Immigration is Destroying America.

Short of a Constitutional Amendment (which, for reasons obvious to anyone with reason and a knowledge of history, is NOT going to happen) anyone born in the US, with few exceptions, is a US citizen. People who feel compelled to insult American citizens when they are really angry at their parents can go fuck themselves.
Each Thanksgiving, let's remember the Native Americans who showed compassion to the dirt-poor, starving, illegal immigrants who came to this land hoping to make a better life.

Anyone who has a problem with immigration has a problem with America. This is a nation founded by immigrants and built by immigrants. Anyone who has a problem with immigration to the US can fuck off back to a 16th century London slum.
Again, sadly, we see that some people are either too stupid or so un-American (or both) that they cannot or will not distinguish between LEGAL and ILLEGAL immigration.

Some low-life idiots would even advocate keeping immediate family members apart because of their own personal fear and weakness. Such people cannot rightfully be called Americans themselves.
Short of a Constitutional Amendment (which, for reasons obvious to anyone with reason and a knowledge of history, is NOT going to happen) anyone born in the US, with few exceptions, is a US citizen. People who feel compelled to insult American citizens when they are really angry at their parents can go fuck themselves.
Nobody's insulting your precious Anchor Babies.
Of course, 'Operation Wetback' will NEVER happen again, if for no other reason than that the first time a number of US citizens were forcibly deported. Illegal immigration is a serious problem, but real Americans will not stand for that.
Short of a Constitutional Amendment (which, for reasons obvious to anyone with reason and a knowledge of history, is NOT going to happen) anyone born in the US, with few exceptions, is a US citizen. People who feel compelled to insult American citizens when they are really angry at their parents can go fuck themselves.
Nobody's insulting your precious Anchor Babies.

Do you mean my fellow citizens?
Short of a Constitutional Amendment (which, for reasons obvious to anyone with reason and a knowledge of history, is NOT going to happen) anyone born in the US, with few exceptions, is a US citizen. People who feel compelled to insult American citizens when they are really angry at their parents can go fuck themselves.

True, but you have to admit the anchor baby process is more than a bit disingenuous as a way to circumvent the immigration process. Valid but disingenuous. I would support an Amendment defining citizenship that required at least one of the parents to be an American. Birth right based on place of birth is non-nonsensical. The land did not birth you, the parents do.
Short of a Constitutional Amendment (which, for reasons obvious to anyone with reason and a knowledge of history, is NOT going to happen) anyone born in the US, with few exceptions, is a US citizen. People who feel compelled to insult American citizens when they are really angry at their parents can go fuck themselves.

True, but you have to admit the anchor baby process is more than a bit disingenuous as a way to circumvent the immigration process. Valid but disingenuous. I would support an Amendment defining citizenship that required at least one of the parents to be an American. Birth right based on place of birth is non-nonsensical. The land did not birth you, the parents do.

It's not perfect, but you have to remember why the 14th Amendment was passed when considering its abrogation. The best 'solution' is for the government to do its damn job and prevent people from entering the country illegally in the first place. At the very least, the number could be greatly reduced.
Short of a Constitutional Amendment (which, for reasons obvious to anyone with reason and a knowledge of history, is NOT going to happen) anyone born in the US, with few exceptions, is a US citizen. People who feel compelled to insult American citizens when they are really angry at their parents can go fuck themselves.

True, but you have to admit the anchor baby process is more than a bit disingenuous as a way to circumvent the immigration process. Valid but disingenuous. I would support an Amendment defining citizenship that required at least one of the parents to be an American. Birth right based on place of birth is non-nonsensical. The land did not birth you, the parents do.

It's not perfect, but you have to remember why the 14th Amendment was passed when considering its abrogation. The best 'solution' is for the government to do its damn job and prevent people from entering the country illegally in the first place. At the very least, the number could be greatly reduced.

Yeah well the new immigrants are not coming over in chains to work as slaves. There is no way to stop people from immigrating. No number of troops can stop it. NONE. Put up a wall and line a million man army on our southern border and they'll just come by boat or via canada.

The anchor baby situation needs to end. I've known to many families living under the shadow of fear that the father will be caught and sent home splitting the family up as the child stays here. It's nutz. Needs to be made illegal. It's wrong. It sets up the child as having a separate legal status than the parents. It's nutz. Though I can see how folks that have legally taken advantage of it would like it, and I have nothing bad to say to or about the people who have used our laws to take advantage. I applaud the effort.
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I've known to many families living under the shadow of fear that the father will be caught and sent home splitting the family up as the child stays here.

If they live "under the shadow of fear" it is a shadow of their own making. Personal responsibility.
I've known to many families living under the shadow of fear that the father will be caught and sent home splitting the family up as the child stays here.

