Immigrants that work in agriculture need to be protected, and they need permission to stay and work.

Defund the welfare state and suddenly you will have millions of Americans willing to do these jobs that "Americans aren't willing to do." We don't need illegals.
Hard to get people to work in agricultural jobs, and pickers should be allowed to work here in those jobs, but we should also have our young men serving along side of them in a summertime jobs program, and this we should promote and do in order to show that we don't think that we are above doing the same jobs that they are willing to do for us. It would promote friendships, education about labor, compassion, understanding, and grit in our own citizens, and a respect from our visitors that we don't think we are better than they are as fellow human beings in the world.
Legal immigrants or illegal aliens? There's a difference.

Not really. Either are taking jobs that Americans could have, taking their money, and sending it back home.
We have illegal aliens taking the jobs of black people and legal immigrants taking the jobs of white people. We need to scale all immigration way back. Currently, we are taking in one million legal immigrants per year, and that's way too many, when 95 million Americans are not in the work force.
I disagree. If we don't have foreigners pick fruit, we will find Americans to do it. They may have to pay more money, but if it keeps them out of here, I'm willing to pay. More Americans working and less foreigners.
It will never happen unless states stop using tax payer funds to pay people more not to work, than to work.

That is a huge problem. I know in my industry, we are looking for tens of thousands of workers we can't find. Recently those companies are bringing in foreigners to do the work and that keeps our wages down.

I spend all day on the road, and I see highways crowded with cars. Trucks and work vehicles I understand, but what do all these other people do for income when they are riding around on the highway during work hours? Obviously, most of them don't have a job.
. LOL.. You look at other vehicles on the road and think that those people because their are so many of them that they must not have a Job ???? Kidding me right ? Do you ever get a day off, and therefore get in your personal vehicle to go somewhere ? Now what does someone who thinks like you, think of you when they see you in your personal vehicle ? Are they yelling out their window "Get a dam job, and get the hell out my way" ????? :cuckoo:

The only time I'm on the highway is when I am working. There are all kinds of reasons people are driving around in the middle of the day. Some are supported by their spouse, some have the day off or work a different shift, some are retired, some may be salesmen or managers in route to different stores, but it doesn't justify the tens of thousands I see every day.

As time goes on, it seems the roads get more and more crowded during the workday. I don't think much about it during the summer because most working people take their vacation then. Teens and younger people in college are off. But this is every single day year round.
. Could be a sign of economic recovery.
Defund the welfare state and suddenly you will have millions of Americans willing to do these jobs that "Americans aren't willing to do." We don't need illegals.
. Good points, but we just need to get control over the situation, and do the right thing for everyone involved.
Defund the welfare state and suddenly you will have millions of Americans willing to do these jobs that "Americans aren't willing to do." We don't need illegals.
. Good points, but we just need to get control over the situation, and do the right thing for everyone involved.
We don't need to do the right thing for illegal aliens. They came here uninvited, in violation of our laws. We need to invite them to return to their home countries, and make their livelihoods there. Americans are really hard up right now, we don't have enough work to go around. Illegals are taking jobs that Americans need, so it's time for the illegals to go home.
Defund the welfare state and suddenly you will have millions of Americans willing to do these jobs that "Americans aren't willing to do." We don't need illegals.
. Good points, but we just need to get control over the situation, and do the right thing for everyone involved.
We don't need to do the right thing for illegal aliens. They came here uninvited, in violation of our laws. We need to invite them to return to their home countries, and make their livelihoods there. Americans are really hard up right now, we don't have enough work to go around. Illegals are taking jobs that Americans need, so it's time for the illegals to go home.
. Not the pickers unless committed a crime in the united States. They should be accounted for, given proper permissions, and allowed to work. Programs should also coinside with the pickers that place Americans in the fields with them. Now these Americans can be young American men who need to learn what it is to work or prisoners who should be earning their keep etc.
If you are here ILLEGALLY you are not an "Immigrant"...........

Youre a criminal..... Got it ??????
Defund the welfare state and suddenly you will have millions of Americans willing to do these jobs that "Americans aren't willing to do." We don't need illegals.
. Good points, but we just need to get control over the situation, and do the right thing for everyone involved.
We don't need to do the right thing for illegal aliens. They came here uninvited, in violation of our laws. We need to invite them to return to their home countries, and make their livelihoods there. Americans are really hard up right now, we don't have enough work to go around. Illegals are taking jobs that Americans need, so it's time for the illegals to go home.
. Not the pickers unless committed a crime in the united States. They should be accounted for, given proper permissions, and allowed to work. Programs should also coinside with the pickers that place Americans in the fields with them. Now these Americans can be young American men who need to learn what it is to work or prisoners who should be earning their keep etc.
We have millions on welfare and millions more on disability who aren't really disabled, but malingering. If we undo the damage our federal government does by giving these people free money for not working, then suddenly farmers will have plenty of people knocking on their doors, looking for work. We don't need illegal aliens, they fill a labor gap deliberately created by our government when it funds people who don't work, but could.
Hard to get people to work in agricultural jobs, and pickers should be allowed to work here in those jobs, but we should also have our young men serving along side of them in a summertime jobs program, and this we should promote and do in order to show that we don't think that we are above doing the same jobs that they are willing to do for us. It would promote friendships, education about labor, compassion, understanding, and grit in our own citizens, and a respect from our visitors that we don't think we are better than they are as fellow human beings in the world.
Fuck'em.....send them all back and let the law sort it out.......
If they're working here illegally, they shouldn't be protected no matter what industry they work in.

