Immigration is Destroying America.

right, because all you people were there and has the inside knowledge on it

man oh man, what sheep
Illegal immigration has always been a problem, but no one in Washington wants to fix it..

The far left wants the slave labor to cross the border in order to rig elections.

The far left has done more damage on this than anyone else by not allowing the border to be enforced properly.
And that is perhaps the dumbest thing I've seen you post.

Me? A liberal?

Dumbest thing you've ever seen him post? Now that's saying something. Keep posting on this subject and in short order you'll discover to your surprise that you are Latino, Muslim, and the owner of a huge plantation employing armies of illegal aliens.

The old nut is just completely out of his tree.


Not much, only when too much [sic] legal immigrants are coming in which has the same effects as the aliens who are flooding in.

There is nothing logical about that conclusion.

Why? Legal immigration is good, but too much legal immigration isn't

LEGAL immigration is controlled, so the number we process LEGALLY is our decision. LEGAL immigrants don't work for less than minimum wage, thereby distorting the labor market. LEGAL immigrants assimilate, contribute, and add positively to our society. There is no "too many" of people who love this country and want to go through the tedious, expensive, time-consuming process; or highly-skilled workers we need, or family members of US citizens, etc.
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LEGAL immigration is controlled, so the number we process LEGALLY is our decision. LEGAL immigrants don't work for less than minimum wage, thereby distorting the labor market. LEGAL immigrants assimilate, contribute, and add positively to our society. There is no "too many" of people who love this country and want to go through the tedious, expensive, time-consuming process; or highly-skilled workers we need, or family members of US citizens, etc.

If you can actually read English, you need to read up on this subject.


Crank up that IQ of 70. Take a guess, what race is the biggest offender of overpopulation in the Western Hemisphere?


No. Differences Between Wolves and Dogs | Mission: Wolf "Since all dogs are descended from wolves the two species share some similar characteristics, such as their sense of smell and even behavioral things like putting their ears back to show submission. That being said, their similarities are few. Dogs have spent hundreds of years living amongst humans and thus have evolved to be very different from their wild ancestors." If you watch Game of Thrones, you might have gotten this one wrong. In fact Animal Welfare would put a wolf, or a dog with wolf blood to sleep because they can not be trusted.


No. You can trust them for years, but eventually they will snap and turn on you just like a wolf. They can not be trusted. They are disloyal. They are uneducated. They are slow. They are lazy. And, hygene ~ there is no such word in Spanish.

Spics may look like human beings, but they are not anymore than a wolf is a dog. This is why we continually misjudge these animals. Our Southern Border has been in place since 1848, and we fought a war AND PAID Mexico for that line. Yet in 166 years later they still have no respect for our border. How much longer is the United States willing to put up with this?

Spics do not honor their agreements. They are barbarians and should be treated as such. (62% of rural Mexicans do not know how to use a flush toilet! Poverty in Mexico - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). Finding a way to put them to sleep would be the kindest way to handle them. Other alternatives are just too costly, and would not be appreciated.


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I have received a PM from Unkotare about using the word "****," so please allow me to clarify.

Americans demonize their enemies. During Viet Nam the term was "slant eyes." In Iraq it was "Diaper Head."

La Raza has made a concerted effort to control the use of certain words. They pressured television stations to stop using the words "undocumented worker," and "illegal alien." They demanded that the word "migrant" replace them. And, we let them do it.

Then words like "Beaner," Freeloader," "Wetback," and "****" became politically incorrect. Biting my tongue, I honored that. Now as America is beginning to understand the Hispanic agenda of invasion,Hispanics have become an enemy. Hence words like words like "Beaner," Freeloader," "Wetback," and "****," are perfectly acceptable.

Back in the 1950s President Eisenhower called his deportation program, "Operation Wetback." Operation Wetback - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Folks, we have the opportunity to take our language back. Let's get on top of this. If the shoe fits........


A picture is worth a thousand words,
and THE word is "Wetback."

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I have received a PM from Unkotare about using the word "****,"

No, you did not. You received an automated notification of a neg rep, you idiotic coward.

Your desperation is showing. You can see the writing on the wall. $4 BILLION for more Border Patrol, and Deportation Judges. That is $40,000,000 to deport each of 50,000 illegal Wetback children. America is going to deport all 12,000,000 of the freeloaders, and it should only take about five years. Why? Because when the illegal Spics figure out that if they "self-deport" they can avoid 18 months in prison before deportation, they will leave.

