Immigration is Destroying America.

Nothing new here. The US was built on immigration.

Immigration from the first world that had standards similar to the general culture.

Correct. And which was a far cry from the 3rd world immigration we're getting now.

Actually though, because of the severe overpopulation we have now, and all the harms of ANY immigration at this point, I'm in opposition to immigration wherever it's coming from.
Here are what I see as the HARMS of Immigration (in America). Feel free to dispute, debate, confirm, or whatever on any one or combination of these. This should be a good, rousing debate (but please try to stay on topic)

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($170 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases

Huh. According to history, immigration BUILT America.

History isn't the subject here. Geography is. And immigration built America prior to 1860. Since then, immigration has been slowly tearing America down. Take a Geography course (and take Unaware with you.) :lol:

YES, I Am a "Native American" >> I was born in the United States.

And no, the people who employ these immigrants are nothing at all like me. I'm not an employer, and if I was, I would employ Americans, only. And I'm not running or hiding anywhere. I'm right here. Out in the open. why these current Immigrants......lets start a the begining,what do you reckon of the decendents of the white trash that eliminated your foreberes and stole you lands????

I didn't say I was an American Indian. I said I am a Native American. That means I was born in the USA. Am I getting though to you (or are you too anti-white racist for that ?)

PS - American Indian tribes stole EACH OTHER'S hunting territories for thousands of years before any of them ever laid eyes on a white man, so you can get off the high horse now.

Ridiculous Comment,you implied you were Native American,that to any thinking person does not mean a IMMIGRANTS DECENDENT you fool.

I have decided that this thread is BANAL and not worth persuing..sic....I never get on a high horse because I fly with Eagles....I'm fool
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There is, of course, no "overpopulation," regardless of whatever hysteria the misinformed might want to push, and the generations of immigrants that came before - the ones referred to nostalgically as if they were the 'good' immigrants - also took time to learn English, also held to their cultural practices even as they assimilated, and very often came from countries that were at that time every bit as much 'third world' as the ones some bemoan today.
Your living in the past. The US not only is running out of water and clean air, and are already the world's biggest polluter, but there aren't even enough jobs for people who are already here.

I'm living here in the present where our environment is cleaner than it has been in decades, we have the fourth largest reserve of fresh water in the world, and China took the top spot at world's largest polluter some time ago. The economy sucks because people keep voting for idiots, not because of our population. You are just an ignorant, scared little bug and about as relevant.

And you are either an immigrant or one of the vested interests I listed previously in the thread, and which I asked you, and you have refused to answer that question. Therefore, we can now assume the answer is YES, and that you are just simply biased, and full of shit, and you should recuse yourself from this discussion.
The fact that you won't even admit the US has a bad water shortage says it all.

Unko is probably still trying to get all his wives and kids all named Osama over here.
Nothing new here. The US was built on immigration.

Immigration from the first world that had standards similar to the general culture.


Italy, Greece, Russia, and Poland were not the ‘first world’ during the 19th Century, hence the desire of persons from those countries to come to America.

As with the OP your issue is race.

You know the numbskulls have run out of ideas when they start playing 'The Guessing Game.' There is no more certain indication that you are dealing with a complete moron than when they start accusing you of 'being' this or that because you disagree with some stupid idea of theirs. Disagree with a blatant racist? "You must be one a' them blacks!" Disagree with a stupid anti-Semite? "You must be one a' them Jeeeews!" Disagree with some unbelievably ignorant fool who is pissing himself in fear of Islam? "You must be one a' them Mooooslims!" It never fails. The idiots out themselves every time with their lack of reason and aversion to logic.
Muslims are destroying the world.

The world is still here, coward. Try to get a hold of your fears and face the world like a rational man.

