Immigration is Destroying America.

Some people who seem to have dropped out of school before getting to US History apparently don't appreciate just how long and intensely some 'nativists' hated Irish immigrants to this country, or Catholics in general. And then there was the shameful Exclusion Act of 1882, which anyone who finished high school knows about. Other "ethnic identities" have wrongly been branded as a "harm" to the nation in the past and we have always ended up forced to admit error in judgment eventually.

And since some people seem to have the memory of a goldfish on crack, it must be stated yet again that the US is NOT "overpopulated."

Willful ignorance is a self-inflicted wound.

Nice attempt at using the race card to discredit simple, ordinary geographic principle. You can blather on all day long with all your race card rants all you like. Everybody knows this is not about race, and immigrants from ANYWHERE of ANY RACE are all equally unwelcome (except for the 2 exceptions I noted previously), when we are so atrociously overpopulated (at more than 10 times what we should be)
I hope everyone had a chance to read all the links I provided to all the facts demonstrating that the US is not "overpopulated" by any reasonable measure.
I hope everyone had a chance to read all the links I provided to all the facts demonstrating that the US is not "overpopulated" by any reasonable measure.

There is NO SUCH THING as a link to a "fact" demonstrating that the US is not overpopulated by any reasonable measure. This is just more propaganda NONSENSE from a Muslim immigrant Islamist, who wants more Islamist jihadists like himself, to immigrate to the US, so they can overthrow the US govt, and enact an Islamic state. :eusa_whistle:
If anyone needs any clarification about the FACTS I presented that PROVE the US is nowhere near "overpopulated" that might make an interesting point of discussion. The FACTS remain, of course.
Immigration ALERT! ALERT! ALERT!


Over 300 cases of MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) have been discovered in Saudi Arabia. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should ANY person from Saudi Arabia be allowed to immigrate into the United States. With the long history of incomplete vetting of immigrants, including medical, and the rubberstamping so common to the process, ANY immigration form anywhere is a major risk to the American people. Immigration from Saudi Arabia shoud hve bee stopped long ago, but especially now in view of the current epidemic.
NO, if she was diseased it would NOT NECESSARILY have been obvious by now. As I just told you, Typhoid Mary carried the Typhoid bacilli for decades, while exhibiting no symptoms herself, but during this time infecting hundreds of people.

And i guess I'll stay on my high horse since it so happens I just has skin cancer surgery on Tuesday of this week through he VA hospital, and endured a couple of very long waits in the process. Then, yesterday I went through the VA hospital ER process (more long waits).

As for military bases, I've been stationed in 4 of them, and I've seen plenty of rude bigots there, bigoted against minorities & whites both.

And are you even aware how rare an asymptomatic carrier of a disease is?

And actually, Mary Mallon only infected 53 people, not "hundreds".

And hurray for your 4, I think I got you beat by a factor of 3.
Immigration ALERT! ALERT! ALERT!


Over 300 cases of MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) have been discovered in Saudi Arabia. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should ANY person from Saudi Arabia be allowed to immigrate into the United States. With the long history of incomplete vetting of immigrants, including medical, and the rubberstamping so common to the process, ANY immigration form anywhere is a major risk to the American people. Immigration from Saudi Arabia shoud hve bee stopped long ago, but especially now in view of the current epidemic.

And should any US military personnel who are currently in Saudi Arabia or neighboring countries be prevented from returning to the US as well?
If anyone needs any clarification about the FACTS I presented that PROVE the US is nowhere near "overpopulated" that might make an interesting point of discussion. The FACTS remain, of course.

Those So-Called "facts" are figments of your imagination. You bypass all known geographic facts, that show that of course America is severely overpopulated, and has been for 154 years, just to promote your Islamist agenda, part of which is helped by immigration.
Immigration ALERT! ALERT! ALERT!


Over 300 cases of MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) have been discovered in Saudi Arabia. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should ANY person from Saudi Arabia be allowed to immigrate into the United States. With the long history of incomplete vetting of immigrants, including medical, and the rubberstamping so common to the process, ANY immigration form anywhere is a major risk to the American people. Immigration from Saudi Arabia should have been stopped long ago, but especially now in view of the current epidemic.

And should any US military personnel who are currently in Saudi Arabia or neighboring countries be prevented from returning to the US as well?

Only if they are VETTED by US military in US military medical settings (which is not the case for Saudis), and I might even be going too far with that.
Isolationist cowards really are shameless. There is no degree to which they will not debase themselves out of abject irrational fear.