If the illegal labor wasn't here there would be more automation, and wages would rise to attract workers.
It's time to stop coddling the agricultural industry, they alone are more responsible for illegals roaming our streets than any other industry.
Hard to get people to work in agricultural jobs, and pickers should be allowed to work here in those jobs, but we should also have our young men serving along side of them in a summertime jobs program, and this we should promote and do in order to show that we don't think that we are above doing the same jobs that they are willing to do for us. It would promote friendships, education about labor, compassion, understanding, and grit in our own citizens, and a respect from our visitors that we don't think we are better than they are as fellow human beings in the world.
Get dem inner city folk offa dee Democrat plantation an' on-ta dee 'Pubican one... fiel' hans is fiel' hans...
If you are here ILLEGALLY you are not an "Immigrant"...........

Youre a criminal..... Got it ??????
. Yes, you are right, but for those picking, and for whom have shown their worth over time, this nation should be willing to work with them. Cutting back on the numbers coming in overall should be a priority for sure, but we shouldn't be so ridgid that we can't figure this thing out properly, and to everyone's satisfaction. America first yes, but we shouldn't reject legitimate resources that assist us all in our lives.
If they're working here illegally, they shouldn't be protected no matter what industry they work in.

If the illegal labor wasn't here there would be more automation, and wages would rise to attract workers.
It's time to stop coddling the agricultural industry, they alone are more responsible for illegals roaming our streets than any other industry.
. We have to view it all within the context in which it all exist in, and quit mixing everything together. This is where this country loses out, and it's ludicrous to lose on the agricultural front when it is impossible to automate the industry totally.
Hard to get people to work in agricultural jobs, and pickers should be allowed to work here in those jobs, but we should also have our young men serving along side of them in a summertime jobs program, and this we should promote and do in order to show that we don't think that we are above doing the same jobs that they are willing to do for us. It would promote friendships, education about labor, compassion, understanding, and grit in our own citizens, and a respect from our visitors that we don't think we are better than they are as fellow human beings in the world.
But we do. And so do they. That's why they're coming here. Duh...
Hard to get people to work in agricultural jobs, and pickers should be allowed to work here in those jobs, but we should also have our young men serving along side of them in a summertime jobs program, and this we should promote and do in order to show that we don't think that we are above doing the same jobs that they are willing to do for us. It would promote friendships, education about labor, compassion, understanding, and grit in our own citizens, and a respect from our visitors that we don't think we are better than they are as fellow human beings in the world.
But we do. And so do they. That's why they're coming here. Duh...
. Don't duh me... Duh some of the others who need it in this thread.
I disagree. If we don't have foreigners pick fruit, we will find Americans to do it. They may have to pay more money, but if it keeps them out of here, I'm willing to pay. More Americans working and less foreigners.

We have millions of Americans sitting around on welfare with nothing to do each day, they can work for their welfare on farms. That will motivate them to move up in the world.
I disagree. If we don't have foreigners pick fruit, we will find Americans to do it. They may have to pay more money, but if it keeps them out of here, I'm willing to pay. More Americans working and less foreigners.

We have millions of Americans sitting around on welfare with nothing to do each day, they can work for their welfare on farms. That will motivate them to move up in the world.
. Would love to see a study on how many would actually pass a physical exam, and qualify to work in the fields like that. Not many I bet, but with the proper training leading up to it, then a good many might be able to. Would unions move to mobilize farm workers then ? Yes they would.
I disagree. If we don't have foreigners pick fruit, we will find Americans to do it. They may have to pay more money, but if it keeps them out of here, I'm willing to pay. More Americans working and less foreigners.

We have millions of Americans sitting around on welfare with nothing to do each day, they can work for their welfare on farms. That will motivate them to move up in the world.

Kind of reminds me of a discussion I had with a fellow worker. We were in the parking lot talking before we had to punch in, and one of my coworkers approached us asking if any of us got summoned for jury duty and if we found a way to get out of it?

He was concerned because he lives check to check and really can't afford to take time off to go to jury duty. That brought up the discussion of all these people not working. I asked, can't they find people without jobs to serve on a jury? Why do they always pick working people that depend on themselves to bring home the bacon? What are all these people on welfare or with part-time jobs doing???

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