Immigration Bill A Secret No More

Trump fought hard to curbed legal immigration while doing little to stop illegal immigration, fentanyl and a host of other contraband from streaming across the border.
Around 500,000 illegals in Trump's last year in office. Now we have millions invading our border.
Sorry to burst your bubble but Fentanyl deaths started the explosive rise under the Trumpybear.

Doesn't quite look that way, actually 'exploded' after Biden took over.

Hey stupid… what you quoted says he has that sole authority to SHUT DOWN the border when the system becomes overwhelmed

Christ you’re stupid

Such an angry little boy.

The funny little Martian has already overwhelmed the system by his open border policies. The funny little Martian currently ignores existing immigration laws.

There is nothing to control the funny little Martian from using his " sole and unreviewable discretion" to further overwhelm the system when he decides to do so.

What part of "sole and unreviewable discretion" are you not understanding?
Lesh said:
Hey stupid… what you quoted says he has that sole authority to SHUT DOWN the border when the system becomes overwhelmed
Christ you’re stupid

Sawry, that is not what it says.

You do realize that Lesh is 100% programmed to ignore all actual facts, yes?
Feel free to prove that talking point!

"Migrants would not be able to just cross the border illegally under the new bill. It would end the practice of "catch and release," in which Border Patrol agents release migrants into the U.S. while they await immigration hearings.

Instead, migrants who tried to cross the border illegally would be detained immediately, with their asylum claims decided while they were in detention. People would be removed immediately within 15 days if they failed their asylum claim interviews."

The author of that screed is a first generation hack. Her tweeter is hilariously anti-American. lol.

Do better...
The Dems called the GOPs bluff. Anyone who had immigration as their key wedge issue is fucked campaigning now.
Absolutely ridiculou,s the bill is not in any way shape or form reform. It is a bill which gives the dems what they want, the ability to say see we did something which is a lie, it only states an additional 5,000 asylum seekers a day or 8500 a week, that is unsustainable and does not address the got away illegal immigration. Republicans need to shout this from the rooftop along with the fact that Ukraine is already lost. does not allow 1.5 million a year into the country. It might allow that many to APPLY, but the dramatic changes to asylum criteria means that most will be denied… rather quickly

2.NGOs do not traffic illegals. That was a stupid lie.

3.Yes. It provides funding to help Ukraine fight off the Russian invasion. You say that like it’s bad thing. Quite the opposite.

4. Processing asylum claims quickly means they gent SENT BACK more quickly

The gig is up, homeboy.

Everybody knows you're full of dookie.

The sneak attack is dead on arrival...
Absolutely ridiculou,s the bill is not in any way shape or form reform. It is a bill which gives the dems what they want, the ability to say see we did something which is a lie, it only states an additional 5,000 asylum seekers a day or 8500 a week, that is unsustainable and does not address the got away illegal immigration. Republicans need to shout this from the rooftop along with the fact that Ukraine is already lost.

Gator is the most delusional Democrat propagandist on here.

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