Immigration is Destroying America. why these current Immigrants......lets start a the begining,what do you reckon of the decendents of the white trash that eliminated your foreberes and stole you lands????

I didn't say I was an American Indian. I said I am a Native American. That means I was born in the USA. Am I getting though to you (or are you too anti-white racist for that ?)

PS - American Indian tribes stole EACH OTHER'S hunting territories for thousands of years before any of them ever laid eyes on a white man, so you can get off the high horse now.

Ridiculous Comment,you implied you were Native American,that to any thinking person does not mean a IMMIGRANTS DECENDENT you fool.

I have decided that this thread is BANAL and not worth persuing..sic....I never get on a high horse because I fly with Eagles....I'm fool

To any thinking person NATIVE AMERICAN means sames as it has always meant since I first heard the term in school in 1955. It means someone BORN IN THE USA.
Same as a native Italian would mean someone born in Italy. A native Dane, someone born in Denmark. A native German, someone born in Germany, etc.

Just because a few looneytunes come along and think they can change the American English language to suit themselves, that doesn't mean the language changes one iota.

The correct term for indigenous people of North America is "American Indians".

As I stated back in Post # 105 >>

"The use of ther term Native American, to describe American Indians is 100% INcorrect, just as the term African-American is also incorrect to describe black people. I have known 4 guys in my life who immigrated to the US from Africa. They are from Botswana, Tanzania, South Africa, and Rhodesia (now called Zimbabwe). All are African-Americans. All 4 are White.

What make your post all the more laughable is, you're not even an American, and you think you're going to tell us how to speak ? HA HA HA.
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There is, of course, no "overpopulation," regardless of whatever hysteria the misinformed might want to push, and the generations of immigrants that came before - the ones referred to nostalgically as if they were the 'good' immigrants - also took time to learn English, also held to their cultural practices even as they assimilated, and very often came from countries that were at that time every bit as much 'third world' as the ones some bemoan today.

The OVERPOPULATION is now more than 10 TIMES the optimum. The country is in disarray because of it, and is suffering immensely in all 16 of the Harms of Immigration on the list.

PS - when are you going to fess up and tell us what country you immigrated from, Mohammed ?
I'm living here in the present where our environment is cleaner than it has been in decades, we have the fourth largest reserve of fresh water in the world, and China took the top spot at world's largest polluter some time ago. The economy sucks because people keep voting for idiots, not because of our population. You are just an ignorant, scared little bug and about as relevant.

And you are either an immigrant or one of the vested interests I listed previously in the thread, and which I asked you, and you have refused to answer that question. Therefore, we can now assume the answer is YES, and that you are just simply biased, and full of shit, and you should recuse yourself from this discussion.
The fact that you won't even admit the US has a bad water shortage says it all.

Unko is probably still trying to get all his wives and kids all named Osama over here.

I've been saying all along that he's a Muslim Islamist, and he wants to abolish the Constitution, and create an Islamic state.
Business wants immigrants with degrees. That leaves Republicans out. They aren't qualified for any really complicated job. They should welcome immigrants with degrees so they have someone's lawn to mow and garden to hoe and car to wash. Immigrants will provide all kinds of jobs for right wingers who only know menial labor at minimum wage with no benefits.
Nothing new here. The US was built on immigration.

Immigration from the first world that had standards similar to the general culture.


Italy, Greece, Russia, and Poland were not the ‘first world’ during the 19th Century, hence the desire of persons from those countries to come to America.

As with the OP your issue is race.

Show one shred of evidence that the 16 items listed in the Harms of Immigration in the OP are about race. And while you're at (if you can possibly contian yourself from talking about race for a minute) how about addressing those 16 items ? Or any number of them. Like talking about THE TOPIC, for a change.

