Immigration is Destroying America.

You're a stalker (and a criminal) You're here to harass me (not talk about immigration) Same with Unkotare. He's even following me around from thread to thread.

The 2013 Florida Statutes - Title XLVI - CRIMES


784.048 Stalking; definitions; penalties.—
(1) As used in this section, the term:

(d) “Cyberstalk” means to engage in a course of conduct to communicate, or to cause to be communicated, words, images, or language by or through the use of electronic mail or electronic communication, directed at a specific person, causing substantial emotional distress to that person and serving no legitimate purpose.

(2) A person who willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly follows, harasses, or cyberstalks another person commits the offense of stalking, a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.

It might be noted that although a first degree misdemeanor is only punishable by one year in county jail, when the offense is committed against a senior citizen (over 65 years of age), it then is a 3rd degree felony (5 years in a state penitentiary). I happen to be 68.
PS - Florida's got some nasty state prisons (with no air conditioning)
Need a tissue? Take your racist bigoted lies somewhere else you lying piece of shit. My post was about the OP as opposed to your crying bull shit lies about being cyber-stalked.

No they're not. You don't lie very well. And I'm talking to a lawyer right now about placing charges against you and Unkotare. You'd be well advised to start shutting up right now. The more you talk, the deeper you get. How many counts would you like to accumulate ? The more of them, the more prison time adds up (starting at 5 years)

Do it you piece of shit racist. FYI: If you don't like my opinion of your racist bigoted views you have three choices. Put me on ignore. Stop posting racist bigoted views in a political forum inviting me to comment, or lawyer up ass hole.
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mass deportation, now!!!!
Not necessary.

Self-deportation will do quite nicely.

With severe penalties for...

Housing - selling or renting housing space to an Illegal Alien

Employment - giving a job to an Illegal Alien

Medical Care - giving anything but life-saving emergency medical care to an Illegal Alien

Education - providing Education services to an Illegal Alien

Transportation - renting or selling vehicles to Illegal Aliens

Licensing - granting any license (driver, pilot, professional, fishing, whatever) to an Illegal Alien

Banking - providing banking services to an Illegal Alien

Wire Transfer - providing monetary wire-transfer services to an Illegal Alien

Welfare - providing welfare, food stamps (SNAP), TANF, WIC or other welfare or social services to an Illegal Alien

Sanctuary - giving sanctuary to an Illegal Alien (no sanctuary cities, states, etc.)

...and make the laws and penalties stick... and hurt... badly... then...

Watch the Illegals fall all over themselves, scrambling for the border...

well it just goes to show, liberals are as stupid as indians [sic], thanks for illustrating that comparison

There is nothing about a discussion of the history and significance of immigration to American history and character that in any way validates your insulting Native Americans any more than it did that other poster trying to draw some false comparison with that pic.

Even Native Americans came to this continent from elsewhere (albeit a very, very long time ago) thanks to the Bering Land Bridge, but nothing preceding the establishment of the political entity known as the United States of America really has any bearing on this discussion.

We already have one lunatic ranting about agricultural output from the 1860s and ignoring clear and obvious facts about American resources and population, we don't need more unnecessary BS, thanks.

As to the topic of the thread, make an opportunity to witness a naturalization ceremony for new American citizens if you ever need to be reminded about how and why this country is so great.
Education - providing Education services to an Illegal Alien...

Sorry, but the Supreme Court has already ruled out that one.

Illegal immigration is a serious problem, but the fact remains that once people are here our laws do apply to them, including basic rights and the protection of due process. It certainly makes things more complicated, but that is a baby we most certainly do not want to throw out with the bathwater.

Some people tend to let their emotions run roughshod over their reason when it comes to this topic.
Put me on ignore. Stop posting racist bigoted views in a political forum inviting me to comment, or lawyer up ass hole.

When the unstable start squawking about lawyers and charges you know they have well and truly gone off the deep end. I can't imagine it's appreciated very much by those who really do own the forum by which we are having this discussion.
Put me on ignore. Stop posting racist bigoted views in a political forum inviting me to comment, or lawyer up ass hole.

When the unstable start squawking about lawyers and charges you know they have well and truly gone off the deep end. I can't imagine it's appreciated very much by those who really do own the forum by which we are having this discussion.

Love it when the guy making the threats and spouting bigoted hate is the one claiming he's gonna file charges. If he's mentally unstable he should put a warning on his tag. Otherwise, I assume he's just a paid troll trying to make it out that republicans hate spanish folk. Seriously, he's been making these types of posts since well before the last election. Always the same shtick. Repeats the same lies again and again, claims to be a republican while trying to make republicans look like foul pigs.
Seriously, he's been making these types of posts since well before the last election. Always the same shtick. Repeats the same lies again and again, ...