If they live "under the shadow of fear" it is a shadow of their own making. Personal responsibility.

True. But, we also have a personal responsibility to not tempt others into crime. For example, if you leave a pile of cash on the seat of your car with the window down next to a sidewalk in a town where no one knows you and a kid who's never stolen a thing in life walks by and takes it thus starting a life of crime... you are guilty of baiting that kid into a life of crime. As another example, if you give a crying kid candy you are making that kid into a spoiled brat. Who's to blame for the spoiled kid? Who's to blame for the illegal taking advantage of the anchor baby process? Here kids try this free candy it'll make you feel good.

Responsibility is not always a one way street.
Last edited: was only 100 years ago that they said immigration was the bulwark that helped shore up the standard of liberty.

Quick many Tea Party Patriots, or even those in the GOP can trace their lineage back to the Nina, Pinta, or Santa Maria?

For that matter, how many of them are natives of this country? I'm guessing none, because we (as in Europeans) stole this country from the Native Americans.

If you're gonna bitch about what is going on with this country, you have to include ALL of those who are in this country.

It's not just the white people anymore...............those who have been left in the shadows are now starting to come to the forefront, and guess what............they're not white.

Interestingly enough, they don't harbor much resentment, they just want to be treated fairly.

Feel free to give all your property to a Native American and jump on a boat back to Europe if you really feel that way.

Otherwise you're just full of shit, as usual.
Short of a Constitutional Amendment (which, for reasons obvious to anyone with reason and a knowledge of history, is NOT going to happen) anyone born in the US, with few exceptions, is a US citizen. People who feel compelled to insult American citizens when they are really angry at their parents can go fuck themselves.
Nobody's insulting your precious Anchor Babies.

Do you mean my fellow citizens?

That subset of our fellow citizens whom we refer to as Anchor Babies.

People whose parents were present upon United States soil illegally at the time they were born, and who obtained citizenship through the back door, via their parents' disingenuous and cheating practices, cynically utilizing a never-intended loophole in the 14th Amendment to obtain citizenship for such children, and whose citizenship status tends to 'anchor' their Illegal Alien parents upon US soil after they are born, to the detriment of the United States and its citizenry.

People whose parents broke the law and cheated, in order to grant them US citizenship.

The offspring of cheaters and lawbreakers.

Anchor Babies.
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I've known to many families living under the shadow of fear that the father will be caught and sent home splitting the family up as the child stays here.

If they live "under the shadow of fear" it is a shadow of their own making. Personal responsibility.

True. But, we also have a personal responsibility to not tempt others into crime. For example, if you leave a pile of cash on the seat of your car with the window down next to a sidewalk in a town where no one knows you and a kid who's never stolen a thing in life walks by and takes it thus starting a life of crime... you are guilty of baiting that kid into a life of crime. As another example, if you give a crying kid candy you are making that kid into a spoiled brat. Who's to blame for the spoiled kid? Who's to blame for the illegal taking advantage of the anchor baby process? Here kids try this free candy it'll make you feel good.

Responsibility is not always a one way street.

The United States existing as a powerful, prosperous nation cannot be reasonably construed as some kind of irresponsible "temptation." That is one of the most absurd things I've read here since what's-his-name's last post.
Nobody's insulting your precious Anchor Babies.

Do you mean my fellow citizens?

That subset of our fellow citizens whom we refer to as Anchor Babies.

If, as you have now admitted, your purpose here is to insult my fellow Americans then you can go right ahead and fuck yourself. After you're done, you can get the fuck out of my country if you disdain my fellow citizens precisely for being American citizens.

Do you mean my fellow citizens?

That subset of our fellow citizens whom we refer to as Anchor Babies.

If, as you have now admitted, your purpose here is to insult my fellow Americans then you can go right ahead and fuck yourself. After you're done, you can get the fuck out of my country if you disdain my fellow citizens precisely for being American citizens.


My purpose here (for the moment) is to use an accurate Descriptor, to label that subset of American citizens, whose parents were liars and cheaters, and who, in a sane world, would not be allowed to have citizenship by exploiting an unintended loophole in the Constitution.

Your juvenile emotional outbursts and vile invective, directed against anyone who dares to use that powerful language tool to describe the byproduct of such lying and cheating, and who refuses to accept your definition that that Accurate Metaphor is an insult (and which is, in truth, merely a Powerful, Accurate Metaphor) - tells me that probably I hit close-to-home with that arrow.

In any event, I really don't give a rat's ass about your opinion of me, in connection with my freedom to use that Powerful, Accurate Metaphor, or, indeed, with regard to anything else.

As to the rest of your childish rant...

