Immigration is Destroying America.

It's clear that some idiots posting here don't understand my country at all (given that we are a nation built upon shared principles, this means that in a very important sense such people cannot be considered real Americans). I think there is one delusional fool who actually keeps repeating some nonsense about the capacity of the nation remaining unchanged since 1860 or some such idiocy. There are some real headcases out there. Fortunately, those who are that far gone off the deep end are a minority among my fellow Americans.

What you call "off the deep end" is standard geographic principle, accepted by Geographers all over America, for over 100 years. The only one "off the deep end" is little uneducated, ignorant YOU.

See Post # 382.
It's almost funny how desperate some people are to ignore or deny reality like the fact that we fell below replacement levels of fertility in 2007. Our overall population is about holding steady because of our high rate of immigration.

Almost funny, but really just sad in the end. Weak people let their fears fuck them up the rear end and they always seem to go running back begging for more.
If you are looking for a "pro-illegals crowd" to argue with you'll have to seek elsewhere, because I haven't seen one on this thread at least.
Are you in favor of granting the 12,000,000 current Illegal Aliens a path to citizenship?

No, thanks for asking. Do you recognize the fact that anyone born in the US is a US citizen?

That is only in the LEGAL sense, and even that is based on a law which was NOT INTENDED TO BE ABUSED in the way that it is. In the common sense, anchor babies are not even close to being American. They go to school speaking a foreign language which they pick up from their parents (who speak no English). Those from Spanish-speaking countries, watch Spanish TV, read Spanish newspapers, listen to Spanish radio, eat foreign foods (with supermarkets creating special sections for them), wear foreign clothes, participate in foreign sports, know nothing of American political or sports history, don't understand American law and customs, and generally are about as American as a kangaroo.
Wake up now. We fell below replacement levels of fertility in 2007. Our overall population is about holding steady because of our high rate of immigration.

A painless way to reduce the population......

We don't need or (among thoughtful people) want to reduce the population, you idiot. What do you think is driving FDR's stupid idea into insolvency already?

Among thoughtful people, we certainly want to (and need to) reduce the population, and another Operation Wetback as was done in 1954, is what we need. Mass deportation.
Here are what I see as the HARMS of Immigration (in America). Feel free to dispute, debate, confirm, or whatever on any one or combination of these. This should be a good, rousing debate (but please try to stay on topic)

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($170 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases

I agree, but it's not immigration, rather ILLEGAL immigration that is causing the problems. Our immigration laws limit the number of people who can become citizens and we have conditions. Illegals just come with no means of supporting themselves unless they steal identities and take jobs for low pay. They still get welfare on top of being paid under the table. We have tens of millions of illegals who had ten times more anchor babies to get welfare, so it's a population explosion and they are costing more than helping to carry the burden.

I agree with what you say about illegal immigration, but immigration (ANY immigration) adds to the population and stresses it in most (if not all) of the harms I mentioned in the OP.
Here are what I see as the HARMS of Immigration (in America). Feel free to dispute, debate, confirm, or whatever on any one or combination of these. This should be a good, rousing debate (but please try to stay on topic)

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($170 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases

I agree, but it's not immigration, rather ILLEGAL immigration that is causing the problems. Our immigration laws limit the number of people who can become citizens and we have conditions. Illegals just come with no means of supporting themselves unless they steal identities and take jobs for low pay. They still get welfare on top of being paid under the table. We have tens of millions of illegals who had ten times more anchor babies to get welfare, so it's a population explosion and they are costing more than helping to carry the burden.

If they steal identities, why would they work under the table? If they steal identities, don't they pay taxes? If they're working and making money, don't they spend it in the economy? If they're here and working illegally, someone had to hire them. And thus we have the answer to the problem.

If an employer knowing (within set standards) hires an illegal alien, the fine is $50 Million and 50 years in prison. Simple.

I'll agree that the punishment s under IRCA are way too light, but illegal aliens still work under the table even if they have false documentation. If they go for a job and that's the way the employer has it set up, they don't walk away just because they have some documentation. Also, it's less risk for them to not use the false IDs.

Re: your question about spending money in the US economy, NO THEY DON'T, as I noted in number 4 of the list ( Remittance $$$ lost. ($170 Billion year). THEIR money is EXTRACTED OUT OF the US economy, wired to their home country, and gets spent into the economy of that home country. Very little of their money is spent here. They shack up 20 people to a single house (this is $$ lost to the US real estate industry). They pile into the back of a pick-up truck (this is $$ lost to the auto sales industry). They wear only 1 or 2 sets of clothes (this is $$ lost to the US clothing industry). They cut each other's hair (this is $$ lost to the haircutting industry), They don't pay for recreation (this is $$ lost to the recreation industry) etc. etc
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You are a myopic, illogical moron. I would encourage you to think about the consequences for a moment, but you are clearly incapable of such a feat.

