Immigration is Destroying America.

I suppose it might look that way to one as obviously IGNORANT as you are. Try reading the thread. Dozens of valid source links are there backing up everything, oh unknowing one. Read Baby! Read! See Post 607. Read Posts 581 through 590. What foreign diseases are being brought in to the US, are ALL OVER THIS THREAD. Got anything else to do with your day today besides displaying to all of us what a COMPLETE IMBECILE YOU ARE ?

And I guess maybe you forgot that the US IMPORTS 70% of its oil, while Canada with a correct population (relative to its resource base) EXPORTS oil, selling it to the US (our #1 supplier). And you don't know about America's numerous water shortage areas ? (especially in the Southwest where immigration is at a peak) Well, maybe that's because you didn't bother to read this thread and its links that I provided, choosing instead to make a FOOL out of yourself. Oh well. No law against that I guess. :badgrin:

These 11 Cities May Completely Run Out Of Water Sooner Than You Think

ROFL what the hell does oil imports have to do with immigration? Are you daft?

Overpopulation in the USA? You have to be the dumbest person on the planet to think the USA is over populated.


Oh man, you must be the dumbest idiot in this forum. Seriously. Would somebody please inform this poor soul about oil scarcity, gas at the pump prices, and population ?
I don't know if I can converse with somebody this incredibly ignorant. I mean really.

Oh, amazingly uninformed one, American Geographers (of which I happen to be one) have unanimously defined the USA as overpopulated (do you know what the word means ?), since1860, when the population exceeded the carrying capacity of 30 million (optimum population, relative to resource base)

Overpopulation - when a population of a species exceeds the carrying capacity of its ecological niche. Overpopulation is a function of the number of individuals compared to the relevant resources, such as the water and essential nutrients they need to survive. It can result from an increase in births, a decline in mortality rates, an increase in immigration, or an unsustainable biome and depletion of resources.

Let's see if I can explain this to RKMB on an elementary school level. If 100 ounces of oil are available, to be shared equally by
5 people, that's 20 ounces of oil for each one. If the population of oil consumers increases to 6 people, there now is only 16.6 ounces for each consumer. If the population increases to 7 oil consumers, there is now only 14.2 ounces for each consumer.
So in order to get the same amount of oil (20 ounces) the supplier has to go to outside sources to get more oil. The US does that. It goes to Canada, Mexico, Saudi Arabia et al to get 70% of its oil. The more people here using oil, the higher this importation % goes, and most of the countries are unfriendly to the US. Beginning to focus, RMKB ?

United States | Oil Imports | OPEC | GlobalPost

Wrong you stupid fucking asshole. We are not fucking running out of gas or any other resources. OMFG you have to be the dumbest shit for brains on the planet. Oh but you drew maps with crayons for a living. ROFL
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ROFL what the hell does oil imports have to do with immigration? Are you daft?

Overpopulation in the USA? You have to be the dumbest person on the planet to think the USA is over populated.


Oh man, you must be the dumbest idiot in this forum. Seriously. Would somebody please inform this poor soul about oil scarcity, gas at the pump prices, and population ?
I don't know if I can converse with somebody this incredibly ignorant. I mean really.

Oh, amazingly uninformed one, American Geographers (of which I happen to be one) have unanimously defined the USA as overpopulated (do you know what the word means ?), since1860, when the population exceeded the carrying capacity of 30 million (optimum population, relative to resource base)

Overpopulation - when a population of a species exceeds the carrying capacity of its ecological niche. Overpopulation is a function of the number of individuals compared to the relevant resources, such as the water and essential nutrients they need to survive. It can result from an increase in births, a decline in mortality rates, an increase in immigration, or an unsustainable biome and depletion of resources.

Let's see if I can explain this to RKMB on an elementary school level. If 100 ounces of oil are available, to be shared equally by
5 people, that's 20 ounces of oil for each one. If the population of oil consumers increases to 6 people, there now is only 16.6 ounces for each consumer. If the population increases to 7 oil consumers, there is now only 14.2 ounces for each consumer.
So in order to get the same amount of oil (20 ounces) the supplier has to go to outside sources to get more oil. The US does that. It goes to Canada, Mexico, Saudi Arabia et al to get 70% of its oil. The more people here using oil, the higher this importation % goes, and most of the countries are unfriendly to the US. Beginning to focus, RMKB ?

