Immigration is Destroying America.

China has 3 times the population of the US, yet just passed the US in overall pollution, meaning that if they get up to the US' technological level, they'll pump out 3 times more pollution, even without a population increase. Why is there too much pollution in the world? Over-population. Less people=less pollution. Even you can grasp that simple concept.

You seem to assume that clean technology will not continue to improve the way that all other technology has over time...

You also don't seem to understand that China's industrial output is at present dedicated mostly to exports. If China's population were cut in half overnight their need for industrial production would not be.

China faces some unique challenges relating to its population, but within the next several decades those will shift decidedly toward the problem of having too rapidly shrinking a populace, with all the attendant issues that brings (and which almost all nations will 'soon' face).

All in all, you're just an idiot.

A rapidly shrinking populace, for China, would be like an answer to a prayer. Why do you think they have had a one child policy for 35 years now ? Because they're concerned about having "too rapidly shrinking a populace", as you laughably stated it ?

Minister of the State Commission of Population and Family Planning Zhang Weiqing confirmed in early 2006, that China's one child policy is consistent with the nation's plan for population growth, and would continue indefinitely. He denied rumors that the policy become less stringent to permit a second child to the general population.

China One Child Policy - Overview of the One Child Policy in China
Just in case anyone was too dull or in denial to read the links I so kindly provided, the US is #142 out of 192 nations in population density. That is not at all "overpopulated" by any rational definition. The US is second in the world in terms of natural resources. That is plentiful by any rational definition.

We have more than enough room, more than enough resources, a history and tradition of assimilation, and benefit greatly as a nation from energetic, innovative, entrepreneurial LEGAL immigrants. Anyone whining to the contrary is denying the facts and hoping there are others out there stupid enough to do the same. Basically the DNC philosophy to political messaging.

HA HA HA. What a joke it is to read the post s of the uneducated, ignorant fool in our midst, who obviously has a vested interest here, by being an immigrant himself, and thereby doesn't want the condemnation and stigma (as he sees it) associated with it, and probably is riding a guilt roller coaster right now. Poor guy.

In any case, just to put the discussion back on serious, correct definitions, overpopulation has NOTHING to do with population density, generally speaking. If a certain location has a very high population density then sure, then people living there place could possibly suffer as a result. On the other hand, of they are equipped with a comfortable level of resources to suit their population (whatever the density) they should be quite all right.

Here is the CORRECT definition of overpopulation, as provided by Wikipedia >>

"Overpopulation occurs when a population of a species exceeds the carrying capacity of its ecological niche. Overpopulation is a function of the number of individuals compared to the relevant resources, such as the water and essential nutrients they need to survive. It can result from an increase in births, a decline in mortality rates, an increase in immigration, or an unsustainable biome and depletion of resources."

Overpopulation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And despite Unkotare lying ("more than enough resources"), anyone who has the slightest knowledge of resource supply in America, knows we have severe shortages in oil, gasoline, fresh water, arable land, and various minerals. A nation doesn't impose water rationing laws (ex. lawn watering & car washing restriction laws) because it has "more than enough" water. A nation doesn't IMPORT 70% of its oil because it has "more than enough" of it. And if that nation was wise enough to have a strict immigration (POINT) system for many decades, like Canada, then like Canada, it would be not be importing 70% of its oil, it would be EXPORTING oil, and adding $$$ to its treasury, as Canada is doing right now, as they sell oil to us (USA's # 1 supplier of oil)
Some of the same whites who are supposedly being "harmed" by immigration and Affirmative Action today are likely decendents of Eastern Europeans who arrived on Ellis Island at the turn of the century as immigrants. The same objections to immigrants that you surface today could have been applied to them back then.

It is not legal immigration that is harming anyone, it is illegal immigration.

So the US is at 400 million or so right now, with all the pollution that that entails. So when do you close the door? 600 million? 800? 1.2 billion like China? ...

My point was that the OP stated that immigration leads to Affirmative Action, which supposedly "harms the white population".

That is utter BS. When the face of immigration is not blond haired or blue eyed, that is when it becomes an issue in the minds of xenophobic "chicken littles".

