Immigration Bill A Secret No More

I missed when Ukraine became the 51st state. On that note, what's the statute of limitations here? Do you we continue funding Ukraine another year, two years, five years? Do we give them $60 billion a year for the next 20? That's how long we hung out in Afghanistan. We are over $30 trillion in debt. We cannot afford to keep fighting a proxy war in a country that has nothing to do with our own national defense. Let the EU and other European nations handle this. It's in their backyard.
We find em NOW. We’ll see what happens later.

Letting Putin roll over them is not a real option.

What do you think he does after that? Poland? The Baltic states? That would involve us
Well said! There doesn’t seem to be any plan at all for Ukrainian victory. The idea seems to be to give the Ukrainians just enough so that they keep hanging on. Somebody is benefiting from that somehow, and those people are donating to the Democrats campaign fund to keep that benefit coming. Not hard to guess who it is.

The European Union has several countries with powerful militaries. If they want to help Ukraine to defeat, Russia, start the tanks and roll on in. if they’re not willing to do that, why should they expect the United States to once again rescue them?
The entire Ukrainian display was used to help Bankrupt our
System while making it seem like Russia is a bully that needs to be
taken on.Tucker Carlson is in Russia now and waiting to Interview
Putin.He tried back in September was not allowed.
Tucker did a marvelous job of interviewing the Hungarian
President Victor Orban back in August.He stayed a week.
We find em NOW. We’ll see what happens later.{

Letting Putin roll over them is not a real option.

What do you think he does after that? Poland? The Baltic states? That would involve us
Denying Russia's place in that part of the world is
just Juvenile.I realize that many Jews are nutty about going after
Putin.Like Mark Levin and Dennis Prager.And Michael Savage.
Due to the way Russia under Stalin persecuted jews.
Many jews in this country had Moms and Dads and Grandfathers
and Grandmothers,Uncles and Aunts who lived under Stalinistic
I wonder what they thunk about the Movie :
- Doctor Zhivago - { 1965 }
So just let Putin rol over Ukraine?

The Ukraine was always the main part of Russia for over a thousand years.
The only reason it was broken off is that the Treaty of Versailles wanted to illegally punish Russia for their Bolshevik rebellion against the monarchy.

There was no problem between the Ukraine and Russia until the US bribed the Maidan coup in 2014.
Mike better apologize for saying that or Don will have him voted out of the Speaker's position.

Has anyone told you lately that you're a bleeding idiot?

I'll bet you hear that all the time.
The Ukraine was always the main part of Russia for over a thousand years.
The only reason it was broken off is that the Treaty of Versailles wanted to illegally punish Russia for their Bolshevik rebellion against the monarchy.

There was no problem between the Ukraine and Russia until the US bribed the Maidan coup in 2014.
Putin troll speaks

He is consistent
We find em NOW. We’ll see what happens later.

Letting Putin roll over them is not a real option.

What do you think he does after that? Poland? The Baltic states? That would involve us

The ONLY option is to let Russia have the Ukraine back.
The Ukraine is inside the Russian defense grid, so if the Ukraine ever tries to join NATO, then Russia has to launch nukes in order to prevent being hit first.
Putin troll speaks

He is consistent

Read some history.
Kyiv used to be the capital of Russia until the Mongol invasion forced it to be moved further north.
The Ukraine was part of Russia for over 1000 years, until the Treaty of Versailles illegally took it from Russia to punish the Bolsheviks.
Read some history.
Kyiv used to be the capital of Russia until the Mongol invasion forced it to be moved further north.
The Ukraine was part of Russia for over 1000 years, until the Treaty of Versailles illegally took it from Russia to punish the Bolsheviks.
Yeah whatever Boris
t’s being analyzed in a thread already up and running.

It’s a shit bill. And it is unlikely to even be brought to a vote in the House. Good thing.

Oh, it will be brought to the floor for a vote. When the Dems win the House by a landslide in November, it will get a vote day one. Complete with citizenship for all of the dreamers, and most of the right wing stuff pulled out.

And you'll live with it. Because you won't have no choice.