And again and again and again and again. That's how you know he's not all there.
Education - providing Education services to an Illegal Alien...

Sorry, but the Supreme Court has already ruled out that one.

Illegal immigration is a serious problem, but the fact remains that once people are here our laws do apply to them, including basic rights and the protection of due process. It certainly makes things more complicated, but that is a baby we most certainly do not want to throw out with the bathwater.

Some people tend to let their emotions run roughshod over their reason when it comes to this topic.
Nothing that a revised SCOTUS ruling can't put right.
Education - providing Education services to an Illegal Alien...

Sorry, but the Supreme Court has already ruled out that one.

Illegal immigration is a serious problem, but the fact remains that once people are here our laws do apply to them, including basic rights and the protection of due process. It certainly makes things more complicated, but that is a baby we most certainly do not want to throw out with the bathwater.

Some people tend to let their emotions run roughshod over their reason when it comes to this topic.
Nothing that a revised SCOTUS ruling can't put right.

Not gonna happen. Better to focus all that energy on getting the government to fulfill its obligation to secure the borders first.
The only problem with Immigrants is the bloated U.S. Government's control of Immigration.

Get rid of the Bureaucracy, 2-10 years it takes to get a spousal immigration visa (permanent resident card which is the old Green Card). Further the person who approves the Visa never once will meet the spouse, never, they will be in an office in New Hampshire or some other Congressman's district who brought home the bacon. On top of that there are two approvals required from two separate departments of the Government, in two or three or four or more different places.

Nothing could be a bigger mess but one can not say that when speaking of the Federal Government.

So it is the Federal Government destroying America, not Immigration. Socialism is destroying America.
It is a time-consuming, expensive, bureaucratic nightmare for people who want to respect the laws and sovereignty of the US and do things the right way, but the same government falls all over itself to provide aid and support to those who enter (or remain in) the country illegally.

The Bizarro-world of government fuckupery.
The only problem with Immigrants is the bloated U.S. Government's control of Immigration.

Get rid of the Bureaucracy, 2-10 years it takes to get a spousal immigration visa (permanent resident card which is the old Green Card). Further the person who approves the Visa never once will meet the spouse, never, they will be in an office in New Hampshire or some other Congressman's district who brought home the bacon. On top of that there are two approvals required from two separate departments of the Government, in two or three or four or more different places.

Nothing could be a bigger mess but one can not say that when speaking of the Federal Government.

So it is the Federal Government destroying America, not Immigration. Socialism is destroying America.

Funny thing is Conservatism has mainly STUFFED UP..America
Immigration is not harmful provided that immigrants earn their keep. This is what worked so well for America in the 1800s. Once you being providing very generous social programs this attracts the wrong crowd, those who come here to partake of the wealth of others in lieu of generating their own.
Immigration is not harmful provided that immigrants earn their keep. This is what worked so well for America in the 1800s. Once you being providing very generous social programs this attracts the wrong crowd, those who come here to partake of the wealth of others in lieu of generating their own.

Really? Then what is your impression of the Irish?

Or................for that matter............the Asians?
Nothing that a revised SCOTUS ruling can't put right.
Not gonna happen. Better to focus all that energy on getting the government to fulfill its obligation to secure the borders first.
Quite possibly. Then again, there's always hope.

Meanwhile... if Self-Deportation is 'done properly' - if we are successful in fashioning a collection of law and interpretations which make US soil inherently hostile (at-law) to Illegal Aliens - then, border security shifts to a secondary or tertiary concern, in an immigration context. No point in coming here, if you can't do this or that or such-and-so. Changing our laws for such purposes seems to be a much cheaper approach, at first glance. Eliminate the Demand and you eliminate the Supply.
Need a tissue? Take your racist bigoted lies somewhere else you lying piece of shit. My post was about the OP as opposed to your crying bull shit lies about being cyber-stalked.

No they're not. You don't lie very well. And I'm talking to a lawyer right now about placing charges against you and Unkotare. You'd be well advised to start shutting up right now. The more you talk, the deeper you get. How many counts would you like to accumulate ? The more of them, the more prison time adds up (starting at 5 years)

Do it you piece of shit racist. FYI: If you don't like my opinion of your racist bigoted views you have three choices. Put me on ignore. Stop posting racist bigoted views in a political forum inviting me to comment, or lawyer up ass hole.

