Immigration is Destroying America.

Native American is anyone born in the US. If you're talking about indians, just say indians.

Indians ?? You mean people from India ? Calling Aboriginal Americans "Indians" is politically incorrect dontcha know - just ask the Washington Redskins .
Awwwww, phukkkk politically correct, and phukkk hem too, if they can't just accept the complement, and it pisses them off.

We could call them savage, barbaric, squabbling, incompetent, Neolithic hunter-gatherers who rarely demonstrated even a lick of sense, during the centuries that they were pushed west across the continent...

But 'Indians' seems much easier, and pretty much says the same thing...

Besides, who wants to play 'Cowboys and Aborigines'?

Or the 'Washington Primitives', for that matter?

Actually being one myself, I always looked on white organizations [such as] the Washington Redskins use of that name as something of a compliment and see nothing derogatory in it what so ever .
"Native American" obviously means something specific. People born in the US are native-born Americans, and of course, United States citizens.

Native American is anyone born in the US. If you're talking about indians, just say indians.

CORRECT. But Uncletard thinks he has to oppose everything I say. I still haven't figured out if he's human, or a programmed machine.
Close the door to a) stop letting in illegals (of any colour or race), b) get out shit together in this regard, c) spend the money feeding OUR poor and homeless, d) make it illegal to hire illegals (you'd think that would be a given, lol), e) deport any non-Americans without work visas, green cards and the like, and THEN, re-open the border to legal immigration once again.

It is NOT going to happen that way, so why waste your time with this nonsense about stopping LEGAL immigration? You only waste your time and energy on such self-indulgent bullshit when all that effort could be directed more productively toward addressing the real problem of ILLEGAL immigration.
I'd close the door until we can get our shit together. I'd be willing to keep letting anyone in who is a mensa candidate or who is already a millionaire, as neither would be a drain on us.

Thanks. This is approximately the same as how I stated it earlier in the thread.
we should take all the kids we have in orphanages and send them to canada or mexico.

*MOD EDIT* - Please review the rules.

Each post must contain content relevant to the thread subject, in addition to any flame. No trolling. No hit and run flames.
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1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).
Yes , there is job lose, but it has affected more afroamericans than whites.
2. Wage reduction.
Yes, with a higher supply of labour, wages are reduced. This also translates into cheaper goods and services though.
3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).
Taxes are lost to some extent, illegals still have to pay VAT for goods and services.
4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($170 Billion year).
5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.
Yes, some 35 billions which is about the 10% of the federal Budget for wellfare.
6. Increased crime.
7. Increased traffic congestion.
No, most illegals can't afford a car.
8. Increased pollution.
No, polution is more related to the use of fosil fuels than to illegals.
9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.
10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.
11. Overcrowding in government offices.
12. Overcrowding in schools.
An increase of 10% ... I wouldn't call it overcrowding.
13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.
14. Cultural erosion.
No, America is the product of many cultures.
15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)
No , most certainly not. Illegals represent the 3% of American population.
16. Introduction of foreign diseases
Yes, this can happen.

Too much to rebut, and I've already been on this computer for hours. You have agreed with about half of the list. The half you disagreed with, is proven to be correct. There is no way to disagree, (ex. just one more person in the US adds to pollution, one more driver constitutes INCREASED traffic congestion, etc.

Also welfare to immigrants far more than "10% of the federal Budget for wellfare" In 2009 (based on data collected in 2010), 57 percent of households headed by an immigrant (legal and illegal) with children (under 18) used at least one welfare program, compared to 39 percent for native households with children.

Also, I don't believe immigration has affected blacks more than whites. They have the benefit of affirmative action, and so are not at a disadvantage in that respect to the immigrants (most of whom are AA qualified)

PS - the correct term for blacks is Blacks, not African-Americans. I knew 4 guys who were born in Africa, and immigrated to the US, and became American citizens. They came from Tanzania, Botswana, South Africa, and Rhodesia (now called Zimbabwe). All 4 are African-American. All 4 are White.
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Dear protectionist,

Anyone who becomes a naturalized citizen is an American (with the exception of children born to illegals), therefore they are as equally entitled to a job as a natural born citizen is. It just now hit me how preposterous your argument is. It is discriminatory and xenophobic.
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Indians ?? You mean people from India ? Calling Aboriginal Americans "Indians" is politically incorrect dontcha know - just ask the Washington Redskins .
Awwwww, phukkkk politically correct, and phukkk hem too, if they can't just accept the complement, and it pisses them off.