However, the short term environmental impact of immigration on this country is debatable. When I travel (which is frequently) to states like Wyoming, Montana and Idaho, and certain parts of California, to name a few and see vast expanses of undeveloped land, it obviously does not paint a picture of any imminent danger of this country being overpopulated in the foreseeable future.

I will get back to you later after I research some information on the probability of that happening.

Yes, it sounds like you could stand to do a lot of research on overpopulation. Try taking a college Geography course. As for affirmative action, the more non-whites you have in America (especially those here for looking to fill American jobs), the more AA discrimination against whites you have. And of course that harms the white population. Same way that discrimination against blacks harms the black population, as they have been crowing about for so many years.
Oh... and a fresh, Conservative ruling on the 14th Amendment and Anchor Babies, while we're at it...

Even if it's only to prevent Illegals from spawning more and getting away with it in future...

As thousands of them arrive here in their 8th month of pregnancy. Gee, what a coincidence!! :doubt:
Oh... and a fresh, Conservative ruling on the 14th Amendment and Anchor Babies, while we're at it...

Even if it's only to prevent Illegals from spawning more and getting away with it in future...

Do NOT insult American citizens just for being American citizens.
It's the price the parents pay, for coming here illegally, and popping-out puppies, just so the ICE will be more reluctant to deport them, therefore rendering their babies as anchors...

Just calling them what they are...

Anchor Babies, who attained American citizenship only through an unfortunate and never-intended loophole in the 14th Amendment, which their parents so carefully calculated, in order to stay here, once the water broke...

Anchor Babies, who attained American citizenship via the back door...

Anchor Babies...

Exactly what they are...

Babies who Anchored their parents upon United States soil, even though they came here and stayed here Illegally...

The phrase 'Anchor Babies' is a very accurate and very powerful language tool, in the fight against Illegal Aliens, and in helping to raise awareness, so that fewer of them are spawned as we move forward in time...

And those opposed to the Illegals are under no obligation to accept your definition of what is insulting and what is not...

They are also under no obligation to refrain from issuing insults, if they like, due to the back-door means by which their parents attained citizenship for them...

Anchor Babies...

If the Foo shits, wear it...

Very well said!! :clap2: :iagree:
Some of the same whites who are supposedly being "harmed" by immigration and Affirmative Action today are likely decendents of Eastern Europeans who arrived on Ellis Island at the turn of the century as immigrants. The same objections to immigrants that you surface today could have been applied to them back then.
Yeah. Including my mother who arrived here from Denmark in 1929. SO ???

It is not legal immigration that is harming anyone, it is illegal immigration.

This idiotic notion has already been trounced 10 times in this thread. Try reading the thread before you come tumbling in here, and making a fool out of yourself.

Lol! First of all, this is a public message board, screwball. Secondly, you didn't "trounce" anything. You have an opinion, you stated it, and just because you believe it, that does not make it a fact.

Legal immigration has been one of the systems and processes that has made America the diverse country that it is.

For you to state that it is ruining the country considering that your own Mother arrived here as an immigrant makes you sound like some self hating nut.

Now what?

My mother having arrived here as a legal immigrant, does not make legal immigration acceptable. Something is or isn't acceptable based on whether it creates help or harm, not whether somebody's relative was engaged in it.

As for legal immigration, only a complete cretin would think that it is OK when your nation has millions of its own people unemployed. And if you are suckered into big businesses' ludicrious claims of a labor shortage (while wages are down), you're equally stupid. And if you think it's OK to bring millions more people into your country when you have 10 times the population you should have, you're incredibly stupid on that count as well.

But in your case, knowing your anti-white racism, your pathetic dependence on Affirmative Action (recently obliterated by the SCOTUS), I'm figuring you just want more immigrants, because they tend to vote Democratic, which you figure helps you as a black person. Sad state of affairs. :rolleyes:
Nothing new here. The US was built on immigration.

As I said, "prior to 1860"

What's the matter with you people ? Didn't they have college Geography in your town's college ? Didn't you take the course ?

Unbelievable. According to you, your own mother immigrated here from Denmark in 1929.

Based on you your "logic" you are part of the problem.

You're crazy.


What you just said makes no sense at all. I was born in the USA. I'm not part of any problem.
Just calling them what they are.....

