Immigration is Destroying America.

I believe some people here have said things along the lines of "do you want to wait until we've like China?!" Well, guess what?

China's population: The most surprising demographic crisis | The Economist

I give up. What does this goofey link you polluted my fine thread with say ? Oh never mind, I'll just read it.

Well, how do you like that ? It's talking about China's One Child Policy (which I've already presented 2 links on earlier) And it's NOT saying anything really related to the topic of this thread. Not at all. It's talking about the problem China will have because at some point in the future (check THIS out), the rampant female infanticide going on (via ultrasound and abortion), will result in not enough brides for young men wanting to marry.
Well, maybe people shouldn't kill their unborn female kids, right ? That's the only problem going on there.

Folks, this is the kind of gobbledegook you get when you click an Unkotare link.:lol:
Don't say you were never warned. :rolleyes:

PS - I seem to recall this thread had the word "America" in its title.
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The world's population is spiraling upwards out of control ...

No, it's not. People just parrot this false 'crisis' the way some worried about a 'New Ice Age' for a time back in the 70s. The opposite is what succeeding generations will have to contend with.

The Facts of Global Depopulation | Population Research Institute

The Looming Population Implosion

UN Issues Warning on Looming International Under-Population Problem

I'd be VERY happy if the world's population went down significantly. Let's hope these projections hold.

You can be SURE >> They won't.
China's population: The most surprising demographic crisis | The Economist

Those who can actually read will see that China is staring down the barrel of the population gun like the rest of the world because they are facing a birthrate below replacement (as we are also) and an aging population that lives longer than ever (as we are also). The one-child policy, in addition to being morally repugnant, has worked too well. When the effects start to be felt in earnest, they will be severe because of the scale of the demographics in China. But make no mistake, most every country is facing the same issues sooner or later; more intensely or more gently, they are all but inevitable.

And WHO is getting the majority of this welfare ?

ANSWER >> IMMIGRANTS. That's who. And that is the main reason WHY there is so much of it, as I have stated and provided link after link, in previous posts, to prove.

In 2009 (based on data collected in 2010), 57 percent of households headed by an immigrant (legal and illegal) with children (under 18) used at least one welfare program, compared to 39 percent for native households with children.

Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children | Center for Immigration Studies

But how could that be [MENTION=45665]protectionist[/MENTION] says he's a geographer who knows stuff.

I think what he meant to say is that he once found a page from an extremely outdated geography book while picking through his neighbors' garbage. Too bad it was in the trash; as old as it must have been, it might have had some historical value at least.

Ignorant fools can read this thread and perhaps pay some heed to your trash talk. But who cares ? They're ignorant fools. Those in the know can read it, and easily see who is talking the knowledge, and who isn't. :cool:

Both of those links are IRRELEVANT to the thread.

1. Population density might impact traffic congestion. Not much else.

2. Total resources is irrelevant. What matter is resources relative to population, and the fact that they are constantly lessened per capita, as the population grows larger (greatly by immigration in America)
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Population density at the movies:

We have to stop immigration before we run out of seats.
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[MENTION=45665]protectionist[/MENTION] is just a POS troll for the democrat party. He's getting paid to post a constant stream of baseless lies down here.

I know. It's just fun batting him around like a cat with a mostly-dead mouse. :lol:

Too bad it's YOU who's getting his teeth kicked in right here right now, and if your little teddy bear RKMB hangs around with you too long he's going to go down with you, if it's not too late already. As I said before the informed ones know you're just a TROLL who comes in here to disrupt and derail, because you're a Muslim Islamist and you want to overthrow the govt.

As for the pitiful RK, he can't even get his insults right. Me a troll for the Democrats ?
HA HA HA! Oh Yeah, we can all be assured the Dems really love all my anti-immigration talk, right RK ? And they relish my anti-Muslim talk right ? ... like this one >> And must love all my anti-affirmative action talk, and pro-gun, pro-death penalty stuff, right RK ? Right ? Right ? Pheeeeeeeww! (high-pitched whistle)

RK, don't you have a Reagan statue you can go bow down to somewhere ? Sheeeesh!

TROLLS...both of these goons.
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I wonder if we can string this mental case along for another 50 pages or so? It's fun to find out!

For any normal people reading: Immigration remains, of course, essential to the US as a nation. Essential in every sense of the word. ILLEGAL immigration, however, is a burden and an offense that the government has a responsibility to combat - for the sake of everyone involved. The good news is that today's immigrants, despite what any frightened idiots might insist, are assimilating to our culture and our language just as those who came before them did. It is a testimony to America's enduring strength and limitless potential.

The world's population is spiraling upwards out of control

No, it's not. People just parrot this false 'crisis' the way some worried about a 'New Ice Age' for a time back in the 70s. The opposite is what succeeding generations will have to contend with.