Name ONE THING that I have ever said that is the slightest bit "racist" or "bigoted". Because I don't know of any, and I don't think anyone else does either. And what race would this supposedly be ? ?????? :cuckoo: I don't recall ever even mentioning race, except to say that non-white immigrants' job seeking, places whites at even further disadvantage, because of affirmative action (which happens to be a TRUE FACT, and is in no way, racist or bigoted))

As for what options I have, I know what they are, and I sure don't need coaching from some loon who goes around throwing the race card, when that subject has barely ever even been mentioned.

PS - I invite you comment on the OP, not to throw the race card or be verbally abusive. In most forums you'd have been outta here long ago.
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mass deportation, now!!!!
Not necessary.

Self-deportation will do quite nicely.

With severe penalties for...

Housing - selling or renting housing space to an Illegal Alien

Employment - giving a job to an Illegal Alien

Medical Care - giving anything but life-saving emergency medical care to an Illegal Alien

Education - providing Education services to an Illegal Alien

Transportation - renting or selling vehicles to Illegal Aliens

Licensing - granting any license (driver, pilot, professional, fishing, whatever) to an Illegal Alien

Banking - providing banking services to an Illegal Alien

Wire Transfer - providing monetary wire-transfer services to an Illegal Alien

Welfare - providing welfare, food stamps (SNAP), TANF, WIC or other welfare or social services to an Illegal Alien

Sanctuary - giving sanctuary to an Illegal Alien (no sanctuary cities, states, etc.)

...and make the laws and penalties stick... and hurt... badly... then...

Watch the Illegals fall all over themselves, scrambling for the border...

Sure, I'm all for deportation by attrition ever since the days when Tom Tancredo (ex. Colorado congressman) spoke it years ago. And it's a good theory, and will probably work when enough political power exists to push it.

BUT, ......there's still one major stumbling block. Even if the Republicans controlled the presidency + both house of Congress, and the SCOTUS, one thing could still stand in the way >>> MEXICO.

If illegal aliens find all the things you mentioned now denied to them, I suspect some might go back to Mexico. The large majority however might not move an inch. That's because they'd have to ask themselves what good would it do to undertake a long journey back there ? >> IF things are just as bad for them there, as they are here. Might as well stay and turn to crime or documentation fraud or manipulation of the anchor baby racket. It already IS illegal for illegal aliens to get welfare. That's why they use the anchor baby racket, and false documentation.

To stop the anchor baby racket, legislation would have to be passed nullifying birthright citizenship, and documentation fraud would require a national ID system based on fingerprints and eye retina scans, as well as a strong push against what has become an actual industry.

All this, and the things you listed, would require massive amounts of money, which Republicans, seemingly hopelessly ensnared in the lunacy of Reaganism, are reluctant to tax the rich and spend a lot of money. As long as they persist in that very anti-National Security mindset, the illegals can keep taking advantage.

There also would need to be a new tough policy against Mexico. For that, see this OP >>
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well it just goes to show, liberals are as stupid as indians [sic], thanks for illustrating that comparison

There is nothing about a discussion of the history and significance of immigration to American history and character that in any way validates your insulting Native Americans any more than it did that other poster trying to draw some false comparison with that pic.

Even Native Americans came to this continent from elsewhere (albeit a very, very long time ago) thanks to the Bering Land Bridge, but nothing preceding the establishment of the political entity known as the United States of America really has any bearing on this discussion.

We already have one lunatic ranting about agricultural output from the 1860s and ignoring clear and obvious facts about American resources and population, we don't need more unnecessary BS, thanks.

As to the topic of the thread, make an opportunity to witness a naturalization ceremony for new American citizens if you ever need to be reminded about how and why this country is so great.

"Native American" means born in the USA. Just because a few young, scatter-brained ultra-liberals thought they'd like to change the correct term, "American Indian", to "Native American" doesn't make it correct. It is 100% INcorrect, just as the term African-American is also incorrect, to describe black people. I have known 4 guys in my life who immigrated to the US from Africa. They are from Botswana, Tanzania, South Africa, and Rhodesia (now called Zimbabwe).
All are African-Americans. All 4 are White.

The word "native" refers to where one is born. You can't come along and change the American English language, just because you feel like it.
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Put me on ignore. Stop posting racist bigoted views in a political forum inviting me to comment, or lawyer up ass hole.

When the unstable start squawking about lawyers and charges you know they have well and truly gone off the deep end. I can't imagine it's appreciated very much by those who really do own the forum by which we are having this discussion.

Actually it is the shallow end of simple, legal definitions. You either act legally or ILLegally. You have chosen to act illegally, and I posted the law to prove it.

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