Immigration is Destroying America.


Poverty drives immigration. We claim to be a nation of compassion, so do we deny those people another chance at success? Make them live on the streets because there's 'no room for them' here? No. We are a land of opportunity. Grow a heart (and a pair).

This is what happens when our doors are closed. Imagine how many people would come if we told everyone to come on in? It would overwhelm us and they'd be living in the streets anyways.

Thing is, we don't tell everyone to 'come on in.' We have laws that say you must do certain things before you can 'come on in.' Laws like such are designed so it doesn't 'overwhelm us.' Take your xenophobic trash elsewhere.

Now you're saying the same thing that Taz and I have been saying. And I see no reason for you to call his posts "xenophobic trash". YOUR posts a re "reash" jusat fo saying that. Watch your mouth!
This is what happens when our doors are closed. Imagine how many people would come if we told everyone to come on in? It would overwhelm us and they'd be living in the streets anyways.

Thing is, we don't tell everyone to 'come on in.' We have laws that say you must do certain things before you can 'come on in.' Laws like such are designed so it doesn't 'overwhelm us.' Take your xenophobic trash elsewhere.
Not any more. We are lawless now. Obama took all of the border guards off the border. Now instead of stopping them at the border the ex-border guards are now democrat processors who babysitting the new arrivals then sending them on their way.

What's your name.. ok how old are you.. ok.. here's your free pass some running money food underwear... have fun, vote democrat!

For once, I agree with you wholeheartedly. Good post.
LOL.Poverty drives immigration. We claim to be a nation of compassion, so do we deny those people another chance at success? Make them live on the streets because there's 'no room for them' here? No. We are a land of opportunity. Grow a heart (and a pair).

That's NOT our problem, though, is it? It's liberal fucks like YOU who promote this shit and then wonder why our towns and cities turn into ghettos and shanty towns for non-English yanmmering pieces of shit who try to make us accept their sub-human ways. If we're all the same as dumbfucks like you proclaim, then in a million years or so they will have it as good as us.
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We should ban and deport all non-whites and only allow immigrants who are white. At least that way we'd be getting people with IQs higher than a yardstick and who aren't gang-banging, murdering, rapin', dope-dealin' thugs who don't respect our laws or speak our language.
IMMIGRANTS come to land and SETTLE that land, create cities, laws, govern it but a MIGRANT is some socio-parasite from some turd world shithole who by the help of the leftist douchebag liberals comes here so sponge off of our welfare and never assimilate or become part OF our society.
WHITE immigrants made America and turd world migrants are ruining it.

You are right, except for the dumb racist parts. There are many blacks, Hispanics, Asians , etc. who are a credit to America, as medical doctors, scientists, engineers, etc, and many who are socio-parasite, worthless dirtbags. Among whites, there are people in both categories too.
You need only look at who has 'thanked' the ridiculously cartoonish racist diatribe above to know all you need to know about this thread.
You need only look at who has 'thanked' the ridiculously cartoonish racist diatribe above to know all you need to know about this thread.

Just curious uncletard, do you EVER respond on point? :dunno:
The USA is NOT over populated...far from it. What we are, is overburdened with a corrupt, criminal, and tyrannical federal government.

If that government could be terminated and liberty restored, the nation might absorb third world immigrates and make them lovers of liberty and America. After all, many of those immigrants from Europe in the 19th and 20th century were just as ignorant and lacking in skills, as the central American illegals.

You can't MAKE someone a lover of liberty. The immigrants who came here from Europe LEGALLY were already lovers of liberty. That's why they came here. They didn't only come with nothing, they came expecting nothing. The ILLEGAL immigrants coming here now have great expectations and you are supposed to pay for them all.

I cannot agree. My grandfather came here at 19 years of age, $22 dollars in his pocket, and had a sixth grade education...from Sicily. He came here looking for a better life, just as the illegals are doing. He worked hard and excelled as a small businessman.

The thing that screws this all up, is our out of control welfare state promoted by an out of control centralize progressive federal government.


Abolish the WELFARE STATE and immigration won't be a problem.

Lunatics and simpletons have nothing to offer in any serious discussion of the problem of illegal immigration (or anything else for that matter).
I wonder if there is anything left to this discussion but racists and dimwits repeating their anti-American nonsense endlessly. Some classless idiots see an important issue like how to stop illegal immigration as nothing more than an excuse to vent their pathetic, cowardly hate. Others are just too damn stupid to do anything but chant their own idiotic claims over and over as if they were gospel. Without reasoned discourse nothing will ever be done about this problem even if we do manage to light a fire under the asses of our languid legislators.
I wonder if there is anything left to this discussion but racists and dimwits repeating their anti-American nonsense endlessly. Some classless idiots see an important issue like how to stop illegal immigration as nothing more than an excuse to vent their pathetic, cowardly hate. Others are just too damn stupid to do anything but chant their own idiotic claims over and over as if they were gospel. Without reasoned discourse nothing will ever be done about this problem even if we do manage to light a fire under the asses of our languid legislators.

You're right.........................nothing left here but racists and dimwits repeating their anti American bullshit endlessly.

And yeah........................some are too damn stupid to do anything other than chant their own idiotic claims. Mainly happens to be the GOP and the Tea Party.

As far as illegal immigration? A couple of many of those who claim to be Americans are actually those who came from native roots, rather than those Americans who were immigrants?

Unless you're Native American, you're just some person who came here from a foreign land that decided because they liked the way the land was, decided to settle (and take over), the land that they saw.

