Immigration is Destroying America.

The fact that some lame-brained coward keeps trying to sell the falsehood that the US is "overpopulated" when by any reasonable measure it is clearly not, is beside the point since ILLEGAL immigration remains a serious problem regardless.

Anyone who is opposed to LEGAL immigration quite simply does not understand America. Probably because they don't want to.

Zipper head, nobody wants to go to the doctor and have their colon inspected for Geribils (except Howey) by some freak with a red dot on his head and prognosis that you can't understand. Your stupid little country is dead and inhabited by sheep and whiny little pussies like you who believe 320 million sheep isn't enough to fill all the jobs lost to their horde coming over here on 2 year visas. At least the filthy Irish could speak passable English!
Sometimes a crazy bigot gets so worked up he doesn't know which slur to use so he throws them all out there to see which one sticks.

A real American would know better. A real American would know we have always been a nation of immigrants. It takes a special kind of coward to fear one of our greatest strengths as a nation and a people. It takes some very, very severe myopia to think drawing the shades, hiding behind the couch and pretending the world doesn't exist is an option at all, let alone a viable one.

The government has shirked its responsibility regarding illegal immigration too long and too deliberately. But LEGAL immigration? Therein lies a huge part of our power and our potential as a nation. The best and the brightest from around the world come here for a number of reasons (some of which are imperiled by the current administration and those complicit with it). They come to learn, to research, to create, to innovate, to start businesses or expand existing ones, to love, to live, to contribute their wits and often their very lives to making America grow stronger. If every American appreciated this great country the way most naturalized citizens do we'd be a whole lot better off all around. Very few people who come here legally do so for nefarious purposes. Most who come illegally don't either, though that doesn't excuse the act or eliminate the accompanying problems.

Seeing some addle-brained fool deny the reality that the US is NOT "overpopulated" is one thing, watching some chronic headcase flip out in a scatter-shot fit of racist rage is another, but questioning the facility of the Irish with the English language is taking it too far. My ancestors turned back the schemes and aggression of the British for centuries and in the process took their hodgepodge of borrowed tongues and made something beautiful and poetic from it. One of the greatest acts of revenge in history. Coming to the new world, the Irish withstood generations of hatred and violence, added their particular genius to America's melting pot, and earned their place in a greater country than had ever been before or since. It is a process that continues to this day with other peoples from other places, always making us better and stronger. If we had to weed out as few bad apples from the home-grown harvest as from our newest LEGAL arrivals we would have very little to complain about indeed (of course we'd find something to complain about anyway - it's what we do).
So if it's the Islamic states of America it would still be America? There is little difference between an invasion and immigration.

CORRECT! To Mexico, it absolutely IS an invasion and has been for nearly 70 years.

NO,NO,Mexicans migrate but AMERICANS have been at WAR with someone since the end of the American Civil War.............You need to get your FACTS right.

Go back far enough and all Americans are IMMIGRANTS or decendents of IMMIGRANTS,so by definition YOU ARE REFERRING TO YOURSELF.....Protectionist,which makes you a MORON:D

I'm theliq and I kick MORONS ASSES BIG TIME because I can and DO:D
Sadly, we can see by this thread that some people who claim to have been born in America don't seem to understand English very well. That's OK if they are trying to improve, but...

Which reminds me of another falsehood propagated by the fearful and ignorant: the idea that immigrants don't understand the importance of learning English. By and large, nothing could be further from the truth. This ties in with the myth that a hundred years ago poor, uneducated people from non-English speaking European countries pulled ashore from Ellis Island bright and shiny, and spoke perfect English within a few weeks while vehemently rejecting their mother tongue forever. Ah......NO.
I don't know where you got this 53 number from

Something known as "research", you might want to try it sometime.

'TYPHOID MARY' DIES OF A STROKE AT 68; Carrier of Disease, Blamed for 51 Cases and 3 Deaths, but She Was Held Immune Services This Morning
'TYPHOID MARY' DIES OF A STROKE AT 68 - Carrier of Disease, Blamed for 51 Cases and 3 Deaths, but She Was Held Immune Services This Morning Epidemic Is Traced - Article -

Who was Typhoid Mary?

An Irish immigrant cook, Mallon became the focus of one of the best-known episodes in the history of communicable disease when U.S. health officials identified her as a healthy carrier of the organism causing typhoid fever. Mallon, who refused to acknowledge her role in spreading the disease as a cook, is known to have infected at least 53 people, resulting in three deaths. Unable to stop her from cooking for others, New York City authorities confined her for 26 years on North Brother Island in the East River.
Mary Mallon Biography (1869-1938)

Mary Mallon (1855-1938), a cook who lived in New York City around 1900, was identified as a chronic carrier of the typhoid bacilli. She was the cause of at least 53 outbreaks of typhoid fever.

