Immigration is Destroying America.

I console myself that at least I"m a fool who knows how to say "No" to the pro-Illegals crowd....

If you are looking for a "pro-illegals crowd" to argue with you'll have to seek elsewhere, because I haven't seen one on this thread at least.
Just calling them what they are.....

"They" are my fellow citizens. If you want to insult US citizens for being US citizens then FUCK YOU and stay the hell away from my country.
No, I want to punish their parents.

And the best way to do that is to show them the label that they have earned for their offspring....

Sounds like you would prefer - and would make a more appropriate 'citizen' of - North Korea, where three generations of a family are punished for the crimes of one member. You've got the mindset they are looking for there. Be sure and forget to write! Bye!
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Wake me up when the 2020 Census figures are published.

Wake up now. We fell below replacement levels of fertility in 2007. Our overall population is about holding steady because of our high rate of immigration.

What's it like to be WRONG!!! ...

You tell me...
Don't push your luck with me, pissant......

As long as you want to act like an asshole and insult American citizens consider it pushed, douchebag. :fu:
Typical pro-Illegals fluff... can't counterpoint an opponent's use or defense of a powerful phrase that precisely and accurately describes the origins of an Illegal's offspring... wave a magic wand over it and declare it to be insulting... then name-call anyone who doesn't agree with your take on the subject...

Not gonna work, lightweight...
I console myself that at least I"m a fool who knows how to say "No" to the pro-Illegals crowd....

If you are looking for a "pro-illegals crowd" to argue with you'll have to seek elsewhere, because I haven't seen one on this thread at least.
Are you in favor of granting the 12,000,000 current Illegal Aliens a path to citizenship?

No, thanks for asking. Do you recognize the fact that anyone born in the US is a US citizen?
Wake me up when the 2020 Census figures are published.

Wake up now. We fell below replacement levels of fertility in 2007. Our overall population is about holding steady because of our high rate of immigration.

A painless way to reduce the population...

Anything over 200,000,000 or 250,000,000 -ish is too much anyway...

Like I said...

Wake me up when the 2020 figures are published...

Every single Census since 1800 has shown an increase in the total souls on-hand, compared to the Census ten years before it...

And, this is only 2014...

Much can happen in the next 6 years...

I'll go by the historical trend served-up by the US Census Bureau, thank you very much...

Everything else is speculative, or spot-samples, which may very well not prove true...

And, as I said, even if the Fertility Rate IS dropping a bit...

We could jettison 50-100 million souls from the national citizenship rolls without batting an eye, and be the better for it...

We don't need another 12,000,000 mouths to feed...

ESPECIALLY 12,000,000 who snuck-in or overstayed their welcome, and are now here upon United States soil in violation of our laws and without our prior express consent...

DOUBLY true for those popping-out Anchor Babies so that the ICE will be more reluctant to deport them...

Your arguments in support of the existing crop of 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens are both inadequate and immaterial...

There IS no defense for them...

NOR for them popping-out puppies so that they can stay here and claim a loophole in the 14th Amendment...
Wake me up when the 2020 Census figures are published.

Wake up now. We fell below replacement levels of fertility in 2007. Our overall population is about holding steady because of our high rate of immigration.

A painless way to reduce the population......

We don't need or (among thoughtful people) want to reduce the population, you idiot. What do you think is driving FDR's stupid idea into insolvency already?
As long as you want to act like an asshole and insult American citizens consider it pushed, douchebag. :fu:
Typical pro-Illegals fluff... ...

Typical online idiot... clumsily falling back on a straw man when he realizes he can't sustain a real argument or respond to what is actually being said...

...pathetic, but typical.
Oh, I supported what I said, alright...

At-issue, for the moment, was...

1. whether the term 'Anchor Babies' was an insult

2. whether anti-Illegals were obliged to accept your definition

3. whether anti-Illegals were free to use such a powerful and accurate descriptor

I identified the main points, and addressed them.

Both the accusation and the counterpointing consist largely of personal opinion.

I served mine up without guile nor ill-will directed towards my opposite.

That's about as good as it gets, within the realm of personal opinion, Sparky.

Can you say the same?
immigration isnt destroying America; pandering Progressives catering to illegals for votes is
Wake me up in 2090 or 2100 ..

ONE of the problems with numbskulls like you is that you don't ever want to wake up.
Are we done yet with your morning Tourette's Syndrome outburst against your colleagues?

Go grab an extra cup of coffee, or your morning meds, or whatever the hell it takes to get yourself back under control and acting like a grownup again.
Your arguments in support of the existing crop of 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens ...

I have made no such arguments, you dishonest douche. Tell your straw man to stop slamming you so hard from behind, you're not thinking straight.

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