Immigration Bill A Secret No More

The law requires a hearing. GOP wont fund the courts with enough bandwidth to process faster. This bill fixes that except the GOP doesnt want it fixed for some reason. They are barking lies to people like you so it never gets fixed. The law is the law. They have to get their hearing.
why didn't demofks when they had everything in 2021? Why all of the sudden is it on GOP? See cuck, that's the con you're running. cuck, wow.
More lack of specifics from you. Right wingers talk in code when they cant debate the facts. Ive laid out facts.

the facts, 5000 in the bill are allowed in. says so in your link, I gave you the code.

And it is as we have been saying. The most forceful immigration bill in decades.

Will Republicans sign on to this? They claim they want the border “fixed”. Well here is that fix.
Dwight Eisenhower supported Operation Wetback, a government program aimed at removing undocumented Mexican immigrants from the United States, for a few reasons.

First, the program was a response to public pressure to address illegal immigration, particularly in the agricultural and labor sectors. There was concern that undocumented workers were taking jobs away from American citizens and driving down wages.

Second, there were concerns about national security and the potential for undocumented immigrants to be involved in criminal activities or to be sympathetic to communist ideologies, particularly during the Cold War era.

Finally, there was a desire to demonstrate to Mexico that the United States was taking action to address illegal immigration and to encourage the Mexican government to do more to prevent its citizens from crossing the border without authorization.

These factors likely contributed to Eisenhower's support for Operation Wetback.

Immigration is part of the US foreign policies. Effective and practical foreign policies should focus on promoting peace, stability, and prosperity while also protecting national interests. Some examples of effective and practical foreign policies include:

1. Diplomacy and dialogue: Prioritizing diplomatic efforts to resolve conflicts and build constructive relationships with other countries.

2. Economic engagement: Fostering trade and investment opportunities to promote economic growth and cooperation, as well as addressing global economic challenges.

3. Multilateral cooperation: Working with international organizations and alliances to address global issues such as climate change, security threats, and humanitarian crises.

4. Human rights promotion: Advocating for and supporting human rights and democracy around the world, and holding countries accountable for human rights violations.

5. Security cooperation: Collaborating with other countries to combat terrorism, prevent the spread of weapons of mass destruction, and address other security threats.

6. Development assistance: Providing aid and support to countries in need to help alleviate poverty, improve healthcare, and promote sustainable development.

7. Cultural exchange and education: Promoting cultural understanding and education exchange programs to foster goodwill and mutual understanding between countries.

In addition, effective and practical foreign policies should be adaptable to changing global dynamics and should be based on a comprehensive understanding of the historical, cultural, and political contexts of other countries.

They should also be guided by a long-term vision and be implemented with a realistic assessment of national resources and capabilities. :)
The number 5000 is there triggering emergency procedures. Normal processing happens if the encounters are lower - That doesnt mean its an open border it just means that they are processed like normal and normal is the newly expedited process in the bill. The 5,000 isnt people let into the country. I swear you are fucking fuckng fucking stupid. Fucking stupid. Stupid.
That problem for you does not exist in HR2 passed by the House. The Senate Bill is so flawed it would waste a month here of our time detailing all of the flaws. They don't even label the Senate bill correctly.
why didn't demofks when they had everything in 2021? Why all of the sudden is it on GOP? See cuck, that's the con you're running. cuck, wow.
First, only one of us is married so I’d watch the insults incel.

Second, Biden submitted a bill in 2021 that the GOP wouldn’t vote on in 2021, 2022, or 2023. The legislation required a minimum of 10 Republican votes to defeat a Senate filibuster to move the bill to a final vote on passage. No counter proposal was ever submitted by the GOP until 2023 when all they proposed was a series of rules around employers and seizing land for a wall 2.0. Ok.
nope cuck, I already gave you mulitple posts with the language, stop avoiding them by reposting a link. Post the language like i did cuck


And it is as we have been saying. The most forceful immigration bill in decades.

Will Republicans sign on to this? They claim they want the border “fixed”. Well here is that fix.
How is it "forcefull?" Because if forces 2.5 million illegals down our throat every year?

You're a fucking moron.
It’s clear that Republicans don’t really care about the border .

If they did they would support this bill
This is not a border bill, it is a foreign aid military war funding bill wearing a Save The Border tee shirt. This is how they get 40 trillion in debt, slip shit that won't stand scrutiny on it's own into a bill that "must pass", You know that. Put border security in a bill by itself that actually addresses illegal migration and put that on the floor and see what happens.
Contrary to known reality. When Mexico refused to pony up the funds like he promised you MAGANUTS they'd do, Benedict Donald literally stole appropriated military funds to improve and add a few miles to the existing barriers in certain places. Illegal's and non approved recreational drugs continued to stream across the border during every year of his term.
1. For Mexico to pay for the wall congress needs to pass a new "Remittance Tax" on all money sent out of the US.

2. Benedict Biden let in 30,000 Chinese and 30,000 Russians, dumbass.

3. Trump built about 600 miles of new wall. Drug deaths slowed under Trump, they are exploding under Biden.
First, only one of us is married so I’d watch the insults incel.

Second, Biden submitted a bill in 2021 that the GOP wouldn’t vote on in 2021, 2022, or 2023. The legislation required a minimum of 10 Republican votes to defeat a Senate filibuster to move the bill to a final vote on passage. No counter proposal was ever submitted by the GOP until 2023 when all they proposed was a series of rules around employers and seizing land for a wall 2.0. Ok.
Cuck, senate and house demofks cuck!! No gop needed cuck!
This is not a border bill, it is a foreign aid military war funding bill wearing a Save The Border tee shirt. This is how they get 40 trillion in debt, slip shit that won't stand scrutiny on it's own into a bill that "must pass", You know that. Put border security in a bill by itself that actually addresses illegal migration and put that on the floor and see what happens.
So you’re intent on abandoning Ukraine and Israel.

Got it

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