Last edited: was only 100 years ago that they said immigration was the bulwark that helped shore up the standard of liberty.

Quick many Tea Party Patriots, or even those in the GOP can trace their lineage back to the Nina, Pinta, or Santa Maria?

For that matter, how many of them are natives of this country? I'm guessing none, because we (as in Europeans) stole this country from the Native Americans.

If you're gonna bitch about what is going on with this country, you have to include ALL of those who are in this country.

It's not just the white people anymore...............those who have been left in the shadows are now starting to come to the forefront, and guess what............they're not white.

Interestingly enough, they don't harbor much resentment, they just want to be treated fairly.

Feel free to give all your property to a Native American and jump on a boat back to Europe if you really feel that way.

Otherwise you're just full of shit, as usual.

I notice you didn't answer the question, but rather threw out a bunch of word salad insults and bullshit.

BTW.....................don't was only around 100 to 150 years ago that Irish and Italians were resented for their immigration into this country.

Face it..............there always has been (and probably always will be) a group of people in this country who are going to be vilified and looked down upon because they "aren't from around here and need to go back".

That subset of our fellow citizens whom we refer to as Anchor Babies.

If, as you have now admitted, your purpose here is to insult my fellow Americans then you can go right ahead and fuck yourself. After you're done, you can get the fuck out of my country if you disdain my fellow citizens precisely for being American citizens.


My purpose here (for the moment) is to use an accurate Descriptor

You have already admitted that your purpose here is to attempt - in the most childish and ham-handed of ways - to insult my fellow Americans specifically and exclusively for being born American citizens, as perhaps you yourself were. The difference between you and those American citizens against whom you cast your little barbs is that YOU are deserving of disdain; YOU have earned enmity.

And YOU can go fuck yourself. Do not insult my fellow Americans for being Americans. You lack the intelligence to direct your ire at its rightful target, and you lack the character and understanding to ever be a real American. was only 100 years ago that they said immigration was the bulwark that helped shore up the standard of liberty.

Quick many Tea Party Patriots, or even those in the GOP can trace their lineage back to the Nina, Pinta, or Santa Maria?

For that matter, how many of them are natives of this country? I'm guessing none, because we (as in Europeans) stole this country from the Native Americans.

If you're gonna bitch about what is going on with this country, you have to include ALL of those who are in this country.

It's not just the white people anymore...............those who have been left in the shadows are now starting to come to the forefront, and guess what............they're not white.

Interestingly enough, they don't harbor much resentment, they just want to be treated fairly.

Feel free to give all your property to a Native American and jump on a boat back to Europe if you really feel that way.

Otherwise you're just full of shit, as usual.

I notice you didn't answer the question, but rather threw out a bunch of word salad insults and bullshit.

BTW.....................don't was only around 100 to 150 years ago that Irish and Italians were resented for their immigration into this country.

Face it..............there always has been (and probably always will be) a group of people in this country who are going to be vilified and looked down upon because they "aren't from around here and need to go back".

The way that you resent, vilify, and look down on women?
If, as you have now admitted, your purpose here is to insult my fellow Americans then you can go right ahead and fuck yourself. After you're done, you can get the fuck out of my country if you disdain my fellow citizens precisely for being American citizens.


My purpose here (for the moment) is to use an accurate Descriptor

You have already admitted that your purpose here is to attempt - in the most childish and ham-handed of ways - to insult my fellow Americans specifically and exclusively for being born American citizens, as perhaps you yourself were. The difference between you and those American citizens against whom you cast your little barbs is that YOU are deserving of disdain; YOU have earned enmity.

And YOU can go fuck yourself. Do not insult my fellow Americans for being Americans. You lack the intelligence to direct your ire at its rightful target, and you lack the character and understanding to ever be a real American.
Thank you for your feedback, little one...

I have insulted no one...

I have used an Accurate Descriptor to describe those whose parents lied and cheated in order to accord them citizenship...

I have used the accurate descriptor "Anchor Babies"...

If you have a case to make, that their parent(s) were not in violation of our laws, at the time of their birth, by all means, present your case.

If you have a case to make, that statistics refute the idea that deportations of Illegal Aliens are less likely, when children are involved, who were born during their parents' illegal stay here - thereby better 'anchoring' their lying, cheating parents here - by all means, present your case.

Otherwise, do not presume to dictate to me, nor others, what accurate and descriptive labels that I (or others) may use, in categorizing that subset of our citizenry, whose parents lied and cheated, in order to circumvent our controls, in order to keep those children (and themselves) here.

Oh, and, I have no ire to direct or re-direct...

By the look of it, you're the one with Anger Management issues...


Are we done with your juvenile outburst, yet?

You're bothering the grownups.
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