"They" are my fellow citizens. If you want to insult US citizens for being US citizens then FUCK YOU and stay the hell away from my country.

You don't have a country. You have the UMMA (world wide community of Muslims)

You're a Muslim Islamist, immigrant invader, and you want to overthrow the US govt, and create an Islamic state.
So the US is at 400 million or so right now, with all the pollution that that entails. So when do you close the door? 600 million? 800? 1.2 billion like China? ...

My point was that the OP stated that immigration leads to Affirmative Action, which supposedly "harms the white population".

That is utter BS. When the face of immigration is not blond haired or blue eyed, that is when it becomes an issue in the minds of xenophobic "chicken littles".

However, the short term environmental impact of immigration on this country is debatable. When I travel (which is frequently) to states like Wyoming, Montana and Idaho, and certain parts of California, to name a few and see vast expanses of undeveloped land, it obviously does not paint a picture of any imminent danger of this country being overpopulated in the foreseeable future.

I will get back to you later after I research some information on the probability of that happening.

Yes, it sounds like you could stand to do a lot of research on overpopulation. Try taking a college Geography course. As for affirmative action, the more non-whites you have in America (especially those here for looking to fill American jobs), the more AA discrimination against whites you have. And of course that harms the white population. Same way that discrimination against blacks harms the black population, as they have been crowing about for so many years.

To answer your first nonsensical statement, I HAVE taken geography at the college level. You should start with a remedial high school version.

If you even remotely understood the concept of overpopulation, you would know that there are two important factors that drive it.

Population size and the relative resources available to support that population. The other factor is density of population not just the size of it.

Look those up and you will find some answers that you might be able to comprehend.

As far as Affirmative Action, you have waged the same incoherent argument repeatedly, only to reveal that you are angry and demoralized over not achieving what you wanted to in life and your excuse is that Affirmative Action did it to you.

Take that argument up elsewhere because I'm not having with you again.

I should have known from experience that any thread with you as the starter is like a visit to the Twilight Zone.

Carry on.
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Your ignorance is your own fault.
Once every ten years, the US Census Bureau tallies the number of souls residing upon United States soil...

They have been doing this every ten years, since the year 1790...

To the best of my (admittedly imperfect) knowledge...

We have never experienced a Census in which the tally of total resident souls was less than the tally obtained from the previous Census...

Including modern times...

If that's not a statistically defensible 'contra-indication' regarding Declining Population, then I don't know what is...

If believing rock-solid statistics makes me 'ignorant' in your eyes, then I'm just going to have to live with that disappointment...

Ignorant fool.

U.S birth rate falls to record low - Sep. 6, 2013

U.S. Population Falls to Dangerous Levels Below Replacement Rate |

As U.S. birth rate drops, concern for the future mounts
Wake me up when the 2020 Census figures are published.

I've got a sawbuck burnin' a hole in my pocket which says that it will be higher than 2010.

That's the only number that signifies.

So far, the ever-increasing numbers support my position on the subject.

As in every single 10-year Census since 1790.

Let me know when you've got a Census number that indicates a decrease, which substantiates your position on the subject, beyond the realm of the speculative...

Rate-of-growth doesn't count.

Just the basic head-count of souls.

And even if the numbers ever DO decrease within our lifetimes...

What's wrong with that?

More for the rest of us.

This country did just fine when the population was at the 180 or 200 or 250 million mark.

We'll do just fine if it ever drops to that level again.

We don't need any more new mouths to feed.



A fool?


But I console myself that at least I"m a fool who knows how to say "No" to the pro-Illegals crowd, who would flood us with more second- and third-world shithole refugees...

As well as having the courage to take the brickbats of those who cannot bully me into accepting their position on the subject.

I would not have treated you in such a manner and called you such names, simply because you disagreed with me.

But this was not my choice to make... it was yours.

Consequently, and with your kind permission... and even without it.

Please feel free to blow it out your ass, at your discretion and earliest convenience.

Thank you for your attention in this matter.
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Your ignorance is your own fault.
Once every ten years, the US Census Bureau tallies the number of souls residing upon United States soil...

They have been doing this every ten years, since the year 1790...

