Immigration is Destroying America.


Is it any wonder American Taxpayers have a problem with illegals Spics?
Now, which of these is the joke???? :clap2:


Excuse me mentally deficient neonazi.

The US invaded Puerto Rico in 1898. It FORCED US Citizenship against my ancestors' will. So, now we have a right to work in your fascist country.

And don't fucking tell me that you can differentiate between a Puerto Rican and a Guatemalan.

The actual law (not the fevered fantasies of dimwitted bigots) regarding H-1b visas mandates that workers here under such terms cannot be paid less than the prevailing average wage for a given position and that documented efforts must be made to find qualified applicants among US citizens first. The disparity between high-skill positions and qualified candidates to fill them has been well and often documented in this thread. Frightened, bigoted little cowards who understand nothing - least of all what this country is and was founded upon - deny reality, scream and shout, and now post lots of little pictures like the pre-school children who are their true peers.
The actual law (not the fevered fantasies of dimwitted bigots) regarding H-1b visas mandates that workers here under such terms cannot be paid less than the prevailing average wage for a given position and that documented efforts must be made to find qualified applicants among US citizens first. The disparity between high-skill positions and qualified candidates to fill them has been well and often documented in this thread. Frightened, bigoted little cowards who understand nothing - least of all what this country is and was founded upon - deny reality, scream and shout, and now post lots of little pictures like the pre-school children who are their true peers.

District Attorneys ONLY address issues requested of them.
NO ONE not on Wall Street can outbid what a DA needs to pursue these cases.
Plus Protectionist also posted about a month ago that as long as H1-Bs make over minimum wage it ok.
You didn't respond then but waited all this time to try to insert more bullshit.
So... nobody answered my question. What is wrong with legal immigration?

Of the three methods of inundating our borders, legal immigration is the least harmful.
In fact, legal immigration should obviate business visas.
It's not like we don't want the best and the brightest here.
<SARCASM> Of course, that would mean 99% of legal immigrants would come from India.</SARCASM>

Is it any wonder American Taxpayers have a problem with illegals Spics?
Now, which of these is the joke???? :clap2:


Excuse me mentally deficient neonazi.

The US invaded Puerto Rico in 1898. It FORCED US Citizenship against my ancestors' will. So, now we have a right to work in your fascist country.

And don't fucking tell me that you can differentiate between a Puerto Rican and a Guatemalan.

I can differentiate between a Puerto Rican and a Guatemalan, but only after speaking to both of them in Spanish. As for US citizenship for Puerto Rico, it's one of the best things that ever happened to them. One of the worst for US citizens.
The actual law (not the fevered fantasies of dimwitted bigots) regarding H-1b visas mandates that workers here under such terms cannot be paid less than the prevailing average wage for a given position and that documented efforts must be made to find qualified applicants among US citizens first. The disparity between high-skill positions and qualified candidates to fill them has been well and often documented in this thread. Frightened, bigoted little cowards who understand nothing - least of all what this country is and was founded upon - deny reality, scream and shout, and now post lots of little pictures like the pre-school children who are their true peers.

The idea that H1-B visa companies would pay the prevailing average wage for a given position, and that documented efforts are be made to find qualified applicants among US citizens first, is a LAUGHINGSTOCK.

The MYTH that there is a disparity between high-skill positions and qualified candidates to fill them has been well and often documented in this thread, to be just that > a big, fat MYTH.
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And - of course - the US has never been a nation of just one language and it never will be. In fact, you'd be hard pressed to find any nation, large or small, where only one language is ever spoken by every inhabitant.

Nobody ever said that was the case, knucklehead. :eusa_whistle:
It's sad when some insecure weaklings try to surround themselves with plural pronouns because they lack the backbone and grasp on reality to comment as individuals. It's misleading when the mentally infirm try to claim a place among a political orientation when in reality they are too stupid to understand such a position and are unwelcome in any case.

What are you babbling about now ? Is there a doctor in the house ? :cuckoo: I mean really.

No doctor. But there is an idiot in the house.

No there's TWO idiots. YOU and Uncletard. :badgrin:
"The H-1B program applies to employers seeking to hire nonimmigrant aliens as workers in specialty occupations or as fashion models of distinguished merit and ability. A specialty occupation is one that requires the application of a body of highly specialized knowledge and the attainment of at least a bachelor&#8217;s degree or its equivalent. The intent of the H-1B provisions is to help employers who cannot otherwise obtain needed business skills and abilities from the U.S. workforce by authorizing the temporary employment of qualified individuals who are not otherwise authorized to work in the United States.
The law establishes certain standards in order to protect similarly employed U.S. workers from being adversely affected by the employment of the nonimmigrant workers, as well as to protect the H-1B nonimmigrant workers. Employers must attest to the Department of Labor that they will pay wages to the H-1B nonimmigrant workers that are at least equal to the actual wage paid by the employer to other workers with similar experience and qualifications for the job in question, or the prevailing wage for the occupation in the area of intended employment &#8211; whichever is greater."
We should charge to come here and make them pass a high school exam, no poor or dumb people please.

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