United States | Oil Imports | OPEC | GlobalPost

Wrong you stupid fucking asshole. We are not fucking running out of gas or any other resources. OMFG you have to be the dumbest shit for brains on the planet. Oh but you drew maps with crayons for a living. ROFL

You're too dumb, for me to talk to. You don't qualify for my posts. I mean really. Why do you think we IMPORT 70% of our oil ? You think we do that because we have such a surplus of money, that we want to spread it around ? You think maybe we're a rich nation with no debt and no deficit, and we're philanthropists who want to enrich these other countries ? Or maybe you think we just IMPORT 70% of our oil because 70 happens to be our lucky number ?

Pheeeeeww!! (high-pitched whistle) I hope I'm done having to talk to this dude. I don't make a habit of talking to trees. :rolleyes:

Hey, RMKB, try this link on for size. If you can't understand the words, you can just look at the pictures. >>
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We are done growing.

We stretch from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean...

We stretch from the Mexican border to the Canadian border...

There's no place else to expand...

We're done growing...

All we can do now is to continue to breed and to absorb wave after wave of immigrants, until we're packed-in like sardines...

Land prices are sky-high...

Home prices are (still) sky-high...

Energy prices are sky-high...

Food prices are sky-high...

Education costs are sky-high...

Medical Care costs are sky-high...

Durable goods costs are sky-high...

We don't need additional large-scale increases in demand, due to ever-increasing population...

Time to prune-back the herd a bit...

Through simple, painless attrition...

Send Illegal Aliens packing...

Tighten-up Legal immigration in accordance with Population Reduction Plans...

Let the birth rate decline for 20-30 years...

Ditto for immigration slowed to a trickle...

Later, we can open-up the Immigration Faucet again...

For now, it's probably time to put-on the brakes...

That doesn't mean that we have to slow Immigration to a halt...

But it should probably be scaled wwwwaaayyyyy back for a couple of decades...

That should buy us some breathing space...

We may very well be a nation of immigrants...

But that places no special burden upon us to CONTINUE in that vein IN PERPETUITY...

All good things must come to an end...

That may be the case for large-scale immigration, under the present circumstances...

We can always reboot the idea of large-scale immigration at a later date, if it pleases us to do so, and if it is advantageous to us...

It's our country, and we can do what-the-hell we want...

Including changing our emphasis on immigration...

If we want to...
Last edited:

Oh man, you must be the dumbest idiot in this forum. Seriously. Would somebody please inform this poor soul about oil scarcity, gas at the pump prices, and population ?
I don't know if I can converse with somebody this incredibly ignorant. I mean really.

Oh, amazingly uninformed one, American Geographers (of which I happen to be one) have unanimously defined the USA as overpopulated (do you know what the word means ?), since1860, when the population exceeded the carrying capacity of 30 million (optimum population, relative to resource base)

Overpopulation - when a population of a species exceeds the carrying capacity of its ecological niche. Overpopulation is a function of the number of individuals compared to the relevant resources, such as the water and essential nutrients they need to survive. It can result from an increase in births, a decline in mortality rates, an increase in immigration, or an unsustainable biome and depletion of resources.

Let's see if I can explain this to RKMB on an elementary school level. If 100 ounces of oil are available, to be shared equally by
5 people, that's 20 ounces of oil for each one. If the population of oil consumers increases to 6 people, there now is only 16.6 ounces for each consumer. If the population increases to 7 oil consumers, there is now only 14.2 ounces for each consumer.
So in order to get the same amount of oil (20 ounces) the supplier has to go to outside sources to get more oil. The US does that. It goes to Canada, Mexico, Saudi Arabia et al to get 70% of its oil. The more people here using oil, the higher this importation % goes, and most of the countries are unfriendly to the US. Beginning to focus, RMKB ?

United States | Oil Imports | OPEC | GlobalPost

Wrong you stupid fucking asshole. We are not fucking running out of gas or any other resources. OMFG you have to be the dumbest shit for brains on the planet. Oh but you drew maps with crayons for a living. ROFL

You're too dumb, for me to talk to. You don't qualify for my posts. I mean really. Why do you think we IMPORT 70% of our oil ? You think we do that because we have such a surplus of money, that we want to spread it around ? You think maybe we're a rich nation with no debt and no deficit, and we're philanthropists who want to enrich these other countries ? Or maybe you think we just IMPORT 70% of our oil because 70 happens to be our lucky number ?