To the best of my (admittedly imperfect) knowledge...

We have never experienced a Census in which the tally of total resident souls was less than the tally obtained from the previous Census...

Including modern times...

If that's not a statistically defensible 'contra-indication' regarding Declining Population, then I don't know what is...

If believing rock-solid statistics makes me 'ignorant' in your eyes, then I'm just going to have to live with that disappointment...
Ignorant fool.

U.S birth rate falls to record low - Sep. 6, 2013

U.S. Population Falls to Dangerous Levels Below Replacement Rate |

As U.S. birth rate drops, concern for the future mounts

If you're so upset about birth rate drops, then immigration ought to upset you even more, since it is those immigrants (particularly from Mexico) who are most responsible for those previous birth rate drops (which are no longer the case).

In the recession years 2007 to 2010, the overall number of births declined 7%, but births to foreign-born mothers fell 13% while births to U.S.-born women decreased only 5%. Birth rate declines were especially sharp for Mexican immigrant women (down 23% from 2007 to 2010).
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My point was that the OP stated that immigration leads to Affirmative Action, which supposedly "harms the white population".

That is utter BS. When the face of immigration is not blond haired or blue eyed, that is when it becomes an issue in the minds of xenophobic "chicken littles".

However, the short term environmental impact of immigration on this country is debatable. When I travel (which is frequently) to states like Wyoming, Montana and Idaho, and certain parts of California, to name a few and see vast expanses of undeveloped land, it obviously does not paint a picture of any imminent danger of this country being overpopulated in the foreseeable future.

I will get back to you later after I research some information on the probability of that happening.

Yes, it sounds like you could stand to do a lot of research on overpopulation. Try taking a college Geography course. As for affirmative action, the more non-whites you have in America (especially those here for looking to fill American jobs), the more AA discrimination against whites you have. And of course that harms the white population. Same way that discrimination against blacks harms the black population, as they have been crowing about for so many years.

To answer your first nonsensical statement, I HAVE taken geography at the college level. You should start with a remedial high school version.

If you even remotely understood the concept of overpopulation, you would know that there are two important factors that drive it.

Population size and the relative resources available to support that population. The other factor is density of population not just the size of it.

Look those up and you will find some answers that you might be able to comprehend.

As far as Affirmative Action, you have waged the same incoherent argument repeatedly, only to reveal that you are angry and demoralized over not achieving what you wanted to in life and your excuse is that Affirmative Action did it to you.

Take that argument up elsewhere because I'm not having with you again.

I should have known from experience that any thread with you as the starter is like a visit to the Twilight Zone.

Carry on.

Geography was my major in college, and I graduated with BA in it (and one in economics as well) form the City University of New York. I then taught Geography in 4 colleges of the CUNY for 3 years.

As for your illustrious definition of overpopulation, you're too late, I (the qualified one) already gave the definition of it, in Post # 382. Look that up and you will find the answers that you might be able to comprehend. Try reading the thread before you come tumbling in here, showing off how foolish you can be.

As for affirmative action, it is only mentioned as a slight side point in just one of the 16 items in the list of Harms of immigration. Overall, it is relatively slight, but as the anti-white racist that you are, it's predictable that you would come in here blowing it up as a big issue. We will now return to the topic > immigration.
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Just calling them what they are.....

"They" are my fellow citizens. If you want to insult US citizens for being US citizens then FUCK YOU and stay the hell away from my country.
No, I want to punish their parents.

And the best way to do that is to show them the label that they have earned for their offspring.

As to your insult, this, I fear, is the fate which awaits anyone who dares to raise their voice, and to oppose your pro-Illegals stance, and your twisted attempts to put words into peoples' mouths and to insult and discredit them.

A fate which one must sometimes steel one's self against, in order to take-up and sustain a strong anti-Illegals counter-stance.

I have already told you... those who maintain an anti-Illegals stance are NOT obliged to accept your definition of what constitutes an insult, and what does not.

The phrase "Anchor Babies" accurately and concisely portrays the state of affairs which their parents have caused to materialize, by breaking our laws, coming here illegally, and popping-out puppies on US soil, so that the parents were 'anchored' to US soil and so that the ICE will be reluctant to deport the parents.

