Immigration is Destroying America.

I don't want our country filled up like China, Inda or Japan as I enjoy the forest and the open spaces ;) 400 million at most would be great...

China's got an a awful lot of people, but outside of the big cities it's really not so crowded. As for Japan, 70% of the country is still covered in forest, so...

China has terrible pollution, you can barely see across the street in some places the air is so polluted. Once again, you show how ignorant you are. :clap2:
I like to hike,
I like Quit places
I like national parks ;)
I like to get away from it all.

All things to consider.
Who needs to keep the flood-gates open until we're jammed-in like sardines?

What-the-hell for?

Best to leave a bit of breathing space for our own descendants.

Rather than taking in large waves of new breeders that our descendants will curse us for, because we didn't have the balls to stand up and say: "No more".

Time to hang a "No Vacancy" sign on the Statue of Liberty for a couple of decades... Closed tor the next 20 years for repairs... Please apply again to immigrate, in the year 3034.

That's absolute nonsense (not to mention poor math). We are nowhere near 'crowded,'and fertility rates are falling like a stone across the board. Immigration policy should not be based on meaningless hysteria.
The US has very high levels of pollution, so in that sense, the US has no more room for more pollution.
I don't want our country filled up like China, Inda or Japan as I enjoy the forest and the open spaces ;) 400 million at most would be great...

China's got an a awful lot of people, but outside of the big cities it's really not so crowded. As for Japan, 70% of the country is still covered in forest, so...

China has terrible pollution, you can barely see across the street in some places the air is so polluted.

Ever been there, big mouth?
Who needs to keep the flood-gates open until we're jammed-in like sardines?

What-the-hell for?

Best to leave a bit of breathing space for our own descendants.

Rather than taking in large waves of new breeders that our descendants will curse us for, because we didn't have the balls to stand up and say: "No more".

Time to hang a "No Vacancy" sign on the Statue of Liberty for a couple of decades... Closed tor the next 20 years for repairs... Please apply again to immigrate, in the year 3034.

That's absolute nonsense (not to mention poor math). We are nowhere near 'crowded,'and fertility rates are falling like a stone across the board. Immigration policy should not be based on meaningless hysteria.
The US has very high levels of pollution, so in that sense, the US has no more room for more pollution.

Cleaner than we've been in many decades. And you need to take an introductory economics course.
China's got an a awful lot of people, but outside of the big cities it's really not so crowded. As for Japan, 70% of the country is still covered in forest, so...

China has terrible pollution, you can barely see across the street in some places the air is so polluted.

Ever been there, big mouth?

Wtf does that have to do with anything? Is it because you have no answer, again?

And yes.
China has terrible pollution, you can barely see across the street in some places the air is so polluted.

Ever been there, big mouth?

Wtf does that have to do with anything? Is it because you have no answer, again?
And yes.

If you are not lying (which is unlikely) then you know the terrible pollution is the result of decades of unenforced laws and regulations regarding pollutants and the absence of cleaner technology like we have today, not simply the number of people in the country. The fact that so much of China's economy is dependent upon exports should give even you some clue as to how your ignorance of economics is affecting your conclusions. If you really have been there as you say, you might know that big cities near or 'in the line of fire' from concentrated industrial areas are the places with the worst air pollution. One can find places outside the cities with lakes so clean that you can see straight through the pellucid water to the bottom. Of course, it is most likely you are lying and have never been there.
Ever been there, big mouth?

Wtf does that have to do with anything? Is it because you have no answer, again?
And yes.

If you are not lying (which is unlikely) then you know the terrible pollution is the result of decades of unenforced laws and regulations regarding pollutants and the absence of cleaner technology like we have today, not simply the number of people in the country. The fact that so much of China's economy is dependent upon exports should give even you some clue as to how your ignorance of economics is affecting your conclusions. If you really have been there as you say, you might know that big cities near or 'in the line of fire' from concentrated industrial areas are the places with the worst air pollution. One can find places outside the cities with lakes so clean that you can see straight through the pellucid water to the bottom. Of course, it is most likely you are lying and have never been there.

It doesn't matter WHAT the reason is, the FACT is that TODAY, there's way too much pollution. China has 3 times the population of the US, yet just passed the US in overall pollution, meaning that if they get up to the US' technological level, they'll pump out 3 times more pollution, even without a population increase. Why is there too much pollution in the world? Over-population. Less people=less pollution. Even you can grasp that simple concept.
That's absolute nonsense (not to mention poor math). We are nowhere near 'crowded,'and fertility rates are falling like a stone across the board. Immigration policy should not be based on meaningless hysteria.
The US has very high levels of pollution, so in that sense, the US has no more room for more pollution.

Cleaner than we've been in many decades. And you need to take an introductory economics course.
Still the second biggest polluter in the world and if every other country pumped out as much pollution per capita as the US, we'd all be in fucking BIG trouble!
You need to stop being so ignorant about pollution.
China has 3 times the population of the US, yet just passed the US in overall pollution, meaning that if they get up to the US' technological level, they'll pump out 3 times more pollution, even without a population increase. Why is there too much pollution in the world? Over-population. Less people=less pollution. Even you can grasp that simple concept.

You managed to fit TWO illogical conclusions into that one post. :eusa_clap:
China has 3 times the population of the US, yet just passed the US in overall pollution, meaning that if they get up to the US' technological level, they'll pump out 3 times more pollution, even without a population increase. Why is there too much pollution in the world? Over-population. Less people=less pollution. Even you can grasp that simple concept.

