Immigration is Destroying America.

Drought, Population Growth, and Big-Ag: California's Future Looks Bleak

So..................who do you blame for that? God? Conservatives? Liberals?

How about blaming the people who are truly responsible, meaning the corporations?

I blame the same people that Melanie Oubre blamed, in her article here which is the Big-Ag corporations who want cheap immigrant labor, their House Republican ass-kissers who want their campaign contributions, but also Obama, Jerry Brown, and everyone and anyone who is allowing this insane immigration to occur in California, which as the EPA correctly concluded > "Future water scarcity will be compounded by the region's rapid population growth, which is the highest in the nation."
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It seems there may still be at least one lunatic, isolationist, xenophobic coward denying the many, many facts I have so kindly presented here. If we could deport crazy idiots who don't understand what America is, we'd be a lot better off. But what country would have them?

In any case, LEGAL immigration remains one of America's greatest strengths. We have plenty of room, a bounty of resources, and a culture that at its best welcomes and assimilates in the best way for everyone involved.

The sun is blue, the sea is red, grass is purple, cows fly, and 100 sharks will run the Boston Marathon next year. Was it Unkotare who said that ? Might as well have been. :lol:
It's encouraging to know the FACT that Latino immigrants today are adopting English as quickly and as well as previous waves of immigrants from non-English speaking countries have in the past. They are assimilating to American culture, within a generation or two are marrying outside their ethnic group at high levels (which certainly suggests integration rather than insular attitudes like some of the nitwits here have demonstrated), and generally becoming Americans like their predecessors did. The melting pot still works, despite what the fearful and feeble-minded might want to have you believe.
It's encouraging to know the FACT that Latino immigrants today are adopting English as quickly and as well as previous waves of immigrants from non-English speaking countries have in the past. They are assimilating to American culture, within a generation or two are marrying outside their ethnic group at high levels (which certainly suggests integration rather than insular attitudes like some of the nitwits here have demonstrated), and generally becoming Americans like their predecessors did. The melting pot still works, despite what the fearful and feeble-minded might want to have you believe.

The issue isn't whether Group A or B integrate into our society well enough.

The issue is the SIZE of our society, and whether we need to get any bigger.

It's encouraging to know the FACT that Latino immigrants today are adopting English as quickly and as well as previous waves of immigrants from non-English speaking countries have in the past. They are assimilating to American culture, within a generation or two are marrying outside their ethnic group at high levels (which certainly suggests integration rather than insular attitudes like some of the nitwits here have demonstrated), and generally becoming Americans like their predecessors did. The melting pot still works, despite what the fearful and feeble-minded might want to have you believe.

The issue isn't whether Group A or B integrate into our society well enough.

The issue is the SIZE of our society, and whether we need to get any bigger.


Wrong. The topic of this thread was not that narrow question. In any case, it has been established that we have plenty of room and resources and that immigration is a positive force for our country.
It's encouraging to know the FACT that Latino immigrants today are adopting English as quickly and as well as previous waves of immigrants from non-English speaking countries have in the past. They are assimilating to American culture, within a generation or two are marrying outside their ethnic group at high levels (which certainly suggests integration rather than insular attitudes like some of the nitwits here have demonstrated), and generally becoming Americans like their predecessors did. The melting pot still works, despite what the fearful and feeble-minded might want to have you believe.

The issue isn't whether Group A or B integrate into our society well enough.

The issue is the SIZE of our society, and whether we need to get any bigger.


Wrong. The topic of this thread was not that narrow question. In any case, it has been established that we have plenty of room and resources and that immigration is a positive force for our country.
Re: what has been 'established' and what has not...

No, Unk.

You have presented one side of a multi-faceted story and line of questioning, and attempted to bully the opposition into submission, and your own particular cited op-ed pieces and analysis and conclusions are not decisive nor even dominant.

It has not been established that we have plenty of room and resources to accommodate future waves of immigration.

Nor has it been established that immigration will continue to be a positive factor in the evolution of our society.

There is no escaping the common-sense 'truth' of the perception that immigration has contributed greatly to our growth and strength in times past.

Times change, and perceptions change, right alongside the number of souls that we can comfortably accommodate without beginning to seriously and substantively erode our standard of living and quality of life.

Nothing lasts forever.

Including the wisdom and desirability (or lack thereof) of continuing to accommodate immigration on a large scale, in light of present population levels, economic conditions and resource consumption.
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It's encouraging to know the FACT that Latino immigrants today are adopting English as quickly and as well as previous waves of immigrants from non-English speaking countries have in the past. They are assimilating to American culture, within a generation or two are marrying outside their ethnic group at high levels (which certainly suggests integration rather than insular attitudes like some of the nitwits here have demonstrated), and generally becoming Americans like their predecessors did. The melting pot still works, despite what the fearful and feeble-minded might want to have you believe.

Simply FALSE! Ho hum. Yawn***

Nor does it matter WHAT they do. The problem isn't what they do, or how they do it, the problem is that they are HERE!!!!

