Immigration is Destroying America.

Europe's problems are Europe's problems. I'm an American. Where do you live?

So you just close your eyes until things get out of hand? FUCKING BRILLIANT IDEA!!!!!! :lol:

Why won't you answer my question, MrPussy?

I live in a house. Now you know.

Got any more brilliant questions? :D

Now answer mine: So you just close your eyes (towards muslim immigration) until things get out of hand like in Europe?
BULLSHIT!! If you're born in America, you're not an immigrant. As for anchor babies, that's another story.

What you are saying is, you're not an immigrant if you were born here, UNLESS you're not white. Nice one bigot. Here's another clue shit for brains....your ancestors weren't born here.

Nobody's ancestors were.

The natives may have always been here. It's only a theory that they came from Asia thousands of years ago. But they didn't steal the land, like the whites. Whites committed genocide on the natives, and stole their land.
What you are saying is, you're not an immigrant if you were born here, UNLESS you're not white. Nice one bigot. Here's another clue shit for brains....your ancestors weren't born here.

Nobody's ancestors were.

The natives may have always been here. It's only a theory that they came from Asia thousands of years ago. But they didn't steal the land, like the whites. Whites committed genocide on the natives, and stole their land.

Natives were fighting amongst themselves for territory, we came along and beat them, that's all there was to it. They could have welcomed us (some did) instead of fighting us.
Nobody's ancestors were.

The natives may have always been here. It's only a theory that they came from Asia thousands of years ago. But they didn't steal the land, like the whites. Whites committed genocide on the natives, and stole their land.

Natives were fighting amongst themselves for territory, we came along and beat them, that's all there was to it. They could have welcomed us (some did) instead of fighting us.

So.............because the natives were fighting amongst themselves for territory, and we beat them it's all right?

I guess if you're fighting with your neighbors, and I come in (a total stranger) and help your neighbor take over your house, and then I take over theirs, it's okay?

Not everyone whom you welcome is your friend. Some tend to turn on you, kinda like what happened to the Aztecs, as well as what happened to the entire (current) United States.

Too bad the Native Americans didn't realize that their arrows were just as fast (and possibly more deadly) than the lead balls shot out of the muzzles of early rifles.

If they did, this would be a much different country.
"Native American" refers to American Indians; any of what has become a great variety of peoples and cultures descended from the early nomadic people who crossed the Bering Land Bridge 15,000 - 20,000 years ago and populated the Americas.

"Native born American" can refer to an American citizen born on US soil or under any of several legally specified circumstances.

FALSE! Both terms "Native American" and "Native born American" refer to people born in the US.

The correct term for indigenous people of North America is "American Indian". I explained all this in Post # 247. No need for any more definition.
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Protectionism is not the answer. Simple answers may be comforting for the simple-minded, but you cannot turn back the clock or hide from the world. America needs to do what we have always done: innovate and lead. Anyone who thinks the American worker will be best served by restrictive trade barriers that further restrain our own economic growth has got his head on backwards. Any workers whose only skills place them in direct competition with a hungry kid sewing sneakers in Vietnam need to focus their energy on something other than bitching about jobs going overseas.

The jobs immigrants in America take ARE > "jobs going overseas" The immigrants are "overseas" while being here, and that's where their money goes (in remittances$$). Outsourcing is outsourcing, whether it is international outsourcing or domestic outsourcing (immigration). Only difference is that in the case of domestic outsourcing (immigrants), these pertain to that part of the labor which can only be done INSIDE the US, so the cheap labor is brought here to do it (janitorial, landscaping, construction, motels, etc)
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All whites are immigrants!

BULLSHIT!! If you're born in America, you're not an immigrant. As for anchor babies, that's another story.

What you are saying is, you're not an immigrant if you were born here, UNLESS you're not white. Nice one bigot. Here's another clue shit for brains....your ancestors weren't born here.

YOU are the bigot for even bringing up the subject of race, which is irrelevant. NO, I didn't say "UNLESS you're not white", YOU said that, Mr. Race Card. And it so happens that I am not entirely white myself, didn't you know ?

As for my ancestors (Central America and Denmark) they have nothing to do with this. Immigration generally should have been ceased in America long before they came here too (1895 and 1929). It should have been stopped (with a few rare exceptions), in 1860, when the US passed its optimum population (30 million) relative to resource base. Take a Geography course. That's the difference between knowing what you're talking about (like me), and coming in here talking like a fool (like you).
What you are saying is, you're not an immigrant if you were born here, UNLESS you're not white. Nice one bigot. Here's another clue shit for brains....your ancestors weren't born here.