We could call them savage, barbaric, squabbling, incompetent, Neolithic hunter-gatherers who rarely demonstrated even a lick of sense, during the centuries that they were pushed west across the continent...

But 'Indians' seems much easier, and pretty much says the same thing...

Besides, who wants to play 'Cowboys and Aborigines'?

Or the 'Washington Primitives', for that matter?

Actually being one myself, I always looked on white organizations [such as] the Washington Redskins use of that name as something of a compliment and see nothing derogatory in it what so ever .

As do many other American Indians. :eusa_clap:
Dear protectionist.

Anyone who becomes a naturalized citizen is an American (with the exception of children born to illegals), therefore they are as equally entitled to a job as a natural born citizen is. It just now hit me how preposterous your argument is. It is discriminatory and xenophobic.

Well if Being an American Patriot makes me "xenophobic" than I guess - I'm a xenophobe also. Is that going to be the new catch phrase for the socio-fascist machine - instead of labelling all opponents homophobes and misogynists and racists it's now going to be Xenophobic
Dear protectionist.

Anyone who becomes a naturalized citizen is an American (with the exception of children born to illegals), therefore they are as equally entitled to a job as a natural born citizen is. It just now hit me how preposterous your argument is. It is discriminatory and xenophobic.

Dear TM,

I've challenged you repeatedly on your race-carding use of the word "xenophobic" and you have taken the coward's path each time. Still waiting for a shred of evidence from you as to any xenophobia, but you can keep hiding under that desk if you wish.

What apparently has still NOT hit you is the idea of this thread. That those people who have become a naturalized citizen, should NOT have been accepted to do that, and when they are, they are swiping jobs from Americans, and swiping wealth from the US economy, via their remittances. You don't appear to be ready to be in this discussion.

As for discriminatory, that's what immigration law is. It is set to discriminate between what is harmless to the American people, and what is harmful to them (like the list of harms mentioned in the OP). Like discriminating about how much food to eat in a meal. The right amount is helpful. Too much is harmful. Get it ?
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Dear protectionist.

Anyone who becomes a naturalized citizen is an American (with the exception of children born to illegals), therefore they are as equally entitled to a job as a natural born citizen is. It just now hit me how preposterous your argument is. It is discriminatory and xenophobic.

Well if Being an American Patriot makes me "xenophobic" than I guess - I'm a xenophobe also. Is that going to be the new catch phrase for the socio-fascist machine - instead of labelling all opponents homophobes and misogynists and racists it's now going to be Xenophobic

It has been that for quite some time. I've been called a xenophobe against Hispanics, for at least 8 years now, despite the fact that I am Hispanic myself, and I speak fluent Spanish (since 1959).
As the law stands now, absent a Constitutional Amendment, anyone born here in the US is a US citizen despite any intentionally insulting or dismissive monikers some angry keyboardistas might try to hang on them.
Take with a grain of salt the size of Mt. Washington most self-evaluations that claim "fluency" in a second language. It's sort of like claiming to be rich, handsome, brilliant, or an invincible fighter. On the internet, anyone can claim anything.
As the law stands now, absent a Constitutional Amendment, anyone born here in the US is a US citizen despite any intentionally insulting or dismissive monikers some angry keyboardistas might try to hang on them. you support a Kenyan born in Hawaii, or do you support some radical tea bagger from Canada?

I'm guessing that you support the Canadian rather than the Kenyan.

Only question, why do you support the Canadian rather than the Obama who was born in America?

Obama was born in the state of Hawaii, Cruz was born in Canada. Does the Gadsden flag fly there?

I thought that it was a U.S. Navy flag.
Dear protectionist,

Anyone who becomes a naturalized citizen is an American (with the exception of children born to illegals), therefore they are as equally entitled to a job as a natural born citizen is. It just now hit me how preposterous your argument is. It is discriminatory and xenophobic.


All persons born in the United States are American citizens, regardless the immigration status of their parents.

And an immigrant is not 'illegal' until such time as one's immigration status has been determined by DHS or a court of law.
Dear protectionist,

Anyone who becomes a naturalized citizen is an American (with the exception of children born to illegals), therefore they are as equally entitled to a job as a natural born citizen is. It just now hit me how preposterous your argument is. It is discriminatory and xenophobic.


All persons born in the United States are American citizens, regardless the immigration status of their parents.