Don't like the appellation?

Then don't create the scenario.

Else suffer the consequences (popular labeling).

Welcome to your consequences.

As to 'staying away from your country'...

On the outside chance that you are referring to the United States...

I have served in the US Armed Forces and have earned my right to speak...

Have you served your country in a similar fashion?

Don't push your luck with me, pissant...

I have not gone out of my way to insult you...

I would rather not make a permanent enemy out of you, simply because we disagree on the subject of immigration...

But if that's the way your juvenile mind wants it, then you can certainly have it that way... won't bother me in the slightest.

It all rests with you..

Meanwhile, consider the obscene suggestion to have been turned-back upon yourself...
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Just calling them what they are.....

"They" are my fellow citizens. If you want to insult US citizens for being US citizens then FUCK YOU and stay the hell away from my country.
No, I want to punish their parents.

And the best way to do that is to show them the label that they have earned for their offspring.

As to your insult, this, I fear, is the fate which awaits anyone who dares to raise their voice, and to oppose your pro-Illegals stance, and your twisted attempts to put words into peoples' mouths and to insult and discredit them.

A fate which one must sometimes steel one's self against, in order to take-up and sustain a strong anti-Illegals counter-stance.

I have already told you... those who maintain an anti-Illegals stance are NOT obliged to accept your definition of what constitutes an insult, and what does not.

The phrase "Anchor Babies" accurately and concisely portrays the state of affairs which their parents have caused to materialize, by breaking our laws, coming here illegally, and popping-out puppies on US soil, so that the parents were 'anchored' to US soil and so that the ICE will be reluctant to deport the parents.

Don't like the appellation?

Then don't create the scenario.

Else suffer the consequences (popular labeling).

Welcome to your consequences.

As to 'staying away from your country'...

On the outside chance that you are referring to the United States...

I have served in the US Armed Forces and have earned my right to speak...

Have you served your country in a similar fashion?

Don't push your luck with me, pissant...

I have not gone out of my way to insult you...

I would rather not make a permanent enemy out of you, simply because we disagree on the subject of immigration...

But if that's the way your juvenile mind wants it, then you can certainly have it that way... won't bother me in the slightest.

It all rests with you..

Unaware is a consistent and incurable TROLL. If what you say annoys him, he will TROLL you to the ends of the earth.
Lots of posting history to support that.
Yes, it sounds like you could stand to do a lot of research on overpopulation. Try taking a college Geography course. As for affirmative action, the more non-whites you have in America (especially those here for looking to fill American jobs), the more AA discrimination against whites you have. And of course that harms the white population. Same way that discrimination against blacks harms the black population, as they have been crowing about for so many years.

To answer your first nonsensical statement, I HAVE taken geography at the college level. You should start with a remedial high school version.

If you even remotely understood the concept of overpopulation, you would know that there are two important factors that drive it.

Population size and the relative resources available to support that population. The other factor is density of population not just the size of it.

Look those up and you will find some answers that you might be able to comprehend.

As far as Affirmative Action, you have waged the same incoherent argument repeatedly, only to reveal that you are angry and demoralized over not achieving what you wanted to in life and your excuse is that Affirmative Action did it to you.

Take that argument up elsewhere because I'm not having with you again.

I should have known from experience that any thread with you as the starter is like a visit to the Twilight Zone.

Carry on.

Geography was my major in college, and I graduated with BA in it (and one in economics as well) form the City University of New York. I then taught Geography in 4 colleges of the CUNY for 3 years.

As for your illustrious definition of overpopulation, you're too late, I (the qualified one) already gave the definition of it, in Post # 382. Look that up and you will find the answers that you might be able to comprehend. Try reading the thread before you come tumbling in here, showing off how foolish you can be.

As for affirmative action, it is only mentioned as a slight side point in just one of the 16 items in the list of Harms of immigration. Overall, it is relatively slight, but as the anti-white racist that you are, it's predictable that you would come in here blowing it up as a big issue. We will now return to the topic > immigration.

No "Deflectionist" YOU are the one who is using immigration as a platform to go on a tirade about Affirmative Action. Furthermore, I am not "anti" anyone when it come to race, and I invite you to produce any post that I have put up that even appears as such.

