Immigration is Destroying America.

The 2010 Census showed a population figure larger than 2000.

The 2000 Census showed a population figure larger than 1990.

The 1990 Census showed a population figure larger than 1980.

The 1980 Census...

You really are a dimwit...

The statement was accurate.

Feel free to dispute the accuracy of the statement at your convenience.

The 2020 Census is six years away.

Based on the past 200 years performance figures...

We may logically expect the 2020 Census to show more souls than it did in 2010...

I have 200 years of history on my side...

You have a flyspeck interim trend, obtained via spot-checks, rather than a full enumeration of the souls residing in the United States...

I'll stick with the proven methodology and hard numbers in this instance...

All the alarmist, chicken-little, the-sky-is-falling claptrap in the world isn't going to convince most folks to abandon the historical census trend in favor of your interim numbers...

All protestations and unprovoked, juvenile name-calling to the contrary notwithstanding...

Come back to me when you've got hard numbers in 2020, boy...

And even then...

And even if your interim trend firms-up and we DO have less mouths to feed in 2020 than we did in 2010...

Once we crossed the 300,000,000 mark, we could use a little culling of the herd anyway...

Modest population decline by attrition leaves more for the rest of us...

No need to fill any so-called shrinking ranks with waves of invaders...

A return to a population of 250,000,000 or even 200,000,000 is a consummation devoutly to be wished...

Hell, we fought WWII with a population of 132,000,000 and did just fine...

We could halve our population - culling the herd back to 150,000,000 -ish - and not suffer any adverse effects...

Fewer mouths to feed...

But, in the short term, any way, that's not going to happen...

The US Census for 2020 will show an increase in souls, just like every Census before it...

And that without cramming another 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens into the mix...
The 2010 Census showed a population figure larger than 2000.

The 2000 Census showed a population figure larger than 1990.

The 1990 Census showed a population figure larger than 1980.

The 1980 Census...

You really are a dimwit...

The statement was accurate.

Feel free to dispute the accuracy of the statement at your convenience.

The 2020 Census is six years away.

Based on the past 200 years performance figures...

We may logically expect the 2020 Census to show more souls than it did in 2010......

You honestly cannot understand the significance of the above chart, can you? Holy shit you're stupid. :eek:
You really are a dimwit...
The statement was accurate.

Feel free to dispute the accuracy of the statement at your convenience.

The 2020 Census is six years away.

Based on the past 200 years performance figures...

We may logically expect the 2020 Census to show more souls than it did in 2010......

You honestly cannot understand the significance of the above chart, can you? Holy shit you're stupid. :eek:
Oh, I understand it alright, Einstein.

It's just that I don't believe that it will signify in the long run.

And, the nice part about that is, even if it does result in a significant reduction in breeding stock...

Pruning-back the herd by a few dozen millions over the next 30-50 years would be a very good thing.

Either way, the nation wins, and people like you (who run around crying that the sky is falling) lose, in your lame-ass attempts to convince the audience that we still need immigration, including the 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens now present upon United States soil.

Pissants like you are so busy hating your opposition that you make it easy to counterpoint your stance... too easy, by the look of it... surely you're capable of a higher level than you've demonstrated to date? Perhaps I'm mistaken.
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You are a myopic, illogical moron. I would encourage you to think about the consequences for a moment, but you are clearly incapable of such a feat.

So are you saying that population grow should NEVER be considered a threat, ever? So if the US grows to a billion people, you'd keep growing it?
The statement was accurate.

Feel free to dispute the accuracy of the statement at your convenience.

The 2020 Census is six years away.

Based on the past 200 years performance figures...

We may logically expect the 2020 Census to show more souls than it did in 2010......

You honestly cannot understand the significance of the above chart, can you? Holy shit you're stupid. :eek:
Oh, I understand it alright, Einstein.

It's just that I don't believe that it will signify in the long run.

And, the nice part about that is, even if it does result in a significant reduction in breeding stock...

Pruning-back the herd by a few dozen millions over the next 30-50 years would be a very good thing...

With those last two statements you prove that you do not understand what it signifies.

people like you (who run around crying that the sky is falling) lose, in your lame-ass attempts to convince the audience that we still need immigration, including the 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens now present upon United States soil....

Are you an inherently dishonest person, or are you by now so bereft of ideas that you cannot but ascribe to me positions I have clearly told you I do not hold? This is not a rhetorical question, so please answer it.
Immigration pretty near destroyed the US. We let in more Africans (like we don't have enough left over from slavery), one of which had a son with a good ol' American girl, who grew up to be president and made the US a laughing stock around the world with his slogan "Yes We Can't". :lol:
people like you (who run around crying that the sky is falling) lose, in your lame-ass attempts to convince the audience that we still need immigration, including the 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens now present upon United States soil....