If you're not Native American, you, and all of your family, are illegal immigrants.

I wonder what the Sioux would have thought about this debate.
As far as illegal immigration? A couple of many of those who claim to be Americans are actually those who came from native roots, rather than those Americans who were immigrants?

Unless you're Native American, you're just some person who came here from a foreign land that decided because they liked the way the land was, decided to settle (and take over), the land that they saw.

If you're not Native American, you, and all of your family, are illegal immigrants.

I wonder what the Sioux would have thought about this debate.

Oh gosh, how creative! What unexpected insight! :rolleyes:

I hate to break it to you, miss, but you are not the first dimwit to land upon that bit of meaningless banality. Give that juvenile douchebaggery a rest.
This is what happens when our doors are closed. Imagine how many people would come if we told everyone to come on in? It would overwhelm us and they'd be living in the streets anyways.

Thing is, we don't tell everyone to 'come on in.' We have laws that say you must do certain things before you can 'come on in.' Laws like such are designed so it doesn't 'overwhelm us.' Take your xenophobic trash elsewhere.

Now you're saying the same thing that Taz and I have been saying. And I see no reason for you to call his posts "xenophobic trash". YOUR posts a re "reash" jusat fo saying that. Watch your mouth!

I'll say whatever I wish. It is xenophobic. Why is it you two want to ban immigration altogether? Undermine the very core of America's being? Just like you to always fight the wrong battles. Using a fire hose on the candle instead of the raging inferno. You are woefully misguided. As I said before, take your xenophobic trash elsewhere.
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LOL.Poverty drives immigration. We claim to be a nation of compassion, so do we deny those people another chance at success? Make them live on the streets because there's 'no room for them' here? No. We are a land of opportunity. Grow a heart (and a pair).

That's NOT our problem, though, is it? It's liberal fucks like YOU who promote this shit and then wonder why our towns and cities turn into ghettos and shanty towns for non-English yanmmering pieces of shit who try to make us accept their sub-human ways. If we're all the same as dumbfucks like you proclaim, then in a million years or so they will have it as good as us.

And you are just as much of a troll as protectionist. And I absolutely love the fact that I get called liberal for the the sole liberal position I hold. I guess you can't be bothered to be as open minded as I am. At least I know stopping immigration would be a big mistake.

I cannot stand neo-conservatives like you. You are worse than the far left loons I encounter here on a regular basis.
Thing is, we don't tell everyone to 'come on in.' We have laws that say you must do certain things before you can 'come on in.' Laws like such are designed so it doesn't 'overwhelm us.' Take your xenophobic trash elsewhere.

Now you're saying the same thing that Taz and I have been saying. And I see no reason for you to call his posts "xenophobic trash". YOUR posts a re "reash" jusat fo saying that. Watch your mouth!

I'll say whatever I wish. It is xenophobic. Why is it you two want to ban immigration altogether? Undermine the very core of America's being? Just like you to always fight the wrong battles. Using a fire hose the on candle instead of the raging inferno. You woefully misguided. As I said before, take your xenophobic trash elsewhere.

Close the door to a) stop letting in illegals (of any colour or race), b) get out shit together in this regard, c) spend the money feeding OUR poor and homeless, d) make it illegal to hire illegals (you'd think that would be a given, lol), e) deport any non-Americans without work visas, green cards and the like, and THEN, re-open the border to legal immigration once again.

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The French who gave us the "Statue of Liberty" have restricted their immigration. "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free" for the French means give us only your high-skilled workers.

Why shouldn't we charge a $50k fee for anyone to become an instant US citizen. That would eliminate the government moocher & cover the cost of immigration on our citizens.
Now you're saying the same thing that Taz and I have been saying. And I see no reason for you to call his posts "xenophobic trash". YOUR posts a re "reash" jusat fo saying that. Watch your mouth!

I'll say whatever I wish. It is xenophobic. Why is it you two want to ban immigration altogether? Undermine the very core of America's being? Just like you to always fight the wrong battles. Using a fire hose the on candle instead of the raging inferno. You woefully misguided. As I said before, take your xenophobic trash elsewhere.

Close the door to a) stop letting in illegals (of any colour or race), b) get out shit together in this regard, c) spend the money feeding OUR poor and homeless, d) make it illegal to hire illegals (you'd think that would be a given, lol), e) deport any non-Americans without work visas, green cards and the like, and THEN, re-open the border to legal immigration once again.


It is NOT going to happen that way, so why waste your time with this nonsense about stopping LEGAL immigration? You only waste your time and energy on such self-indulgent bullshit when all that effort could be directed more productively toward addressing the real problem of ILLEGAL immigration.
Now you're saying the same thing that Taz and I have been saying. And I see no reason for you to call his posts "xenophobic trash". YOUR posts a re "reash" jusat fo saying that. Watch your mouth!

I'll say whatever I wish. It is xenophobic. Why is it you two want to ban immigration altogether? Undermine the very core of America's being? Just like you to always fight the wrong battles. Using a fire hose the on candle instead of the raging inferno. You woefully misguided. As I said before, take your xenophobic trash elsewhere.

Close the door to a) stop letting in illegals (of any colour or race), b) get out shit together in this regard, c) spend the money feeding OUR poor and homeless, d) make it illegal to hire illegals (you'd think that would be a given, lol), e) deport any non-Americans without work visas, green cards and the like, and THEN, re-open the border to legal immigration once again.


a) agreed
b) agreed
c) ironically, agreed
d) agreed
e) disagree. You shouldn't close the border to legal immigration at all.
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