Since you like to reference post numbers so much, look at your post #384' where you actually make the statement that the presence of non white immigrants takes jobs from American whites, which is a joke because of the fact that many of these immigrants that you are so distressed over are standing in front of Home Depot stores all over America looking for work as day laborers.

Doing the kind of work without benefits, and other privileges that those like you won't do, but by the same token get angry about them being here to do it.

We know the drill with you and Affirmative Action, so yes, let's go back to immigration. And leave geography out of it too, because you do not converse on that subject like one who has mastered that either.

Regarding immigration, you claim that your own mother immigrated here in 1929 from Denmark.

Since your theory is that immigration was effective until 1860, how do you feel about her "invading" America when America did not improve by her presence here?

After all, according to you, legal as well as illegal immigration is having a negative impact on the country.

Take your time and think about it.
To answer your first nonsensical statement, I HAVE taken geography at the college level. You should start with a remedial high school version.

If you even remotely understood the concept of overpopulation, you would know that there are two important factors that drive it.

Population size and the relative resources available to support that population. The other factor is density of population not just the size of it.

Look those up and you will find some answers that you might be able to comprehend.

As far as Affirmative Action, you have waged the same incoherent argument repeatedly, only to reveal that you are angry and demoralized over not achieving what you wanted to in life and your excuse is that Affirmative Action did it to you.

Take that argument up elsewhere because I'm not having with you again.

I should have known from experience that any thread with you as the starter is like a visit to the Twilight Zone.

Carry on.

Geography was my major in college, and I graduated with BA in it (and one in economics as well) form the City University of New York. I then taught Geography in 4 colleges of the CUNY for 3 years.

As for your illustrious definition of overpopulation, you're too late, I (the qualified one) already gave the definition of it, in Post # 382. Look that up and you will find the answers that you might be able to comprehend. Try reading the thread before you come tumbling in here, showing off how foolish you can be.

As for affirmative action, it is only mentioned as a slight side point in just one of the 16 items in the list of Harms of immigration. Overall, it is relatively slight, but as the anti-white racist that you are, it's predictable that you would come in here blowing it up as a big issue. We will now return to the topic > immigration.

No "Deflectionist" YOU are the one who is using immigration as a platform to go on a tirade about Affirmative Action. Furthermore, I am not "anti" anyone when it come to race, and I invite you to produce any post that I have put up that even appears as such.

Since you like to reference post numbers so much, look at your post #384' where you actually make the statement that the presence of non white immigrants takes jobs from American whites, which is a joke because of the fact that many of these immigrants that you are so distressed over are standing in front of Home Depot stores all over America looking for work as day laborers.

Doing the kind of work without benefits, and other privileges that those like you won't do, but by the same token get angry about them being here to do it.

We know the drill with you and Affirmative Action, so yes, let's go back to immigration. And leave geography out of it too, because you do not converse on that subject like one who has mastered that either.

Regarding immigration, you claim that your own mother immigrated here in 1929 from Denmark.

Since your theory is that immigration was effective until 1860, how do you feel about her "invading" America when America did not improve by her presence here?

After all, according to you, legal as well as illegal immigration is having a negative impact on the country.

Take your time and think about it.

1. This is one of the absolutely DUMBEST things I've ever heard in 15 years of computer posting. DUDE! I have been writing on immigration for at least 8 years. I have written HUNDREDS of OP's on the subject in about a dozen different forums. I have supplied hundreds of factual links on immigration, mostly from FAIR (Federation for American Immigration Reform), NumbersUSA, and CIS (Center for Immigration Studies). In contrast, I could count on one hand how many OPs I've written on Affirmative Action. In no way, is affirmative action a main subject to me, with immigration just a platform for it.

While I oppose Affirmative Action vigorously, it is a very minor subject in my history of computer posting, compared to 1) immigration and 2) Muslim jihad.

The next time you want to cast aspersions, do a little checking first, so you'll at least be remotely close to being right. In this case you were about as close as Florida to Pluto.

