Immigration is Destroying America.

The world's population is spiraling upwards out of control ...

No, it's not. People just parrot this false 'crisis' the way some worried about a 'New Ice Age' for a time back in the 70s. The opposite is what succeeding generations will have to contend with.

The Facts of Global Depopulation | Population Research Institute

The Looming Population Implosion

UN Issues Warning on Looming International Under-Population Problem

I'd be VERY happy if the world's population went down significantly. Let's hope these projections hold.
I believe some people here have said things along the lines of "do you want to wait until we've like China?!" Well, guess what?

China's population: The most surprising demographic crisis | The Economist

it's only a crisis because economically, it will affect them. They have way too many people as it is, way too much pollution, have to go to Africa to find farmland... So they'll have a population shock, so what? The Economist won't be happy?
Good for them for taking care of the problem.

They haven't 'taken care' of a problem, they have just added another, more nettlesome, one.
The world's population is spiraling upwards out of control ...

No, it's not. People just parrot this false 'crisis' the way some worried about a 'New Ice Age' for a time back in the 70s. The opposite is what succeeding generations will have to contend with.

The Facts of Global Depopulation | Population Research Institute

The Looming Population Implosion

UN Issues Warning on Looming International Under-Population Problem

I'd be VERY happy if the world's population went down significantly. ...

No you wouldn't. You're just too much of a dimwit to comprehend the consequences.
You have a very limited understanding as to what "growing" means.
Not really.

I understand that a nation may grow in a great many areas of effort and focus and circumstance.

But many of those areas of growth are subordinate to the highest macro-level limitation... physical space.

And many other areas of growth are subordinate to the next-highest macro-level limitation... physical resources... a second-hand and indirect connection to physical space....

And we have a great abundance of physical space and natural resources, as I have proven here time and time and time again.
What is this 'proof' you speak of, Unk?

Population density figures, vis a vis other countries?

We may very well be listed as No. 142 out of 192 countries, in population density.

Good on us.

Let's keep it that way.

Let's not start climbing up the ladder, to 141, or 140, or 139, or 138, or beyond.

We have 300,000,000+ souls on-board, according to the US Census Bureau.

We had 150,000,000 souls on-board in 1950.

In 60 years, we doubled our population.


As a percentage of income, costs were lower across the board in 1950.

With twice as many people, we now have twice as much demand, vs. 1950.

Twice as much demand for housing, food, education, medical care, jobs, etc.

This is not a healthy development.

It erodes the Quality of Life, in favor of a Quantity of Life.

We have no further need for large-scale immigration.

We actually need to prune-back our population a bit.

And if declining fertility and birth rates will help do the trick, then, great.

And if a growing Senior Citizen population (The Aging of the Boomers) will help do the trick, then, great.

We could drop 50,000,000 or even 100,000,000 total souls from our population of 300,000,000 and still be just fine, with lots of room for everyone, and a lower demand for the necessities of life.

We can do that through a 30 or 40 or 50 -year Strategic Plan for population control, without being invasive or brutal like the Chinese found themselves becoming a few decades ago.

Eventually, the Boomers will fade from the scene, and the imbalance in the Aging demographic will bottom-out and level-off and self-correct.

Eventually, the declining birth-rate will bottom-out and level-off and self-correct.

And we'll STILL be a strong, vital nation of 250,000,000 or 200,000,000 - able to care for our own, with room for all, and resources for all.

We have a great abundance of physical space and resources?

You'll get a strong argument out of a great many people (myself included) over that one.


Even if what you say is true, then...

Good... excellent... let's KEEP it that way...

By reducing the population a bit over the long term, and throttling-back on things that contribute to an increase in population, such as large-scale immigration...

The fewer the people, the more resources for those already here... Quality, not Quantity.
Seems that the conclusions from this thread are:

1. there are too many people in the world
2. illegal immigration hurts the USA
3. liberal ideas hurt poor people the most
4. we need a secure border
5. those here illegally should be able to attain citizenship, but it should be expensive, long, and difficult. They should be in line behind those who are doing it legally
6. criminals here illegally should be deported
7. companies that hire illegalls should receive heavy fines
8. liberalism always fails
9 Obama is the worst president in history
10. We need to balance births with deaths to stabilize our population.
We actually need to prune-back our population a bit.

And if declining fertility and birth rates will help do the trick, then, great.