By the way, did I mention that the US is NOT "overpopulated"? Someone told me that some damn fool keeps trying to claim that it is despite all the facts to the contrary I have provided.
Immigration is Destroying America.

Immigration founded America. When considering the current US population growth curve, it is what will save America as well.
NO, if she was diseased it would NOT NECESSARILY have been obvious by now. As I just told you, Typhoid Mary carried the Typhoid bacilli for decades, while exhibiting no symptoms herself, but during this time infecting hundreds of people.

And i guess I'll stay on my high horse since it so happens I just has skin cancer surgery on Tuesday of this week through he VA hospital, and endured a couple of very long waits in the process. Then, yesterday I went through the VA hospital ER process (more long waits).

As for military bases, I've been stationed in 4 of them, and I've seen plenty of rude bigots there, bigoted against minorities & whites both.

And are you even aware how rare an asymptomatic carrier of a disease is?

And actually, Mary Mallon only infected 53 people, not "hundreds".

And hurray for your 4, I think I got you beat by a factor of 3.

I don't know where you got this 53 number from, but nobody knows how many people Mary Mallon infected. It could easily be, and probably is, in the hundreds. And there have been other asymptomatic carriers of Typhoid as well. Other healthy typhoid carriers identified in the first quarter of the 20th century include Tony Labella, an Italian immigrant, presumed to have caused over 100 cases (with five deaths); an Adirondack guide dubbed "Typhoid John", presumed to have infected 36 people (with two deaths); and Alphonse Cotils, a restaurateur and bakery owner.

As for the number of 4 military bases, I don't see that as somehow a contest.
Immigration is Destroying America.

Immigration founded America. When considering the current US population growth curve, it is what will save America as well.

How do the 16 items listed in the OP have anything whatsoever in common with saving America (from what ?)
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So if it's the Islamic states of America it would still be America? There is little difference between an invasion and immigration.
Isolationist cowards really are shameless. There is no degree to which they will not debase themselves out of abject irrational fear.

By the way, did I mention that the US is NOT "overpopulated"? Someone told me that some damn fool keeps trying to claim that it is despite all the facts to the contrary I have provided.

You have provided nothing but BS. You're a taqiyya-ridden Muslim Islamist immigrant, and you want to abolish the US Constitution and create an Islamic state. You thin people here are stupid ? You think they're not wise to you ?

And your little "cowards" ploy doesn't fly either. How incredibly :lame2: And your machine gun methodology here, promoting immigration, is nothing but immigration :spam: You ought to be ashamed of yourself.
I don't know where you got this 53 number from

Something known as "research", you might want to try it sometime.

'TYPHOID MARY' DIES OF A STROKE AT 68; Carrier of Disease, Blamed for 51 Cases and 3 Deaths, but She Was Held Immune Services This Morning
'TYPHOID MARY' DIES OF A STROKE AT 68 - Carrier of Disease, Blamed for 51 Cases and 3 Deaths, but She Was Held Immune Services This Morning Epidemic Is Traced - Article -

Mary Mallon, known as Typhoid Mary, was the first healthy person in the United States to be identified as a carrier of typhoid fever. Mary worked as a cook and unknowingly infected 53 different people: three of whom died from typhoid. She became famous, partly because she was the first healthy carrier of typhoid, but mostly because she adamantly refused to admit her role in spreading the disease and would not take the necessary precautions to prevent its spread.
Who was Typhoid Mary?

An Irish immigrant cook, Mallon became the focus of one of the best-known episodes in the history of communicable disease when U.S. health officials identified her as a healthy carrier of the organism causing typhoid fever. Mallon, who refused to acknowledge her role in spreading the disease as a cook, is known to have infected at least 53 people, resulting in three deaths. Unable to stop her from cooking for others, New York City authorities confined her for 26 years on North Brother Island in the East River.
Mary Mallon Biography (1869-1938)

Mary Mallon (1855-1938), a cook who lived in New York City around 1900, was identified as a chronic carrier of the typhoid bacilli. She was the cause of at least 53 outbreaks of typhoid fever.

The name "Typhoid Mary" became known around the world as a symbol for the chronic carrier of disease.
Who was Typhoid Mary? -

Now, do you have a reference to your "hundreds"?
The fact that some lame-brained coward keeps trying to sell the falsehood that the US is "overpopulated" when by any reasonable measure it is clearly not, is beside the point since ILLEGAL immigration remains a serious problem regardless.

Anyone who is opposed to LEGAL immigration quite simply does not understand America. Probably because they don't want to.

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