Why not look at the definition of the word "****" so that we know precisely what we are talking about.

Also, spik, spick.
Origin: 1910–15; earlier also spig, short for spiggoty; claimed, perhaps correctly, to derive from an accented pronunciation of ( No ) speak the ( English )
**** , spick or spik (spɪk)slang ( US ) a person from a Spanish-speaking country in South or Central America or a Spanish-speaking community in the US. Perhaps alluding to a foreigner's mispronunciation of speak.
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2014.

Yep, "****" is just another word they don't like. "Wetback," and "Beaner" are similar, mainly because they are true. Denotation, connotation........whatever. Just get them out! The Spics prefer calling illegal immigrants "Migrants." This is nothing but a way for these invaders to legitimize themselves, by removing words from the English language. Invading America with **** children, makes them an enemy. Demonizing enemies in a time of war is a natural human response. Let us not lose these effective words again to "political correctness."


I reversed myself on guns.
Thanks to the NRA the Second Amendment only applies to U. S. Citizens with guns! :banana:
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Cowardly idiots who understand and appreciate nothing about America cannot truly be called Americans in the most important sense of the word, no matter where they were born. Some lucky fools (such as a few posting here) may enjoy the status of US citizens, but they sure as hell don't deserve it.
Cowardly idiots who understand and appreciate nothing about America cannot truly be called Americans in the most important sense of the word, no matter where they were born. Some lucky fools (such as a few posting here) may enjoy the status of US citizens, but they sure as hell don't deserve it.

Oh, I don't know. One side of our family came to the United States in the 1880s. My great grandfather was was a medical doctor. He was invited to the United States because he was skilled. Sorry, I did not realize that you probably do not know the meaning of the English word "skilled." In one generation, his three children all spoke English with an American accent. Not easy. A tutor was used. All three graduated from college. It is still a requirement in our family.

How long have the Spics been trying to speak English without an accent? Since 1848 when America won the Mexican American War. What you hear in the streets is the results of 166 year of failed efforts to learn America's language. Wetbacks are not the brightest bunch on the planet. They have not figured out that the minute they open their mouth with that garbage version of Spanish they eliminate themselves from the better jobs. An American accent can not be faked by Hispanics. They must learn it by hearing it and using it. It is part of assimilation.

The other side of my family sports a Governor of Virginia before the American revolution, and military officers on both sides of the Civil War. Now, you can call America any kind of political system you want, but families like mine invested in, built, and own this country. No freeloader is going to take what we have accomplished. Bullets are cheaper than trials.


Do you have any other questions at this time?
And there is, of course, no 'overpopulation.'

You betray your ignorance. Here is a map of overpopulation from the United Nations. Looks like your crowd is one of the biggest offenders. You do realize that overpopulation means the nation can not sustain a quality standard of living for it's population? Hey, isn't that the reason the Spics are invading the United States! :eusa_hand:


Hey, I wonder why there are no "white" countries that have serious overpopulation?
Could it be that we do not have children we can not afford? Well, duh!
Hmmm....could education and intelligence be a factor?​
And there is, of course, no 'overpopulation.'

You betray your ignorance. Here is a map of overpopulation from the United Nations. Looks like your crowd is one of the biggest offenders. You do realize that overpopulation means the nation can not sustain a quality standard of living for it's population? Hey, isn't that the reason the Spics are invading the United States! :eusa_hand:


Hey, I wonder why there are no "white" countries that have serious overpopulation?
Could it be that we do not have children we can not afford? Well, duh!
Hmmm....could education and intelligence be a factor?​

Oh, let's just end immigration. Xenophobia is running rampant with the far rightists today.
We are all children of immigrants.

Immigration built our country.

Problem is...once we attain success, we want to slam the door on others.

Food for thought.
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ditto ^

IMO the problem isn't immigration, it's illegal immigration... well that and giving immigrants welfare. We should be ... selfish and only invite people / families that plan to be responsible for themselves.
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ditto ^

IMO the problem isn't immigration, it's illegal immigration... well that and giving immigrants welfare. We should be ... selfish and only invite people / families that plan to be responsible for themselves.

I think most do. Most tend to be hard workers - working multiple jobs to try and improve the chances for their families.

Even illegals - they are here because it's better than they came from.

They typically work harder and for less, far less, than many Americans.

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