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($170 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases.
It's encouraging to know the FACT that Latino immigrants today are adopting English as quickly and as well as previous waves of immigrants from non-English speaking countries have in the past. They are assimilating to American culture, within a generation or two are marrying outside their ethnic group at high levels (which certainly suggests integration rather than insular attitudes like some of the nitwits here have demonstrated), and generally becoming Americans like their predecessors did. The melting pot still works, despite what the fearful and feeble-minded might want to have you believe.

The issue isn't whether Group A or B integrate into our society well enough.

The issue is the SIZE of our society, and whether we need to get any bigger.


Of course you are right. Only thing I'm wondering is, why are we even talking to this con-jobbing gooneybird ?
It's encouraging to know the FACT that Latino immigrants today are adopting English as quickly and as well as previous waves of immigrants from non-English speaking countries have in the past. They are assimilating to American culture, within a generation or two are marrying outside their ethnic group at high levels (which certainly suggests integration rather than insular attitudes like some of the nitwits here have demonstrated), and generally becoming Americans like their predecessors did. The melting pot still works, despite what the fearful and feeble-minded might want to have you believe.

The issue isn't whether Group A or B integrate into our society well enough.

The issue is the SIZE of our society, and whether we need to get any bigger.


Wrong. The topic of this thread was not that narrow question. In any case, it has been established that we have plenty of room and resources and that immigration is a positive force for our country.

Muslims like Unkotare have taqiyya. It gives them permission to lie.
Nor has it been established that immigration will continue to be a positive factor in the evolution of our society.

I have proven that it is - right now. Haven't you been going on and on about "right now"?
Immigration is Destroying America.

That's an old rumor started years ago by these silly people.


Forget about how they BENEFITED from the arrival of the Europeans. Oh no, all they did was bitch and whine...all the fucking way to Wounded Knee.
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Nothing lasts forever.

Including the wisdom and desirability (or lack thereof) of continuing to accommodate immigration on a large scale, in light of present population levels, economic conditions and resource consumption.

I have proven that population levels, economic conditions, and resources available for consumption all indicate that you and your mentally defective sidekick have nothing to fear in those areas. Quite the contrary, in fact.

If you are finding it difficult to stay upright, that's because you don't have a leg to stand on. Much easier to try and man up and get over your irrational fears. You don't want to end up like headcase there, do you?
Nothing lasts forever.

Including the wisdom and desirability (or lack thereof) of continuing to accommodate immigration on a large scale, in light of present population levels, economic conditions and resource consumption.

I have proven that population levels, economic conditions, and resources available for consumption all indicate that you and your mentally defective sidekick have nothing to fear in those areas. Quite the contrary, in fact.

If you are finding it difficult to stay upright, that's because you don't have a leg to stand on. Much easier to try and man up and get over your irrational fears. You don't want to end up like headcase there, do you?

Blah, blah, blah....Pontificate all you want but silly white people from the UK thought they could come over here, kick ass and keep everything to themselves forever? Such arrogance.

You'd think they would have remembered how badly the Gauls had kicked THEIRS.
Nothing lasts forever.

Including the wisdom and desirability (or lack thereof) of continuing to accommodate immigration on a large scale, in light of present population levels, economic conditions and resource consumption.

I have proven that population levels, economic conditions, and resources available for consumption all indicate that you and your mentally defective sidekick have nothing to fear in those areas. Quite the contrary, in fact.

If you are finding it difficult to stay upright, that's because you don't have a leg to stand on. Much easier to try and man up and get over your irrational fears. You don't want to end up like headcase there, do you?

Blah, blah, blah....Pontificate all you want but silly white people from the UK thought they could come over here, kick ass and keep everything to themselves forever? Such arrogance.

You'd think they would have remembered how badly the Gauls had kicked THEIRS.

You're gonna need a bigger shoehorn, champ.
Nothing lasts forever.

Including the wisdom and desirability (or lack thereof) of continuing to accommodate immigration on a large scale, in light of present population levels, economic conditions and resource consumption.

I have proven that population levels, economic conditions, and resources available for consumption all indicate that you and your mentally defective sidekick have nothing to fear in those areas. Quite the contrary, in fact.

If you are finding it difficult to stay upright, that's because you don't have a leg to stand on. Much easier to try and man up and get over your irrational fears. You don't want to end up like headcase there, do you?

So you apparently believe that if you tell a lie often enough, eventually people will begin to believe it. But you forgot the last part of that. Unless your name is Unkotare, in which case it doesn't matter what you say. :lol:
I have proven that we do.
Not that I have seen.

What I have seen is your citing of speculative analysis pertaining to interim trends regarding declining birth rates.

Do I have to post the facts for the 10th time? Are you really as thick as headcase?

The REAL facts that I posted will suffice for everyone in this thread, and everyone in this thread knows it. You are now invited to stop making a complete, utter FOOL out of yourself. :doubt:

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