And an immigrant is not 'illegal' until such time as one's immigration status has been determined by DHS or a court of law.

Yes, but some want to keep the "Obama is Kenyan" delusion, while somehow turning Ted Cruz into "natural born".
Dear protectionist,

Anyone who becomes a naturalized citizen is an American (with the exception of children born to illegals), therefore they are as equally entitled to a job as a natural born citizen is. It just now hit me how preposterous your argument is. It is discriminatory and xenophobic.


All persons born in the United States are American citizens, regardless the immigration status of their parents.

And an immigrant is not 'illegal' until such time as one's immigration status has been determined by DHS or a court of law.

Don't you know a flaw in the naturalization clause when you see one? If you come here illegally, any children born to you after that time should be illegal as well. Don't lecture me, Clayton.
Dear protectionist.

Anyone who becomes a naturalized citizen is an American (with the exception of children born to illegals), therefore they are as equally entitled to a job as a natural born citizen is. It just now hit me how preposterous your argument is. It is discriminatory and xenophobic.

Well if Being an American Patriot makes me "xenophobic" than I guess - I'm a xenophobe also. Is that going to be the new catch phrase for the socio-fascist machine - instead of labelling all opponents homophobes and misogynists and racists it's now going to be Xenophobic

It has been that for quite some time. I've been called a xenophobe against Hispanics, for at least 8 years now, despite the fact that I am Hispanic myself, and I speak fluent Spanish (since 1959).

Wow. So you really are a bane to your own kind aren't you? Moreover, you epitomize the very thing you want to shut out of this country. You have no clue what an American is, perhaps you are more along the lines with the delusion of blonde hair and blue eyes one Austrian man once had in mind for Germany in the 1940's...
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Well if Being an American Patriot makes me "xenophobic" than I guess - I'm a xenophobe also. Is that going to be the new catch phrase for the socio-fascist machine - instead of labelling all opponents homophobes and misogynists and racists it's now going to be Xenophobic

It has been that for quite some time. I've been called a xenophobe against Hispanics, for at least 8 years now, despite the fact that I am Hispanic myself, and I speak fluent Spanish (since 1959).

Wow. So you really are a bane to your own kind aren't you? Moreover, you epitomize the very thing you want to shut out of this country. You have no clue what an American is, perhaps you are more along the lines with the delusion of blonde hair and blue eyes one Austrian man once had in mind for Germany in the 1940's...

Good Morning, A New Day is Dawning

25 Americans are going to die today at the hands of illegal Aliens. 8 more American Children are going to be molested today by illegal immigrants. 200 Americans are going to loose their Jobs today and be replaced by Illegal immigrant Scabs.

perhaps you are more along the lines with the delusion of blonde hair and blue eyes one Austrian man once had in mind for Germany in the 1940's
Oh yes ... that nasty little Progressive Socialist from Austria - Adolf Schicklegrubber . Actually the La Raza organization - the predominant Hispanic seperatist group in the SouthWest simply adored Adolf - in fact their group was founded by a Nazi Sympathizer.

The Raza program teaches that the inferior white race maintains influence only if minorities are oppressed and bizarrely attempts to explain all social, political and economic events in this context.

The concept and etymology of the La Raza (Spanish for The Race) reflects an organizational commitment to racial separatism and is actually derived from the theories of the 1930s and 40s espoused by Adolf Hitler. The term "la Raza" originated with the Mexican scholar Jose Vasconcelos, is la raza cosmica, meaning - the cosmic people. As per Aztlan: Essays on the Chicano Homeland "The concept of La Raza can be traced to the ideas and writings of Jose Vasconcelos, a Mexican theorist who developed the theory of la raza cosmica (the cosmic or super race)". Jose Vasconcelos was a Nazi sympathizer., Vasconcelos was the editor of Timan, a magazine sponsored by the German embassy in Mexico.

As the law stands now, absent a Constitutional Amendment, anyone born here in the US is a US citizen despite any intentionally insulting or dismissive monikers some angry keyboardistas might try to hang on them. you support a Kenyan born in Hawaii, or do you support some radical tea bagger from Canada?

I'm guessing that you support the Canadian rather than the Kenyan.

Only question, why do you support the Canadian rather than the Obama who was born in America?

Obama was born in the state of Hawaii, Cruz was born in Canada. Does the Gadsden flag fly there?

I thought that it was a U.S. Navy flag.

You seem to be all set having this conversation with yourself. Let me know if you need any actual input from another person, lil fella.

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