The name "Typhoid Mary" became known around the world as a symbol for the chronic carrier of disease.
Who was Typhoid Mary? -

Now, do you have a reference to your "hundreds"?

Why would I need one ? I said >> "It could easily be, and probably is, in the hundreds." So I'm just estimating. But it is a fact that MM was born in 1869, and her condition wasn't discovered until 1906 (when she was 37 years old). This leaves lots of years of possible infection spreading before the investigation even begins. Is there anyone who can confirm that they know ALL of Typhoid Mary's infected people ? I'd say that's quite impossible. The 53 number you have are only the confirmed cased that are definitively known and documented. By no means are they all, or necessarily even close to the total number.

So then MM was isolated in a New York isolation hospital for 3 years (North Brother Island). In 1910, she got out, and disappeared and remained that way until 1915. How many infections also, during THAT 5 years ? Neither the New York Times or anybody else knows. She could have infected 100+ people in any one of those 5 years. "Exactly how many people were infected or killed by her is not known. She refused to cooperate with health authorities, withheld information about her past, and used different pseudonyms when she changed cities.Three deaths have been definitively attributed to her, with estimates running as high as 50" (Wikipedia)

Note: that is "deaths", not cases. Not everyone who gets typhoid dies, as Typhoid Mary herself was an example.

Typhoid Mary - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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So if it's the Islamic states of America it would still be America? There is little difference between an invasion and immigration.

CORRECT! To Mexico, it absolutely IS an invasion and has been for nearly 70 years.

NO,NO,Mexicans migrate but AMERICANS have been at WAR with someone since the end of the American Civil War.............You need to get your FACTS right.

Go back far enough and all Americans are IMMIGRANTS or decendents of IMMIGRANTS,so by definition YOU ARE REFERRING TO YOURSELF.....Protectionist,which makes you a MORON:D

I'm theliq and I kick MORONS ASSES BIG TIME because I can and DO:D

The moron whose ass you just kicked right here, is YOURS. Being a descendent of immigrants has nothing to do with it. Just because I am a descendant of immigrants, doesn't necessarily make my ancestors' immigrations here right or wrong. Ordinarily theirs would be wrong, but there were other considerations. I've already explained all that in previous posts, to other posters who also foolishly thought they could make a big deal out of that. But it make you wrong to wrongly call me a moron, when I'm completely right (and also makes you look childishly silly).

So millions of Mexicans enter the US (almost all of them illegally), and the result is the transfer of money from the US to Mexico, which is now Mexico's # 1 source of income. Sounds like international burglary. Another name for it is imperialism. Another is invasion. Here are the facts for YOU to get straight. Mexicans are illegally entering America. Americans are not illegally entering Mexico. As a consequence of this entrance( which you defensively won't call "invasion"), Billions of $$$ each year are extracted out of the US economy in remittances$$ ($25 Billion/yr to Mexico alone) + Billions more extracted out of US treasuries to Mexico via welfare for Mexicans using false documentation and/or the anchor baby racket. Billion$$ are not flowing from Mexico to the USA.

This is the 21st century. Weak 3rd world countries now invade with cheap labor "troops, and sack the victim nation for everything they can get, not with military troops, didn't you know. ? Time to catch up to reality, liq,

PS- no charge for the tutoring.
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The fact that some lame-brained coward keeps trying to sell the falsehood that the US is "overpopulated" when by any reasonable measure it is clearly not, is beside the point since ILLEGAL immigration remains a serious problem regardless.

Anyone who is opposed to LEGAL immigration quite simply does not understand America. Probably because they don't want to.

Zipper head, nobody wants to go to the doctor and have their colon inspected for Geribils (except Howey) by some freak with a red dot on his head and prognosis that you can't understand. Your stupid little country is dead and inhabited by sheep and whiny little pussies like you who believe 320 million sheep isn't enough to fill all the jobs lost to their horde coming over here on 2 year visas. At least the filthy Irish could speak passable English!

I once had a teacher in graduate school who was from India. Couldn't understand a word he said. I stopped going to the class, while other students pretended they understood, not wanting to hurt his feelings, or be called a "bigot". What they should have done is what I did, by going to the department head and complaining about an unqualified teacher. They were just as bad as the other students. Amazing that a guy like that could get hired to a job that depended entirely on his English speaking ability, for which he had NONE.
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The fact that some lame-brained coward keeps trying to sell the falsehood that the US is "overpopulated" when by any reasonable measure it is clearly not, is beside the point since ILLEGAL immigration remains a serious problem regardless.

