Immigration is Destroying America.

Immigration isn't destroying America. Illegal immigration is just one symptom of Big Government Cronyism run amok.

IF...we didn't have a Welfare State for the benefit of The Poor, Big Corporations, and Public Employee Unions, then immigration would be a net benefit. Only those who could support themselves would have an incentive to immigrate (except for criminals, who should be incarcerated and deported).
There is, of course, no overpopulation. Not on the earth, and certainly not in the US. We are blessed with an abundance of room and resources. This reality shouldn't drive immigration decisions, but it is reality nonetheless.

I showed America's overpopulation in numerous posts throughout this long thread, supplemented with links. Lots of them. So go ahead. Make a fool of yourself. No law against it. :lol:

If anyone wants to read about our horrible overpopulation, all they need do is click on the search this thread button, and then click on the posts that come up, with my name attached to them. :D

The USA is NOT over populated...far from it. What we are, is overburdened with a corrupt, criminal, and tyrannical federal government.

If that government could be terminated and liberty restored, the nation might absorb third world immigrates and make them lovers of liberty and America. After all, many of those immigrants from Europe in the 19th and 20th century were just as ignorant and lacking in skills, as the central American illegals.
ditto ^

IMO the problem isn't immigration, it's illegal immigration... well that and giving immigrants welfare. We should be ... selfish and only invite people / families that plan to be responsible for themselves.

I think most do. Most tend to be hard workers - working multiple jobs to try and improve the chances for their families.

Even illegals - they are here because it's better than they came from.

They typically work harder and for less, far less, than many Americans.

Good point, but the part about working for much less is actually one of the reasons so many are opposed to immigration. They work for less than Americans and so take jobs away.

Tell the truth. Illegals work for less than BLACK Americans because that's who they are taking the jobs from.
There is, of course, no overpopulation. Not on the earth, and certainly not in the US. We are blessed with an abundance of room and resources. This reality shouldn't drive immigration decisions, but it is reality nonetheless.

I showed America's overpopulation in numerous posts throughout this long thread, supplemented with links. Lots of them. So go ahead. Make a fool of yourself. No law against it. :lol:

If anyone wants to read about our horrible overpopulation, all they need do is click on the search this thread button, and then click on the posts that come up, with my name attached to them. :D

The USA is NOT over populated...far from it. What we are, is overburdened with a corrupt, criminal, and tyrannical federal government.

If that government could be terminated and liberty restored, the nation might absorb third world immigrates and make them lovers of liberty and America. After all, many of those immigrants from Europe in the 19th and 20th century were just as ignorant and lacking in skills, as the central American illegals.

You can't MAKE someone a lover of liberty. The immigrants who came here from Europe LEGALLY were already lovers of liberty. That's why they came here. They didn't only come with nothing, they came expecting nothing. The ILLEGAL immigrants coming here now have great expectations and you are supposed to pay for them all.
Immigration is Destroying America.

You meant migration is destroying America. It is the great herd mentality , the grass is greener over here. Only the very thing they are running from they bring with them.

I showed America's overpopulation in numerous posts throughout this long thread, supplemented with links. Lots of them. So go ahead. Make a fool of yourself. No law against it. :lol:

If anyone wants to read about our horrible overpopulation, all they need do is click on the search this thread button, and then click on the posts that come up, with my name attached to them. :D

The USA is NOT over populated...far from it. What we are, is overburdened with a corrupt, criminal, and tyrannical federal government.

If that government could be terminated and liberty restored, the nation might absorb third world immigrates and make them lovers of liberty and America. After all, many of those immigrants from Europe in the 19th and 20th century were just as ignorant and lacking in skills, as the central American illegals.

You can't MAKE someone a lover of liberty. The immigrants who came here from Europe LEGALLY were already lovers of liberty. That's why they came here. They didn't only come with nothing, they came expecting nothing. The ILLEGAL immigrants coming here now have great expectations and you are supposed to pay for them all.

I cannot agree. My grandfather came here at 19 years of age, $22 dollars in his pocket, and had a sixth grade education...from Sicily. He came here looking for a better life, just as the illegals are doing. He worked hard and excelled as a small businessman.

The thing that screws this all up, is our out of control welfare state promoted by an out of control centralize progressive federal government.
I think most do. Most tend to be hard workers - working multiple jobs to try and improve the chances for their families.

Even illegals - they are here because it's better than they came from.

They typically work harder and for less, far less, than many Americans.

Good point, but the part about working for much less is actually one of the reasons so many are opposed to immigration. They work for less than Americans and so take jobs away.

Tell the truth. Illegals work for less than BLACK Americans because that's who they are taking the jobs from.

Illegals work for 17-25 an hour around here. Hard labor. Sheet rock, roofs, stone work, painting, lawns, land clearing, ....

