump proposes a law that has been on the books since Bill Clinton

Trump proposes immigration law that already exists

Trumps a liar. Remember he said NAFTA was the worst deal he had ever seen and he was going to tear it up?

After Calling Nafta ‘Worst Trade Deal,’ Trump Appears to Soften Stance

Then he said

Trump talks tough on NAFTA: 'If I can't renegotiate...we will terminate' the agreement

Now he says

Trump agrees "not to terminate NAFTA at this time", will negotiate -

President Trump on Wednesday told the leaders of Mexico and Canada that he will not pull out of the North American Free Trade Agreement, just hours after administration officials said he was considering a draft executive order to do just that.
Got something better than a 7 year old article, homer. If not go phyuck yourself
As of April, 2016, we believe the information we provide here is correct. We have also provided some additional links to other resources at the bottom of this page.

Before you get too far along please read these quick tips prior to starting any process through the Mexico Institute of National Immigration INM website.

Some of the Mexico immigration documentation requirements are:

· $100K in investments

· 12 months of current bank statements showing approximately $2000 USD monthly income for an individual or approximately $3,000.00 for a couple (Some consulates ask these bank statements be translated into Spanish) and add 25% more for each additional dependent family member.

Mexico Immigration Process | Mexican Visa

Okay, now give me your link proving mine is wrong, or you can go fuck yourself... C'mon, big boy!
Just one part of your post referred to Americans not being able to purchase property with a certain distance of the coast. That was very true years ago, but has been amended in recent years. If you got to post garbage at least make it current garbage. Also entering Mexico without a passport is not a crime either, and is not punishable with jail time.
The initial issue was about financial responsibility. Nothing about where they could buy real estate. Mexico requires immigrants to be financially sufficient and we don't...but we should.

Thank you for finally answering my post. My second link is present policy.
I can move to Mexico, and never have to show any financial responsibility. I can live there for 6 months at a time, re enter the US for 1 day, or less, and return for another 6 months. That can go on indefinitely
I was referring to permanent immigration!
I can live there forever, thats as permanent as you can get
That's from the mouth of President Trump! Yes! It's called "Common Sense!" A Thomas Paine for our era!

Why should we give them entitlements for breaking our laws?

Trump proposes a law that has been on the books since Bill Clinton

Trump proposes immigration law that already exists

Trumps a liar. Remember he said NAFTA was the worst deal he had ever seen and he was going to tear it up?

After Calling Nafta ‘Worst Trade Deal,’ Trump Appears to Soften Stance

Then he said

Trump talks tough on NAFTA: 'If I can't renegotiate...we will terminate' the agreement

Now he says

Trump agrees "not to terminate NAFTA at this time", will negotiate -

President Trump on Wednesday told the leaders of Mexico and Canada that he will not pull out of the North American Free Trade Agreement, just hours after administration officials said he was considering a draft executive order to do just that.
Thats one example of many, have you noticed that he no longer is demanding that mexico will pay for the wall?
If you look at our immigration law, this is required by law. We don't let losers immigrate to our country not legally anyway.
And it continues..."we will provide them housing food and money each month." Oh, wait a minute, it doesn't say that, does it?
Most immigrants are hard working and make good citizens

Then I'm guessing they don't need any hand-outs.

Trump proposes immigration law that already exists
Just as our immigration laws are not enforced, that is likely out the window, too. Welfare recipients are on the government teat far over 2 years.
There are several welfare programs that the two yhear rule do not apply. Here are a few.

e, including cell phones, to low-income individuals. The program is administered by the Federal Communications Commission. More addition to the 13 programs shown below, U.S. Welfare Programs also include the Medicaid Program which provides health care to low-income citizens and certain non-citizens.

Negative Income Tax – Two tax credit programs are administered by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to distribute money to low-income Americans. The tax credits include a “refundable” portion which is paid to individuals and families that owe no income tax for the year. Therefore, this portion of the tax credits act as “negative income tax”. The two programs are the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), and the Child Tax Credit. More

SNAP – This is a food program for low-income individuals and families. SNAP used to be called the food stamp program and stands for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. It is run by the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture). Participants receive a debit card which is accepted in most grocery stories for the purchase of food. More

Housing Assistance – Various housing programs are administered by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) including rental assistance, public housing and various community development grants. More.

SSI – This is a program to pay cash to low-income individuals over 65 years of age or under 65 if the individual is blind or disabled. SSI stands for Supplemental Security Income and is administered by the Social Security Administration. More

Pell Grants – This is a grant program administered by the Department of Education to distribute up to $5,550 to students from low-income households to promote postsecondary education (colleges and trade schools). More

TANF - This is a combined federal and state program that pays cash to low-income households with the goal of moving individuals from welfare to work. TANF stands for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families and is administered by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. More

Child Nutrition – These are food programs administered by the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) which include school lunch, breakfast and after school programs. They target children from low-income households and provide free or reduced price meals. More

Head Start – This is a pre-school program available to kids from low-income families. It is administered by HHS (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services). More

Job Training Programs – These are a myriad of training programs administered by the Department of Labor (DOL) to provide job training, displacement and employment services generally targeting low-income Americans. More

WIC - This is a program to provide Healthy food to pregnant women and children up to five years of age. WIC stands for Women, Infants and Children and is available to low-income households. More.