2. About as dumb as that, is your feeble attempt to pass off the billion times refuted notion of "jobs Americans won't do". HA HA. Hopefully after this, you'll have some idea of how ridiculous that is, (And how many times it's been refuted just in this thread alone). The myth that Americans won't touch the jobs immigrants take, was debunked 10 years ago by the CIS study that found of the 472 civilian occupations checked, only six were majority immigrant (legal and illegal). These six occupations account for 1 percent of the total U.S. workforce. Moreover, native-born Americans still comprise 46 percent of workers even in these occupations.

Many jobs often thought to be overwhelmingly immigrant (legal and illegal) are in fact majority native-born:

Maids and housekeepers: 51 percent native-born
Taxi drivers and chauffeurs: 58 percent native-born
Butchers and meat processors: 63 percent native-born
Grounds maintenance workers: 64 percent native-born
Construction laborers: 66 percent native-born
Porters, bellhops, and concierges: 72 percent native-born
Janitors: 73 percent native-born

In addition, the toughest, dirtiest, and most dangerous jobs in America are being done almost entirely by Americans, without an immigrant anywhere in sight. Some of these are coal miners, firefighters, troops in Afghanistan, and combat construction specialists in the Army Corps of Engineers. The last one I did for 5 years. Many immigrants, if not most, wouldn't touch this work, and might faint just watching the work we did (which is simply the hardest work there is in America). It is not only the hardest work, but being military, we did it in all kinds of weather, hot or cold, rain or shine, from sunrise to sunset, and wearing heavy fatigues, combat boots, steel pot helmets, a loaded pack, and a pistol belt with a full canteen.

Now comes the interesting part. After getting the BIG, black, rubber floats strapped together, and all across the river, we then started loading the BALKS. They're 20 feet long, 2 feet wide, 2 feet tall, made of steel, and weigh half a ton each. IN the army, there are no cranes. These balks have HANDLES on them. 10 on each side. After unloading these monsters off the truck. WE lug them. From the truck, down a rough, bumpy slope to the bridge site. Then again, the sergeant says "Ready....Heave" And we lift (50 pounds per man), and we carry it on to the bridge, and put it in place. Hopefully, it's not wet and slippery.

This is absolutely the hardest work there is in America. No, there were no foreigners there. No Mexicans. Good thing. We didn't have any paramedics on hand to administer to them, when they faint, just from watching us.

3. If you really must know, I don't know how I feel about my mother's immigration. I would oppose the idea of it, especially being in 1929 at the beginning of the great depression, when so many American were out of work. On the other hand, as I've stated many times (including in this thread which you'd find if you ever read it) there are 2 exceptions to my opposition to immigration. These are 1) immigrants bring capital to open business, and create jobs FOR AMERICANS and 2) immigrants bringing specialized skills uncommon here, which can help to make us a better country.
It so happens that my grandfather does fit this description, having been a well-establish Danish carpenter in Denmark, which is a skill rare in the US in 1929, and highly in demand, since Danish carpentry and furniture (like pastry-making) is highly regarded throughout the world. So I would say yes and no. I do know that my grandfather was employed within 3 days of his arrival in America, was not unemployed a single day during the 1930s, an indication that he had something the Americans of his time did not have, so he wasn't really taking a job away from anyone, because they didn't have the skill he had.
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Population size and the relative resources available to support that population. The other factor is density of population not just the size of it.

And as I have proven time and time again, the US has low population density and an amazing bounty of natural (not to mention human) resources. Ignorant cowards like some of those posting here are not interested in the truth, they just want an excuse to rationalize their fear and weakness.
Wake me up when the 2020 Census figures are published.

Wake up now. We fell below replacement levels of fertility in 2007. Our overall population is about holding steady because of our high rate of immigration.
Rate-of-growth doesn't count.

Just the basic head-count of souls.

That's not all that counts, which you would realize if you stopped and thought about it for a second.

A: 20 people, including 15 working-age people supporting 5 elderly people who no longer work

B: 20 people, including 5 working-age people supporting 15 elderly people who no longer work

'A' is tenable, 'B' is not. The more you move from A to B the more evident this becomes. Obviously, the total number is not the only key variable. That is just one example. I'll show you enough respect to let you think about all the other possible ones related to this discussion and to draw your own conclusions. Go ahead, you can do it. A........B........

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