Immigration is Destroying America.

See? Even Wildman here gets it. Protectionist, you live this delusion only in your mind. Nobody else is dumb enough to think immigration is destroying America. In fact, we should be honored that people think of us enough to want to make a new life for themselves here--legally of course.
Anyone opposed to LEGAL immigration is an ignorant, unAmerican fool.

To be fair... prot may finally be onto a point of contention. Legal immigration does not mean proper. Corporations make shit up all the time to fool government employees into rubber stamping work visas. Checks are written to influence government officials to look the other way. Look at the H1b programs... how many millions of American tech workers are out of work? How many h1b visa tech workers are here in the States?

Look how many higher-skilled jobs have gone unfilled for years because there aren't enough qualified candidates to fill them. Fraudulent H-1b visas need to be identified but are less than a drop in the ocean of our issues with illegal immigration. There is no comparison between your suppositions about people who, as far as you know, are here LEGALLY and millions of people giving our border the literal bum's rush

Unfilled jobs? For years? I call BS.
To be fair... prot may finally be onto a point of contention. Legal immigration does not mean proper. Corporations make shit up all the time to fool government employees into rubber stamping work visas. Checks are written to influence government officials to look the other way. Look at the H1b programs... how many millions of American tech workers are out of work? How many h1b visa tech workers are here in the States?

Look how many higher-skilled jobs have gone unfilled for years because there aren't enough qualified candidates to fill them. Fraudulent H-1b visas need to be identified but are less than a drop in the ocean of our issues with illegal immigration. There is no comparison between your suppositions about people who, as far as you know, are here LEGALLY and millions of people giving our border the literal bum's rush

Unfilled jobs? For years? I call BS.

I have posted supporting information about this from many different sources dozens of times on this thread. Don't start going 'projectionist' on me and pretend you haven't seen it.
Look how many higher-skilled jobs have gone unfilled for years because there aren't enough qualified candidates to fill them. Fraudulent H-1b visas need to be identified but are less than a drop in the ocean of our issues with illegal immigration. There is no comparison between your suppositions about people who, as far as you know, are here LEGALLY and millions of people giving our border the literal bum's rush

Unfilled jobs? For years? I call BS.

I have posted supporting information about this from many different sources dozens of times on this thread. Don't start going 'projectionist' on me and pretend you haven't seen it.

Show me one high skilled job that went unfilled for years. I've never had a problem hiring a person for a high skilled job within a couple months. Note: Some companies are always hiring.. and firing / loosing employees. It's called turn over. Some companies put up job postings for the hell of it and never hire the qualified candidates. It's called giving the personnel department busy work and/or just having a ready set of candidates in case someone leaves.
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I have posted supporting information about this from many different sources dozens of times on this thread. Don't start going 'projectionist' on me and pretend you haven't seen it.

Show me one high skilled job that went unfilled for years.

Have you been infected by projectionist? I have posted about 100 links on this thread.

Yeah when someone posts dozens of links I don't click on any of them. Why would I want to spend the time searching through your 100links looking for the one that shows a single high tech job that went "un-filled" for 3 years?

As I said, I call Bull Shit on that claim.

Now if you changed your tune to there are always jobs available for high tech workers.. Well duh. That's why we have job markets. New job comes up you post your job in the job market, prospective employees submit their applications, someone reviews the apps, there are interviews, when someone gets hired the posting may come down, or not. This is the way it works. Thus there will always be unfilled jobs, this process has been going on since the dawn of civilization, not the last 3 years.
More like,

"People trying to use immigration as a wedge issue are destroying America."

America wouldn't even exist without immigration. But the ire with which some refer to immigration is the exact same ire once used to try and prevent Irish from immigrating. Same words, same sentiments, but instead of "Irish" now it's "Mexicans." And before Irish it was somebody else.

1. Few of their children in the country learn English ... The signs in our streets have inscriptions in both languages ... Unless the stream of their importation could be turned they will soon so outnumber us that all the advantages we have will not be able to preserve our language, and even our government will become precarious.

-Benjamin Franklin, Founding Father, on German immigration to Pennsylvania, 1750s

2. We should build a wall of brass around the country.

- John Jay, first chief justice of Supreme Court, regarding “Catholic alien invaders,” 1750s

4. The enormous influx of alien foreigners will in the end prove ruinous to American workingmen, by REDUCING THE WAGES OF LABOR to a standard that will drive them from the farms and workshops altogether.

- Opinion article in the Philadelphia Sun, 1854

5. Standing behind them are Christian employers of this land, who would rather import heathen willing to work for barely enough to sustain life than retain a brother Christian at a wage sufficient to live as becomes a Christian. We do not want Opium or the Chinese who grow it.

