Immigration Bill A Secret No More

/----/ 81 million, my ass. Oh, wait. I forgot about the ballot switching software and the fake mail in ballots. Yeah, I can believe 81 million.
“Ballot switching software”?

How did that software manage to change those paper ballots

So basically the so-called ''bi-partisan deal'' permits, as a matter of Legal practice, 1.5 Million illegal immigrants per year, allocates $2.3B to the NGOs which are trafficking them, and provides $60 bilion to the Ukraine while also expanding the federal government to provide more staff to process and inventory these 1.5 million illegal immigrants.

Apparently the ''conspiracy theorists'' were right again...
So basically the so-called 'deal' permits, as a matter of Legal practice, 1.5 Million illegal immigrants per year, allocates $2.3B to the NGOs which are trafficking them, and provides $60 bilion to the Ukraine and expands government ot provide more staff to process and inventory these 1.5 million illegal immigrants.

Apparently the ''conspiracy theorists'' were right again. does not allow 1.5 million a year into the country. It might allow that many to APPLY, but the dramatic changes to asylum criteria means that most will be denied… rather quickly

2.NGOs do not traffic illegals. That was a stupid lie.

3.Yes. It provides funding to help Ukraine fight off the Russian invasion. You say that like it’s bad thing. Quite the opposite.

4. Processing asylum claims quickly means they gent SENT BACK more quickly
So basically the so-called ''bi-partisan deal'' permits, as a matter of Legal practice, 1.5 Million illegal immigrants per year, allocates $2.3B to the NGOs which are trafficking them, and provides $60 bilion to the Ukraine while also expanding the federal government to provide more staff to process and inventory these 1.5 million illegal immigrants.

Apparently the ''conspiracy theorists'' were right again...
Feel free to prove that talking point!

"Migrants would not be able to just cross the border illegally under the new bill. It would end the practice of "catch and release," in which Border Patrol agents release migrants into the U.S. while they await immigration hearings.

Instead, migrants who tried to cross the border illegally would be detained immediately, with their asylum claims decided while they were in detention. People would be removed immediately within 15 days if they failed their asylum claim interviews."
Bull shit. The laws have been in place for decades. The Neo-GOP demanded strong immigration reform be tied to the foreign military aid package that has bipartisan support. It is a few MAGANUTS in the house who support the pro-Fentanyl, pro illegal immigration, pro Hamas terrorism, pro Putin's aggression, pro Chinese take over of Taiwan, and are rooting for economic collapse of the US.

How any any red blooded American support the MAGANUTS today?

That's pretty darn funny.

You somehow missed the part that Bidens open borders policy is exactly what fuels the cartels importing Fentanyl into this country and the millions of illegals flooding the country.

The pro Hamas terrorism is a function of the Bidens Dem / Socialist flunkies siding with islamic terrorists.

It is Bidens policy of expanding the deficit wih unrestricted spending that is weakenig the US. It is the Dems / Socialists who are rooting for and enabling tbe economic collapse of the US.
Feel free to prove that talking point!

"Migrants would not be able to just cross the border illegally under the new bill. It would end the practice of "catch and release," in which Border Patrol agents release migrants into the U.S. while they await immigration hearings.

Instead, migrants who tried to cross the border illegally would be detained immediately, with their asylum claims decided while they were in detention. People would be removed immediately within 15 days if they failed their asylum claim interviews."
Wait. So the bill limits asylum claims? It allows fewer people to come into the country and returns them back across the border and keeps them in custody until that happens (pretty quickly)?

Sounds good
I wonder why Trumpers are against it.

Oh yea. Trump is afraid it will help Biden get re-elected and that’s more important than dealing with the border to him… and his supporters
Post #36 talks about Myorkas authority to shut down immigration applicants

You need to stop taking about this. You don’t know what you’re talking about

On the contrary, you aren't understanding the nonsense put forth by the Dems / Socialists.

Post 36 identifies "the secretary's sole and unreviewable discretion"

That slogan means the funny little Martian can simply decide to ignore any and all matters he chooses.

Don't project your ignorance onto others. does not allow 1.5 million a year into the country. It might allow that many to APPLY, but the dramatic changes to asylum criteria means that most will be denied… rather quickly

2.NGOs do not traffic illegals. That was a stupid lie.

3.Yes. It provides funding to help Ukraine fight off the Russian invasion. You say that like it’s bad thing. Quite the opposite.

4. Processing asylum claims quickly means they gent SENT BACK more quickly
1. Bullshit. No one trusts the democrats to follow the new law. They just get $20b to process migrants faster.

2. NGOs do traffic illegals, that's all they do.

3. $60b we don't have and need to borrow. We need an offset in spending.

4. Bullshit. No one believes that any illegals will be sent back by democrats.
“Ballot switching software”?

How did that software manage to change those paper ballots

Say clueless moron,why did France go back to paper ballots.
To guarantee further the protection and quickness of tabulating
votes.Not weeks as in 2020.Where around 104 million
votes reached via mail-in ballots.
Where in Georgia { particularly fraud-laced Fulton county }
3 times the number of mail-in absentee ballots
had 1/10th the usual rejection rate.

And it is as we have been saying. The most forceful immigration bill in decades.

Will Republicans sign on to this? They claim they want the border “fixed”. Well here is that fix.
I see Republicans calling it DOA but I don’t see any specific objections other than it has Biden’s name on it
Wait. So the bill limits asylum claims? It allows fewer people to come into the country and returns them back across the border and keeps them in custody until that happens (pretty quickly)?

Sounds good
I wonder why Trumpers are against it.

Oh yea. Trump is afraid it will help Biden get re-elected and that’s more important than dealing with the border to him… and his supporters

Wait. So the funny little Martian now ignoring immigration law will have, "sole and unreviewable discretion" to make policy as he wishes?

You should wear a helmet because falling down and bumping your head is causing you issues.
Bidens open borders policy is exactly what fuels the cartels importing Fentanyl
Sorry to burst your bubble but Fentanyl deaths started the explosive rise under the Trumpybear. They are being aided by the war on prescription pain killers by Congress and the Drug War Warriors in the states. Closing the border under title 42 by both parties did nothing to stem the tide of illegal fentanyl entering the country under either party.

The Neo-GOP is the group who is denying the military aid to several of our allies regardless of their absurd talking points about Biden, who has always been a supporter of Israel and the two state solution.

The GOP has contributed more to the National Debt than the Dems. Both parties are liberal tax and spend.
What’s the point…you’ll still pretend you don’t understand.
You don’t know what a woman is.
You don’t know what morality is.
You don’t know what normalcy is.
You don’t know what a core American is.
You don’t know what American culture is.
You don’t know what white culture is.
You’ll just pretend you don’t understand….not understanding allows you to stay in your twisted as fuck Twilight Zone.
Funny how with Conservatives every argument starts with Transexuals
More aid for Ukraine?
Screw that.
The border could be shut down today without funding that shit.

America First!!

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