The "consequences" of reducing a badly bloated overpopulation ? That's not consequences, that is BENEFITS. Like reducing unemployment, raising wages, reducing remittances$$ loss, reducing crime, reducing pollution, increasing availability of recreational facilities, school classes, road and highway space per capita, etc, etc, etc, etc.
The 2010 Census showed a population figure larger than 2000.

The 2000 Census showed a population figure larger than 1990.

The 1990 Census showed a population figure larger than 1980.

The 1980 Census...

You really are a dimwit...
NO, YOU apparently are the DIMWIT.

Kondor's statement that you fell on your face trying to refute, was absolutely correct, and here are the US Census Bureau's stats to prove it >>

The 1980 Census.. >> 227.23 million

The 1990 Census showed a population figure larger than 1980. >> 249.62 million

The 2000 Census showed a population figure larger than 1990. >> 282.16 million

The 2010 Census showed a population figure larger than 2000. >> 309.35 million

And in case anybody's wondering, as of April 26, 2014, US population stands at 317.93 million.

US Population by Year

List of countries by population - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Good post Konder. Be it known, being called dimwit by Unkotare = COMPLIMENT. :badgrin:
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It's a shame that some squatters are residing in this country who do not deserve to be. This includes not only illegal aliens, but also unworthy fools whose families may have been here before the Mayflower - when doesn't matter - who do not understand or appreciate what America really is. Ignorant fools like this may be citizens in the LEGAL sense, but they are not really Americans in the ways that matter. They probably think knowing not a word of any language other than English (which they can't use very well themselves) is what makes one an American, or eating certain foods that really originated somewhere else, or playing certain sports, or other silly superficialities have anything to do with it. They gas on about wearing "foreign clothes" when half of what they wear or own was made in another country. They are woefully ignorant about economics, history, political philosophy, or any of the things that really matter to being a real American, but that doesn't stop them from shooting their damn fool mouths off. They abuse a citizenship they don't understand or deserve while casting aspersions on others who carry and are very likely to be far more worthy of that precious status than themselves.
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As I have pointed out time and time again (with copious documentation), the US is anything but "overcrowded" by any reasonable measure, and the nation will be facing the consequences of a declining population within a few generations at the outside. These consequences will be significant no matter how willfully ignorant some people want to be right now.

FDR was shortsighted (among his many other evils) in his day, but to be shortsighted now when the shit is so close to the fan is just inexcusable.
Massive immigration always destroys the host nation. One would think humanity would be cognizant of that fact by now.

The truly ignorant think that because the land mass is still there, the country has not been destroyed. It's okay. It's still there. I'm standing on it.

Oh yes, it certainly destroyed the United States.

All those damned French, and Germans, and Dutch, and Japanese, and Chinese, and Vietnamese, and Italians, and Scotts, and Russians, and Norwegians, and Swedes, and Armenians.

And of course the Irish. Can't forget the Irish and all the horrors they inflicted upon the country when they migrated here.

With a small number of exceptions, ethnic identities other than Muslim, generally bear no harm to America based on their ethnic identity. The harm comes from the simple ADDITION OF POPULATION, to a population which is already massively overpopulated.
Those from Spanish-speaking countries, watch Spanish TV, read Spanish newspapers, listen to Spanish radio, eat foreign foods (with supermarkets creating special sections for them), wear foreign clothes, participate in foreign sports, know nothing of American political or sports history, don't understand American law and customs, and generally are about as American as a kangaroo.

My wife is from a Spanish speaking country. She watches Fox News, has not picked up a Spanish newspaper in years, does not listen to Spanish radio, and only watches Spanish TV so she can watch her Football games (what we in the US call "Soccer").

She wears clothes just like anybody else, probably knows more about US history and politics and laws and customs them many people "native born" in this forum, and most people can barely detect her accent, and to them it sounds more European then anything else.

Oh, but she does participate in "foreign sports". Soccer, Judo, and Tae-Kwan-Do are her particular favorites.

As for "foreign foods", what she calls "milanesa" you would call "chicken fried steak". And what she calls empanada most in the US (especially around the Great Lakes) would call a "pasty". And what she calls a "Tortilla Español" would probably in English be described as a "deep dish omelet".
12. Has your wife ever been tested for foreign diseases ? Do you KNOW, by medical testing, that she has no diseases ? Typhoid Mary carried the Typhoid bacilli for decades, while exhibiting no symptoms herself, but during this time infecting hundreds of people, some of whom died of the disease.

Wow, what a load of coprolite.

Well, my wife has been here for 35 years now, and we have been married for 28 years. SO I think if she was diseased it would have been obvious by now.