- Terence Powderly, Irish-American labor leader, 1892

6. We demand the change of the national naturalization laws by the repeal of the act authorizing the naturalization of minors…We demand for the protection of our citizen laborers, the prohibition of the importation of pauper labor, and the restriction of immigration…We protest against the gross negligence and laxity with which the Judiciary of our land administer the present naturalization laws, and against the practice of naturalizing aliens.

- statement of principles of the American Protective Association, 1894

7. Not a day passes but families are ruthlessly turned out to make room for foreign invaders. The rates are burdened with the education of thousands of foreign children.

- William Evans Gordon, British nativist, 1905

9. They are coming in such numbers and we are unable adequately to take care of them…It simply amounts to unrestricted and indiscriminate dumping into this country of people of every character and description…If there were in existence a ship that could hold three million human beings, then three million Jews of Poland would board to escape to America.

-Congressional hearing, 1920

Same phrases, different decade.
See? Even Wildman here gets it. Protectionist, you live this delusion only in your mind. Nobody else is dumb enough to think immigration is destroying America. In fact, we should be honored that people think of us enough to want to make a new life for themselves here--legally of course.

Being honored is OK. Putting up with all the HARMS of IMMIGRATION is NOT OK. And if you think that I'm the only one who KNOWS that immigration is destroying America, the delusion YOU are living is immense. Ask these people if they think immigration is destroying America >>


Or ask the tens of millions of Americans who are UNEMPLOYED and/or UNDEREMPLOYED. Or ask the people unable to get into a room, in hospitals clogged by immigrants. Or drivers on roads that would have less traffic without immigration. Or ask people getting foreign diseases brought in by immigrants. etc, etc.

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($170 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases
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See? Even Wildman here gets it. Protectionist, you live this delusion only in your mind. Nobody else is dumb enough to think immigration is destroying America. In fact, we should be honored that people think of us enough to want to make a new life for themselves here--legally of course.

Being honored is OK. Putting up with all the HARMS of IMMIGRATION is NOT OK.

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($170 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases

Legal immigration with quotas---------the only real answer.
I concur with must if not all of what you say here. I think we should arm each immigrant crossing the southern border, give them 35 dollars, a hundred rounds and turn them around to take back their country for the same "amazing" entermanuers that are taking as much as we are letting them, which is everything. The argument that they take jobs whites wont do or low paying jobs is a stupid argument. You are saying that we shouldn't care how low we let our poor dumb manual labor fall into poverty it won't affect us. dah. first they came for the jews you silly saps.
More like,

"People trying to use immigration as a wedge issue are destroying America."

America wouldn't even exist without immigration. But the ire with which some refer to immigration is the exact same ire once used to try and prevent Irish from immigrating. Same words, same sentiments, but instead of "Irish" now it's "Mexicans." And before Irish it was somebody else.

1. Few of their children in the country learn English ... The signs in our streets have inscriptions in both languages ... Unless the stream of their importation could be turned they will soon so outnumber us that all the advantages we have will not be able to preserve our language, and even our government will become precarious.

-Benjamin Franklin, Founding Father, on German immigration to Pennsylvania, 1750s

2. We should build a wall of brass around the country.

- John Jay, first chief justice of Supreme Court, regarding “Catholic alien invaders,” 1750s

4. The enormous influx of alien foreigners will in the end prove ruinous to American workingmen, by REDUCING THE WAGES OF LABOR to a standard that will drive them from the farms and workshops altogether.

- Opinion article in the Philadelphia Sun, 1854

5. Standing behind them are Christian employers of this land, who would rather import heathen willing to work for barely enough to sustain life than retain a brother Christian at a wage sufficient to live as becomes a Christian. We do not want Opium or the Chinese who grow it.

- Terence Powderly, Irish-American labor leader, 1892

6. We demand the change of the national naturalization laws by the repeal of the act authorizing the naturalization of minors…We demand for the protection of our citizen laborers, the prohibition of the importation of pauper labor, and the restriction of immigration…We protest against the gross negligence and laxity with which the Judiciary of our land administer the present naturalization laws, and against the practice of naturalizing aliens.

- statement of principles of the American Protective Association, 1894

7. Not a day passes but families are ruthlessly turned out to make room for foreign invaders. The rates are burdened with the education of thousands of foreign children.

