Immigration is Destroying America.

It certainly has been in the past.

And it certainly is now. A great many immigrants serve honorably in our armed forces, and immigrants are more likely to be entrepreneurs than native-born Americans.

1. We don't need immigrants to serve in our armed forces.

2. Immigrants pose a security risk, especially in the armed forces.

3. Immigrants who are entrepreneurs bringing large amounts of capital with which to open businesses and create jobs FOR AMERICANS, at good pay, are welcome, in my book, and I've said this many times.
As we grow more crowded and closer to 'Full-Up', however...

We are nowhere near that. Nowhere near.

True . We're 154 years from it, since we filled up in 1860, when our population reached 30 million, same as Canada's current population. You know the guys who are our biggest supplier of oil, which they have plenty of, and we don't, relative to our gigantic population.
We've got the room, the resources, and the history of assimilation into which the current wave of immigrants are fitting just as those who came before them did...
No, we really DON"T have the room and resources any longer.

We certainly do. We have loads of space, a bounty of natural resources, an unprecedented capacity to produce agriculturally, and an innovative people always improving on all that.

We've got the room, the resources, and the history of assimilation into which the current wave of immigrants are fitting just as those who came before them did. Legal immigration remains one of our greatest strengths. Illegal immigration is a problem that should be taken seriously, not used by cowards and fools as a platform for their unAmerican agenda.

Do you know that Mexico, india, China and the Philippines are the main countries we're getting legal immigrants from?

Which countries do permanent immigrants come from?
The top five countries of birth for new LPRs in 2011 were Mexico (14 percent), China (8 percent), India (6 percent), the Philippines (5 percent), and the Dominican Republic (4 percent). Approximately 403,000 new LPRs were from one of the top five countries of birth, accounting for almost 38 percent of all persons who received LPR status in 2011.

Persons born in the next five countries—Cuba and Vietnam (3 percent each) and Korea, Colombia, and Haiti (2 percent each)—made up almost 13 percent of all LPRs. The top ten countries of birth made up half of the total of LPRs.
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All the facts about our resources, our room, our capacity, and the successful on-going assimilation of the current wave of immigrants directly contradict the ignorant, unAmerican fear-mongers who just want an excuse to wallow in their own cowardice and inferiority.

That having been said, immigration should be legal (and much more efficient). There is no good argument in favor of illegal immigration, inevitable as some degree of it seems to be.
All the facts about our resources, our room, our capacity, and the successful on-going assimilation of the current wave of immigrants directly contradict the ignorant, unAmerican fear-mongers...
1. they are NOT a 'current wave of immigrants'

2. they are a current wave of Trespassers and Invaders - Illegal Aliens and Anchor Babies

3. they are not being assimilated successfully - nor do they have a right to be

4. they are depressing wages in construction, shipbuilding, and other formerly high-end trades

5. people who disagree with your perspective on the present crop of Illegal Aliens are NOT ipso facto 'ignorant', 'un-American', nor 'fear-mongers'

6. people who disagree with your perspective do so largely out of love of country

...who just want an excuse to wallow in their own cowardice and inferiority...
People who disagree with your perspective on the present crop of Illegal Aliens are neither cowardly nor inferior, nor do they feel that way.

What they feel is betrayed by their own government, and by both mainstream vote-whoring political parties.

...That having been said, immigration should be legal (and much more efficient). There is no good argument in favor of illegal immigration, inevitable as some degree of it seems to be.
I don't want our country filled up like China, Inda or Japan as I enjoy the forest and the open spaces ;) 400 million at most would be great...
We are under no obligation to continue taking-in immigrants on a large scale.

We cannot house everyone as it is.

We cannot feed everyone as it is.

We cannot educate everyone as it is.

We cannot employ everyone as it is.

We cannot provide healthcare for everyone as it is.

And what we ARE doing cannot be sustained forever at the present pace, never mind addiing more mouths-to-feed to the equation.
I like to hike,
I like Quit places
I like national parks ;)
I like to get away from it all.

All things to consider.
Who needs to keep the flood-gates open until we're jammed-in like sardines?

What-the-hell for?

Best to leave a bit of breathing space for our own descendants.

Rather than taking in large waves of new breeders that our descendants will curse us for, because we didn't have the balls to stand up and say: "No more".

Time to hang a "No Vacancy" sign on the Statue of Liberty for a couple of decades... Closed tor the next 20 years for repairs... Please apply again to immigrate, in the year 3034.
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I like to hike,
I like Quit places
I like national parks ;)
I like to get away from it all.

All things to consider.
Who needs to keep the flood-gates open until we're jammed-in like sardines?

What-the-hell for?

Best to leave a bit of breathing space for our own descendants.

Rather than taking in large waves of new breeders that our descendants will curse us for, because we didn't have the balls to stand up and say: "No more".

That's why I am saying ;) Time to shut the door.
And the very un-crowded US is #2 in the world in natural resources.

The fear-mongering, ignorant xenophobes haven't a leg to stand on in opposing legal immigration.

The World?s Most Resource-Rich Countries - 24/7 Wall St.

There's already too much pollution and too many droughts. You just want the door held wide open so the rest of your family can come to the US, it's always something selfish with douchers like you.
I don't want our country filled up like China, Inda or Japan as I enjoy the forest and the open spaces ;) 400 million at most would be great...

China's got an a awful lot of people, but outside of the big cities it's really not so crowded. As for Japan, 70% of the country is still covered in forest, so...
All the facts about our resources, our room, our capacity, and the successful on-going assimilation of the current wave of immigrants directly contradict the ignorant, unAmerican fear-mongers...
1. they are NOT a 'current wave of immigrants'

2. they are a current wave of Trespassers and Invaders - Illegal Aliens and Anchor Babies

3. they are not being assimilated successfully - nor do they have a right to be

I have specified, over and over again, that I am talking about LEGAL immigration, of which we have been experiencing a wave over the past several decades. "Anchor babies" are American citizens, and I'll thank you for not insulting my fellow Americans. Today's immigrants ARE assimilating just as those who came before them did.
I like to hike,
I like Quit places
I like national parks ;)
I like to get away from it all.

All things to consider.
Who needs to keep the flood-gates open until we're jammed-in like sardines?

What-the-hell for?

Best to leave a bit of breathing space for our own descendants.

Rather than taking in large waves of new breeders that our descendants will curse us for, because we didn't have the balls to stand up and say: "No more".

Time to hang a "No Vacancy" sign on the Statue of Liberty for a couple of decades... Closed tor the next 20 years for repairs... Please apply again to immigrate, in the year 3034.

That's absolute nonsense (not to mention poor math). We are nowhere near 'crowded,'and fertility rates are falling like a stone across the board. Immigration policy should not be based on meaningless hysteria.

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