Pheeeeeww!! (high-pitched whistle) I hope I'm done having to talk to this dude. I don't make a habit of talking to trees. :rolleyes:

Hey, RMKB, try this link on for size. If you can't understand the words, you just just look at the pictures. >>

These 11 Cities May Completely Run Out Of Water Sooner Than You Think

Dumb ass.
Wrong you stupid fucking asshole. We are not fucking running out of gas or any other resources. OMFG you have to be the dumbest shit for brains on the planet. Oh but you drew maps with crayons for a living. ROFL

You're too dumb, for me to talk to. You don't qualify for my posts. I mean really. Why do you think we IMPORT 70% of our oil ? You think we do that because we have such a surplus of money, that we want to spread it around ? You think maybe we're a rich nation with no debt and no deficit, and we're philanthropists who want to enrich these other countries ? Or maybe you think we just IMPORT 70% of our oil because 70 happens to be our lucky number ?

Pheeeeeww!! (high-pitched whistle) I hope I'm done having to talk to this dude. I don't make a habit of talking to trees. :rolleyes:

Hey, RMKB, try this link on for size. If you can't understand the words, you just just look at the pictures. >>

These 11 Cities May Completely Run Out Of Water Sooner Than You Think

Dumb ass.

Far worse harm than illegal immigration awaits if the far reactionary right ever gets control again.
And what "harm" might that be, pray tell ?

Uber conservatives? Racism, sexism, ageism, jingoism, theocracy, corporate fascism, et al.

I don't know what you could be thinking but it's the progressive left that has given us the (by far) greater amount of racism and sexism, by virtue of their bigoted affirmative action crap (which they never gave any breaks to older people with). As for theocracy, that would have to be the ones in Iran and Saudi Arabia, and the brief Muslim Brotherhood regime in Egypt, supported by the Obama administration, as well as the active Muslim Brotherhood presence IN the Obama administration itself.

As for corporate fascism, I might give you a few points on that, seeing as how the modern day Psuedo-Conservatives are still heavily under the influence of the Reagan legacy. (or should we say ailing from Reaganitis)

Jingoism ? I don't know what that could be. I wouldn't call fighting back against the Mexican invasion exactly "jingoism", any more than I would call America in World War II, jingoism. As for the war in Afghanistan, I support it fully for 2 reasons, which I expect everyone to know. And I don't support Obama's pullout, as we're seeing right now what's happening after the pullout from Iraq. I expect everyone to know that too.
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We are done growing.

We stretch from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean...

We stretch from the Mexican border to the Canadian border...

There's no place else to expand...

We're done growing...

All we can do now is to continue to breed and to absorb wave after wave of immigrants, until we're packed-in like sardines...

Land prices are sky-high...

Home prices are (still) sky-high...

Energy prices are sky-high...

Food prices are sky-high...

Education costs are sky-high...

Medical Care costs are sky-high...

Durable goods costs are sky-high...

We don't need additional large-scale increases in demand, due to ever-increasing population...

Time to prune-back the herd a bit...

Through simple, painless attrition...

Send Illegal Aliens packing...

Tighten-up Legal immigration in accordance with Population Reduction Plans...

Let the birth rate decline for 20-30 years...

Ditto for immigration slowed to a trickle...

Later, we can open-up the Immigration Faucet again...

For now, it's probably time to put-on the brakes...

That doesn't mean that we have to slow Immigration to a halt...

But it should probably be scaled wwwwaaayyyyy back for a couple of decades...

That should buy us some breathing space...

We may very well be a nation of immigrants...

But that places no special burden upon us to CONTINUE in that vein IN PERPETUITY...

All good things must come to an end...

That may be the case for large-scale immigration, under the present circumstances...

We can always reboot the idea of large-scale immigration at a later date, if it pleases us to do so, and if it is advantageous to us...

It's our country, and we can do what-the-hell we want...

Including changing our emphasis on immigration...

If we want to...

