Immigration is Destroying America.

Immigration is Destroying America. Even in 1860, when half of America and 2/3ds of NYC was foreign born? Step off. Immigration is our strength, the far reactionary right are weakness.
Immigration is Destroying America. Even in 1860, when half of America and 2/3ds of NYC was foreign born? Step off. Immigration is our strength, the far reactionary right are weakness.

Yes, snake. we all agree with that----------LEGAL immigration is good for the country

ILLEGAL immigration is bad for the country.
Immigration is Destroying America. Even in 1860, when half of America and 2/3ds of NYC was foreign born? Step off. Immigration is our strength, the far reactionary right are weakness.

Yes, snake. we all agree with that----------LEGAL immigration is good for the country ILLEGAL immigration is bad for the country.

In 1860, were they any "illegal" immigrants?

Were the southerners who invaded Mexican Texas illegally good for the province?

Your silly statement is ambiguous, at best.
ILLEGAL immigration is the problem, legal immigration is good for the country.

end of story, end of thread.

Legal immigration takes away more jobs form Americans than illegal immigration does, and it does it in the same way. By undercutting the wages of Americans.

As for the other items on the harms of immigration list, they are all affected equally by illegal and legal immigration, except perhaps crime and disease, but even with these, when legal immigrant are pushed through quickly (rubber stamped) as has been the case in recent years, even crime and disease are not vetted properly, and we get diseased and criminal people.

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($40 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases.
Massive immigration is destroying America, as it is Britain, Europe and Australia.

There sure seems to be an agenda to rid the West of White People.
Large parts of Britain, Australia, Europe and America have already fallen.
Immigration is Destroying America.

Same thing has been said for 200 years
200 years ago they didn't have a tsunami of 12,000,000 Illegals within a 10-20 year time span, saturating the land and the economy and wrecking the wage-scale in several trades...

With every wave of immigration in our nation's history some people have said more or less the same thing and it has worked out all right. Relax, it will be all right.

Ever hear of ECOLOGY ? I'll answer that. No you haven't (or you pretend that you haven't)
In the 280+ posts on this useless fucking thread...99% of which I have not read...has anyone said that "immigration" is not the is the mismanagement of immigration that's the problem........mismanagement is the problem with all things Washington.

You haven't read 99% of the thread, but you claim to be qualified to judge it as "useless". :lol:

All one needs to do is read the harms of immigration list to know that your mismanagement theory is about as smart as a box of rocks.
Massive immigration is destroying America, as it is Britain, Europe and Australia.

Ok, you worry about Australia and we'll take care of the civilized world. Now go throw something on the 'barbie and STFU.
We've got the room, the resources, and the history of assimilation into which the current wave of immigrants are fitting just as those who came before them did. Legal immigration remains one of our greatest strengths. Illegal immigration is a problem that should be taken seriously, not used by cowards and fools as a platform for their unAmerican agenda.
We've got the room, the resources, and the history of assimilation into which the current wave of immigrants are fitting just as those who came before them did...
No, we really DON"T have the room and resources any longer.

Just because we were not picky about whom we admitted in times past, does not mean that we should be that way now.

Just because it was a good idea THEN doesn't mean that it's a good idea NOW.

...Legal immigration remains one of our greatest strengths...
It certainly has been in the past.

As we grow more crowded and closer to 'Full-Up', however, this becomes less accurate, and closer to being more trouble than it's worth.

Nothing lasts forever, and that includes old assumptions about the value of immigration.

At the very least, such assumptions should be challenged - vigorously - every so often.

...Illegal immigration is a problem that should be taken seriously...

What separates the two sides on the issue is what one does, in order to be considered as taking it seriously.

On the one hand, we have the pro-Illegals crowd, willing to grant a so-called Path to Citizenship, to 12,000,000 invaders and trespassers, now present upon United States soil wiithout our express prior consent, in conscious violation of our laws, and with a desire to tie Immigration Reform to allowing the 12,000,000 to stay; in other words, 'Immigration Reform' = codespeak for Shamnesty.

On the other hand, we have the anti-Illegals crowd, who are ALSO perfectly willing to engage in discussions about Immigration Reform, so long as no Shamnesty is involved; characterized oftentimes by a desire to see the Federal government re-commit itself and prove itself in the execution of our existing laws, and in the guarding of our borders, before we talk about new laws. The laws aren't broken. Our government is broken, in an enforcement context.

...not used by cowards and fools as a platform for their unAmerican agenda.
There is someone here manifesting an un-American agenda?

What aspects of the agenda are un-American?

Who gets to make that call?
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We've got the room, the resources, and the history of assimilation into which the current wave of immigrants are fitting just as those who came before them did. Legal immigration remains one of our greatest strengths. Illegal immigration is a problem that should be taken seriously, not used by cowards and fools as a platform for their unAmerican agenda.

Some how many carpet kissers do you have room for at your house? :D
We've got the room, the resources, and the history of assimilation into which the current wave of immigrants are fitting just as those who came before them did...
No, we really DON"T have the room and resources any longer.

We certainly do. We have loads of space, a bounty of natural resources, an unprecedented capacity to produce agriculturally, and an innovative people always improving on all that.
We've got the room, the resources, and the history of assimilation into which the current wave of immigrants are fitting just as those who came before them did...
No, we really DON"T have the room and resources any longer.

We certainly do. We have loads of space, a bounty of natural resources, an unprecedented capacity to produce agriculturally, and an innovative people always improving on all that.

Don't forget the bounty of pollution and drought. I bet you don't believe in global warming either.

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