Immigration is Destroying America.

Just in case anyone was too dull or in denial to read the links I so kindly provided, the US is #142 out of 192 nations in population density. That is not at all "overpopulated" by any rational definition. The US is second in the world in terms of natural resources. That is plentiful by any rational definition.

We have more than enough room, more than enough resources, a history and tradition of assimilation, and benefit greatly as a nation from energetic, innovative, entrepreneurial LEGAL immigrants. Anyone whining to the contrary is denying the facts and hoping there are others out there stupid enough to do the same. Basically the DNC philosophy to political messaging.
Just in case anyone was too dull or in denial to read the links I so kindly provided, the US is #142 out of 192 nations in population density. That is not at all "overpopulated" by any rational definition. The US is second in the world in terms of natural resources. That is plentiful by any rational definition.

We have more than enough room, more than enough resources, a history and tradition of assimilation, and benefit greatly as a nation from energetic, innovative, entrepreneurial LEGAL immigrants. Anyone whining to the contrary is denying the facts and hoping there are others out there stupid enough to do the same. Basically the DNC philosophy to political messaging.

Do you think that if you keep forgetting to mention that the US is number 2 worldwide as a polluter, that nobody will notice? And that nobody's noticed the droughts happening in the US?
Keep living in your fantasy world where men wear women's hairdos. :lol:
Just in case anyone was too dull or in denial to read the links I so kindly provided, the US is #142 out of 192 nations in population density. That is not at all "overpopulated" by any rational definition. The US is second in the world in terms of natural resources. That is plentiful by any rational definition.

We have more than enough room, more than enough resources, a history and tradition of assimilation, and benefit greatly as a nation from energetic, innovative, entrepreneurial LEGAL immigrants. Anyone whining to the contrary is denying the facts and hoping there are others out there stupid enough to do the same. Basically the DNC philosophy to political messaging.

Do you think that if you keep forgetting to mention that the US is number 2 worldwide as a polluter, that nobody will notice? And that nobody's noticed the droughts happening in the US?
Keep living in your fantasy world where men wear women's hairdos. :lol:

:eek::eek::eek: holy shit, everybody run, we are all going to boil if we don't stop driving SUVs and pissing in the rivers. :badgrin: algore said so, run run run, :cuckoo:

CO2 is a naturally occuring odorless, tasteless gas. Plants cannot survive without it. It is not a pollutant. Some of the other crap being spewed out by china and india is polluting, but CO2 is not.

But you left wing fools never understand that pollution and climate change are two completely different things. There is no direct link between them. Oh, some so-called scientists and idiots like gore have tried to make a link, but they have all been disproven.

It is true that man is polluting the planet-------it is not true that that pollution is causing the climate to change.
Some of the same whites who are supposedly being "harmed" by immigration and Affirmative Action today are likely decendents of Eastern Europeans who arrived on Ellis Island at the turn of the century as immigrants. The same objections to immigrants that you surface today could have been applied to them back then.

It is not legal immigration that is harming anyone, it is illegal immigration.

So the US is at 400 million or so right now, with all the pollution that that entails. So when do you close the door? 600 million? 800? 1.2 billion like China? ...

My point was that the OP stated that immigration leads to Affirmative Action, which supposedly "harms the white population".

That is utter BS. When the face of immigration is not blond haired or blue eyed, that is when it becomes an issue in the minds of xenophobic "chicken littles".

However, the short term environmental impact of immigration on this country is debatable. When I travel (which is frequently) to states like Wyoming, Montana and Idaho, and certain parts of California, to name a few and see vast expanses of undeveloped land, it obviously does not paint a picture of any imminent danger of this country being overpopulated in the foreseeable future.

I will get back to you later after I research some information on the probability of that happening.
Screw the pollution...

Screw the notion that we're 142 of 192 nations in population density...

Screw the (heretofore, entirely contra-indicated) projections of declining population...

We don't need the 12,000,000...

We don't want the 12,000,000...

We were doing just fine before they got here...

We'll do just fine again if they're all sent packing...

Self-deportation is the key...

Making conditions sufficiently hostile (re: housing, employment, medical care, education, etc.) that they'll fall all over each other in the rush to go home, and spare the taxpayer the huge cost of formal deportation...

Afterwards, we lock-down the border with Mexico, and return to the sanity of only allowing-in those persons whom legally apply to be admitted, and whom we want to come join us...

Our immigration laws are fine... it's our Federal Government's enforcement of those laws that's broken...

No need for Immigration Reform in the sense that the Liberals use it...

In their world, Immigration Reform = codespeak for Shamnesty...

Oh... and a fresh, Conservative ruling on the 14th Amendment and Anchor Babies, while we're at it...

Even if it's only to prevent Illegals from spawning more and getting away with it in future...
Oh... and a fresh, Conservative ruling on the 14th Amendment and Anchor Babies, while we're at it...

Even if it's only to prevent Illegals from spawning more and getting away with it in future...

Do NOT insult American citizens just for being American citizens.
Oh... and a fresh, Conservative ruling on the 14th Amendment and Anchor Babies, while we're at it...

