Immigration Bill A Secret No More

And it is as we have been saying. The most forceful immigration bill in decades.

Will Republicans sign on to this? They claim they want the border “fixed”. Well here is that fix.
Yeah, it's all legal and shit....That's why criminal Meskin cartels are making $5,000 per "refugee", to get them across the border.
$5,000 times 5,000 legalized illegals per day and that’s a $25,000,000 per day gift to the cartels.

The economy picked up. Biden changed the EOs back to pre-Trump.

A reminder, I am not a fan of the EOs only because they are are a short term solution, but they were ok in themselves. I generally like Hr-2, and would like to take the best of it and the Senate proposal to make permanent improvements.
What do you consider the best parts of HR-2?
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It's good to see the bill for ourselves. I did various word counts and see Ukraine referenced 74 times and Israel 29.

My optimism grew when "border" turned up 156 times, that dissipated when the first non-heading reference on page 40 read:

5 vided further, That funds made available in the preceding
6 proviso may be made available to support the State Border
7 Guard Service of Ukraine and National Police of Ukraine,

It's nice to have a direct source to check out the validity of thoughts spoken by a politician, the media, or some other talking head.
So it allows in 150,000 illegals a month (1.8M/year) before any of these "powers" kick in? And you think this is a good thing?
I think you Trumpers may be retarded. Go read the fucking section. It tells you when to enact emergency procedures. It has nothing to do with people being admitted. Why do you have to be dumb? It makes me sad.
I think you Trumpers may be retarded. Go read the fucking section. It tells you when to enact emergency procedures. It has nothing to do with people being admitted. Why do you have to be dumb? It makes me sad.
LOL Did you even read what you posted? "It grants the Homeland Secretary broad powers automatically if a single day gets 8,500 people or if a single week averages 5,000 per day."

What do you think those words mean?
LOL Did you even read what you posted? "It grants the Homeland Secretary broad powers automatically if a single day gets 8,500 people or if a single week averages 5,000 per day."

What do you think those words mean?
It means regular operations to protect the border get additional resources without any administration approval process. It has zero to do with letting folks in. Again… are you retarded? Why can’t you comprehend that simple concept?
MAGA Republicans would rather get nothing than to reach an agreement with the Democrats

That is why they are worthless

Not so, why wasn't HR-2 involved in negotiations?

Because of worthless democrats who aren't interested in regulating the border.

Schumer says if it don't pass, we'll be sending Americans to Ukraine.

All about aid for Ukraine, 'humanitarian' aid for Gaza, so Hamas can build more tunnels and rockets and a token for Israel.
Not so, why wasn't HR-2 involved in negotiations?

Because of worthless democrats who aren't interested in regulating the border.

Schumer says if it don't pass, we'll be sending Americans to Ukraine.

All about aid for Ukraine, 'humanitarian' aid for Gaza, so Hamas can build more tunnels and rockets and a token for Israel.

HR2 is a partisan piece of legislation containing a Republican wish list

Look guys, you only have a two vote majority in the House
Dems have the Senate and White House

Means you dont get things your way
MAGA Republicans would rather get nothing than to reach an agreement with the Democrats

That is why they are worthless
No not at all they simply want compromise from democrats, who hide stuff in the bill that they won't vote for, and then bash republicans for being the ones killing the bill. At this point anything short of full stop on asylum, and deporting those who have already come in illegally when detained, should be a non starter!
It doesnt say that. Go to my link then go to page 212. It grants the Homeland Secretary broad powers automatically if a single day gets 8,500 people or if a single week averages 5,000 per day. It doesnt grant anything to immigrants under that amount who will be handled by the normal operations that are funded and resourced. It simply lays out when does an operation shift from normal operations to emergency operations. That's it. A single day or a single week - and it doesnt let people in if less than that, just what type of operating rules are in place to handle based on the load. The operations are supposed to handle encounters but if normal operations cant handle them they go into emergency.

You are being lied to. Starts bottom of Page 212.

Screw that that is worse and way to many! There also needs to be addressed the illegals
You better go read it again, it grants sole discretion on most decisions to Mayorkas.
Courts make immigration decisions. Not Mayorkas. What are you smoking? The bill funds additional courts and adds a screening up front to ensure they are serious claims.

And it is as we have been saying. The most forceful immigration bill in decades.

Will Republicans sign on to this? They claim they want the border “fixed”. Well here is that fix.
Ukraine is a DOA topic
Screw that that is worse and way to many! There also needs to be addressed the illegals
Too many what?!?! You are stupid. You can’t read. It’s not an immigration threshold it is a trigger for emergency operations. Why the fuck do I have to keep repeating this to you all? Read it.
Too many what?!?! You are stupid. You can’t read. It’s not an immigration threshold it is a trigger for emergency operations. Why the fuck do I have to keep repeating this to you all? Read it.
see the con game right there.

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