And about that same time. Things start getting realy really bad for Vladimir. Hope little sally tucker isn't in the wrong place at the wrong time.
From the bill:

For an additional amount for ‘‘Refugee and Entrant6
Assistance’’, $350,000,000, to remain available until ex-7
pended, for carrying out section 235(c)(5)(B) of the Wil-8
liam Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthor-9
ization Act of 2008 (8 U.S.C. 1232(c)(5)(B)): Provided,10
That for the purposes of carrying out such section the Sec-11
retary of Health and Human Services may use amounts12
made available under this heading in this Act to award13
grants to, or enter into contracts with, public, private, or14
nonprofit organizations, including States: Provided fur-15
ther, That such amount is designated by the Congress as
being for an emergency requirement pursuant to section17
251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency18
Deficit Control Act of 1985.19

And . . . Republicans want this?


What emergency?

Mayorkas told us the border was secure, so only those that the administration want to come in are coming in.

So - if there is an emergency - who caused it?
I missed when Ukraine became the 51st state. On that note, what's the statute of limitations here? Do you we continue funding Ukraine another year, two years, five years? Do we give them $60 billion a year for the next 20? That's how long we hung out in Afghanistan. We are over $30 trillion in debt. We cannot afford to keep fighting a proxy war in a country that has nothing to do with our own national defense. Let the EU and other European nations handle this. It's in their backyard.
the annual budget for the Marines is around 53 billion . 7 billion less than the money DC wants to send to Ukraine .. i hate to say it but Ukraine cant win against the nation with the most nukes [by far] than any country on earth .. leaders of the world need to step up a negotiate and peace agreement between the 2 nations .
From the bill:

For an additional amount for ‘‘Refugee and Entrant6
Assistance’’, $350,000,000, to remain available until ex-7
pended, for carrying out section 235(c)(5)(B) of the Wil-8
liam Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthor-9
ization Act of 2008 (8 U.S.C. 1232(c)(5)(B)): Provided,10
That for the purposes of carrying out such section the Sec-11
retary of Health and Human Services may use amounts12
made available under this heading in this Act to award13
grants to, or enter into contracts with, public, private, or14
nonprofit organizations, including States: Provided fur-15
ther, That such amount is designated by the Congress as
being for an emergency requirement pursuant to section17
251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency18
Deficit Control Act of 1985.19

And . . . Republicans want this?


What emergency?

Mayorkas told us the border was secure, so only those that the administration want to come in are coming in.

So - if there is an emergency - who caused it?
Again Biden can literally CLOSE the Border with just one use of
his EO pen.Maybe a widdle Photo op.Like when he got Inaugurated
and virtually skipped over to the white House to sign a stack of
expensive lined EO's with I believe a different pen for each
Maybe they will wish they had kept it secret.

From the bill:

For an additional amount for ‘‘International Disaster7
Assistance’’, $850,000,000, to remain available until ex-
pended, to address humanitarian needs in the Western9

Hemisphere: Provided, That such amount is designated by10
the Congress as being for an emergency requirement pur-11
suant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget12
and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985.

What's the disaster in the Western Hemisphere? Depopulation, due to everyone scurrying to the U.S.?

If there is a disaster in the Western Hemisphere, it is caused by nothing more or less than the socialism that many of those nations have adopted.

Send them a couple of million books by Adam Smith and Mises, translated into Spanish, and Brazilian. You could get private donors to support that.
Again Biden can literally CLOSE the Border with just one use of
his EO pen.Maybe a widdle Photo op.Like when he got Inaugurated
and virtually skipped over to the white House to sign a stack of
expensive lined EO's with I believe a different pen for each
Of course he can.

This bill is first and foremost pork, except for foreigners, not the consituents of congress folk.

I guess they look at them as future voters. Very near future voters, I'm sure. Biden will need them, legal or not.
Oh, it will be brought to the floor for a vote. When the Dems win the House by a landslide in November, it will get a vote day one. Complete with citizenship for all of the dreamers, and most of the right wing stuff pulled out.

And you'll live with it. Because you won't have no choice.

And about that same time. Things start getting realy really bad for Vladimir. Hope little sally tucker isn't in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Blah blah blah.

The Sky is falling BS

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