Immigration Bill A Secret No More

Sure about that?

Punchbowl News:

But the bill’s release Sunday night was like pouring gasoline on the fire that is the Senate GOP internal war. Senators and aides publicly and privately questioned whether a majority of the Republican Conference would back it, a key metric. There were even calls for an immediate leadership change from some GOP senators and conservative outside groups.

Top Republicans back proposal: Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and Sen. James Lankford (Okla.), the lead GOP negotiator, fiercely defended the bill on Sunday after its release. McConnell will brief Senate Republicans on the bill this evening, we’re told. That isn’t likely to mollify conservatives, who are already calling the bill “atrocious” and “a magnet for more illegal immigration.”

During a press call Sunday evening, Lankford said those criticizing the proposal had already come out against it before the text was released, so he didn’t expect them to reverse course.

“If we have a crisis on our southern border, and we do… we should address that and do what we can to be able to solve that problem — not just hope that the problem gets better or hope that an election solves the issue,” Lankford said.

Let’s acknowledge that Lankford and Sens. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) and Kyrsten Sinema (I-Ariz.), the three chief negotiators on the border security package, defied the odds by even reaching a compromise on an issue as politically sensitive as immigration.

But it’s unclear if there’s a path to 60 votes in the Senate. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and McConnell are counting on a center-right plus center-left supermajority of the Senate to vote for this measure. There’s no guarantee of enough support there. (Here are statements from Murphy, Lankford, Sinema, the White House and Schumer).

The opposition: House Majority Leader Steve Scalise said definitively that the House would not vote on this measure. Speaker Mike Johnson termed the bill “dead on arrival.”

Lankford said in response to these statements that he’s “a little confused… at how it could be ‘worse than expected.’” The Oklahoma Republican added he wants to huddle with the speaker’s team. Of course, Johnson’s statement will undoubtedly cause some on-the-fence GOP senators to vote against the bill.

“We’re at the beginning points of information,” Lankford asserted, dismissing the House GOP criticisms. “There are some people who just read Facebook posts… They made their decision based on the Facebook posts, not the text.”

But hardline Senate GOP conservatives are furious over the proposal, saying it will do nothing to stop the flow of migrants trying to cross the U.S.-Mexico border illegally. And after Schumer said Sunday, “I have never worked more closely with Leader McConnell on any piece of legislation as we did on this,” McConnell’s Republican critics pounced.

That prompted Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah), a leading detractor of both the bill and McConnell, to quote-tweet us with this response: “The bromance continues…” Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) said, “That’s the problem.”

Lee later tweeted a call for “new leadership” and described the bill as a “disqualifying betrayal.” McConnell’s opponents clearly want to make a move against him. Whether that actually materializes is an entirely different question.

It’s hard to see how this bill will win over a majority of Senate Republicans at this point, which is what McConnell and others in leadership had sought. There’s already internal GOP discussion over whether McConnell — whom conservatives accuse of using the border provisions as cover for more Ukraine funding — will try to split the two off.

The path forward: Schumer reiterated Sunday night that the first procedural vote will be on Wednesday. This will be a critical test.

We expect several progressives to oppose the plan as well. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) did so on Sunday due to the Israel funding. Hispanic lawmakers and pro-immigration groups such as the ACLU are already taking aim at the changes to immigration policy. Sen. Alex Padilla (D-Calif.) called it a “new version of Trump-era policies that will cause more chaos at the border.”

On the House side: The House Republican leadership has signaled it will move beyond the Senate’s bipartisan proposal. This week, Johnson plans to put on the floor a bill to send $17.6 billion to Israel without any spending cuts, a reversal of his earlier approach.
MAGA Republicans will not support it regardless. That is what they do

There is enough Republican support to pass the Senate and the House

Johnson will not allow a vote in the House
Bull shit. The laws have been in place for decades. The Neo-GOP demanded strong immigration reform be tied to the foreign military aid package that has bipartisan support. It is a few MAGANUTS in the house who support the pro-Fentanyl, pro illegal immigration, pro Hamas terrorism, pro Putin's aggression, pro Chinese take over of Taiwan, and are rooting for economic collapse of the US.

How any any red blooded American support the MAGANUTS today?
/---/ Care to back up your idiotic rants with proof? does not allow 1.5 million a year into the country. It might allow that many to APPLY, but the dramatic changes to asylum criteria means that most will be denied… rather quickly

2.NGOs do not traffic illegals. That was a stupid lie.

3.Yes. It provides funding to help Ukraine fight off the Russian invasion. You say that like it’s bad thing. Quite the opposite.

4. Processing asylum claims quickly means they gent SENT BACK more quickly
SO they are held in detention until their claims are adjudicated?
Republicans want to continue to use lies about ‘the border’ as a partisan wedge issue and to attack President Biden.

Biden and his associates are actively, intentionally, ''bipartisanly'' trying to destroy America.

The worst part about it is that they aren't even smart enough to pull it off on their own. They're just a bunch of puppets with someone elses hand shoved up their rear ends.

And we need to find out who those puppeteers are. By name and by organization/entity....
Why did the illegal invasion start as soon as Biden got into office? The pandemic wasn't over, more died from covid under Biden.
The economy picked up. Biden changed the EOs back to pre-Trump.

A reminder, I am not a fan of the EOs only because they are are a short term solution, but they were ok in themselves. I generally like Hr-2, and would like to take the best of it and the Senate proposal to make permanent improvements.

And it is as we have been saying. The most forceful immigration bill in decades.

Will Republicans sign on to this? They claim they want the border “fixed”. Well here is that fix.
To tie the bill to support for the Ukraine alone should make it dead on arrival in the House. How dare the President and Democrats make the Ukraine more important than U.S. security and defense? Only the most deplorable RINOs will support this if they even do when it comes up for a final vote.

The Republicans and President Trump worked for months and months to come up with a clean stand alone bipartisan bill that would actually have fixed at least most of the immigration problems except the one requiring a constitutional amendment. It was mostly Democrats who would not agree.

Other than resuming construction of the border wall, I cannot see how this bill will accomplish anything that current immigration laws do not. It will not prevent millions of people from overrunning the border, not being required to provide verifiable identification of who they are or where they are from, being assigned a court date and turned loose in the general population.
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MAGA Republicans will not support it regardless. That is what they do

There is enough Republican support to pass the Senate and the House

Johnson will not allow a vote in the House
It's beyond whatever a MAGA republican is.

There are so many in both parties in Senate up for reelection that they are very concerned about casting a vote. This has had bad press from both parties...............biggest concern for Senate is if they can muster enough votes from both parties to kill the filibuster.

Johnson won't bring it up for vote if his party is in total support.
Other than resuming construction of the border wall, I cannot see how this bill will accomplish anything that current immigration laws do not.

That these people so clearly demonstrate a complete lack of regard for American sovereignty really only illustrates that they see America not as a nation at all, but as a tax farm to finance a corrupt, global empire.

That's what these particular so-called ''bipartisan'' folk who bring forth and support this screed actually speak for and represent. And they need to go. All of em. Again, they're actively and intentionally working to destroy America in the interest of global empire. They speak for and function in representation for globalists. Not average Americans. And certainly not for American prosperity, given all of the trillions that they're putting average Americans on the hook for in order to finance their endeavor.

Of course, that's only one reason why the Ukraine's border is more important to them than America's.
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