Nobody's ancestors were.

The natives may have always been here. It's only a theory that they came from Asia thousands of years ago. But they didn't steal the land, like the whites. Whites committed genocide on the natives, and stole their land.

The overwhelming majority of contacts between White Europeans and American Indians were peaceful. The great majority of 19th century American Indians lived their entire lives many miles away from White settlements, and never laid eyes on a white person.

The genocide that you speak of is true, but it was relatively small in number, and is exaggerated due to the dime store novel industry, which made a fortune selling books to Easteners about the wild west. It was only the warring and violence books that sold the most copies. The ones about peace, trading, intermarriage, etc, didn't sell well. Consequently, people thought that the violence was all there was, due to the prevelance of it on the books they read.

As for genocide against American Indian tribes, they suffered that far more from other rival tribes, for hundreds of years, before a single European ship arrived in the "New World"
There is of course no 'overpopulation' in the US. Very far from it. Anyone suggesting so is just grasping absurdly at a fabricated justification for their unAmerican fear and ignorance.

Spoken from a biased immigrant ?

I mentioned that before, you've had plenty of time to deny it, and you haven't.
Anyone using the term "anchor baby" as an unimaginative slur in the place of considered discourse is insulting American citizens and should be considered accordingly.

"Anchor baby" is a perfectly proper term that describes babies born on the American side of the border, just so the illegal (criminal) alien parents can then help themselves to a lifetime of benefits$$$, entirely at Us taxpayer expense.

Everybody knows it, and your bias grows more and more obvious, with every ludicrous statement you make, which everyone knows to be FALSE.

What you mean is YOU WOULD LIKE the term anchor baby to be considered a slur. Saying it SHOULD be, is laughable. :lol:
Immigration is Destroying America.

Same thing has been said for 200 years
200 years ago they didn't have a tsunami of 12,000,000 Illegals within a 10-20 year time span, saturating the land and the economy and wrecking the wage-scale in several trades...
What you are saying is, you're not an immigrant if you were born here, UNLESS you're not white. Nice one bigot. Here's another clue shit for brains....your ancestors weren't born here.

Nobody's ancestors were.

The natives may have always been here. It's only a theory that they came from Asia thousands of years ago. But they didn't steal the land, like the whites. Whites committed genocide on the natives, and stole their land.
Sounds like a bad case of White Man's Guilt going on here...


The land is ours now...

You are free to give-back your share, if you like...

I choose to keep mine...
Nobody's ancestors were.

The natives may have always been here. It's only a theory that they came from Asia thousands of years ago. But they didn't steal the land, like the whites. Whites committed genocide on the natives, and stole their land.
Sounds like a bad case of White Man's Guilt going on here...


The land is ours now...

You are free to give-back your share, if you like...

I choose to keep mine...

10 to 1 odds he doesn't give a thing to American Indians.
The natives may have always been here. It's only a theory that they came from Asia thousands of years ago. But they didn't steal the land, like the whites. Whites committed genocide on the natives, and stole their land.

Natives were fighting amongst themselves for territory, we came along and beat them, that's all there was to it. They could have welcomed us (some did) instead of fighting us.

So.............because the natives were fighting amongst themselves for territory, and we beat them it's all right?

I guess if you're fighting with your neighbors, and I come in (a total stranger) and help your neighbor take over your house, and then I take over theirs, it's okay?

Not everyone whom you welcome is your friend. Some tend to turn on you, kinda like what happened to the Aztecs, as well as what happened to the entire (current) United States.

Too bad the Native Americans didn't realize that their arrows were just as fast (and possibly more deadly) than the lead balls shot out of the muzzles of early rifles.

If they did, this would be a much different country.

Indians are fucking low IQ retards, if you want to give your land to some because you feel guilty, go ahead, we won't stop you. :D
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Immigration is Destroying America.

Same thing has been said for 200 years
200 years ago they didn't have a tsunami of 12,000,000 Illegals within a 10-20 year time span, saturating the land and the economy and wrecking the wage-scale in several trades...

With every wave of immigration in our nation's history some people have said more or less the same thing and it has worked out all right. Relax, it will be all right.

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