Anyone who is opposed to LEGAL immigration quite simply does not understand America. Probably because they don't want to.

Anyone who says that the USA is not overpopulated, is just being a ridiculous fool. Nothing is more common knowledge that the SEVERE overpopulation of America, and that immigration is a major cause of it.

Anyone who separates legal immigration from illegal immigration, as if one would contribute to population addition and not the other, is being equally absurd. More people is more people, whether they are here legally or not. Simple as that. And equally simple is the knowledge that more and more people, is a worsening of all the harms listed in the Harms of immigration list in the OP.

And none of this common sense logic is open to interpretation. It's not an interpretation thing. It is pure numbers. Like 6 million Americans unemployed in the year 2000, to 15 million unemployed in 2010. So 9 million Americans become unemployed in this 10 year period, while 14 million immigrants entered the country, undercut US workers' wages, and feasted on American jobs, while the number of Americans unemployed soared to 15 million.

How interesting that the number of Americans who became unemployed, is almost equal to the number immigrants who entered the country (primarily to grab its jobs).

A Record-Setting Decade of Immigration: 2000-2010 | Center for Immigration Studies
Why would I need one ? I said >> "It could easily be, and probably is, in the hundreds. So I'm just estimating.

Translation: I am just making shit up as I go along, and I do not have to verify or reference shit. Simply because I said so is good enough.

Hey, try doing a little fucking research next time, so you do not look like a total ass when somebody like me comes along and makes you look like a total idiot.

Or at least have the integrity of another poster in here, percysunshine.

At least he had the integrity to admit he made a mistake and own up to it, instead of trying to blow off their freaking baobab tree sized boner by trying to claim "oh, I was just estimating".
I would hope that most understand 'Wiki' is not a legitimate source.

One thing I have long said, is that while Wikipedia is not a good source, it is a good source for sources.

Of course, I have also said that people need to vette their sources. Simply because some website agrees with somebody, that does not mean it is accurate or reliable.
I would also expect that anyone who has read this thread this far doesn't need me to re-post yet AGAIN the clear FACTS I have provided which prove the US is nowhere near "overpopulated" except in the imagination of weaklings looking for some justification for their preconceptions and misunderstandings.

We have vast space and a bounty of resources. Excuses, falsehoods, and fears won't change that.
I would hope that most understand 'Wiki' is not a legitimate source.

That's a dumb point of view. Wiki's explanations always come with a slew of good sources. Does nobody notice what's at the bottom of their pages, and then click on those links. Those are the sources.. Wiki is a website.
Why would I need one ? I said >> "It could easily be, and probably is, in the hundreds. So I'm just estimating.

Translation: I am just making shit up as I go along, and I do not have to verify or reference shit. Simply because I said so is good enough.

Hey, try doing a little fucking research next time, so you do not look like a total ass when somebody like me comes along and makes you look like a total idiot.

Or at least have the integrity of another poster in here, percysunshine.

At least he had the integrity to admit he made a mistake and own up to it, instead of trying to blow off their freaking baobab tree sized boner by trying to claim "oh, I was just estimating".

You shut your mouth you fuckin JACKASS. What's the matter you don't understand English, Bozo ? I didn't change a damn thing. I said probably in the first place, and say probably now.

And you're just deceitfully trying to spin it into a backpedal on my part. Sorry Chump. There's no backpedal. I'm not saying anything different now, than what I said before.
Fact is, you're just too much of an :asshole: to realize and admit you screwed up, by stupidly trying to claim Mary Mallon only ever infected 53 people, when I handed you your ass on that.

Now YOU may stand up straight and tall, an admit YOU were wrong, and YOU KNOW you were (unless you're even more of a dumbshit than it looks like so far)
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CORRECT! To Mexico, it absolutely IS an invasion and has been for nearly 70 years.

NO,NO,Mexicans migrate but AMERICANS have been at WAR with someone since the end of the American Civil War.............You need to get your FACTS right.

Go back far enough and all Americans are IMMIGRANTS or decendents of IMMIGRANTS,so by definition YOU ARE REFERRING TO YOURSELF.....Protectionist,which makes you a MORON:D

I'm theliq and I kick MORONS ASSES BIG TIME because I can and DO:D

The moron whose ass you just kicked right here, is YOURS. Being a descendent of immigrants has nothing to do with it. Just because I am a descendant of immigrants, doesn't necessarily make my ancestors' immigrations here right or wrong. Ordinarily theirs would be wrong, but there were other considerations. I've already explained all that in previous posts, to other posters who also foolishly thought they could make a big deal out of that. But it make you wrong to wrongly call me a moron, when I'm completely right (and also makes you look childishly silly).