You know the numbskulls have run out of ideas when they start playing 'The Guessing Game.' There is no more certain indication that you are dealing with a complete moron than when they start accusing you of 'being' this or that because you disagree with some stupid idea of theirs. Disagree with a blatant racist? "You must be one a' them blacks!" Disagree with a stupid anti-Semite? "You must be one a' them Jeeeews!" Disagree with some unbelievably ignorant fool who is pissing himself in fear of Islam? "You must be one a' them Mooooslims!" It never fails. The idiots out themselves every time with their lack of reason and aversion to logic.

That's what YOU DO - like you just did when you said >> "Disagree with a blatant racist?"
Of course I do. Now answer my question.

So if you know the problems muslims [sic] are causing in Europe, what's wrong with closing the fucking door before those problems come here?

Europe's problems are Europe's problems. I'm an American. Where do you live?

There already has been thousands of instances of Islamization in the United States since the Muslim Brotherhood declared it as their method of operation 23 years ago. One need not look to Europe for that.

1. They Must Be Stopped by Brigitte Gabriel

2. The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) by Robert Spencer

3. Stealth Jihad by Robert Spencer

4. Infiltration by Paul Sperry

5. The Day of Islam by Dr. Paul Williams

6. Sharia: the Threat to America by the Center for Security Policy

7. The Third Jihad (DVD) by Dr. Zuddhi Jasser

8. Muslim Mafia by P.David Gaubatz & Paul Sperry
There is of course no 'overpopulation' in the US. Very far from it. Anyone suggesting so is just grasping absurdly at a fabricated justification for their unAmerican fear and ignorance.
Anyone using the term "anchor baby" as an unimaginative slur in the place of considered discourse is insulting American citizens and should be considered accordingly.
"Native American" refers to American Indians; any of what has become a great variety of peoples and cultures descended from the early nomadic people who crossed the Bering Land Bridge 15,000 - 20,000 years ago and populated the Americas.

"Native born American" can refer to an American citizen born on US soil or under any of several legally specified circumstances.
Investors want the cheapest possible operating costs, which includes lower labor costs. One of the primary goals of globalization was to break down all barriers between capital and labor. Ron Paul alluded to this when he said that building a wall around our country would keep cheap labor out and capital in. The laws of capital accumulation, at least in some of its variants, creates a market for illegal workers who will work for nothing. If California construction, restaurant, and agricultural businesses had to pay a legal wage, the owners of those businesses would make less money. They'd rather reap the benefits of cheap labor but let the California taxpayer pick-up the tab, as the state's physical and economic infrastructure bursts at the seems.

If business can game the state in order to make more money, it usually will, partly because we citizens, as investors and consumers, put too much pressure on them for higher returns and lower prices. Problem is, our myopic need for higher returns has evicserated the carrying capacity of some southwestern cities. One way to address the problem is to remove the honey. Punish businesses for hiring illegals. And if you really want to save the middle class, revisit the trade laws which allow our largest manufacturers to get their products made in Communist China and any number of 3rd world trading partners (who were very strategically pulled under the Eagle's protective wing during the Cold War).

Our corporations paid higher wages and taxes under Eisenhower and Nixon, yet the economic growth during their reign, a time when American workers were protected from predatory trade laws, was stronger than at any time thereafter. We spent the last 30 years removing all the burdens on capital, while the worker - having to compete with both Taiwanese sweatshop and illegals - has been sold down river. As a result, to make up for lower wages, the middle class spent 30 years going into debt. Now our poor consumer is not solvent enough, in the aggregate, to drive domestic consumption, which has lead to the death of main street, which lacks the needed volume of consumers. You can cut taxes on the wealthy all you want, but jobs will not be added until the consumer comes back with vigor, and that will never happen in our new low wage, zero benefits America.
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Protectionism is not the answer. Simple answers may be comforting for the simple-minded, but you cannot turn back the clock or hide from the world. America needs to do what we have always done: innovate and lead. Anyone who thinks the American worker will be best served by restrictive trade barriers that further restrain our own economic growth has got his head on backwards. Any workers whose only skills place them in direct competition with a hungry kid sewing sneakers in Vietnam need to focus their energy on something other than bitching about jobs going overseas.

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