Child Care – This is a block grant program to states and local public and private agencies who administer child care programs to low-income families. It is administered by HHS. More

LIHEAP – This is a program to aid low-income households that pay a high proportion of household income for home energy, either heating or cooling a residential dwelling. LIHEAP stands for Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program and is administered by HHS. More

Lifeline (Obama Phone) – This is a program to provide discounted phone service
I was a teacher in the inner city and most of the parents were on welfare. One of the most eggregious monthly layouts were for children in developmental classes (Learning Disabled, Special Education, Behavioral challenged ) and all of them received monthly stipends for their children in the amount of hundreds of dollars each month. It doesn't take more money to raise these children than it does any other children, for they still get food stamps, free breakfast and lunch, clothing, glasses, etc. They do not need more medical, wheelchairs or such.

One youngster received this money because another little boy pulled on his penis while in the bathroom. They received hundreds of dollars each month under the SSI act.
One family, who had 4 children in special classes used their monthly allotment to buy an RV for their excursions!
Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free
And it continues..."we will provide them housing food and money each month." Oh, wait a minute, it doesn't say that, does it?
Most immigrants are hard working and make good citizens

Then I'm guessing they don't need any hand-outs.

Trump proposes immigration law that already exists
Just as our immigration laws are not enforced, that is likely out the window, too. Welfare recipients are on the government teat far over 2 years.

Can you provide any evidence where it is not being enforced?
I was a teacher in the inner city and most of the parents were on welfare. One of the most eggregious monthly layouts were for children in developmental classes (Learning Disabled, Special Education, Behavioral challenged ) and all of them received monthly stipends for their children in the amount of hundreds of dollars each month. It doesn't take more money to raise these children than it does any other children, for they still get food stamps, free breakfast and lunch, clothing, glasses, etc. They do not need more medical, wheelchairs or such.

One youngster received this money because another little boy pulled on his penis while in the bathroom. They received hundreds of dollars each month under the SSI act.
One family, who had 4 children in special classes used their monthly allotment to buy an RV for their excursions!
total complete garbage!
That's from the mouth of President Trump! Yes! It's called "Common Sense!" A Thomas Paine for our era!

Why should we give them entitlements for breaking our laws?

Trump proposes a law that has been on the books since Bill Clinton

Trump proposes immigration law that already exists

Trumps a liar. Remember he said NAFTA was the worst deal he had ever seen and he was going to tear it up?

After Calling Nafta ‘Worst Trade Deal,’ Trump Appears to Soften Stance

Then he said

Trump talks tough on NAFTA: 'If I can't renegotiate...we will terminate' the agreement

Now he says

Trump agrees "not to terminate NAFTA at this time", will negotiate -

President Trump on Wednesday told the leaders of Mexico and Canada that he will not pull out of the North American Free Trade Agreement, just hours after administration officials said he was considering a draft executive order to do just that.
Thats one example of many, have you noticed that he no longer is demanding that mexico will pay for the wall?
He mentioned yesterday during his rally. The wall on the southern border could be solar. That way it won't cost so much for Mexico!
I was a teacher in the inner city and most of the parents were on welfare. One of the most eggregious monthly layouts were for children in developmental classes (Learning Disabled, Special Education, Behavioral challenged ) and all of them received monthly stipends for their children in the amount of hundreds of dollars each month. It doesn't take more money to raise these children than it does any other children, for they still get food stamps, free breakfast and lunch, clothing, glasses, etc. They do not need more medical, wheelchairs or such.

One youngster received this money because another little boy pulled on his penis while in the bathroom. They received hundreds of dollars each month under the SSI act.
One family, who had 4 children in special classes used their monthly allotment to buy an RV for their excursions!
total complete garbage!
That's from the mouth of President Trump! Yes! It's called "Common Sense!" A Thomas Paine for our era!

Why should we give them entitlements for breaking our laws?

Trump proposes a law that has been on the books since Bill Clinton

Trump proposes immigration law that already exists

Trumps a liar. Remember he said NAFTA was the worst deal he had ever seen and he was going to tear it up?