I've never seen even one of the local black folk on even one of the labor crews, not even one. Near as I can tell they are either on welfare only, are working no more than part time at walmart, or they are professionals and white collar workers many with a college degree (aka the other 5% who vote republican.) But that's just what I see.
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So we should accept with open arms all those who wish to immigrate here legally, right ? And when 80% of the worlds population, ie. 5.7 BILLION people (living on less than $300/month) decides to come here, you want to let them all in, right ? Get a brain.

World Poverty Statistics | Statistic Brain

World population - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Moreover, we are one of the less impoverished nations on Earth. You can throw stats at me all day, your argument is still invalid.

He's asking if letting in everyone who wants to come from around the world, potentially billions, is a good idea. Get it now?

No. Anyone who wants to ban immigration outright makes zero sense to me.

Poverty drives immigration. We claim to be a nation of compassion, so do we deny those people another chance at success? Make them live on the streets because there's 'no room for them' here? No. We are a land of opportunity. Grow a heart (and a pair).

This is what happens when our doors are closed. Imagine how many people would come if we told everyone to come on in? It would overwhelm us and they'd be living in the streets anyways.

Thing is, we don't tell everyone to 'come on in.' We have laws that say you must do certain things before you can 'come on in.' Laws like such are designed so it doesn't 'overwhelm us.' Take your xenophobic trash elsewhere.

Poverty drives immigration. We claim to be a nation of compassion, so do we deny those people another chance at success? Make them live on the streets because there's 'no room for them' here? No. We are a land of opportunity. Grow a heart (and a pair).

This is what happens when our doors are closed. Imagine how many people would come if we told everyone to come on in? It would overwhelm us and they'd be living in the streets anyways.

Thing is, we don't tell everyone to 'come on in.' We have laws that say you must do certain things before you can 'come on in.' Laws like such are designed so it doesn't 'overwhelm us.' Take your xenophobic trash elsewhere.
Not any more. We are lawless now. Obama took all of the border guards off the border. Now instead of stopping them at the border the ex-border guards are now democrat processors who babysitting the new arrivals then sending them on their way.

What's your name.. ok how old are you.. ok.. here's your free pass some running money food underwear... have fun, vote democrat!
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The USA is NOT over populated...far from it. What we are, is overburdened with a corrupt, criminal, and tyrannical federal government.

If that government could be terminated and liberty restored, the nation might absorb third world immigrates and make them lovers of liberty and America. After all, many of those immigrants from Europe in the 19th and 20th century were just as ignorant and lacking in skills, as the central American illegals.

You can't MAKE someone a lover of liberty. The immigrants who came here from Europe LEGALLY were already lovers of liberty. That's why they came here. They didn't only come with nothing, they came expecting nothing. The ILLEGAL immigrants coming here now have great expectations and you are supposed to pay for them all.

I cannot agree. My grandfather came here at 19 years of age, $22 dollars in his pocket, and had a sixth grade education...from Sicily. He came here looking for a better life, just as the illegals are doing. He worked hard and excelled as a small businessman.

The thing that screws this all up, is our out of control welfare state promoted by an out of control centralize progressive federal government.

How much welfare did your grandfather get? How about medical care did he run off to the free ER when he got sick? Stop the free stuff. The illegals will stop coming and most of them will leave.
I showed America's overpopulation in numerous posts throughout this long thread, supplemented with links. Lots of them. So go ahead. Make a fool of yourself. No law against it. :lol:

If anyone wants to read about our horrible overpopulation, all they need do is click on the search this thread button, and then click on the posts that come up, with my name attached to them. :D

The USA is NOT over populated...far from it. What we are, is overburdened with a corrupt, criminal, and tyrannical federal government.

If that government could be terminated and liberty restored, the nation might absorb third world immigrates and make them lovers of liberty and America. After all, many of those immigrants from Europe in the 19th and 20th century were just as ignorant and lacking in skills, as the central American illegals.

You can't MAKE someone a lover of liberty. The immigrants who came here from Europe LEGALLY were already lovers of liberty. That's why they came here. They didn't only come with nothing, they came expecting nothing. The ILLEGAL immigrants coming here now have great expectations and you are supposed to pay for them all.

People usually came here to work because there was no work in the old country. Then they could also send money back home. Many dreamed of returning to their own country someday. This is what I remember from listening to those older generation relatives that came here in the early 1900's. Not everybody went through Ellis Island either like everybody says.
The USA is NOT over populated...far from it. What we are, is overburdened with a corrupt, criminal, and tyrannical federal government.

If that government could be terminated and liberty restored, the nation might absorb third world immigrates and make them lovers of liberty and America. After all, many of those immigrants from Europe in the 19th and 20th century were just as ignorant and lacking in skills, as the central American illegals.