Even if it's only to prevent Illegals from spawning more and getting away with it in future...

Do NOT insult American citizens just for being American citizens.
It's the price the parents pay, for coming here illegally, and popping-out puppies, just so the ICE will be more reluctant to deport them, therefore rendering their babies as anchors...

Just calling them what they are...

Anchor Babies, who attained American citizenship only through an unfortunate and never-intended loophole in the 14th Amendment, which their parents so carefully calculated, in order to stay here, once the water broke...

Anchor Babies, who attained American citizenship via the back door...

Anchor Babies...

Exactly what they are...

Babies who Anchored their parents upon United States soil, even though they came here and stayed here Illegally...

The phrase 'Anchor Babies' is a very accurate and very powerful language tool, in the fight against Illegal Aliens, and in helping to raise awareness, so that fewer of them are spawned as we move forward in time...

And those opposed to the Illegals are under no obligation to accept your definition of what is insulting and what is not...

They are also under no obligation to refrain from issuing insults, if they like, due to the back-door means by which their parents attained citizenship for them...

Anchor Babies...

If the Foo shits, wear it...
Last edited:

Screw the (heretofore, entirely contra-indicated) projections of declining population...


Your ignorance is your own fault.
Once every ten years, the US Census Bureau tallies the number of souls residing upon United States soil...

They have been doing this every ten years, since the year 1790...

To the best of my (admittedly imperfect) knowledge...

We have never experienced a Census in which the tally of total resident souls was less than the tally obtained from the previous Census...

Including modern times...

If that's not a statistically defensible 'contra-indication' regarding Declining Population, then I don't know what is...

If believing rock-solid statistics makes me 'ignorant' in your eyes, then I'm just going to have to live with that disappointment...
Some of the same whites who are supposedly being "harmed" by immigration and Affirmative Action today are likely decendents of Eastern Europeans who arrived on Ellis Island at the turn of the century as immigrants. The same objections to immigrants that you surface today could have been applied to them back then.
Yeah. Including my mother who arrived here from Denmark in 1929. SO ???

It is not legal immigration that is harming anyone, it is illegal immigration.

This idiotic notion has already been trounced 10 times in this thread. Try reading the thread before you come tumbling in here, and making a fool out of yourself.

Lol! First of all, this is a public message board, screwball. Secondly, you didn't "trounce" anything. You have an opinion, you stated it, and just because you believe it, that does not make it a fact.

Legal immigration has been one of the systems and processes that has made America the diverse country that it is.

For you to state that it is ruining the country considering that your own Mother arrived here as an immigrant makes you sound like some self hating nut.

Now what?
Nothing new here. The US was built on immigration.

As I said, "prior to 1860"

What's the matter with you people ? Didn't they have college Geography in your town's college ? Didn't you take the course ?

Unbelievable. According to you, your own mother immigrated here from Denmark in 1929.

Based on you your "logic" you are part of the problem.

You're crazy.


Screw the (heretofore, entirely contra-indicated) projections of declining population...


Your ignorance is your own fault.
Once every ten years, the US Census Bureau tallies the number of souls residing upon United States soil...

They have been doing this every ten years, since the year 1790...

To the best of my (admittedly imperfect) knowledge...

We have never experienced a Census in which the tally of total resident souls was less than the tally obtained from the previous Census...

Including modern times...

If that's not a statistically defensible 'contra-indication' regarding Declining Population, then I don't know what is...

If believing rock-solid statistics makes me 'ignorant' in your eyes, then I'm just going to have to live with that disappointment...

Ignorant fool.

U.S birth rate falls to record low - Sep. 6, 2013

U.S. Population Falls to Dangerous Levels Below Replacement Rate |

As U.S. birth rate drops, concern for the future mounts
Some of the same whites who are supposedly being "harmed" by immigration and Affirmative Action today are likely decendents of Eastern Europeans who arrived on Ellis Island at the turn of the century as immigrants. The same objections to immigrants that you surface today could have been applied to them back then.

It is not legal immigration that is harming anyone, it is illegal immigration.

So the US is at 400 million or so right now, with all the pollution that that entails. So when do you close the door? 600 million? 800? 1.2 billion like China? ...

North American Geographers, going back to the 19th century, have long agreed that the immigration door for both Canada and the USA (which have similar size and resource bases) should be closed at a population of 30 million.

Canada smartly closed that door, long ago, and has kept it closed with a strict POINT SYSTEM for immigration, making it rather difficult for foreigners to emigrate there. Canada only recently (2001) exceeded their 30 million mark, and their population now stands at 35 million (11% of the US population).

In contrast, the US had stupidly continued to plod along with achaim migration system, which just the opposite of Canada. Instead of protecting the American people from overpopulation, and all its harms, it encourages immigration and overpopulation, and that;s just what it has gotten, with a population now of 317 million people (10.6 times what it should be, to not exceed its carrying capacity.

So the anchor baby immigrant Muslim jihadist, Unkotare (or Unaware as his nickname is) can rant all he wants about how we're not overpopulated just to propagandize the issue to what is good for HIM, but professionals have know the subject present it accurately, and that's all that matters, not the rantings and ravings of a vested interest.

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