Another darn good post by Kondor. Way to go!! :eusa_clap:
We are done growing.

We stretch from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean...

We stretch from the Mexican border to the Canadian border...

There's no place else to expand...

We're done growing...

All we can do now is to continue to breed and to absorb wave after wave of immigrants, until we're packed-in like sardines...

Land prices are sky-high...

Home prices are (still) sky-high...

Energy prices are sky-high...

Food prices are sky-high...

Education costs are sky-high...

Medical Care costs are sky-high...

Durable goods costs are sky-high...

We don't need additional large-scale increases in demand, due to ever-increasing population...

Time to prune-back the herd a bit...

Through simple, painless attrition...

Send Illegal Aliens packing...

Tighten-up Legal immigration in accordance with Population Reduction Plans...

Let the birth rate decline for 20-30 years...

Ditto for immigration slowed to a trickle...

Later, we can open-up the Immigration Faucet again...

For now, it's probably time to put-on the brakes...

That doesn't mean that we have to slow Immigration to a halt...

But it should probably be scaled wwwwaaayyyyy back for a couple of decades...

That should buy us some breathing space...

We may very well be a nation of immigrants...

But that places no special burden upon us to CONTINUE in that vein IN PERPETUITY...

All good things must come to an end...

That may be the case for large-scale immigration, under the present circumstances...

We can always reboot the idea of large-scale immigration at a later date, if it pleases us to do so, and if it is advantageous to us...

It's our country, and we can do what-the-hell we want...

Including changing our emphasis on immigration...

If we want to...

Another darn good post by Kondor. Way to go!! :eusa_clap:

Interesting thread. Just focusing on one problem at a time. We have too many people chasing too few jobs the way it is. Everybody knows this, no argument I believe. How is bringing more job seekers here going to solve the problem? I'm a traditional Democrat. Take care of those really in need. We don't have the money to take care of poor people from other countries. Besides gun control, immigration is a problem I have with democrats. Not that I think repubs are any better on immigration. It's about keeping wages low and keeping ordinary Americans divided and fighting among themselves while the extremely wealthy continue to keep most of the wealth in this country.
We are done growing.

We stretch from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean...

We stretch from the Mexican border to the Canadian border...

There's no place else to expand...

We're done growing...

All we can do now is to continue to breed and to absorb wave after wave of immigrants, until we're packed-in like sardines...

Land prices are sky-high...

Home prices are (still) sky-high...

Energy prices are sky-high...

Food prices are sky-high...

Education costs are sky-high...

Medical Care costs are sky-high...

Durable goods costs are sky-high...

We don't need additional large-scale increases in demand, due to ever-increasing population...

Time to prune-back the herd a bit...

Through simple, painless attrition...

Send Illegal Aliens packing...

Tighten-up Legal immigration in accordance with Population Reduction Plans...

Let the birth rate decline for 20-30 years...

Ditto for immigration slowed to a trickle...

Later, we can open-up the Immigration Faucet again...

For now, it's probably time to put-on the brakes...

That doesn't mean that we have to slow Immigration to a halt...

But it should probably be scaled wwwwaaayyyyy back for a couple of decades...

That should buy us some breathing space...

We may very well be a nation of immigrants...

But that places no special burden upon us to CONTINUE in that vein IN PERPETUITY...

All good things must come to an end...

That may be the case for large-scale immigration, under the present circumstances...

We can always reboot the idea of large-scale immigration at a later date, if it pleases us to do so, and if it is advantageous to us...

It's our country, and we can do what-the-hell we want...

Including changing our emphasis on immigration...

If we want to...

Another darn good post by Kondor. Way to go!! :eusa_clap:

Interesting thread. Just focusing on one problem at a time. We have too many people chasing too few jobs the way it is. Everybody knows this, no argument I believe. How is bringing more job seekers here going to solve the problem? I'm a traditional Democrat. Take care of those really in need. We don't have the money to take care of poor people from other countries. Besides gun control, immigration is a problem I have with democrats. Not that I think repubs are any better on immigration. It's about keeping wages low and keeping ordinary Americans divided and fighting among themselves while the extremely wealthy continue to keep most of the wealth in this country.