So millions of Mexicans enter the US (almost all of them illegally), and the result is the transfer of money from the US to Mexico, which is now Mexico's # 1 source of income. Sounds like international burglary. Another name for it is imperialism. Another is invasion. Here are the facts for YOU to get straight. Mexicans are illegally entering America. Americans are not illegally entering Mexico. As a consequence of this entrance( which you defensively won't call "invasion"), Billions of $$$ each year are extracted out of the US economy in remittances$$ ($25 Billion/yr to Mexico alone) + Billions more extracted out of US treasuries to Mexico via welfare for Mexicans using false documentation and/or the anchor baby racket. Billion$$ are not flowing from Mexico to the USA.

This is the 21st century. Weak 3rd world countries now invade with cheap labor "troops, and sack the victim nation for everything they can get, not with military troops, didn't you know. ? Time to catch up to reality, liq,

PS- no charge for the tutoring.

Cheap Labour,in a way they are actually helping American business......doing jobs YOU won't do........and Stopping your business moving the injection of new blood.

What I find amusing is the fact that Immigrants and decendants of....are the first to MOAN.Theliq Educating Red Neck Americans for NO CHARGE:D I was born a Winner:D but keep Spewing and Whinging NO ONE IS LISTENING TO YOU:D
I would hope that most understand 'Wiki' is not a legitimate source.

That's a dumb point of view. Wiki's explanations always come with a slew of good sources. Does nobody notice what's at the bottom of their pages, and then click on those links. Those are the sources.. Wiki is a website.

I can point to you a dozen threads in which the bias is clear and obvious.

Just do a Google search for Edit Wars.

Or hell, look up the Wikipedia page on it:

Wikipedia:Edit warring - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The more closely a wiki page comes to political content, the more likely it will come to being biased and slanted. This is why many pages get locked. Some pages are almost perpetually locked, because some just can't help but try to inject in their own spin on politics.

Hell, *I* could jump in, throw in a bunch of crap that supports my viewpoint, then use that as a reference in here. Then I could simply go "Hey, Wikipedia says so, so it must be true!"

This is why most people like myself only use it as either a source for sources, or as a reference for the really stupid who need something like "What is the Declaration of Independence" explained to them in very simple words that a 6th grader can understand.
I would also expect that anyone who has read this thread this far doesn't need me to re-post yet AGAIN the clear FACTS I have provided which prove the US is nowhere near "overpopulated" except in the imagination of weaklings looking for some justification for their preconceptions and misunderstandings.

We have vast space and a bounty of resources. Excuses, falsehoods, and fears won't change that.

I haven't seen a shred of evidence from you about a damn thing. And the simple fact that from 2000 to 2010 US immigration increased 14 million, while US unemployment increased 15 million, is all the REAL evidence anybody would ever need to conclude we have serious overpopulation (without even reading the various links I posted on water shortages, oil shortages, arable land shortage, etc)
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Why would I need one ? I said >> "It could easily be, and probably is, in the hundreds. So I'm just estimating.

Translation: I am just making shit up as I go along, and I do not have to verify or reference shit. Simply because I said so is good enough.

Hey, try doing a little fucking research next time, so you do not look like a total ass when somebody like me comes along and makes you look like a total idiot.

Or at least have the integrity of another poster in here, percysunshine.

At least he had the integrity to admit he made a mistake and own up to it, instead of trying to blow off their freaking baobab tree sized boner by trying to claim "oh, I was just estimating".

You shut your mouth you fuckin JACKASS. What's the matter you don't understand English, Bozo ? I didn't change a damn thing. I said probably in the first place, and say probably now.

Wait a minute, *I* am deceitful?

You claim "hundreds", multiple references state somewhere in the 50's.

And you call me a "jackass"?

Why can't you just admit you exaggerated things, instead of getting all belligerent and offensive? Is that so freaking hard? To say "Yea, I made a mistake, it is around 50"?

Sorry, any respect I may have had for you has not gone into the sewer with yesterday's lunch. You blow it, you scream at me, I back up what I stated and give multiple references, and you get all offensive and insult me yet again.

Nothing you say has any merit as far as I am concerned. You are simply another ignorant racist bastard, and I could not care less about anything you have to say.

Have a nice day.

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