Immigration Bill A Secret No More

1. For Mexico to pay for the wall congress needs to pass a new "Remittance Tax" on all money sent out of the US.

2. Benedict Biden let in 30,000 Chinese and 30,000 Russians, dumbass.

3. Trump built about 600 miles of new wall. Drug deaths slowed under Trump, they are exploding under Biden.
1.Yeah well good luck

2. Oddly this is the first time you fuckers have mentioned this. Until now your concern was brown people

3. Trump rebuilt several hundred miles of EXISTING wall. And drug deaths have virtually nothing to do with the illegal problem
Dwight Eisenhower supported Operation Wetback, a government program aimed at removing undocumented Mexican immigrants from the United States, for a few reasons.

First, the program was a response to public pressure to address illegal immigration, particularly in the agricultural and labor sectors. There was concern that undocumented workers were taking jobs away from American citizens and driving down wages.

Second, there were concerns about national security and the potential for undocumented immigrants to be involved in criminal activities or to be sympathetic to communist ideologies, particularly during the Cold War era.

Finally, there was a desire to demonstrate to Mexico that the United States was taking action to address illegal immigration and to encourage the Mexican government to do more to prevent its citizens from crossing the border without authorization.

These factors likely contributed to Eisenhower's support for Operation Wetback.

Immigration is part of the US foreign policies. Effective and practical foreign policies should focus on promoting peace, stability, and prosperity while also protecting national interests. Some examples of effective and practical foreign policies include:

1. Diplomacy and dialogue: Prioritizing diplomatic efforts to resolve conflicts and build constructive relationships with other countries.

2. Economic engagement: Fostering trade and investment opportunities to promote economic growth and cooperation, as well as addressing global economic challenges.

3. Multilateral cooperation: Working with international organizations and alliances to address global issues such as climate change, security threats, and humanitarian crises.

4. Human rights promotion: Advocating for and supporting human rights and democracy around the world, and holding countries accountable for human rights violations.

5. Security cooperation: Collaborating with other countries to combat terrorism, prevent the spread of weapons of mass destruction, and address other security threats.

6. Development assistance: Providing aid and support to countries in need to help alleviate poverty, improve healthcare, and promote sustainable development.

7. Cultural exchange and education: Promoting cultural understanding and education exchange programs to foster goodwill and mutual understanding between countries.

In addition, effective and practical foreign policies should be adaptable to changing global dynamics and should be based on a comprehensive understanding of the historical, cultural, and political contexts of other countries.

They should also be guided by a long-term vision and be implemented with a realistic assessment of national resources and capabilities. :)
So we’ve been dealing with this for 80 years

But it’s all Biden’s fault

Cuck, senate and house demofks cuck!! No gop needed cuck!
Actually it would be good for Donald Trump from a purely partisan politics standpoint. Passed the bill now, and watch when 5000 illegal sate come over, just as before, and Biden does nothing to “shut down the border“ as he promised.

This will cause a backlash not only against Democrats, but against those RINOs in the Senate.

sadly though, the Republicans in the house would have to vote for it, and they would feel the wrath of voters also.

Maybe all the Democrats in the house could vote for it along with disappointing Dan Crenshaw, and the other of the Bush/McCain/ Cheney nostalgia conference.

Let them show who they are, and then the voters will decide. But only if it gets signed before primary season is in full swing.
So why isn’t Trump doing that?

Because it’s not true
It doesnt. That is not a part of the bill. It is made up. Dont fall for it. Read the bill. That is not in there.
A border proposal still being hammered out by Senate negotiators would include a Title 42-type authority that would only be mandated if numbers at the southern border exceeded 5,000 migrant encounters a day
the facts, 5000 in the bill are allowed in. says so in your link, I gave you the code.
Nope. As many as 5,000 would be allowed to APPLY. Few would be successful

You know that but you’ll keep making that dishonest claim anyway
Nope. As many as 5,000 would be allowed to APPLY. Few would be successful

You know that but you’ll keep making that dishonest claim anyway
Who says few would be successful? Right now they are all successful.
HR2 is a partisan piece of legislation containing a Republican wish list

Look guys, you only have a two vote majority in the House
Dems have the Senate and White House

Means you dont get things your way
After 3 1/2 years of wide open borders, cities overloaded with criminals,why is this suddenly a major crisis that needs remedying?

Wouldn't have anything to do with Biden's polling shitting the bed on immigration, would it?

Biden has sole power to halt immigration, why hasn't he? Courts are overloaded for years, he knows that. Ration minds would halt immigration until things were caught up.

Biden hasn't done that, why?


You people are like Pavlov's dogs, Biden rings the bell, you guys salivate.
After 3 1/2 years of wide open borders, cities overloaded with criminals, is this suddenly a major crisis that needs remedying?

Wouldn't have anything to do with Biden's polling shitting the bed on immigration, would it?

Biden has sole power to halt immigration, why hasn't he? Courts are overloaded for years, he knows that. Ration minds would halt immigration until things were caught up.

Biden hasn't done that, why?


You people are like Pavlov's dogs, Biden rings the bell, you guys salivate.
So you don’t want to fix this… you just want to whine about it

Got it…
So it will be legal for 5000 criminal aliens to cross the border daily?


Thats not a law. That is bullshit.

How about making it legal to cheat on my taxes, but only a little bit…like maybe $5000 per year?
So it will be legal for 5000 criminal aliens to cross the border daily?


Thats not a law. That is bullshit.

How about making it legal to cheat on my taxes, but only a little bit…like maybe $5000 per year?

All Democrats and some Republicans have no intention of doing anything that would actually curtail the flood of illegal aliens into the country.
No new legislation will be brought forward that would do that.
Talk about a disconnect.

"The border never closes," Murphy revealed. He then boasted about American taxpayers footing the bill for illegal immigrant attorneys.

"The first ever government paid-for lawyers for young unaccompanied minors," he said.

Literally the number 1 issue on voter's minds is the flood of illegal immigration into the country.

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