Sounds like you should be what I am. A former Democrat, now registered Independent. Nothing is more harmful to the American poor and working class right now than immigration. In their zeal to acquire VOTES, by any means necessary, they have thrown the baby out with the bath water.
We are done growing....

You have a very limited understanding as to what "growing" means.
Not really.

I understand that a nation may grow in a great many areas of effort and focus and circumstance.

But many of those areas of growth are subordinate to the highest macro-level limitation... physical space.

And many other areas of growth are subordinate to the next-highest macro-level limitation... physical resources... a second-hand and indirect connection to physical space.

Yet more areas of growth are subordinate to the third-highest macro-level limitation... economic capacity... another second-hand and indirect connection to physical space.

We've pretty-much "topped-out" or "peaked" with respect to physicality.

Now it's time for us to learn to live within our means, and by that I mean our physicality...

If true, then...

This means that we learn to live within our present and future macro-level prospects and condition...

This means that we learn to live within our spacial limitations...

The world's population is spiraling upwards out of control and can lead to no good end...

We do not have to follow them into the abyss...

However, In order to avoid that fate over the next few generations, we must begin to take more seriously, as a matter of strategic planning, the size of our population...

The sooner, the better...

We don't need a 5-year plan or a 10-year plan in this regard...

We need a 30 or 40 or 50 -year plan...

One that sets aside Quantity of Life in favor of Quality of Life...

We have long-since surpassed the level of population required to sustain the nation and to continue to make internal improvements and to grow in most important areas of focus...

We have long-since reached the point where we do not require large-scale immigration for such purposes...

Things change...

It is probably time to set aside formerly correct and desirable policies pertaining to large-scale immigration, because the rationale and need for them have greatly lessened...

What we need to do from this point forward, we can do largely on our own, without the need for wave after wave of newcomers...

This is certainly true of Illegal Aliens...

But it is arguably also probably true of large-scale LEGAL immigration, at least for a while, until we've shrunk our population a bit (pruned back the herd a bit) through a relatively painless process of attrition...

This doesn't mean that we cannot afford to admit modest numbers of the best and brightest into our midst, just that the heady days of an overly-generous immigration accommodation may (rightfully) be drawing to a close...

And, if some would equate such a paradigm shift regarding immigration as the metaphorical hanging of a 'No Vacancy' sign on the Statue of Liberty...

We can also consider hanging a metaphorical sign out that says "Closed for remodeling - Grand Re-Opening coming, Summer, 2050...

And tweak the Re-Opening (reboot of large-scale immigration) Date to align with developments, as we monitor the progress of our own long-term population control efforts...

Quality of Life, for all who are already here, and our foreseeable descendants, rather than Quantity of Life, simply so that we can continue to feel good about taking others in...

It's our turn, to join other nations in contemplating qualitative issues, and according them a priority over quantitative ones, in a reversal of our old feel-good mindset...

If true, then, we may be fast approaching a time in which a paradigm shift is indicated, in connection with immigration...

Rightly or wrongly...

I'm not thinking 10 years ahead... I'm thinking 50 years ahead... or 100.

Quality of Life, not Quantity of Life...
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We have too many people chasing too few jobs the way it is. Everybody knows this, no argument I believe. ...

Your belief is mistaken. We have many jobs waiting for qualified candidates, and we have many unemployed people who have been taught by this government that welfare is a better 'career choice' than low-paying but honest work and/or who are concentrated in urban areas while unskilled jobs need to be filled in rural agricultural areas.
We are done growing....

You have a very limited understanding as to what "growing" means.
Not really.

I understand that a nation may grow in a great many areas of effort and focus and circumstance.

But many of those areas of growth are subordinate to the highest macro-level limitation... physical space.

And many other areas of growth are subordinate to the next-highest macro-level limitation... physical resources... a second-hand and indirect connection to physical space....

And we have a great abundance of physical space and natural resources, as I have proven here time and time and time again.
I believe some people here have said things along the lines of "do you want to wait until we've like China?!" Well, guess what?

China's population: The most surprising demographic crisis | The Economist

it's only a crisis because economically, it will affect them. They have way too many people as it is, way too much pollution, have to go to Africa to find farmland... So they'll have a population shock, so what? The Economist won't be happy?
Good for them for taking care of the problem. :clap2:

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