You can't MAKE someone a lover of liberty. The immigrants who came here from Europe LEGALLY were already lovers of liberty. That's why they came here. They didn't only come with nothing, they came expecting nothing. The ILLEGAL immigrants coming here now have great expectations and you are supposed to pay for them all.

People usually came here to work because there was no work in the old country. Then they could also send money back home. Many dreamed of returning to their own country someday. This is what I remember from listening to those older generation relatives that came here in the early 1900's. Not everybody went through Ellis Island either like everybody says.

Then the democrats started electing people like Obama, Pelosi, Barney Frank, Harry Reid, ... really the worst scum bags they could find.
I think most do. Most tend to be hard workers - working multiple jobs to try and improve the chances for their families.

Even illegals - they are here because it's better than they came from.

They typically work harder and for less, far less, than many Americans.

Good point, but the part about working for much less is actually one of the reasons so many are opposed to immigration. They work for less than Americans and so take jobs away.

Tell the truth. Illegals work for less than BLACK Americans because that's who they are taking the jobs from.

Not only the blacks (you think all blacks have low-paid jobs?), but also the whites with lower education.

Poverty drives immigration. We claim to be a nation of compassion, so do we deny those people another chance at success? Make them live on the streets because there's 'no room for them' here? No. We are a land of opportunity. Grow a heart (and a pair).

This is what happens when our doors are closed. Imagine how many people would come if we told everyone to come on in? It would overwhelm us and they'd be living in the streets anyways.

Thing is, we don't tell everyone to 'come on in.' We have laws that say you must do certain things before you can 'come on in.' Laws like such are designed so it doesn't 'overwhelm us.' Take your xenophobic trash elsewhere.
So what do the beaners have to do before coming here? Mule some meth up?
Immigration isn't destroying America. Illegal immigration is just one symptom of Big Government Cronyism run amok.

IF...we didn't have a Welfare State for the benefit of The Poor, Big Corporations, and Public Employee Unions, then immigration would be a net benefit. Only those who could support themselves would have an incentive to immigrate (except for criminals, who should be incarcerated and deported).

FALSE! Only part of the immigrant population receives welfare. And those who support themselves with JOBS that they steal from Americans, are harm to those Americans + all immigrants harm all Americans with remittances$$ they remove from the US economy, weakening it. They also harm America by adding to the consumption of scarce resources, overcrowding schools, hospitals roads, and all the other things mentioned in the list of HARMS.
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There is, of course, no overpopulation. Not on the earth, and certainly not in the US. We are blessed with an abundance of room and resources. This reality shouldn't drive immigration decisions, but it is reality nonetheless.

I showed America's overpopulation in numerous posts throughout this long thread, supplemented with links. Lots of them. So go ahead. Make a fool of yourself. No law against it. :lol:

If anyone wants to read about our horrible overpopulation, all they need do is click on the search this thread button, and then click on the posts that come up, with my name attached to them. :D

The USA is NOT over populated...far from it. What we are, is overburdened with a corrupt, criminal, and tyrannical federal government.

If that government could be terminated and liberty restored, the nation might absorb third world immigrates and make them lovers of liberty and America. After all, many of those immigrants from Europe in the 19th and 20th century were just as ignorant and lacking in skills, as the central American illegals.

I showed America's overpopulation in numerous posts throughout this long thread, supplemented with links. Lots of them. So go ahead. Make a fool of yourself. No law against it.

If anyone wants to read about our horrible overpopulation, all they need do is click on the search this thread button, and then click on the posts that come up, with my name attached to them.
Moreover, we are one of the less impoverished nations on Earth. You can throw stats at me all day, your argument is still invalid.

He's asking if letting in everyone who wants to come from around the world, potentially billions, is a good idea. Get it now?

No. Anyone who wants to ban immigration outright makes zero sense to me.

I have never said I wanted to ban immigration outright (by "outright" I'm guessing you mean 100%) I have repeatedly said, throughout this thread, that there are exceptions in which I would WELCOME immigration. If you would read the thread before barging in here talking IGNORANCE, you wouldn't now be making a complete fool out of yourself.:lol:
We should ban and deport all non-whites and only allow immigrants who are white. At least that way we'd be getting people with IQs higher than a yardstick and who aren't gang-banging, murdering, rapin', dope-dealin' thugs who don't respect our laws or speak our language.
IMMIGRANTS come to land and SETTLE that land, create cities, laws, govern it but a MIGRANT is some socio-parasite from some turd world shithole who by the help of the leftist douchebag liberals comes here so sponge off of our welfare and never assimilate or become part OF our society.
WHITE immigrants made America and turd world migrants are ruining it.
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