But you can get off your high-horse about her taking up your precious room in the ER. When she had cancer surgery 4 years ago, it was done in a military hospital. With a military doctor and military nurses. And any time she uses recreational facilities like campgrounds or a gym or anything else, it is with me on a military base.

There thankfully we are kept separate from the likes of rude bigots.

Oh, and as for #4, she has never sent a penny back to her "home country", nor has she ever visited it since she left. Nor does she ever intend to do so.

Why would she send money back to a country that tried to kill her entire family? Or want to visit it again? The US is her home now.
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Some people who seem to have dropped out of school before getting to US History apparently don't appreciate just how long and intensely some 'nativists' hated Irish immigrants to this country, or Catholics in general. And then there was the shameful Exclusion Act of 1882, which anyone who finished high school knows about. Other "ethnic identities" have wrongly been branded as a "harm" to the nation in the past and we have always ended up forced to admit error in judgment eventually.

And since some people seem to have the memory of a goldfish on crack, it must be stated yet again that the US is NOT "overpopulated."

Willful ignorance is a self-inflicted wound.
Some people who seem to have dropped out of school before getting to US History apparently don't appreciate just how long and intensely some 'nativists' hated Irish immigrants to this country, or Catholics in general. And then there was the shameful Exclusion Act of 1882, which anyone who finished high school knows about. Other "ethnic identities" have wrongly been branded as a "harm" to the nation in the past and we have always ended up forced to admit error in judgment eventually.

And since some people seem to have the memory of a goldfish on crack, it must be stated yet again that the US is NOT "overpopulated."

Willful ignorance is a self-inflicted wound.

Or the Native American Party, commonly called the "Know Nothings" as well as the American Republican Party.
Or the Native American Party, commonly called the "Know Nothings" as well as the American Republican Party.

Actually, the American Republican Party was the Native American Party. The Know Nothings were essentially the same thing (including many of the same members) though.
some people who seem to have dropped out of school before getting to us history apparently don't appreciate just how long and intensely some 'nativists' hated irish immigrants to this country, or catholics in general. And then there was the shameful exclusion act of 1882, which anyone who finished high school knows about. Other "ethnic identities" have wrongly been branded as a "harm" to the nation in the past and we have always ended up forced to admit error in judgment eventually.

And since some people seem to have the memory of a goldfish on crack, it must be stated yet again that the us is not "overpopulated."

willful ignorance is a self-inflicted wound.

Diversity is our strength! Didn't help the dirty jap bastards much in wwii did it?
The racism we see on this board weakens our country in ways and to a degree that immigration never has. Some of you bottom feeders make me wish we had locked the gates before your families immigrated her.
12. Has your wife ever been tested for foreign diseases ? Do you KNOW, by medical testing, that she has no diseases ? Typhoid Mary carried the Typhoid bacilli for decades, while exhibiting no symptoms herself, but during this time infecting hundreds of people, some of whom died of the disease.

Wow, what a load of coprolite.

Well, my wife has been here for 35 years now, and we have been married for 28 years. SO I think if she was diseased it would have been obvious by now.

But you can get off your high-horse about her taking up your precious room in the ER. When she had cancer surgery 4 years ago, it was done in a military hospital. With a military doctor and military nurses. And any time she uses recreational facilities like campgrounds or a gym or anything else, it is with me on a military base.

There thankfully we are kept separate from the likes of rude bigots.

Oh, and as for #4, she has never sent a penny back to her "home country", nor has she ever visited it since she left. Nor does she ever intend to do so.

Why would she send money back to a country that tried to kill her entire family? Or want to visit it again? The US is her home now.

NO, if she was diseased it would NOT NECESSARILY have been obvious by now. As I just told you, Typhoid Mary carried the Typhoid bacilli for decades, while exhibiting no symptoms herself, but during this time infecting hundreds of people.

And i guess I'll stay on my high horse since it so happens I just has skin cancer surgery on Tuesday of this week through he VA hospital, and endured a couple of very long waits in the process. Then, yesterday I went through the VA hospital ER process (more long waits).

As for military bases, I've been stationed in 4 of them, and I've seen plenty of rude bigots there, bigoted against minorities & whites both.
some people who seem to have dropped out of school before getting to us history apparently don't appreciate just how long and intensely some 'nativists' hated irish immigrants to this country, or catholics in general. And then there was the shameful exclusion act of 1882, which anyone who finished high school knows about. Other "ethnic identities" have wrongly been branded as a "harm" to the nation in the past and we have always ended up forced to admit error in judgment eventually.

And since some people seem to have the memory of a goldfish on crack, it must be stated yet again that the us is not "overpopulated."

willful ignorance is a self-inflicted wound.

Diversity is our strength! Didn't help the dirty jap [sic] bastards much in wwii [sic] did it?

What - in your ignorant, illiterate way - are you trying to say, headcase?

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