After Calling Nafta ‘Worst Trade Deal,’ Trump Appears to Soften Stance

Then he said

Trump talks tough on NAFTA: 'If I can't renegotiate...we will terminate' the agreement

Now he says

Trump agrees "not to terminate NAFTA at this time", will negotiate -

President Trump on Wednesday told the leaders of Mexico and Canada that he will not pull out of the North American Free Trade Agreement, just hours after administration officials said he was considering a draft executive order to do just that.
Thats one example of many, have you noticed that he no longer is demanding that mexico will pay for the wall?
He mentioned yesterday during his rally. The wall on the southern border could be solar. That way it won't cost so much for Mexico!
A wall is a wall, one which Mexico will never pay for and will not be built. Just how is mexico gonna pay for this?
That's from the mouth of President Trump! Yes! It's called "Common Sense!" A Thomas Paine for our era!

Why should we give them entitlements for breaking our laws?

Trump proposes a law that has been on the books since Bill Clinton

Trump proposes immigration law that already exists

Trumps a liar. Remember he said NAFTA was the worst deal he had ever seen and he was going to tear it up?

After Calling Nafta ‘Worst Trade Deal,’ Trump Appears to Soften Stance

Then he said

Trump talks tough on NAFTA: 'If I can't renegotiate...we will terminate' the agreement

Now he says

Trump agrees "not to terminate NAFTA at this time", will negotiate -

President Trump on Wednesday told the leaders of Mexico and Canada that he will not pull out of the North American Free Trade Agreement, just hours after administration officials said he was considering a draft executive order to do just that.
Thats one example of many, have you noticed that he no longer is demanding that mexico will pay for the wall?
He mentioned yesterday during his rally. The wall on the southern border could be solar. That way it won't cost so much for Mexico!
A wall is a wall, one which Mexico will never pay for and will not be built. Just how is mexico gonna pay for this?
Maybe their Drug Cartels, lmao. We can also take away their Foreign aid.
Trump proposes a law that has been on the books since Bill Clinton

Trump proposes immigration law that already exists

Trumps a liar. Remember he said NAFTA was the worst deal he had ever seen and he was going to tear it up?

After Calling Nafta ‘Worst Trade Deal,’ Trump Appears to Soften Stance

Then he said

Trump talks tough on NAFTA: 'If I can't renegotiate...we will terminate' the agreement

Now he says

Trump agrees "not to terminate NAFTA at this time", will negotiate -

President Trump on Wednesday told the leaders of Mexico and Canada that he will not pull out of the North American Free Trade Agreement, just hours after administration officials said he was considering a draft executive order to do just that.
Thats one example of many, have you noticed that he no longer is demanding that mexico will pay for the wall?
He mentioned yesterday during his rally. The wall on the southern border could be solar. That way it won't cost so much for Mexico!
A wall is a wall, one which Mexico will never pay for and will not be built. Just how is mexico gonna pay for this?
Maybe their Drug Cartels, lmao. We can also take away their Foreign aid.
Is that gonna pay for a wall, or are you getting desperate. What happened to that tax on Imports?
Trumps a liar. Remember he said NAFTA was the worst deal he had ever seen and he was going to tear it up?

After Calling Nafta ‘Worst Trade Deal,’ Trump Appears to Soften Stance

Then he said

Trump talks tough on NAFTA: 'If I can't renegotiate...we will terminate' the agreement

Now he says

Trump agrees "not to terminate NAFTA at this time", will negotiate -

President Trump on Wednesday told the leaders of Mexico and Canada that he will not pull out of the North American Free Trade Agreement, just hours after administration officials said he was considering a draft executive order to do just that.
Thats one example of many, have you noticed that he no longer is demanding that mexico will pay for the wall?
He mentioned yesterday during his rally. The wall on the southern border could be solar. That way it won't cost so much for Mexico!
A wall is a wall, one which Mexico will never pay for and will not be built. Just how is mexico gonna pay for this?
Maybe their Drug Cartels, lmao. We can also take away their Foreign aid.
Is that gonna pay for a wall, or are you getting desperate. What happened to that tax on Imports?
Works for me. I'm not privy to the finances of any country or their imports laws.
Apply for Disability Benefits - Child (Under Age 18)
All the children need is to be from a family of low income and have an IEP (Individual Educational Plan)
Lots of kids have IEP's what does that have to do with anything?
That's all that's need with a declaration of income. I was also on the Psych. Committee to test children for special classes. We didn't talk about the bonus, but they find out easily enough.
There are no psych committees to test children for special classes. Cut the bullshyte
Thats one example of many, have you noticed that he no longer is demanding that mexico will pay for the wall?
He mentioned yesterday during his rally. The wall on the southern border could be solar. That way it won't cost so much for Mexico!
A wall is a wall, one which Mexico will never pay for and will not be built. Just how is mexico gonna pay for this?
Maybe their Drug Cartels, lmao. We can also take away their Foreign aid.
Is that gonna pay for a wall, or are you getting desperate. What happened to that tax on Imports?
Works for me. I'm not privy to the finances of any country or their imports laws.
Works for you, eh? A border tax or import tax is not a tax on mexico, its a tax on American consumers

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