Are you an inherently dishonest person, or are you by now so bereft of ideas that you cannot but ascribe to me positions I have clearly told you I do not hold? This is not a rhetorical question, so please answer it.
Yes, I saw your post, within the past day or two, in which you assert that you do not believe in a path to citizenship for the 12,000,000 .

I forgot, when I posted the above.

I was wrong.

I am sorry.

You have been giving a very good impression of someone who favors just that, in asserting your position that we continue to require immigration (legal, in this case) in substantial volumes in order to continue to grow.

The immigration-related disagreement between us is then limited to the extent to which both of us believe that continued large-scale legal immigration is still required or desirable.

That, and the use of the phrase 'Anchor Babies', from which I will not back down.

I had been operating under the impression that you were pro-Illegals for several days, prior to your disclaimer within the past 24 hours or so, and the impression was more difficult to shake than I would have believed likely, prior to the sequence.

You denied such motives (being pro-Illegals and giving them a path to citizenship).

I continued to hold you up as having just such motives, after your denial.

It had nothing to do with possessing sufficient imagination and logic to craft ideas.

It was not dishonesty.

It was a matter of having been extremely busy throughout much of the day, not paying as much attention to my post as I should, and forgetting your recent denial, at the time of that last post.

I was wrong.

I admit it freely.

I apologize.


Without caveats.

This has no effect on my perception that you are an Alarmist Sky-Is-Falling type, with respect to short-term population trends, and trying to pitch those as long-term population trends, in order to reinforce your position on LEGAL immigration, but I hereby and publicly retract anything related pertaining to ILLEGAL immigration.

This is not designed to (nor does it, in practice) impair your right to direct hostility or name-calling in my direction.


< wipes corner of mouth with napkin after eating slice of humble pie, washes hands, shakes-off the funk, and re-emerges, ready for whatever-the-hell comes next >

Now... back to the topic at hand.
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Massive immigration always destroys the host nation. One would think humanity would be cognizant of that fact by now.

The truly ignorant think that because the land mass is still there, the country has not been destroyed. It's okay. It's still there. I'm standing on it.
Massive immigration always destroys the host nation. One would think humanity would be cognizant of that fact by now.

The truly ignorant think that because the land mass is still there, the country has not been destroyed. It's okay. It's still there. I'm standing on it.

Oh yes, it certainly destroyed the United States.

All those damned French, and Germans, and Dutch, and Japanese, and Chinese, and Vietnamese, and Italians, and Scotts, and Russians, and Norwegians, and Swedes, and Armenians.

And of course the Irish. Can't forget the Irish and all the horrors they inflicted upon the country when they migrated here.
Pruning-back the herd by a few dozen millions over the next 30-50 years would be a very good thing.

Can we start with you and your family?
Why would you say that?

I have been talking about 'attrition' - with the rate of natural deaths exceeding the rate of natural births for a decade or two or three - and thereby gradually pruning-back the total population figure to a 1960s or 1970s or 1980s level - and not being overly worried about that.

We are on the same page with respect to Illegal Aliens.

We are on the same page with respect to Legal Immigrants.

I happily acknowledge that your immigrant spouse did things the right way and was (and is) most welcome in our country.

I have never manifested the slightest hostility towards you nor any position that you have served-up, to the best of my knowledge and recollection.

I have obviously and consciously gone out of my way to treat you and your family better than you are treating me and mine.

Why is that?

Why the hostility?

Did I wrong you in a previous life?

Did somebody pee in your Cheerios this morning?
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Immigration is not destroying America. Immigration built the United States of America.


&#8220;Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.&#8221;

Immigration to America was obsolete 23 years before this statue (with this idiotic inscription) was built. It became outdated in 1860, when the ID population passed it carrying capacity of 30 million. Posting the Emma Lazurus quote in a computer forum is just pain stupid.

If the inscription properly matched conditions as they exist in America today, it would say this >>

Absolutely DO NOT give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Absolutely DO NOT send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden CLOSED & LOCKED door.
This door will remain CLOSED & LOCKED to all seeking to come here except those with special skills we covet
Or those bringing capital to open businesses, and create jobs FOR AMERICAN CITIZENS.
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It's clear that some idiots posting here don't understand my country at all (given that we are a nation built upon shared principles, this means that in a very important sense such people cannot be considered real Americans). I think there is one delusional fool who actually keeps repeating some nonsense about the capacity of the nation remaining unchanged since 1860 or some such idiocy. There are some real headcases out there. Fortunately, those who are that far gone off the deep end are a minority among my fellow Americans.
Wake me up when the 2020 Census figures are published.

Wake up now. We fell below replacement levels of fertility in 2007. Our overall population is about holding steady because of our high rate of immigration.

FALSE! US population is anything but "holding steady".

As the graphs show, 26 million people immigrated to the US 1990-2010. And Us population has been increasing in leaps and bounds.

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