Why are you so friendly with carpet kissers? You one of them? Or just wish you were? :D

As I was saying:

There is no more certain indication that you are dealing with a complete moron than when they start accusing you of 'being' this or that because you disagree with some stupid idea of theirs. Disagree with a blatant racist? "You must be one a' them blacks!" Disagree with a stupid anti-Semite? "You must be one a' them Jeeeews!" Disagree with some unbelievably ignorant fool who is pissing himself in fear of Islam? "You must be one a' them Mooooslims!" It never fails. The idiots out themselves every time with their lack of reason and aversion to logic.
The world is still here, coward. Try to get a hold of your fears and face the world like a rational man.

Why are you so friendly with carpet kissers? You one of them? Or just wish you were? :D

As I was saying:

There is no more certain indication that you are dealing with a complete moron than when they start accusing you of 'being' this or that because you disagree with some stupid idea of theirs. Disagree with a blatant racist? "You must be one a' them blacks!" Disagree with a stupid anti-Semite? "You must be one a' them Jeeeews!" Disagree with some unbelievably ignorant fool who is pissing himself in fear of Islam? "You must be one a' them Mooooslims!" It never fails. The idiots out themselves every time with their lack of reason and aversion to logic.

So you'd have no problem if we let in 20 million sheet wearing camel kissers?
Glad you're so willing to let everyone reading know what a fucking idiot you are.
Here are what I see as the HARMS of Immigration (in America). Feel free to dispute, debate, confirm, or whatever on any one or combination of these. This should be a good, rousing debate (but please try to stay on topic)

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

Immigrants generally take lower-paying jobs that many natural-born citizens won't touch. Others are better qualified for specialty jobs.
I had to stop reading your post at this point because your response was so outrageously wrong.

"Immigrants generally take lower-paying jobs that many natural-born citizens won't touch."
Do they really? Or do they simply take jobs that natural-born citizens can't touch, because employers want to exploit the people least likely to be familiar with federal, state, and local labor laws? I live in an area of the U.S. with a low immigrant population, and an above average black population. Most of our garbage collectors are white. Nearly all of our farmers are white. Almost all of our construction workers are black or white. Almost all of our fast food workers, cashiers, waitresses, and delivery guys are either black or white, depending upon what part of town you're in. These trends continue on through every profession, from teachers to policemen to lawyers to doctors. Our immigrant population is dispersed evenly throughout various jobs; you're just as likely to have your order taken at a restaurant by an immigrant as you are to be issued a loan at the bank by one. I have a hard time believing that my area is the only one in the entire country where natural-born Americans aren't above working at McDonald's or Walmart, collecting trash, or taking any of the other low-paying jobs you think we "won't touch."

"Others are better qualified for specialty jobs."
Bull SHIT. Read this:
America Has More Trained STEM Graduates than STEM Job Openings | Center for Immigration Studies

But because I know very few people here will actually read all of it, I'll summarize: Over the next decade, there will be 1.4 million more people graduating with a STEM degree (i.e., a degree in a field relating to Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics) than there will be STEM jobs available. Despite this, you want to pile on even more applicants for an already limited number of jobs? The only reason this nonsense about "We NEED immigrants because Americans are stupid and don't understand science/technology/etc.!" is pervasive is because employers want a higher pool of employees to choose from so they can drive down wages in those fields.

America has one of the largest populations in the world. We don't need more workers to do smart people jobs, and we don't need more wage slaves doing lower-paying jobs that natural-born Americans allegedly "won't touch."
Glad you're so willing to let everyone reading know what a fucking idiot you are.

Because I want to close the door to the sheet people? Do you even know any of the problems European countries are now having with their substantial arab populations? Sheesh man, read up, like, you are allowed to read other things but the koran, aren't you?
Glad you're so willing to let everyone reading know what a fucking idiot you are.

Because I want to close the door to the sheet people?

Because you're an idiot and a sniveling coward who doesn't understand the first thing about America.


You missed this part: Do you even know any of the problems European countries are now having with their substantial arab populations?

Is naming calling all you've got?
Because you're an idiot and a sniveling coward who doesn't understand the first thing about America.


You missed this part: Do you even know any of the problems European countries are now having with their substantial arab populations?

I don't live in Europe, do you?

Wtf does that have to do with my question? Was it too hard for you? Or do seriously you not know what's going on in Europe? :lol:

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