- William Evans Gordon, British nativist, 1905

9. They are coming in such numbers and we are unable adequately to take care of them…It simply amounts to unrestricted and indiscriminate dumping into this country of people of every character and description…If there were in existence a ship that could hold three million human beings, then three million Jews of Poland would board to escape to America.
-Congressional hearing, 1920

Same phrases, different decade.

Yeah ? So what ? What's wrong with those phrases ? I see little or nothing to disagree with them about. They seem to describe our current situation quite accurately. And immigration is not a wedge issue. It is a real issue of harms to America which are maliciously imposed upon the American people by the various vested interests (mentioned numerous times in this thread)
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See? Even Wildman here gets it. Protectionist, you live this delusion only in your mind. Nobody else is dumb enough to think immigration is destroying America. In fact, we should be honored that people think of us enough to want to make a new life for themselves here--legally of course.

Being honored is OK. Putting up with all the HARMS of IMMIGRATION is NOT OK.

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($170 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases

Legal immigration with quotas---------the only real answer.

I have posted supporting information about this from many different sources dozens of times on this thread. Don't start going 'projectionist' on me and pretend you haven't seen it.

Show me one high skilled job that went unfilled for years.

Have you been infected by projectionist? I have posted about 100 links on this thread.

That's not what he asked you. Now please produce company name & address, and job title of > "one high skilled job that went unfilled for years"
Look how many higher-skilled jobs have gone unfilled for years because there aren't enough qualified candidates to fill them. Fraudulent H-1b visas need to be identified but are less than a drop in the ocean of our issues with illegal immigration. There is no comparison between your suppositions about people who, as far as you know, are here LEGALLY and millions of people giving our border the literal bum's rush

Unfilled jobs? For years? I call BS.

I have posted supporting information about this from many different sources dozens of times on this thread. Don't start going 'projectionist' on me and pretend you haven't seen it.

I haven't seen it. :D
Anyone opposed to LEGAL immigration is an ignorant, unAmerican fool.

To be fair... prot may finally be onto a point of contention. Legal immigration does not mean proper. Corporations make shit up all the time to fool government employees into rubber stamping work visas. Checks are written to influence government officials to look the other way. Look at the H1b programs... how many millions of American tech workers are out of work? How many h1b visa tech workers are here in the States?

Look how many higher-skilled jobs have gone unfilled for years because there aren't enough qualified candidates to fill them. Fraudulent H-1b visas need to be identified but are less than a drop in the ocean of our issues with illegal immigration. There is no comparison between your suppositions about people who, as far as you know, are here LEGALLY and millions of people giving our border the literal bum's rush
FALSE! I have repeatedly posted links in this thread, that prove what you are saying here is UNTRUE. Would you like to see them again ? (for about the 10th time) :doubt:
Show me one high skilled job that went unfilled for years.

Have you been infected by projectionist? I have posted about 100 links on this thread.

Yeah when someone posts dozens of links I don't click on any of them. Why would I want to spend the time searching through your 100links looking for the one that shows a single high tech job that went "un-filled" for 3 years?

As I said, I call Bull Shit on that claim.

I call lazy POS. It's all there.
Have you been infected by projectionist? I have posted about 100 links on this thread.

Yeah when someone posts dozens of links I don't click on any of them. Why would I want to spend the time searching through your 100links looking for the one that shows a single high tech job that went "un-filled" for 3 years?

As I said, I call Bull Shit on that claim.

I call lazy POS. It's all there.

Again, I call bull shit. Name one high tech job that one company has had on the job market for three years. Just one job that a company could not find a worker for, for three years straight. Just one.

To thwart you from calling me a lazy ass again, I wasted my time going back ten pages of this effing thread. You had one link to the WSJ that requires a subscription to read it, where some companies were claiming to have some unfulfilled jobs in a particular month.

Here's your link:

Having an unfulfilled job in a particular month is the only way it can work. There is no way to INSTANTLY FILL ALL JOBS IN A PARTICULAR MONTH. There will always be some jobs becoming available and some that just got filled that are no longer available. It's no different than walking into a grocery store and buying a gallon of milk. If the milk (jobs) are not on the shelf there are no jobs available. If there is milk on the shelf, that does not mean that a particular gallon of milk has been sitting there on the shelf for THREE YEARS.

I was being nice when I said bull shit, your statement isn't just bull shit, it is ludicrous.
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Have you been infected by projectionist? I have posted about 100 links on this thread.

Yeah when someone posts dozens of links I don't click on any of them. Why would I want to spend the time searching through your 100links looking for the one that shows a single high tech job that went "un-filled" for 3 years?

As I said, I call Bull Shit on that claim.

I call lazy POS. It's all there.

Then SHOW IT! NOW! Or shut up about it. :D

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