And if a growing Senior Citizen population (The Aging of the Boomers) will help do the trick, then, great...

No, not great. You seem to insist on being short-sighted. Did you read the most recent links I provided? Have you even tried to think about the consequences of an aging, shrinking population. You seem to have some emotional issue with the idea of population, but you are not even trying to be rational. Maybe you can't be.
Seems that the conclusions from this thread are:

1. there are too many people in the world
2. illegal immigration hurts the USA
3. liberal ideas hurt poor people the most
4. we need a secure border
5. those here illegally should be able to attain citizenship, but it should be expensive, long, and difficult. They should be in line behind those who are doing it legally
6. criminals here illegally should be deported
7. companies that hire illegalls should receive heavy fines
8. liberalism always fails
9 Obama is the worst president in history
10. We need to balance births with deaths to stabilize our population.

"Seems that the conclusions from this thread are..." according to whom? That looks like a list of your personal opinions.
I live in williamson county TX, a county that has been the fastest or second fastest growing county in the country for the last 16 years. It's not even remotely crowded here.
I live in williamson county TX, a county that has been the fastest or second fastest growing county in the country for the last 16 years. It's not even remotely crowded here.

Great. Now go out and examine EVERY OTHER COUNTY in America, and come back and tell us what you find. And bring a lot of money for gas. :badgrin:
We have too many people chasing too few jobs the way it is. Everybody knows this, no argument I believe. ...

Your belief is mistaken. We have many jobs waiting for qualified candidates, and we have many unemployed people who have been taught by this government that welfare is a better 'career choice' than low-paying but honest work and/or who are concentrated in urban areas while unskilled jobs need to be filled in rural agricultural areas.

I have lived in quite of number of different places around the USA. The ONLY single place I've ever seen where the govt would support me (without being severely disabled or having dependent children) is in New York City, and I'm not even sure if it's that way any more there now.

As I see it here in Florida, the only thing obtainable to an indigent person (without being severely disabled or having dependent children) is food stamps (less than $150/month) and Medicaid, which is practically worthless, since no doctors or dentists will accept it.

The main thing people need is a ROOF, and a home. That, welfare does NOT provide, and based on that, I would have to say NO, we do NOT have many unemployed people who have been taught by this government that welfare is a better 'career choice' than low-paying but honest work, because all over this country, this simply is NOT TRUE.
The world's population is spiraling upwards out of control ...

No, it's not. People just parrot this false 'crisis' the way some worried about a 'New Ice Age' for a time back in the 70s. The opposite is what succeeding generations will have to contend with.

The Facts of Global Depopulation | Population Research Institute

The Looming Population Implosion

UN Issues Warning on Looming International Under-Population Problem

All 3 of this nutjob websites are a joke. Now nearly 1 billion people are chronically hungry, according to the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization, and at least 8 million die every year of hunger-related illnesses.

By midcentury, there will be at least 2 billion more mouths to feed, and no one can say where the food will come from.

It's not just that the population will be larger. It's that hundreds of millions of newly affluent people, mostly in Asia, will want to add dairy products and grain-fed beef and pork to their diets.

To meet the projected demand, the world's farmers will have to double their crop production, according to calculations by a team of scientists led by David Tilman, a University of Minnesota expert on global agriculture.

William G. Lesher, a former chief economist for the U.S. Department of Agriculture, said "the brightest minds in the field haven't figured out the solution."

"We're going to have to produce more food in the next 40 years than we have the last 10,000," he said. "Some people say we'll just add more land or more water. But we're not going to do much of either."

Population crisis: Amid global population growth, a loss of urgency -

World?s top problem is overpopulation, not climate - Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch

Overpopulation Is Still the Problem | Alon Tal

Population crisis: Amid global population growth, a loss of urgency -

Population - Beyond 7 Billion -
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But how could that be [MENTION=45665]protectionist[/MENTION] says he's a geographer who knows stuff.

How could we have all these resources and 1/10th the population density of Japan and be overcrowded? Or is [MENTION=45665]protectionist[/MENTION] trying to say we need to kill all Americans to make up for the overcrowding in the other countries?

But how could that be [MENTION=45665]protectionist[/MENTION] says he's a geographer who knows stuff.

I think what he meant to say is that he once found a page from an extremely outdated geography book while picking through his neighbors' garbage. Too bad it was in the trash; as old as it must have been, it might have had some historical value at least.

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