The Facts of Global Depopulation | Population Research Institute

The Looming Population Implosion

UN Issues Warning on Looming International Under-Population Problem


Yes, it is
(the world's population is spiraling out of control)...


BBC Education (Geography) Website...

Population numbers change over time, influenced by births, deaths and migration into or out of the area. Global population levels, having grown slowly for most of human history, are now rising.

Global population growth

Population pyramids show the structure of a population by comparing relative numbers of people in different age groups. Population structures differ markedly between LEDCs and MEDCs. (Less Economically-Developed Countries vs. More...)

Demographic transition models show population change over time - and also show marked differences between LEDCs and MEDCs.

At present the world's population is growing quickly, though this has not always been the case.

Until the 1800s the world's population grew slowly for thousands of years.

In 1820 the world's population reached one billion.

In the early 1970s, the world's population reached three billion.

In 1999, less than 30 years later, the population doubled to six billion.

The global rate of population growth is now one billion every 15 years.

The graph shows this pattern of accelerating growth (including the predicted population for 2025).



You appear to be confusing RATE of growth or decline with RAW NUMBERs.

The former is merely a factor in predicting possible future outcomes.

The latter is what we are dealing with at present in the Real World, beyond the realm of speculation and prediction.

The latter is what signifies.

A doubling of the world population in 30 years is 'spiraling out of control' according to any sane standard.
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I wonder if we can string this mental case along for another 50 pages or so? It's fun to find out!

For any normal people reading: Immigration remains, of course, essential to the US as a nation. Essential in every sense of the word. ILLEGAL immigration, however, is a burden and an offense that the government has a responsibility to combat - for the sake of everyone involved. The good news is that today's immigrants, despite what any frightened idiots might insist, are assimilating to our culture and our language just as those who came before them did. It is a testimony to America's enduring strength and limitless potential.

Sez you Mr. Immigrant Islamist, in the long tradition of Islamic taqiyya (lying). So now that we've heard more of your beat the drum propaganda, what do the 12-20 million American UNEMPLOYED (those conducting job searches with a hire) have to say about all these wage undercutting immigrants taking the jobs these Americans would have otherwise had ?

Have you asked them what THEY have to say about it ? :doubt:

The world's population is spiraling upwards out of control

No, it's not. People just parrot this false 'crisis' the way some worried about a 'New Ice Age' for a time back in the 70s. The opposite is what succeeding generations will have to contend with.

The Facts of Global Depopulation | Population Research Institute

The Looming Population Implosion

UN Issues Warning on Looming International Under-Population Problem


Yes, it is
(the world's population is spiraling out of control)...

No, it is not. The world's population is NOT "spiraling out of control." Of course the overall population will continue to grow over the next several decades, but we are nowhere near the planet's carrying capacity or our ability to produce, and upon reaching a peak in the not-very-distant future the total will begin to contract. You want to walk backwards pointing at what you see and insisting that means you know where you are going. Several developed countries are already beginning to experience the reality of population decline. All developed nations are soon to follow and in time the whole ball of wax. This is reality. Don't lower yourself to the level of some nut chanting about agricultural production from the 1860s or something. I have provided you with more than enough proof to support what is all but an inevitability before very long. Stop reading last year's almanac and read the links.
No, it's not. People just parrot this false 'crisis' the way some worried about a 'New Ice Age' for a time back in the 70s. The opposite is what succeeding generations will have to contend with.

The Facts of Global Depopulation | Population Research Institute

The Looming Population Implosion

UN Issues Warning on Looming International Under-Population Problem


Yes, it is
(the world's population is spiraling out of control)...

No, it is not. The world's population is NOT "spiraling out of control." Of course the overall population will continue to grow over the next several decades, but we are nowhere near the planet's carrying capacity or our ability to produce, and upon reaching a peak in the not-very-distant future the total will begin to contract. You want to walk backwards pointing at what you see and insisting that means you know where you are going. Several developed countries are already beginning to experience the reality of population decline. All developed nations are soon to follow and in time the whole ball of wax. This is reality. Don't lower yourself to the level of some nut chanting about agricultural production from the 1860s or something. I have provided you with more than enough proof to support what is all but an inevitability before very long. Stop reading last year's almanac and read the links.

The true definition of a troll is one who throws mindless banter around, which has already been refuted , and ignores that, and continues to blabber his nonsense. What a drag. Ho hum. Yawn ****

See the CORRECT links > in post # 656.
It seems there may still be at least one lunatic, isolationist, xenophobic coward denying the many, many facts I have so kindly presented here. If we could deport crazy idiots who don't understand what America is, we'd be a lot better off. But what country would have them?

In any case, LEGAL immigration remains one of America's greatest strengths. We have plenty of room, a bounty of resources, and a culture that at its best welcomes and assimilates in the best way for everyone involved.

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