You managed to fit TWO illogical conclusions into that one post. :eusa_clap:

You're such a dishonest poster that you don't even quote yourself, which I was responding to. So here, I'll refresh your short-term memory for you: "...and the absence of cleaner technology like we have today...", so if China gets to our technological level, they'll pump out 3 times more pollution then they do today.
But the overall reason for too much pollution? Too many people. If the planet had 1 billion people instead of 7 billion, it wouldn't really matter how much pollution per capita we'd pump out, because the planet could probably absorb it all properly, which isn't the case right now. Pretty simple really, even for you.
Some of the same whites who are supposedly being "harmed" by immigration and Affirmative Action today are likely decendents of Eastern Europeans who arrived on Ellis Island at the turn of the century as immigrants. The same objections to immigrants that you surface today could have been applied to them back then.

It is not legal immigration that is harming anyone, it is illegal immigration.
Some of the same whites who are supposedly being "harmed" by immigration and Affirmative Action today are likely decendents of Eastern Europeans who arrived on Ellis Island at the turn of the century as immigrants. The same objections to immigrants that you surface today could have been applied to them back then.

It is not legal immigration that is harming anyone, it is illegal immigration.

So the US is at 400 million or so right now, with all the pollution that that entails. So when do you close the door? 600 million? 800? 1.2 billion like China? ...
China has 3 times the population of the US, yet just passed the US in overall pollution, meaning that if they get up to the US' technological level, they'll pump out 3 times more pollution, even without a population increase. Why is there too much pollution in the world? Over-population. Less people=less pollution. Even you can grasp that simple concept.

Oh brother...

You seem to assume that clean technology will not continue to improve the way that all other technology has over time...

You also don't seem to understand that China's industrial output is at present dedicated mostly to exports. If China's population were cut in half overnight their need for industrial production would not be.

China faces some unique challenges relating to its population, but within the next several decades those will shift decidedly toward the problem of having too rapidly shrinking a populace, with all the attendant issues that brings (and which almost all nations will 'soon' face).

All in all, you're just an idiot.
China has 3 times the population of the US, yet just passed the US in overall pollution, meaning that if they get up to the US' technological level, they'll pump out 3 times more pollution, even without a population increase. Why is there too much pollution in the world? Over-population. Less people=less pollution. Even you can grasp that simple concept.

Oh brother...

You seem to assume that clean technology will not continue to improve the way that all other technology has over time...

You also don't seem to understand that China's industrial output is at present dedicated mostly to exports. If China's population were cut in half overnight their need for industrial production would not be.

China faces some unique challenges relating to its population, but within the next several decades those will shift decidedly toward the problem of having too rapidly shrinking a populace, with all the attendant issues that brings (and which almost all nations will 'soon' face).

All in all, you're just an idiot.

I'm talking about today, not some time MAYBE in the distant future when everything will be hunky-dory. Sheesh, stop digging. The world has too many people. Deal with it.

China has 3 times the population of the US, yet just passed the US in overall pollution, meaning that if they get up to the US' technological level, they'll pump out 3 times more pollution, even without a population increase. Why is there too much pollution in the world? Over-population. Less people=less pollution. Even you can grasp that simple concept.

Oh brother...

You seem to assume that clean technology will not continue to improve the way that all other technology has over time...

You also don't seem to understand that China's industrial output is at present dedicated mostly to exports. If China's population were cut in half overnight their need for industrial production would not be.

China faces some unique challenges relating to its population, but within the next several decades those will shift decidedly toward the problem of having too rapidly shrinking a populace, with all the attendant issues that brings (and which almost all nations will 'soon' face).

All in all, you're just an idiot.

I'm talking about today...

No you're not. You specifically referenced a time when China catches up the America's technological level in terms of clean industry. That would indicate a future reference.
The world has too many people.

It does not, and before long every major industrial nation (and a little later, most other nations too) will have to figure out ways of dealing with declining populations. The fertility rate in the US fell below the replacement level of 2.1 children per woman some time ago. Only immigration has kept us at about even, but fertility rates are also falling among immigrant groups, Latinos most of all. 'Overpopulation' is a myth that is turning on its head even as we speak.
Some of the same whites who are supposedly being "harmed" by immigration and Affirmative Action today are likely decendents of Eastern Europeans who arrived on Ellis Island at the turn of the century as immigrants. The same objections to immigrants that you surface today could have been applied to them back then.
Yeah. Including my mother who arrived here from Denmark in 1929. SO ???

It is not legal immigration that is harming anyone, it is illegal immigration.

This idiotic notion has already been trounced 10 times in this thread. Try reading the thread before you come tumbling in here, and making a fool out of yourself.
The world has too many people.

It does not, and before long every major industrial nation (and a little later, most other nations too) will have to figure out ways of dealing with declining populations. The fertility rate in the US fell below the replacement level of 2.1 children per woman some time ago. Only immigration has kept us at about even, but fertility rates are also falling among immigrant groups, Latinos most of all. 'Overpopulation' is a myth that is turning on its head even as we speak.

Everyone knows the US is badly overpopulated and if anyone doesn't know it, they're an IDIOT. But that's not you. You just come in here and lie, as proven by your refusal to answer my charge that you're an immigrant with a vested interest for supporting immigration, regardless of the long list of harms to Americans.

You're a Muslim, Islamist, Muslim Brotherhood jihadist, immigrant invader, and you want to overthrow the US govt, abolish the US Constitution, and replace it with an Islamic state, and we all know that too.
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